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#287974 Firstshot Overhaul

Posted by cheyner on 05 November 2010 - 04:13 PM in Modifications

This is one of the more entertaining write-ups to read, great work.

How long of a barrel are you using?

#285621 First Hamp, First Post & (i Hope) New Plunger Design

Posted by cheyner on 17 September 2010 - 10:04 PM in Homemades

Also, do you have to point it down before every shot? That's the usual downfall of an RSCB system like that.

The beautiful thing about RSCB's on HAMPs, is that they will vaccume load most of the time.

How easy is that to hold? Does the ball valve get in the way at all?
Did you make the plunger rod from scrap? Or did you modify a solid rod?
I like what you have done here, I think I might need to build myself another HAMP.

#319334 First annual Parabolic Toys contest!

Posted by cheyner on 27 July 2012 - 09:18 PM in Homemades

Do we need a detailed write-up?
Or are your requirements in the submission thread all you are looking for?
I ask because my laptop died this week and I lost all of my
pictures for my entries.

#317086 First annual Parabolic Toys contest!

Posted by cheyner on 16 June 2012 - 09:39 PM in Homemades

Are Canadians eligible for this?

#272246 Finding A Blaster For A Friend In A Power Chair.

Posted by cheyner on 14 April 2010 - 09:24 PM in General Nerf

That all depends on the turret really. If a Tek 6 turret were to be used, then yes, not good for one hand oporation. But if a Tek 10 and possibly a Fire Fly turret is used then he could just roll it on his leg to advance the turret. Now that I think of it, the Tek 6 turret could even be used with one hand. If the barrels are long enough he could poke his foot or something with it and give it a twist.

#309301 ERTL Pump Action Shotgun Reproduction

Posted by cheyner on 09 January 2012 - 01:53 AM in Homemades

I like it, and while the rod out the back might be an issue, the stock could be easily redone to cover it, or even just some creative cutting of some PVC. Basically, just turn it into a thumb-hole stock and your problems are solved.

A plus to the rod is that it would be easy to Macgyver it to pull back if a problem arises with the pump mechanism mid-war.

#322371 Eraser Dart heads

Posted by cheyner on 08 October 2012 - 08:11 PM in Darts and Barrels

I like these MiG, I might have to try them out myself sometime.
Will you be using these at all at Hell?

#324196 Durability of Slug Darts

Posted by cheyner on 06 December 2012 - 10:18 PM in Darts and Barrels

Hot glue is not known for its adhesive qualities, Goop or Gloozit(Canadian made Goop) works much better.

#269052 Doubled Recon With Twin Drums

Posted by cheyner on 13 March 2010 - 07:27 PM in Modifications

The double Recon is a nice peice of work. That Raider though, holy shit, that is redicously clean.

#281098 Double +bow

Posted by cheyner on 23 July 2010 - 11:07 PM in Homemades

What the hell are you talking about in terms of the breech? You open it, load a dart or two and fire. I'm not even breaking a sweat!

Except, correct me if I am wrong, but you can't load the barrels independently, correct? Theoretically you could always have a shot ready with this system if you got rid of the linking mechanism.

Shoot Barrel 1, prime/load bar. 1. Shoot bar. 2, prime/load bar. 2.

If the breeches are linked:

Shoot bar. 1, shoot bar. 2. Prime/load bar. 1, prime/load bar. 2.

What makes you think that every time he open's the breach he has to load a dart in BOTH barrels? There is nothing to push the dart up when the breach is closed, so clearly its not going anywhere. If it wasnt linked, then it would take longer. This way, if he needs to load both at the same time, it is still one motion.
Edit: Whisper replied while I was typing. I think this still applies though, because how often do you shoot and reload at the same time?

#281318 Double +bow

Posted by cheyner on 26 July 2010 - 09:41 PM in Homemades

From the looks of your drawing, that breach would do the exact opposite of what you say. With the bars like that it would be reversed, with the bottom being able to open and close seprately.

Edit: Damn my slow typing.

