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#233173 Whats Next For This Ls?

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 28 May 2009 - 08:58 PM in Modifications

Do not single it. That is my suggestion. Anything else is really up to you. We have a modifications directory, and a whole thread dedicated to longshots.

#233163 Big Bad Bow Overhaul

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 28 May 2009 - 08:40 PM in Modifications

So, so freaking cool. Very good work, and I love this writeup style, as do I hereticorp's longshot, and angel's doomsayer. Clear, concise, and well done. Pictures were taken with purpose in mind, and you pulled it off eccellently. This is a great example to all future write-up posters. Lookin good.

The gun's looking great. I can't wait to see some more.

#233154 How To Not Lose Fingers To A Longshot

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 28 May 2009 - 08:05 PM in Modifications

I did this to my singled lonshot I just thought other people had already brought it up so I didn't post anything

God I hate posts like this. "I already did this, but I thought everyone did...so I didn't say anything."

On topic: Nice work. I saw you mention this in the thread regarding singled ls's, which gave me a basic idea of what you were talking about.

More importantly though, I hate singled LS's. Unless it has failed (Like yours, so you are justified), don't singled one. That is, unless you make it a monster like Stormbringer.

#233134 Buzz Bee Shell Catcher

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 28 May 2009 - 07:11 PM in Modifications

I like the paintjob. It is simple but clean.

You're a Moron.

Id like to see some orange on that thing.

No, the color choice isn't the best, but it is done cleanly.

But yeah, eye raping autonerf, eye raping. Go for neon orange streaks down the side with some orange ductape wrapped around the front. Take that thing outside and you'll get shot.

#232796 A Need To Know Of Many Guns

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 27 May 2009 - 08:20 AM in Off Topic

Ok, well many people talk about guns going off on them because of weak catches. Well, while I was running tests to see what was wrong with my singled LS I put my finger in the T to see if anything was lodged in there. The catch gave up on me. Lets just say that the pipe made a connection with the coupler and that I'm not writing this message with that finger. Also, some of my LS may have a blood-red color scheme.

This is just a message to everyone, saying TAKE PRECAUTIONS before you start experimenting with these things. Not that I could have prevented that in any way, but I could have used something more practical than my finger. I'm so naive.

Have fun nerfin safely,


I think this is important in a way. While it was a stupid idea to stick your finger in the middle of a singled longshot's breech, it's a stupid idea that many people have. This would be one of my main problems with singled longshots. Safety issue. At some point, your catch will fail, and your finger will be toast.

I think the message of all these threads popping up is just be careful. Yes, shit happens, but you can try to make sure it doesn't. Not every accident needs its own thread, but yes, safety is important when modding or using nerf blasters.

And Vacc, not trying to disagree with you, because I completely agree. Having a gun primed while it's open is asking for a disaster, but this can happen even with the gun closed, which is why I hate singled LS's so much. Every time you load a dart into one, you risk your finger. He probably just tried to stick his finger in while the gun was still closed and primed to check, and the catch disengaged on him. I used to have one that slipped on me. My finger wasn't there, thank god, but after that, I never used it again.

#232795 At2k Problem

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 27 May 2009 - 08:12 AM in Modifications

Would you mind taking a picture of the rear of the trigger (Where it connects to the firing pin)? From the back side though. Your problem may be the firing pin slipping through the trigger, so yes, you're pulling the trigger back, but the pin is not coming with it. There is enough friction though to pull it back when it's only pressurized with 1-2 pumps, but not enough when you've pumped more than that. I'd need a picture of the back though to determine this. Most 2ks, well, all that I've seen, wouldn't have this problem because the metal pin has a raised area on the back that stops that orange piece from falling off.

#232432 New Raider CS-35 Speculation Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 25 May 2009 - 01:36 PM in General Nerf

Most likely a video game. Something tells me it's not a legit nerf war. Possibly, but I don't think so.

#232355 Nj Apocalypse #8

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 25 May 2009 - 12:09 AM in Nerf Wars

F*** yes! Angel, my bro's still intent on getting a hit on you with the Longshot. And I'm sure he wouldn't mind trying to tag Crooked with the Crooksbow either...

By the way, bump my attendance up to a definite. I'll be there.

#231982 My First Attempt To Paint/mod Nerf

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 22 May 2009 - 09:45 PM in Modifications

Can it actually play music


Fully functional.

