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#364736 Hello? Is anyone there?

Posted by skullface44 on 08 September 2023 - 10:56 PM in Site Feedback

Some are still active. I would like to see this forum used more. As a community we need to switch back to using forums over social media. It is a far superior format in every way compared to reddit, discord or Facebook. 

#364735 Hell Before Halloween: Resurrection

Posted by skullface44 on 08 September 2023 - 10:54 PM in Nerf Wars

Thank you. Yes  I agree. With all these off the shelf "pro grade" blasters nerf has lost a little bit of what made it so special . Don't get me wrong I still enjoy the hobby very much but I fear we may end up like paintball and airsoft were its very much "pay to play". Who ever can spend the most has a huge advantage. 


Unless is gets very poor attendance or post war feedback. We will stick to the no mags of any kind rule. Just some good old mods and hoppered homemade blasters. 


Grease up those old snaps and rainbows 

#364734 Too Cool to be Left in Old School: Modernized ESLT Project

Posted by skullface44 on 03 September 2023 - 03:01 PM in Homemades


I saw this when it first came out. I don't think the files ever went public though. I haven't seen them anyways.  Its nice to see the project re visited


Edit: I found the files on thingiverse 



#364728 Hell Before Halloween: Resurrection

Posted by skullface44 on 05 July 2023 - 09:11 AM in Nerf Wars

 TANG and Skullface44 Presents:

Hell Before Halloween: Resurrection
October 21, 2023
Start time 10:00 am
Brownsdale Community Centre
2226 Golf Course Rd, Newcastle, ON L1B 1L9
This event will be rain, shine or even snow.
That’s right, we are bringing back the classic Canadian NIC war that was held by Forsaken_Angel24 & K-10 from 2007-2012. Years ago they handed the reins over to Daniel Murray aka Skullface44 on Nerfhaven. This will be an old school NIC war with some new school flavour allowed.
Sponsored by:
The Eh Team,
Al the Geek
The community centre will be the staging area with tables, power, even fridges.
There will be a $13 admission fee to attend this event. This will help cover the cost of the hall rental and the insurance.
-Primary, pistol and darts
-Certified Eye Protection that wraps and covers the sides.
-Water, food, snack
-Minimum age requirement is 16 (13 if a parent is present)
-300 FPS cap.
-Rule zero - Don’t be a dick
-Tags on any part of your body or blaster count
-Barrel taps and tags are allowed. You can show mercy and not blast someone point blank but you don’t have to.
-No shields or melee
-No removable/internal magazines are allowed.
-No removable drums/turrets/cylinders ie tomcat drum.
-No exposed brass barrels, we don’t need anyone being cored.
-Inlines, wye hoppers and RSBCs are allowed.
-Air blasters will be chronographed at the max pumps and can not exceed the FPS limit.
-Want to use a flywheeler go ahead just have to single load it.
-Want clarification on a blaster just ask.
-All blasters are subject to Chronographing
-We have final say if it meets the vague restrictions.
-No Rival, hyper, vortex, mega, mega xl, ultra, etc
-Aftermarket darts are allowed, as long as they don't have hard plastic tips.
-Homemade darts (slugs/stefans) are allowed, provided they have at least one inch of foam and no exposed metal. If you bring homemade ammo, it will be checked by Daniel before you will be allowed to use them.
-These rules only apply to pistol rounds. A single shot one handed blaster that hits no more than 200fps. old school speed loaders are allowed. No inline clips.
GAMES MODES (round schedule TBA):
3:15 TDM
Wingman pistol
360 Core
Monster mashup
Defend the fort
Kill of the hill
Free for all pistol
2v2 rounds
Capture the skull
Carpe Testiculum
Freeze Tag
Civil war
-Costumes are Optional.
-MUST BE A SCARY OR HORROR COSTUME. Absolutely no stupid costumes, like a cat or something. Do not wear something you are worried might get damaged or ruined at a Nerf war.
-If we think your costume does not fit the requirements, we will horrify it for you. I promise you do not want that.
-If you do not wish to wear a costume but still want to support the HORROR feel of the event. Wear a T shirt, long sleeve shirt or hoodie that has a real scary print on it.
-Bonus points for vintage horror.
Best scary costume.
Best scary print on a shirt.
Headhunter trophy
Maybe more…
There will be a couple of free play blocks where you are free to use anything you like including mags.
-TANG admins and Daniel’s say is final.
-We are not responsible for your stuff, but I trust that everything in the staging area will be safe.
-Ask permission before you touch someone else stuff
-Keep the place clean and put away your trash
-Everyone who plays is required to help dart sweep, we will be watching.
Want to help by sponsoring the event reach out.
Got a question? Ask it.

