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#258459 The Road To Apoc.

Posted by nightfinder on 08 December 2009 - 10:01 PM in General Nerf

You don't think I'll eat 12 cubic feet of snack cakes? I'LL TOTALLY EAT 12 CUBIC FEET OF SNACK CAKES ARRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH

I'm glad someone said it.

I like when a group of people develop a joke. Then another group of people take it as their own and then beat it into the ground.


Respect the Talio , or you will wake up with another brother O_o

#258119 At2k Pump Test Thing With A Balloon

Posted by nightfinder on 05 December 2009 - 10:44 PM in Modifications

Krazy glue will do some pretty Krazy things to you.
When you see the pink elephants though, its time to stop.
But seriously, you should wear eye protection when working with any form of super glue combined with hot glue.
I find that it helps a lot.

Okay, pink elephants are bad, that mean the purple ones are good? Right?

#258108 At2k Pump Test Thing With A Balloon

Posted by nightfinder on 05 December 2009 - 09:08 PM in Modifications

Hot glue works :D

When you put hotglue on Krazy Glue it emits a invisable gas, and when it gets into your eyes it HURTS. You can also smell it

#258105 At2k Pump Test Thing With A Balloon

Posted by nightfinder on 05 December 2009 - 08:28 PM in Modifications

Get goop, and some larger sized tubing you can stick the 2k tubing inside off, then seal it off with the goop.

My dad barely trusts me with a dremel, I have superglue and hotglue. If it is REALLY needed I can use Gorilla Glue.

Goop can be easily removed with acetone(?) when it's still mushy, and can be peeled off fairly easily when it dries, but if your state has inhalant abuse laws your going to need someone older to buy it for you.

Due to me saving up for my girlfriends Christmas gift, im going to have to use the supplies, I have. Will the hot glue method work?

#258103 At2k Pump Test Thing With A Balloon

Posted by nightfinder on 05 December 2009 - 08:23 PM in Modifications

Get goop, and some larger sized tubing you can stick the 2k tubing inside off, then seal it off with the goop.

My dad barely trusts me with a dremel, I have superglue and hotglue. If it is REALLY needed I can use Gorilla Glue.

#258100 At2k Pump Test Thing With A Balloon

Posted by nightfinder on 05 December 2009 - 08:13 PM in Modifications

I may be able to help, but what exactly are you trying to accomplish? I need a better explanation, you're a bit unclear.

Seeing as I am a complete noob, i'm trying to find a different way to attach tubing to the at2k without glueing the shit out of it. I tried a coupler and decided to do this test, why do you think the balloon is loosing air?

Effeminate edit : I found out that the leak is from the pump to coupler, should I fill that slace that the nub that comes out with hotglue?

#258098 At2k Pump Test Thing With A Balloon

Posted by nightfinder on 05 December 2009 - 07:58 PM in Modifications

I dremeled the yellow tubing to make the OD thinner, and put a coupler on, sadly its a little loose, but I e-taped it for test purposes, then I attached tubing to the other coupler, its perfect.. I have no glue or tape on it. Then at the other end of the tubing I attached a balloon with etape, I pump it the balloon gets bigger, but then the air comes out. Is it the fact that the balloon is etaped on, or something else? How can I test if the coupler works without flooding the whole thing with water? Thanks in advance.

#257522 At2k Question

Posted by nightfinder on 29 November 2009 - 12:36 PM in Modifications

I'm integrating my 2k into a PAS, and I need to extend the tubing (Tried ExTenze, it didn't work D:). I went into my dads office and got some tubing that I pretty sure is 3/8th's, my question is do I have to just glue it on? Or could I use nipples and couplers? Thanks in advance.

#255587 Dremel 4000 Drops This Month

Posted by nightfinder on 07 November 2009 - 12:10 PM in General Nerf

They're making several new attachments this year only compatible with the 4000, plus it's got a good batch of new performance features. If you don't want to buy it, don't.

We aren't all a rich bitch like you :3. Do you REALLY need all of those? "Oh I'm getting the new CONCRETE CUTTING attachment to cut plastic!"

#254425 Is The Lanard Shotgun Worth It?

Posted by nightfinder on 24 October 2009 - 10:22 AM in Modifications

You know, we so frequently jump all over members for the wrong kind of behavior, and yet we never really give credit to people going out of there way to avoid mucking up the boards. Whether or not you believe the ranges L3G10N has posted, he took that criticism with a level of maturity I can barely fathom given the setting. I mean, I want to invent 3 new ways to call someone gay just to break the tension.