This deserves its own thread. First mav/ MP3 integration. :D

Yes, that may be true, but he really didn't go in deapth into it or anything. I like it, don't get me wrong...I mean, not war practical in any way, shape, or form, but cleanly done, I guess...I mean, I've never really thought of putting an MP3 player into a nerf gun...

#231979 An Open Letter To New Posters And Anyone On The Waiting List!

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 22 May 2009 - 09:39 PM in General Nerf

First of all, thank you, wisdom. I think there needed to be a kick in the ass around here. Honestly though, it's ashame, because after all the work you put into that little speech of yours, I can almost guarenty nothing will change. There will still be bans, new members pissing off the admins, and the admins doing their best to put up with it. I mean, that'd be awesome if it did change, but I honestly doubt it entirely.

Second, nerfkid, while sunshine's a great member and all, he's not an admin.

Also, I hope this topic isn't deleted, even if it is closed. This message must be heard. Again though, it's ashame that people don't know this before they get validated, because they should. The Code of Conduct is easy to access, and I think through all the admins' posts banning people, closing topics, etc., people should kind of get the hint without needing this...but if this helps, I am by all means for it.

#231930 Nerf Crossbow Help

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 22 May 2009 - 06:30 PM in Modifications

If that plunger rod is a made out of metal, like it appears to be, that could be your problem. The extra weight may be slowing down the plunger head to the point where it dramatically reduces your ranges.

It's one of Slug's aluminum ones. Shouldn't be a problem, you just may need more power to put it.

#231925 Nerf Crossbow Help

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 22 May 2009 - 06:21 PM in Modifications

This was my x-bow, and I must say that the seal is perfect. Not too tight or too loose (please don't sig). Your problem may be the power being put into it. Beef up the spring or slap on some bungees and see what happens. I re-enforced it all pretty well, so it should hold up.

#231842 Mcno 2

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 22 May 2009 - 11:27 AM in Nerf Wars

No, that only happens at Bcno.

I second this. Congrats Jewstein, you're not a blueshirt.

#231840 Foamtalk: A Nerf Podcast

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 22 May 2009 - 11:12 AM in General Nerf

We'll be trying Bobafan's NIB Blaster Bonanza game format at Valhalla 2, which will be at least 3 days. So I'm not really worried about it getting boring, since there will be more traditional war formats going on multiple days immediately preceding/following.

Ok, cool. I just noticed in the podcast that it was mentioned as going on all day. Since you have three days, I guess that'll do fine. As long as there's time for more traditional rounds, this would be awesome.

#231817 Foamtalk: A Nerf Podcast

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 22 May 2009 - 06:22 AM in General Nerf

So what does everyone think of Boba's NIB blaster bonanza? (I didn't name it, bitch at twitch)
I think only Busta said anything about it.

Freakin' awesome. I love the idea. I think it'll bring about both enginuity, simple modifications, and a few screwups mid war with people's blasters which'll probably give a good laugh (I only say this knowing that they'll be laughing too. Modding a blaster in an hour and then using it for a day is a recipe for disaster). But yeah, it's a great idea. I think with it, people will start to see that you don't need to sit there calculating the amount of e-tape you need to put under a gun's o-ring to make it shoot at it's maxium potential range. The time limit forces people to preform the most simple of mods, and while it tests their skills as a modder, it also tests them in war, seeing as they have to use what's most likely going to be a lightly modded blaster.

One thing I disagree with though. I don't think the person should be restricted to this blaster throughout the whole day. What I was thinking, play the beginning of the day like any other, each person using their respective modded blasters. However, make lunch an hour long, and during it, you can mod and eat. Once that time's up, you're out on the field with your new blaster.

I forgot where you guys said it was going to be used, but if it's not near me, I will definitely try to incorporate it into any wars I orginize.

#231730 Lnl Write Up

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 21 May 2009 - 05:06 PM in Modifications

Nice work. Yeah, that spring does look a bit beefy for the stock one...hmm...anyway, cleanly done, and nice job. And for all those PETG fans out there, check out my mod (Found on Lt. Stefan's site, link in my sig. By the way...join.) So as to not de-rail this thread though, sign up for that site to comment on it. Again, clean work, I like it.

#231409 Hinged Double Barrel Pump Action Shotgun

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 19 May 2009 - 09:26 PM in Modifications

Nicely done. I have a stock PAS laying around...hmm...