#361589 Hell before halloween 10th anniversary

Posted by skullface44 on 14 September 2017 - 07:28 PM in Nerf Wars

ocation:  Section A of Erindale Park    1695 Dundas St W, Mississauga, ON L5C 1E3


  Admission: in previous wars I had a few people not pay so im being as clear as possible  . If you don't pay you don't play. Wars cost money to do and its not fair that some people contribute and other dont. To anyone whats wondering where the money goes it all goes toward renting the area, buying cover and maintaining the large dart bin. If your not okay with that don't come.  The cost of admission will depend on how many people show up. The cost per person will lower depending on how many people come. 

When:  October  21th   war starts at 1030 





  One or more good primary blasters, and if possible a backup in case your blaster breaks. If your blaster does end up breaking, we have loaners available for you to use. Most of my loaner homemades broke last indoor war so they will not be available. Will not be lending anyone my personal blasters sorry. I will have some singled airblasters availble  though and others may have blasters for people to use. 


  A pistol for pistol rounds. And no, a Nitefinder rifle doesn’t count. However, a Panther or Pistol Splat does  and rainbow pistols DO count, I DONT CARE WHAT YOU ALL SAY ILL MAKE A BUNCH FOR EVERYONE TO USE IF I HAVE TO LOL      :)  



  Melee is allowed but it must be either Nerf brand or homemade perfectly. We will check any homemade boffer weapons, unless we know you and trust that you know what to do. Also, you must also be bringing a blaster. Most LARP weapons will be allowed; if it is similar to the N-Force line in terms of materials (foam outer layer and plastic core).

Special restriction on homemade melee weapons: Length limit of 3 FEET. That is the length of the Marauder longsword.




  As many darts as you see fit, I am bringing 500 for myself. We have a community bin you can use, but dart fit may vary. I would prefer everyone to bring there own but the community dart bin is available to those who need darts. If you use my darts you WILL help us dart sweep at the end of the day.


  There won’t be any places to get water close to the field so please bring your own. I will be bringing a cooler with a case of water in it for myself and any idiots that forget to bring some.


  A good mood, no one wants to war with a jerk. If you are causing problems with other players you will be escorted from the premises.


  There is no pace to eat close to the park so bring a lunch. We will order pizza, your welcome to join in on the order if you would like.


  Your eyes are pretty much the only part of your body that can be seriously hurt by a nerf dart, I really would like to see everyone with some kind of eye protection. However, if you are

1.Over 18 years of age or  2. An idiot, we cannot legally force you to but I will try to 





  You can bring a converted Hydro Cannon to f*ck with between rounds for the LOLs, but if it shoots water, don’t bring it. If you have a converted super soaker that you feel is safe, you’re welcome to bring it and one of us will check it.   



  Nope. Not a chance. You can bring it just in case a raccoon is bothering us, and you happen to bring a long enough barrel to hit it accurately.

Absolver exception: At least 4 Barrels required for Cobra, 3 for Jobar and Pango.  



  As much as we’re sure you enjoy any or all of these, you will be escorted from the premises if you show up with any of them. There’s plenty of time to drink at dinner afterwards.