Another Effeminate quote from Vacc :P

#243605 No

Posted by nightfinder on 24 July 2009 - 02:27 PM in Modifications



You don't.. Bitch

#243540 Bullet Bills

Posted by nightfinder on 24 July 2009 - 11:06 AM in Darts and Barrels

Mario Cart.. Kick ass idea.. Now you need to get them to be grey..

#243539 Modular Rscb'd Bbbb

Posted by nightfinder on 24 July 2009 - 11:04 AM in Modifications

Fuck.. I don't care if the RSCB shotgun's. Use it in (I think East Cost) style wars.. Kick some ass...

#242653 Nitefinder Gunblade

Posted by nightfinder on 19 July 2009 - 08:30 AM in Modifications

Or do what I did for shits and giggles, Get a toy knife and glue it to a Sawed off Double Shot.

#242652 Lancer

Posted by nightfinder on 19 July 2009 - 08:28 AM in Modifications

You should probably delete your reply before OMC or another admin finds this, read the Code of Conduct, and DON'T REPLY TO OLD POSTS!

Don't feed the dumbasses. Have a nice day.

#242541 Nitefinder Gunblade

Posted by nightfinder on 18 July 2009 - 10:30 AM in Modifications

Hey, I just finished my nitefinder gunblade;
Its a nitefinder with a nerf sword glued on it, ignore the tape, its just there because the epoxy is still drying

I know, my voice is funny; I just got braces, give me a break

You glued a blade from a sword onto a NF. This doesn't deserve ANY thread. I wouldn't even post this in the PJ'S thread.

#241456 The Trojan Horse

Posted by nightfinder on 11 July 2009 - 03:07 PM in Modifications

You might as well call it the trogan worm B), Don't use the word trogan in the title unless you made the condom bow :D

#241261 New Barrel Matirial Found!.

Posted by nightfinder on 10 July 2009 - 12:29 PM in Modifications

These would make Effeminate barrel taps.

#241259 Oompa's Titan Mod

Posted by nightfinder on 10 July 2009 - 12:23 PM in Modifications

Well I figured that much, but I was wondering if he did anything aside from putting the CPVC barrel on.

What else is there to do? "Smartass"

#241045 I'm Having Some Issues With My New Doomsayer...

Posted by nightfinder on 09 July 2009 - 01:27 PM in General Nerf

CPVC works pretty well on most of my guns, I'll try chopping down the barrels a bit though. Would you recommend switching to 1/2 PVC and beefing up the seal?

To be honest... CPVC sucks unless you use stock darts. PETG has been done with great results. Better seal = Better ranges, Also i'm not sigging you ;)

#241036 I'm Having Some Issues With My New Doomsayer...

Posted by nightfinder on 09 July 2009 - 01:20 PM in General Nerf

Or maybe your darts just suck. Can you post pics of darts/gun?

I think my darts are fine, I'll start looking for my camera to get a pic up though.

The barrels are probably a little too long.

Alright thanks, how long would you recommend?
please dont sig that

Just because im a bitch im sigging that.. Otherwise Cut it to like 5... Or something

#240939 Anyone?

Posted by nightfinder on 08 July 2009 - 11:24 PM in Off Topic

2 hours is far away? Jesus. I did a 10 hour car ride today. (Jackson to Austin). Suck it up, Two hours isnt alot.

#240938 I Need Help With My Vulcan.

Posted by nightfinder on 08 July 2009 - 11:22 PM in General Nerf

Vulcan's = fail. Get a BBB and do wonders with it. Ironically the arrows are red.. That fit with your name :D

#239901 N-strike Clipped Pas

Posted by nightfinder on 02 July 2009 - 09:10 PM in Modifications

AssassinNF did this too, Except differently.. The handle is creative, But I don't like it (Seems uncomfortable)

#239779 Ironman Blaster Tank

Posted by nightfinder on 02 July 2009 - 12:24 PM in Modifications

Are you going to use it with the stock rockets?

He he :D
Posted Image

This is area 51, We have a alien rocket here, Lets watch him shoot it at people in his office :D

#239417 +bow: Diy Thread

Posted by nightfinder on 30 June 2009 - 01:23 PM in Homemades

*breaks out in song* That gun has a lot of deeaaddd space! That gun has a lot of deaaad space..

Seriously, TRIPLE RSCB's? Too much dead space there.

#239149 Ls That Funtions Well Without A Boltsled

Posted by nightfinder on 28 June 2009 - 09:47 PM in Modifications

Could you do this with a 3/4 to 1/2 cpvc coupler converter? I have a couple I never used in a previous mod and was wondering if I could use them for this instead of using a 1/2 cpvc coupler in 3/4 pvc as the part where the plunger head stops.

For gods sake SHUT UP. PM ice about it. Next person who posts will find a dead dog in their fridge in the morning.