I like this very much. I like the idea of shotgunning springers, because they're still pretty fast, and maintain the option of a certain # of darts, making it harder to dodge. I just finished up the main part of my originally done shotgunned BBBB, and I love having the spread of darts. Good work. I look forward to the writeup.

#231406 The Rogue "sereph"

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 19 May 2009 - 09:22 PM in Modifications

I think that the fact that it’s modular give it a huge advantage.

I just figured I'd second this. If it weren't modular, I would never use it. It'd be way too bulky to permanently have on the bottom of your blaster. However, the modularity (if that's even a word) of this gives it advantages that other integrations do not. Specialized for certain rounds, game types, etc.

In saying that, I like it. I like it very much, and I wish you luck in the contest, but again, having it be modular was one of the more important points to me.

#231372 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 19 May 2009 - 07:11 PM in Modifications

Damn you Tantum! You were supposed to wait until mine was finished... :blink:

Well, I'll throw up a pic of my LnL to ensure no 9999 day specials are dealt:

Posted Image

Posted Image

And my PAS with "demon-breech" setup:

Posted Image

Posted Image

Equipt with duct tape knife for close encounters.

And my 1.5k in it's current state...again...you were supposed to wait...:

Posted Image

#231339 Big Bad Bow Help

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 19 May 2009 - 05:47 PM in Modifications

One last last thing, is the plunger head made out of natural rubber? I'm asking because I'm planning on using Petrolium Jelly (aka Vaseline) on it and I read that Petroleum Jelly isn't good for natural rubbers

I wouldn't recommend using Vaseline in any gun. Go invest in a can of silicone lube, plastic and rubber safe. That should do the job.

#231322 Bcno (again)

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 19 May 2009 - 04:51 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll do everything in my power to be there. Put me as a maybe.

#231250 Ls

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 19 May 2009 - 08:22 AM in General Nerf

90 ft. is a BS claim out of a stock breech. Honestly, even if you could hit that range, it would be because of a lucky swerve of a streamline lifting it up in the air an extra ten feet, allowing it to fly farther. At 90 ft. from a longshot with a stock breech, it's to the point where it's just luck and it's useless.

You can increase range though. Plug the hole in the side of the barrel, drill out ars, increase plunger head-plunger tube seal via either e-tape/teflon tape under o-rings or replace the plunger head entirely CS style. Then, re-enforce the boltsled, and add I believe 4 1/2" of a +bow spring under the longshot spring. That's all you're going to be able to do with a stock breech. I'm not entirely sure what you'll hit, as I don't have one modded like that, that was all gathered from things I could find around the site and common sense.

#231243 A Short Story.

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 19 May 2009 - 05:33 AM in General Nerf

Also why would I want to modify it over a normal SM5K?
The sweet mother fucking stock on the back!
It's so comfy and definitely comparable to an X-bow stock.

Yes, yes it is. The stock on these things is amazing. I'm lucky enough to own one, but I've also owned an x-bow, and I must say that they are comperable. On that note though, there is also the fact that it's its own piece of the shell, meaning you can detatch it and put it on any SM5k, which is what I plan to do with mine (Fix up my 5k, and when I use it, use the ST9k stock on it).

they're toys with the intention of being played with. Sometimes those toys will cost lots of money, but they're still toys with the same intentions.

I just wanted to second this. Unless you got it for some low price and were going to re-sell it and make a huge profit, I entirely agree.

#230923 The Soulreaper

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 17 May 2009 - 08:51 PM in Modifications

I think this mod deserves a spot in my sig.

I think this mod deserves to be entered in the modification contest.

No, no. Slow down. Don't enter it. Yes, it deserves it, but don't enter it yet. What people aren't realizing is that anything that they submit from now until the deadline is eligable. What if you come up with something even better along the way, and this is already entered? People are rushing to submit things when they could have a stroke of genius later. This saves the idea, and gets it out there. So now you can enter it whenever you want. He'd also need a writeup.

I'll have to agree with angel, a writeup is most certainly in order. I may be willing to purchase the other one if you make another...

And for me, it does outdo the K9special. Although I really like both blasters, this can swap clips, rather than having to reload a full one after you take all of your shots with the K9special.

Here's that link I promised, by the way: http://nerfhaven.com...showtopic=16332

That's my manual breech that I plan on having to interchange with my pump actuated one when I finally make it.