  We really don’t care how safe you made your pipe bomb, you’re not bringing it. We’ll let you know if we’re planning any big game hunts in the near future.

Exception: JSPB Pro  



  If you’ve been nerfing for any decent length of time, we don’t have to explain this. Absolver’d titans will be allowed, MIN 3 BARRELS.



 Same as the singled titan ban. And yes, we can tell. We didn’t fall off the cabbage truck yesterday.



 This will be done on a case by case basis but there a few things I do not want to see.

- anything made to look real

- overpowered airguns. Just because you reinforced you tank with epoxy doesn't mean you need to pump the sh*t out of it and shoot way harder then needed

- converted paintball guns (scepters are okay)


if you are not sure about a blaster show it to one of us. If you wouldn't want to be shot with your own blaster there is a good chance no one else wants to be shot with it either.





-Slingshot darts

 If you bring these we have a couple of our own and a couple shitcannons on site to shoot you with point blank. We let it slide last time but not anymore.


  I can’t believe we even have to put this here. To be honest anyone smarter than a sack of hammers can follow this.




  This includes Pak-D tips, Xplorer tips, homemade sili-domes, artifact darts, acc darts or any other types of silicone domes or other metal free alternative.


  #6 or PERFECT (foam and felt must COMPLETELY COVER the weight, not just the front. Yes it is possible. ) #8 slugs



  3/0, 3/16 ball bearing, single BB, etc. Basically 3/0 or lighter is allowed.


CDTS (Converted Dart Tag Stefan)

  Remember when people made these? We don’t.


  Any form of stock ammo, knockoff brand or otherwise. This includes Nerf, Buzz Bee, BoomCo, Rival and Sceptor balls, megas, missiles, whatever.   


  If your darts are made so poorly that they are unsafe we will not let you use them, you are more then welcome to use some from the community box though, just remember to return them at the end of the war.



3:15 Team Deathmatch

3:15 FFA


Civil War

Freeze Tag

Defend the Core

Monster Mash


Capture the Flag







  We will probably go somewhere for dinner afterwards, whoever wants to come is welcome to. 




  • skullface44 +2 

  • the2ndbluesbro

  • buffdaddy (hopefully)

  • curly  ( hopefully) 

  • deaddumpster +3

  • grey ?

  • k9 (hopefully) 

  • Tank 
  • charlie 156
  • GTA nerf crew ? 

#360768 Return of Massacre #4

Posted by skullface44 on 24 June 2017 - 11:07 AM in Nerf Wars

location:  Section A of Erindale Park    1695 Dundas St W, Mississauga, ON L5C 1E3


  Admission: in previous wars I had a few people not pay so im being as clear as possible  . If you don't pay you don't play. Wars cost money to do and its not fair that some people contribute and other dont. To anyone whats wondering where the money goes it all goes toward renting the area, buying cover and maintaining the large dart bin. If your not okay with that don't come.  The cost of admission will depend on how many people show up. The cost per person will lower depending on how many people come. 

When:  August 27th   war starts at 10 





  One or more good primary blasters, and if possible a backup in case your blaster breaks. If your blaster does end up breaking, we have loaners available for you to use. Most of my loaner homemades broke last indoor war so they will not be available. Will not be lending anyone my personal blasters sorry. I will have some singled airblasters availble  though and others may have blasters for people to use. 


  A pistol for pistol rounds. And no, a Nitefinder rifle doesn’t count. However, a Panther or Pistol Splat does  and rainbow pistols DO count, I DONT CARE WHAT YOU ALL SAY ILL MAKE A BUNCH FOR EVERYONE TO USE IF I HAVE TO LOL     :)  



  Melee is allowed but it must be either Nerf brand or homemade perfectly. We will check any homemade boffer weapons, unless we know you and trust that you know what to do. Also, you must also be bringing a blaster. Most LARP weapons will be allowed; if it is similar to the N-Force line in terms of materials (foam outer layer and plastic core).