#239016 Melee Weapons

Posted by nightfinder on 28 June 2009 - 10:54 AM in Homemades

Hey Nerfhaven, I have yet to contribute (I dont have a camera); so i've decided to make melee weapons alot easier
Show off your melee weapons here

(Much like showing off your paintjobs, Please no comments, just pics and descriptions) :P

I'd love to be hit on the head with a rubber chicken, Melee weapons usually are really hard and hurt to be hit with (In the head, if your hit in the chest I don't think it would hurt) ALSO we can barrel tap, whats the real point to have melee weapons?
(Effeminate edit) Heres my melee wepon Posted Image

#239015 Nitefinder Mod; Your Take?

Posted by nightfinder on 28 June 2009 - 10:51 AM in Modifications


Haha, My mistake
Let me rephrase that

I am not revealing HOW i do it to the public
but no, i used to have accounts on many other websites (Including this one) but i deleted them to make a good one
And i talked about my method on them;

So yes, Some people do know about it

I'm not back seating, but you aren't allowed to have multiple accounts on this website (Last time I checked). I doubt you went that you have multiple accounts, just make it more clear that you don't. I don't like seeing people get banned that have good ideas :P

#238031 De-singling Your Longshot Update

Posted by nightfinder on 22 June 2009 - 03:44 PM in Modifications

I don't like singed LS's at all, It takes away one key factor in the clipped ones, the dart tooth.

#236911 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by nightfinder on 17 June 2009 - 11:54 AM in Modifications

Posted Image
My favorite gun EVAR. A RSCB PAS. Never fire too many, Crayola and Copper used. Crayola because I use stock darts and don't have any small lengths of CPVC Around. 1 1/2 seconds per shot, 7 shots.

#236906 Recon/titan Integration

Posted by nightfinder on 17 June 2009 - 11:41 AM in Modifications

That looks SO uncomfortable. If you want a HIGH powered gun that used clips, do this
Posted Image
Had to take another pic >.<

#236201 Expand A Blast On A Budget

Posted by nightfinder on 14 June 2009 - 12:04 PM in Modifications

Use some freking pink on that monster! Pink and BLOOD RED! Gay + Emo = ftw?

#235680 Clip For The Minimized Long Shot

Posted by nightfinder on 11 June 2009 - 05:51 PM in Modifications

Im working on a crayola inline for a PAS, only problem is it might crush the darts that I use, since I use stock darts

#235481 What Screwdrivers Do You Use?

Posted by nightfinder on 10 June 2009 - 06:21 PM in Off Topic

I'm just wondering, since i'm going to get new ones. What do you guys prefer?

#234790 The Official Sticker/logo Thread

Posted by nightfinder on 07 June 2009 - 11:14 AM in Modifications

Does anybody have ST9k stickers (Supertech 9000)? It would make my life a hell of a lot easier.

PM FA_24, He has a ST9k

#230022 Longshot Problem Please Help

Posted by nightfinder on 13 May 2009 - 04:01 PM in General Nerf

so my longshot the little detachable mini gun thingy won't shoot. What the problem is is that when you're
Assembling it when you have to put the trigger in place and slide it back, mine didn't slide back all the way. Any suggestions?

Improve your grammar? But maybe you messed up your internals, there is a pics flying around of LSFG internals.

#230020 Possibly The Best Stefan Ever Made

Posted by nightfinder on 13 May 2009 - 03:59 PM in Homemades

Do you guys think he dosen't mean the pointed part? It seems like a OKAY weight, putting a chunk of wood in and adding a dome, it MIGHT work

#227830 Minimized Crossfire + Mod

Posted by nightfinder on 03 May 2009 - 08:46 AM in Modifications

Guys, just because it isn't clean, doesn't mean it doesn't work.
Most of the time, the old "glue some crap on there" approach works well enough.

Though, in this case it doesn't. Adding a longer barrel to a gun that only gets about 50 ft tops, isn't a good idea.

Oh, and a hacksaw is more dangerous than boltcutters? Please........

With bolt cutters I have both hands on the handles, unlike a hacksaw, ALSO I realized it is really hard to get this to work with hot glue, I tried super glue and I dry fired it and the plunger peace FLEW OUT. So i'm going to Gorilla Glue this

#227718 Minimized Crossfire + Mod

Posted by nightfinder on 02 May 2009 - 07:52 PM in Modifications

BOLT CUTTERS? It's called a hacksaw which works better and has been around longer allowing better revision on the blades.

Dad thinks ill cut my hand off without supervision and help. The only other person up then was my 3 year old brother

How old are you that your parents can't trust you with at least a hand saw?
What did you do wrong making your parents not trust you?

My dad cut his hand when he was a kid, that's why I cant use a hand saw