#230911 The Soulreaper

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 17 May 2009 - 08:24 PM in Modifications

Wow, I have to say. Originally, I more skimmed through, noticing cleanliness and got the basic idea. Now, I've actually read through it, and that picture makes it so much easier to understand. Again, I must say nice work, and like those before me, thank you. I will be re-creating this as an option opposed to my manual breech seen here (Insert link in a moment). That way I have multiple options. I must say, one plus for me is that it's removable. I really like that about it, and that was one of my main goals.

Another was something else that you accomplished. Having a portion of the breech slide into the plunger tube. Well executed, again. I am so glad to see all of my ideas done out so beautifully (Even though they came from your head for this project), but you have no idea how similar this is exactly to what I was designing. Your design though is much simpler, I believe. Mine was a bit complicated, but I think I will go through with it at some point, just to see. Anyway, again, nice work. Sorry I double posted, but that picture really did help my understanding of this breech's operation.

Thank you so much for all the compliments :rolleyes: Good luck with your designs.
Also, I don't see any double-posts...

Well, not in succession...but earlier in the thread. Haven't quite figured out yet if that's acceptable or not.

#230904 The Soulreaper

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 17 May 2009 - 07:54 PM in Modifications

Wow, I have to say. Originally, I more skimmed through, noticing cleanliness and got the basic idea. Now, I've actually read through it, and that picture makes it so much easier to understand. Again, I must say nice work, and like those before me, thank you. I will be re-creating this as an option opposed to my manual breech seen here (Insert link in a moment). That way I have multiple options. I must say, one plus for me is that it's removable. I really like that about it, and that was one of my main goals.

Another was something else that you accomplished. Having a portion of the breech slide into the plunger tube. Well executed, again. I am so glad to see all of my ideas done out so beautifully (Even though they came from your head for this project), but you have no idea how similar this is exactly to what I was designing. Your design though is much simpler, I believe. Mine was a bit complicated, but I think I will go through with it at some point, just to see. Anyway, again, nice work. Sorry I double posted, but that picture really did help my understanding of this breech's operation.

#230902 Spring Replacement

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 17 May 2009 - 07:43 PM in General Nerf

RFSG spring. Intertwine it with the stock spring.

Where to get: From a RFSG.

#230895 The Soulreaper

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 17 May 2009 - 07:07 PM in Modifications

One more thing: Combine that with this.

That would be freaking awesome.

Anyway, as for buying the breeches, sure, I would, but I'm also working currently on my own.

Hah, cheezypizza beat me to it.

#230860 The Soulreaper

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 17 May 2009 - 05:58 PM in Modifications

God damn it. There goes my contest entry.

And no, that's not all I have to say. This looks great. Well executed, and the ranges are very nice for the stock spring. At least the creation that void mine's originality in the contest was well done. Much better than if some noob had slapped an ugly ass breech on one of these, making mine "unoriginal."

My friend and I have been discussing something of the sort for a time now, and have designed breeches, setups, etc. The goal of it was exactly what you said, to compete with the doomsayer. However, it's main purpose was to replace the doomsayer in wars that it's banned, maintaining power and ROF.

Another goal of ours was to make it removable, which I see you've accomplished here as well.

I like the ammo holders, by the way.

Hell, this saves me a lot of work. Nice, nice job.

Also, change the name. Ice named his Doomsayer this. Better yet, tell him to change his Doomsayer's name. I just figured I'd give you the heads up...better know now than find out later...

#230352 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 15 May 2009 - 08:36 AM in Modifications

This reminds me of NortherofHeavens integration... but I like this one more only because it looks "ballin" haha.

P.S. Is the movie Transformers?

Nope, not Transformers, good guess, try again!

I'm not even trying on the movie; that picture's just way too vague.

As to the gun though, nice work. I do like that you kept the nitefinder functionality wise, but the only reason I would still choose the cyclops over this is cleanliness. Yes, you did it cleanly, but it still has the pump stuck to the side. Something tells me that this is far less awkward to pump though than something like the Cyclops.

#230351 New Raider CS-35 Speculation Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 15 May 2009 - 08:33 AM in General Nerf

Let's just agree that any springer made since 2006 has pretty much sucked.


This is entirely dependent on when the ERTL guns came out. If it was after 2006, then I have to disagree.