Special restriction on homemade melee weapons: Length limit of 3 FEET. That is the length of the Marauder longsword.




  As many darts as you see fit, I am bringing 500 for myself. We have a community bin you can use, but dart fit may vary. I would prefer everyone to bring there own but the community dart bin is available to those who need darts. If you use my darts you WILL help us dart sweep at the end of the day.


  There won’t be any places to get water close to the field so please bring your own. I will be bringing a cooler with a case of water in it for myself and any idiots that forget to bring some.


  A good mood, no one wants to war with a jerk. If you are causing problems with other players you will be escorted from the premises.


  Bring one or eat before you get there, but we will probably order a pizza or something anyway.


  Your eyes are pretty much the only part of your body that can be seriously hurt by a nerf dart, I really would like to see everyone with some kind of eye protection. However, if you are

1.Over 18 years of age or  2. An idiot, we cannot legally force you to.





  You can bring a converted Hydro Cannon to f*ck with between rounds for the LOLs, but if it shoots water, don’t bring it. If you have a converted super soaker that you feel is safe, you’re welcome to bring it and one of us will check it.   



  Nope. Not a chance. You can bring it just in case a raccoon is bothering us, and you happen to bring a long enough barrel to hit it accurately.

Absolver exception: At least 4 Barrels required for Cobra, 3 for Jobar and Pango.  



  As much as we’re sure you enjoy any or all of these, you will be escorted from the premises if you show up with any of them. There’s plenty of time to drink at dinner afterwards.



  We really don’t care how safe you made your pipe bomb, you’re not bringing it. We’ll let you know if we’re planning any big game hunts in the near future.

Exception: JSPB Pro  



  If you’ve been nerfing for any decent length of time, we don’t have to explain this. Absolver’d titans will be allowed, MIN 3 BARRELS.



 Same as the singled titan ban. And yes, we can tell. We didn’t fall off the cabbage truck yesterday.



 This will be done on a case by case basis but there a few things I do not want to see.

- anything made to look real

- overpowered airguns. Just because you reinforced you tank with epoxy doesn't mean you need to pump the sh*t out of it and shoot way harder then needed

- converted paintball guns (scepters are okay)


if you are not sure about a blaster show it to one of us. If you wouldn't want to be shot with your own blaster there is a good chance no one else wants to be shot with it either.





-Slingshot darts

 If you bring these we have a couple of our own and a couple shitcannons on site to shoot you with point blank. We let it slide last time but not anymore.


  I can’t believe we even have to put this here. To be honest anyone smarter than a sack of hammers can follow this.




  This includes Pak-D tips, Xplorer tips, homemade sili-domes, artifact darts, acc darts or any other types of silicone domes or other metal free alternative.


  #6 or PERFECT (foam and felt must COMPLETELY COVER the weight, not just the front. Yes it is possible. ) #8 slugs



  3/0, 3/16 ball bearing, single BB, etc. Basically 3/0 or lighter is allowed.


CDTS (Converted Dart Tag Stefan)

  Remember when people made these? We don’t.


  Any form of stock ammo, knockoff brand or otherwise. This includes Nerf, Buzz Bee, BoomCo, Rival and Sceptor balls, megas, missiles, whatever.   


  If your darts are made so poorly that they are unsafe we will not let you use them, you are more then welcome to use some from the community box though, just remember to return them at the end of the war.



3:15 Team Deathmatch

3:15 FFA


Civil War

Freeze Tag

Defend the Core

Monster Mash


Capture the Flag







  We will probably go somewhere for dinner afterwards, whoever wants to come is welcome to. 




  • skullface44

  • the2ndbluesbro

  • buffdaddy (hopefully)

  • curly  ( hopefully) 

  • deaddumpster +3

  • grey ?