#275965 Diy: Hopper Clips

Posted by cheyner on 25 May 2010 - 07:14 PM in Darts and Barrels

If you make your own wye, you could play with the angle to get streamlines to work, say a 35 degree angle. Also, on my MegaHAMP, I found that I NEEDED a dart stop, no way around it, otherwise on the pull I was sucking darts backwards.

#266600 Deploy Cs-6 Overhaul

Posted by cheyner on 23 February 2010 - 05:13 PM in Modifications

You should add a little speaker thats plays a certain awesome sound bite when it deploys, or "transforms" if you will.

#323532 Death By Foam

Posted by cheyner on 13 November 2012 - 04:06 PM in Site Feedback

All of them are still on here, look, you will find them. If not, then I guess it was never meant to be.

#295527 Dartsmithing Tips Archive

Posted by cheyner on 07 March 2011 - 08:05 PM in Darts and Barrels

I still think they are a little thin, at least by the look. What thickness of foam are these? Say... 1/16"? I think that I would probably use at least 1/8", probably 3/16" if I could. Really good idea with the leather/gasket punch.

The great part about craft foam is that it is so cheap. It is still a much cheaper option if you double up 2 sheets if you dont think 1 is thick enough.
My local Dollarama has similar sized packs of craft foam for $2. They have self adhesive as well, but I am not sure of the size/cost.

I might actually try making some slugs now, seeing as I cannot find felt tips locally.

#308667 Darthrambelt: (principal has wide applictaion)

Posted by cheyner on 23 December 2011 - 07:07 PM in Modifications

My bad, didn't realize you totally think Nerf guns are the same thing as a real gun, and that anything dealing with firearms can totally be related directly to Nerf.

#308671 Darthrambelt: (principal has wide applictaion)

Posted by cheyner on 23 December 2011 - 08:18 PM in Modifications

I actually had a few other things to say, but was trying to not sound like a dick. But you are clearly a douche so why should I worry?

Nobody has said that your math is wrong, its what you are saying that is wrong. Pretty much every example you have given in defense has been wrong.

Yeah, how about I ask somebody your revolver question, then show them a Maverick and a Mustang 6 and watch their head explode.

You say that this is useful on something like a Vulcan because it can't have a longer barrel, yet this morning you said it can't even have a barrel, which is it? But wait! If we use that along with your revolver question, how the fuck does a Vulcan even work in the first place then? Could it possibly be because it has 25 "barrels" in the form of a chain?

Like I basically said on NRev, suck up your pride and realize what people are saying so we can move onto the actual mod and its applications.

Now lets move on from all of that, and get back to the actual mod.

Did you measure the length of tape you used? Have you tried different lengths?

#308640 Darthrambelt: (principal has wide applictaion)

Posted by cheyner on 23 December 2011 - 10:05 AM in Modifications

I think you are missing what everybody is telling you, on multiple sites.

So with your super awesome magical tape method, the rest of the "barrel" now has absolutely no effect on the dart? Shit, I guess everybody has been wrong all along, we should be using 1/2" long, super tight barrels on everything.

Yes, tightening rings do work exactly like this, so does sticking say a 1/2" long stub of 17/32 brass into Petg.

I have the feeling you have no idea how an Angel breach works, so you probably should not use it as an example. The tightening rings are there to build up more pressure, shockingly like your super innovative tape. What use would they be as a dart tooth? Considering a dart tooth would stop the dart from moving, notice how it moves out of the way on stock CS blasters after you load a dart? Pretty sure you can't take those rings out after you load a dart. If anything would be a dart tooth in this mod, it would be the 1/2" and 17/32" brass that pushes the dart into the rings.
But in the end, considering tightening rings are optional pretty much destroys any argument you have for them being a dart tooth.

Also, technically a Vulcan does have a barrel, 25 of them stock to be exact. Following your train of thought, pretty much every Nerf blaster that doesn't use streamlines doesn't have a barrel.

But yeah, Merry Christmas.

#329380 Dart-related Nerf war accidents and dart safety tests

Posted by cheyner on 05 May 2013 - 01:34 PM in Darts and Barrels

At one of the Vengeance's (4, I think) I took a shot to my eye glasses from about 30 feet away. The result was my glasses frame actually breaking and pushing the lens flatly into my eye with quite some force. It basically felt like I got punched in the eye, my vision out of that eye was fuzzy for about 10 minutes. The dart was most likely a 1/4" slingshot dome (Canada) fired by a brass breached 4B.