And as to both things AssassinNF said, I have to agree wholeheartedly, both in the respect of the Doomsayer both looking and being badass, and having a yellow raider. Something tells me that this is going to be an ongoing trend of NERF. Starting guns with one color, and giving them an excuse to re-release it in a different color (LS, Raider). I mean, if that weren't the reasoning, why would they release another blue gun in a rapidly-changing-to-yellow N-Strike line?

#230281 New Stefans

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 14 May 2009 - 08:31 PM in Homemades

(And I personally am not a goober, ZackScott was how I got into nerfing.)

Honestly man, I'm going to have to agree here. He didn't get me into it, but it was the first modding video I ever watched/followed, ever.

On topic, I think this has been responded to enough as to how painfull these would be, but I'd just like to speak out from a little personal experience. Putting a hot-glue dome on washer stefans is comparative to using the little rubber tips that I believe someone mentioned in the dartsmithing thread. They hurt. A lot. Don't do it. I have, just trust me.

#230041 Lbb (lanard Blast Bazooka) Modification Write Up Video Added

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 13 May 2009 - 05:11 PM in Modifications

Very nice. I like this. I just got two big blasts, and I will be doing something similar to one of those. Thing is, I can't plug it. Legallity issues...

#229755 Code Name Serenity

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 12 May 2009 - 05:48 AM in Modifications

Cool mod, it needs a kick ass paintjob now. On a related note, check out this thread: modification and paintjob thread

It is very cool, but I'l have to disagree here. I think this deserves it's own thread in that he has the video, internal pics, and it is somewhat (if not 100%) original. I think that it's unique enough to warrent it's own thread.

On topic-I reallylike this. As others have said, the stock pump isn't really my style, but at the same time, I really, really like it. The rail system was a good idea. Seems to keep it quite stable. You may want to work on cleaning up the front portion though. All in all though, good work.

#229712 Advice On Ribs

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 11 May 2009 - 09:59 PM in Homemades

In engineering terms, if the strength is in the edges, then the appropriate rule is to triangulate. Only diamondback's suggestion actually does that, though it's rather excessive about it. Your best bet, really, is to run a rib from the middle of each side, to the middle of each other side, for a total of three ribs, subdividing the original triangle into four.

Good call. Yeah, mine was a bit excessive...but like bob said, it's the same concept he's talking about. I like this better though; it's far more simple and would do the job.

#229666 Pas Intergration

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 11 May 2009 - 08:27 PM in Modifications

Good mod but you don't need it. At BCNO you didn't even need a secondary. Now a need to hide.

It could prove more useful at faster paced wars though. Personally, I stayed up offensively more often with my SNAP, even while reloading, and found the backup shot to prove quite useful, even if it just kept people from wanting to rush me and I didn't even have to use it. It was there incase.

#229662 Advice On Ribs

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 11 May 2009 - 08:22 PM in Homemades

Personally, I'd go with OMC's suggestion. I'd say "sounds delicious," but something tells me people are hunting for sigs in this thread already.

Second choice though, I would go with tantum, but the problem is is that some of the struts would get to the point where they would not provide any structural support from that angle (The ones towards the top). Due to those dimensions, the support struts towards the top if they all extend from the vertex that tantum dEffeminateted, would not provide very much if any support. Out of the options, I'd personally go with A, or a combination of both, like mine.

Good point about the gun hit though. I'd just barrel tap with your barrel. This adds too much surface area.

#229654 Advice On Ribs

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 11 May 2009 - 08:06 PM in Homemades

You could use the same material used for +bow plunger rods. It's ligthweight, and would most likely be sufficiant strength-wise. How large is this structure? Dimensions would help.

#229649 Advice On Ribs

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 11 May 2009 - 07:56 PM in Homemades

Posted Image

Something like that would be your best bet. The triangular structures give you a ton of support, but I'm not quite sure if you're willing to go that in depth into it. I highlighted each area (Triangles facing each direction), and the green are the vertical support struts I had said would be the best. Don't necessarily take my word on it, but I think this would be your best bet.

But yeah, are you killing someone with this? I mean, the barrel tap's more of a mercy rule...not meant to kill someone with.

#229645 Advice On Ribs

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 11 May 2009 - 07:48 PM in Homemades

It seems as if your force is primarily coming from beneath that side, even though it is drawn as a diagonal. Personally, I would recommend the vertical support struts. Yes, they are smaller, but that provides them with less of a chance of breaking. Also, that would cushion more of the force that you have drawn.

Personally, I'd go with a completely different design. Will edit the pic in shortly.