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#249405 Help With My Rscb

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 02 September 2009 - 08:51 AM in Modifications

As for funneling. I think I'm the only one that actually does that. But I've found that it is a simple and effective mod. It gives a much smoother transition into the barrel, reduces the turbulence at that point as it does not create any backpressure. And it makes it that much easier to load a dart. It I think is a very important step when doing the RSCB because it also helps direct the dart.

I do this as well. I go as far as actually funneling the PVC in addition to the barrel material. In the below pic, the PVC was funneled by twisting wire cutters into the end (the sides are sharp enough to shave the PVC) and the brass was flared with the same thing except it more bent the brass then removed material.
Posted Image
I've never used an RSCB without a barrel like this, so I'm not sure how much it helps. All I know is that my RSCB's rarely jam.

Sweet! All I have to do is go to Home Depot and find my dad's wire cutters. I am not gonna be able to get the stuff for a while because today I start school.

#249378 Help With My Rscb

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 01 September 2009 - 08:34 PM in Modifications

BlackSunshine, I did not funnel out the petg, I was gonna get a ball valve but my mom didn't let me go the the hardware store. I reanforced (SP?) my trigger. What do you mean 1/2" reducer?

#249369 Help With My Rscb

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 01 September 2009 - 08:08 PM in Modifications

Pumping seven times won't even engage my OPRV. Maybe your pump count is the problem. Also, BBBB's have terrible o-rings. You have to pump them more than if the seal was normal.

I have two and a half wraps of e-tape and it engages the OVPR on mine. I don't like to pump it ten times because the last time the endcap flew and hit my eye. It was pretty funny, but hurt a little.

#249350 Help With My Rscb

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 01 September 2009 - 05:08 PM in Modifications

ok. Time for some more fact finding.

1. What is the lenght of the rear part of the rscb? What material are you using?
2. what is the lenght of the actual barrel itself. (the front peice)
3. how many times are you pumping and are you consistant with that # with each shot?
4. Rather then a target that is only 40% of your maximum expected range How much difference is there when the darts are allowed to fly their full distance? I would expect gradual decreases in range as you cycle thru the clip.

And yes a picture might help.

I am using pvc, the rear part is six in., the barrel is twelve in., I am pumping it seven times, the shot is pretty consistent, the first dart will shoot at shoulder level.

#249325 Help With My Rscb

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 01 September 2009 - 02:03 PM in Modifications

Have you posted this somewhere before? I'm getting a sense of Dejavu. (and not the club)

Gonna need more info then this. Are all your shots crappy? What are you using for barrel material?

Got any pics of the setup?

With the mag full the dart shoots at shoulder level. My barrel material is OMC thickwall petg. I have some pics on my bbbb if that will help. Also I don't think I have posted this before.

#249323 Help With My Rscb

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 01 September 2009 - 01:56 PM in Modifications

Did you flick it down prior to firing? I know someone's going to say that it shot so little because of the dead space in the empty clip, but my RSCB'd Pullshotty fires further at the end of the clip, than the beginning.

I always do.

#249320 Help With My Rscb

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 01 September 2009 - 01:37 PM in Modifications

Okay, so made an RSCB for my big blast. I shot a dart with the mag/clip empty and it hit the bottom of a forty foot wall away. What is the problem? This thing is pissing me off.

#249314 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 01 September 2009 - 12:13 PM in Modifications

My big blast with an RSCB. The big blast has a cpvc and pvc coupler system thing.

Posted Image
Posted Image

My cpvc couplered nightfinder with a dtb and lsfb spring additions.
Posted Image

Edit: Really, was that so damn hard?

#248780 Mega Missile Decrapification

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 27 August 2009 - 02:20 PM in Modifications

Amazing mod! I am thinking about doing this to my big blast. How many pumps would you reccomend (SP?) for a big blast because I don't want to destroy it.

#248701 What Are Up With My Nf's Ranges?

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 26 August 2009 - 05:18 PM in Modifications

Thank you Lt. Stephan.

#248643 What Are Up With My Nf's Ranges?

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 26 August 2009 - 12:56 PM in Modifications

That is one of my problems, I can't get e-tape under the o ring. The e-tape slips off.

Are you making sure to wipe all of the excess lubricant from the plunger head before applying the e-tape? Also, make sure you stretch it very tightly, and don't use e-tape that is several years old.

Have you wrapped tape around the front of the plunger tube where the two caps that made up part of the AR? You could be loosing air there.
When you dry fire the gun with the barrel plugged the plunger rod should stop or at least slow down a great deal. If it doesn't and you have a good seal between the plunger head and plunger tube, use hot glue, e-tape, and goop to ensure that all cracks and crevices are completely sealed.

I have wrapped e-tape on the two caps. My e-tape is new and how does stretching e-tape help? When I plug the barrel it slows down a ton.

#248640 What Are Up With My Nf's Ranges?

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 26 August 2009 - 12:19 PM in Modifications

CrakerJack: Does it make a difference when you lube it?

Not really, it helps a little, but if the o - ring is too big, it will have trouble moving down the plunger tube. I recommend keeping the original o -ring, but put some e-tape under it but not too much.

That is one of my problems, I can't get e-tape under the o ring. The e-tape slips off.

#248594 What Are Up With My Nf's Ranges?

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 25 August 2009 - 09:37 PM in Modifications

Your o- ring might be too tight. If the o- ring is too tight, then the ranges will be greatly decreased because the plunger won't move down the plunger tube as fast.

Oops double post.

#248592 What Are Up With My Nf's Ranges?

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 25 August 2009 - 09:34 PM in Modifications

Hipponator: The blaster sounds a little bit slower. I can't get a longer barrel because I am out of cpvc and when I tried my old Home Depot foam and nothing really changed.