Posted Image

Here you can see where I got hit, the hit also bent the frame and stripped the screw holding the frame together on that side. This is why I always make sure to have a pair of safety glasses on over top of my eye glasses when I Nerf.

#268930 Cpvc, Hard To Find?

Posted by cheyner on 12 March 2010 - 06:42 PM in General Nerf

If you live in Canada go to a Home Hardware, or Home Building Centre. There's also Rona, in Kingston the Canadian Tires are useless, all 3 of them. Hell, Lowe's are starting to pop up like crazy too.

#316891 CPVC scatter blast

Posted by cheyner on 11 June 2012 - 07:38 PM in Modifications

Doesn't this also have back-pressure tanks? I find they tend to need tighter barrels anyways.

I really like this, I keep meaning to mod mine, but keep getting sidetracked.

#288467 Commlink Walkie Talkie

Posted by cheyner on 15 November 2010 - 10:19 PM in General Nerf

If you want something pretty steep, but awesome as hell, put cell phones in them.
Upgrade to the max.

Whatever you plan on, I hope you have these ready for the badlands in the spring.

#285706 Cobra Drain Blaster Pump Replacement

Posted by cheyner on 18 September 2010 - 09:04 PM in Modifications

I like the pump replacement, I almost had to do one myself. I found my Pango at a Value Village, the pump was not actually pumping. I took it apart, left it for a month or so, and it magically worked when I put it back together.

HELLA BAM! My personal configuration with 6-barrel attachment. Really though it’s just for show just for this pic, I have yet to figger out a reasonable use other than the obvious 6-shot burst (which is actually quite effective).

Clearly, you have not fired a Titan missle with one of these. On my Pango, they hit just short of 100', arrows are also pretty entertaining to shoot as well. I find a barrel selector with a shot gun attatchment, and a Titan missle or 2 arrows is very effective.

#293354 Clipped Barricade Now With Clip Lock/release

Posted by cheyner on 25 January 2011 - 05:12 PM in Modifications

I like it.
More people need to pull the fake barrel out, it looks awesome without it.

I saw a picture somewhere where somebody used the clip holder from a recon stock. It was crazy clean looking.

#279792 Chainblazer Mod...singled?!?!

Posted by cheyner on 08 July 2010 - 10:47 PM in Modifications

That sir, is one fine peice of work. Makes me wish I didnt smash mine some 15 years ago.
And props on the spatula and cigar.

#296359 Cerberus, Multibarrled Rotating Shotgun Attachment.

Posted by cheyner on 21 March 2011 - 05:05 PM in Homemades

Thats awesome, I think I just found my new fav DTC barrel setup.

#328721 Canada, NewBrunswick

Posted by cheyner on 13 April 2013 - 04:33 PM in Nerf Wars

You are the first and only Canadian Nerfer I have heard from/about on the east coast. Most of us are in Ontario, with a few in Quebec and out west. You are most likely going to have to get the scene in your area going yourself, it sucks, but can pay off with some work.
And here is a helpful tip, you will bunch up less panties if you post a thread saying you are hosting a war, as opposed to a thread looking for one.

#326835 Buzz Bee Panthers at Wal-Mart!

Posted by cheyner on 14 February 2013 - 05:29 PM in General Nerf

On topic, I have been trying to get a panther for so long! I have this awesome idea but it involves a panther (and duct tape), and here in Canada, kind of hard to find eh.

Have you not checked Wal-Marts in the GTA? I find it hard to believe not a single one would have them considering they have been at Wal-Marts in Canada since they first came out last fall.

#318452 Button slugs

Posted by cheyner on 13 July 2012 - 09:19 PM in Darts and Barrels

By that you mean 180 degree weather right?
I've never had that happen.

Then you have never nerfed on a hot sunny day. Even in Canada hot glue domes will melt and stick to the ground and any crap they come in contact with, I have experienced this on several occasions.

As for rubber buttons, they use them for Rugby shirts, so they are out there, just don't know how easy they would be to find.

#323853 Broken Guns

Posted by cheyner on 23 November 2012 - 03:53 PM in General Nerf

Must have rammed his cock in to hard.

#312959 Blaster census information required!

Posted by cheyner on 16 March 2012 - 06:11 PM in General Nerf

I will have to wait to see the final price, but as long a shipping isn't too crazy to Canada I will buy some.

What about Ultimators or XXL Bazookas? My Ultimator missiles are pretty beat up, if these work on them I will buy even more.

#301305 Blast Valve/QFD imitation

Posted by cheyner on 10 July 2011 - 02:17 PM in Homemades

That's Awesome Buff, you are on a tear with these air tanks.

You and your creations were greatly missed yesterday at Vengeance 5.

#293938 Bb Ultimate Berserker

Posted by cheyner on 05 February 2011 - 07:36 PM in General Nerf

Mine only has the sticker on one side.
I assumed it was normal though, considering Buzz-Bee almost never puts stickers on the side of a blaster that you cant see in the package.
Unless everything I have from Buzz-Bee has a defect, I'm pretty sure stickers on both sides would have made some sort of a point to this thread.

#279271 Battle Max Markerball Sceptor V1.0

Posted by cheyner on 02 July 2010 - 02:59 PM in Modifications

Son of a bitch, I have passed these up the last 4 times I have been to this liquidation store, $20 CND!
Now I have to go make sure they still have some, amazing find TantumBull.

Fuck, they sold the last one half an hour before I got there.

#269393 Basic Sharpshooter Ii Mods/repairs

Posted by cheyner on 16 March 2010 - 09:55 PM in Modifications

These blaster's are diffinantly worth holding onto. I did the same thing to mine with similar ranges.
Does anybody know exactly why the bottom barrel has more power? Is it because of the selector? Even stock the bottom barrel has more kick. Also, I'm glad you kept the 2 barrels, I hate seeing these singled if the selector works fine.

#289486 Barrel Tapping - A Cheap Shot?

Posted by cheyner on 30 November 2010 - 12:18 PM in General Nerf

Another thing I have noticed being a problem, if somebody walks up to you and ask's if you are in or out, dont try and tap them, it will end badly for you next time.

#271600 Automatic Design Question

Posted by cheyner on 07 April 2010 - 05:48 PM in Homemades

If you build that, it has a 50/50 chance of breaking every time you let go of the trigger. There's nothing to stop the trigger from catching behind the plunger and totally fucking everything up.

There's a bunch of other problems too, probably, but none that would totally prevent this from working as much as your trigger design.

The trigger problem would be easily solved just by cutting the back of the trigger into a slant. That way if it does go "behind" the plunger, it will simply slide over and catch the right way.

#280635 Another Homade Wye Guide

Posted by cheyner on 18 July 2010 - 09:28 PM in Homemades

Have you tested this yet? It seems like the dart would get snagged on the Tee, where it goes from the 45 to a 90 degree angle.

This wye work extremely well although I don't understand why people ask me this question when they probably have the materials to go and make one. ( Not flaming you cheyner it's just that most people have the materials to go and make one.)

Yes most people do have the materials to make a wye. I ask because you say nothing about making the the actual 90 degree angle of the tee into a 45 degree angle. You cut off the top coupler, then glued on another coupler cut at a 45 degree angle. That means there would be a lip that is on a 90 degree angle right at the end of the 45. So, are your darts bending even more to get around this? Or did you sand it out so there is no lip?

#280511 Another Homade Wye Guide

Posted by cheyner on 17 July 2010 - 04:12 PM in Homemades

Have you tested this yet? It seems like the dart would get snagged on the Tee, where it goes from the 45 to a 90 degree angle.

#269252 Ammo Question

Posted by cheyner on 15 March 2010 - 09:51 PM in Darts and Barrels

Your range would probably suck hard, but you could try and make it like a ball shooter. By this i mean, put a lip on the end of the barrel. You could then use the barrel as an inline clip. Instead of balls use your footballs.