TKRNM: The shorter barrel decreased the ranges and the tighter darts went farther.

CrakerJack: Does it make a difference when you lube it?

#248573 What Are Up With My Nf's Ranges?

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 25 August 2009 - 08:13 PM in Modifications

Hipponator: I am using mile high foam which is a nice fit. The o ring is a bit of a squeeze. I thought it was my first post for random reasons.

Lt. Stephan: My barrel is 3 in. long and my darts have a nice fit.

#248567 What Are Up With My Nf's Ranges?

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 25 August 2009 - 07:59 PM in Modifications

Hello, this my first post so please don't ban me. My nightfinder is cpvc couplered, has an lsfg and dtb spring additions, with a lubed disk shot o ring. It hits a wall forty feet away at the bottom or at knee level. Why is this?

#247858 Raider Overhaul Write-up

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 20 August 2009 - 05:48 PM in Modifications

Are you serious, you overhauled it and it gets 40 feet? Anyways, nice mod.

#247842 Great Dart Giveaway

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 20 August 2009 - 04:45 PM in General Nerf

Are the fifty darts streamlines?

#242963 Ls Frontgun Integration Mod

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 21 July 2009 - 11:03 AM in Modifications

I think this goes in the mods and painjobs thread.

#242737 Nerf Raider Cs-35

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 19 July 2009 - 04:41 PM in General Nerf

I don't like nerf anymore. They sent the raider to Australia instead of America.

#242558 Paintjobs

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 18 July 2009 - 01:02 PM in Modifications

What is habe?

#242551 Automatic Foam Measurer

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 18 July 2009 - 12:24 PM in Homemades

That is really cool! Oh yeah, and the bow is from ertl.

#241323 Bolt Cracked In Half? I Have Another Solution.

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 10 July 2009 - 06:16 PM in Homemades

Huh? Pictures might help people understand you.

#241060 New Barrel Matirial Found!.

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 09 July 2009 - 02:00 PM in Modifications

I have known about that for a while. I think it is kind of impractical.

#240874 Longshot Carbine With Custom Cosmetics, Total Reinforcement

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 08 July 2009 - 06:49 PM in Modifications

Did you minimize that gun with a chainsaw?

#240818 Double Shot Writeup

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 08 July 2009 - 02:41 PM in Modifications

That my friend is cool and weird at the same time.

#239833 Recon M4 Mod

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 02 July 2009 - 04:01 PM in Modifications

Awesome cosmetics! I think you should of left the trigger orange and made the barrel have a little more orange.

#239772 Trimav

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 02 July 2009 - 11:50 AM in Modifications

That is amazing! I imagine it would be interesting to play Russian rulliete (SP?) with that.

#239767 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 02 July 2009 - 11:07 AM in Modifications

My singled longshot. This took me a while to do becuause of my stupidity. It took me about two months because I would get mad and leave it for like a week. This blaster gets about 70-80ft ranges flat.





The barrel is glued the heck out of to stay on.

#239759 Modding The Ls Into A Clipless Rifle

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 02 July 2009 - 10:06 AM in Modifications

You could try plexi glass.

#239493 Sspb Write-up

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 30 June 2009 - 09:11 PM in Modifications

I would just like to know how you get 50-60 foot ranges and where you get brass?

All i did is what you see in the write-up. I've got brass at Ace, and True Value, but the best place to look is a hobby shop.

I have never seen brass at any hardware store in my life. I once tried almost the same thing with petg and the dart would barely leave the barrel.

#239408 Does The Nerf Recon Jam A Lot?

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 30 June 2009 - 12:12 PM in General Nerf

My little brother got one for his birthday. When he used it the blaster jammed a lot. It might of been his and my fault when we used it. Now when I use it it doesn't jam much because I know how to use it better.

#239359 The Creamsicle

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 30 June 2009 - 12:28 AM in Modifications

I always love to see your mods because they are always interesting. I would crap my pants if that pointed at me!

#239340 My New Ls Mod

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 29 June 2009 - 10:29 PM in Modifications

Nice mod I would of never thought of that. Do the eliminators get in the way of aiming and why is the stock duct taped side ways?

#239306 Sspb Write-up

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 29 June 2009 - 07:15 PM in Modifications

I would just like to know how you get 50-60 foot ranges and where you get brass?

#233301 Merry Christmas!

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 29 May 2009 - 07:13 PM in Off Topic

I got a bunch of you some lumps of coal for Christmas. I'll make sure to throw them at you the next time I see that special select few of you in person.

You're santa!!!! You must die now becuase you stole my cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#233296 Magstirke Paintjob Gone Wrong

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 29 May 2009 - 06:52 PM in Modifications

Don't repaint it! It looks pretty cool.

#233294 Dtb Modification

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 29 May 2009 - 06:47 PM in Modifications

Very clean. I would just reinforce the plunger rod because I did this to an old DTB and the plunger snapped on me.

Use a but load of super glue. When I changed my dtb's spring I snapped the plunger rod on accident. Then I got my dad to super glue it.

#233293 Dtb Modification

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 29 May 2009 - 06:43 PM in Modifications

Last time I cut out the AR's ( which was like a year ago ) the DTB's ranges went down the toilet. You have to be very careful when doing that step. I'll try to get through them today. Hopefully it will be done by tomorrow.

How does that hurt the ranges? If it does I know why my petg'd dtb only goes 40ft. The dtb has only an nf and lsfg srping.

#233290 How To Not Lose Fingers To A Longshot

Posted by ZACHARIAH on 29 May 2009 - 06:36 PM in Modifications

Now I know what to do if my singled ls does not catch very much.