  • k9 (hopefully) 

  • Tank 
  • charlie 156

#358381 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by skullface44 on 04 March 2017 - 08:15 PM in Homemades

I didn't think this deserved a new thread yet since its just the first prototype so ill post it on here for now. This is a magfed homamde I have been tinkering with for a little wile. The project started out at a V2 revshot but turned into this. I think it deserves its own name since it shares very little with the revshot. 




- one peace grip/magwell

- o ring style breach with a plunger cup similar to a longshot 

- nylon dart gate with feed ramp 

- 1.45" ID plunger tube 

- fixed plunger tube ( opposed to the moving plunger tube/bolt sled the rev shot uses)

- plate catch simular to a +bow 

- .520" ID aluminum barrel 

- internal priming bars

-full [k26] + longshot ish  spring 








The next version(s) will have the following updates/ changes 


- Stock, trigger and mag release will be printed 

- Printed top rail 

- proper pump grip handle 

- single top slot for prime instead of the normal slot on each side


For anyone that may be interested templates, STL files and drawings for the lathed parts will be available as soon as im happy with the blaster and I know it all works properly 



#356711 2016 Nerf War Schedule

Posted by skullface44 on 12 November 2016 - 05:14 PM in Nerf Wars




#356710 NYE Massacre (indoor war in Ontario Canada)

Posted by skullface44 on 12 November 2016 - 05:12 PM in Nerf Wars

Yo dawg, make sure to add this to the 2016 war schedule.

Also, facilities are officially ours as of this afternoon

 okay I will 

#356699 Where To Buy Modding Materials

Posted by skullface44 on 09 November 2016 - 07:42 PM in Modifications

Hi,  My son tells me that he somehow lost ALL the shell screws for his "Magnus".  Does anyone know where I can buy a replacement set, or if not, what size and type of screws are used by the magnus, please?


He has a learning disability and is quite upset.  Any help would be most appreciated.





#4 sheet metal screws fit in some blasters. Iv never used them on a magnus but its worth a try if you cant find any. 

#356698 NYE Massacre (indoor war in Ontario Canada)

Posted by skullface44 on 09 November 2016 - 07:37 PM in Nerf Wars

location: Wild Water Kingdom, 7855 Finch Ave W, Brampton, ON L6T 0B2, Canada      


Admission: in previous wars I had a few people not pay so im being as clear as possible  . If you don't pay you don't play. Wars cost money to do and its not fair that some people contribute and other dont. To anyone whats wondering where the money goes it all goes toward renting the area, buying cover and maintaining the large dart bin. If your not okay with that don't come.  The cost of admission will depend on how many people show up. The cost per person will lower depending on how many people come 

When: Dec 31, 2016  war starts at 10 





  One or more good primary blasters, and if possible a backup in case your blaster breaks. If your blaster does end up breaking, we have loaners available for you to use. Most of my loaner homemades broke last indoor war so they will not be available. Will not be lending anyone my personal blasters sorry. I will have some singled airblasters availble  though and others may have blasters for people to use. 


  A pistol for pistol rounds. And no, a Nitefinder rifle doesn’t count. However, a Panther or Pistol Splat does  and rainbow pistols DO count, I DONT CARE WHAT YOU ALL SAY ILL MAKE A BUNCH FOR EVERYONE TO USE IF I HAVE TO LOL    :)  



  Melee is allowed but it must be either Nerf brand or homemade perfectly. We will check any homemade boffer weapons, unless we know you and trust that you know what to do. Also, you must also be bringing a blaster. Most LARP weapons will be allowed; if it is similar to the N-Force line in terms of materials (foam outer layer and plastic core).

Special restriction on homemade melee weapons: Length limit of 3 FEET. That is the length of the Marauder longsword.




  As many darts as you see fit, I am bringing 500 for myself. We have a community bin you can use, but dart fit may vary. I would prefer everyone to bring there own but the community dart bin is available to those who need darts. If you use my darts you WILL help us dart sweep at the end of the day.


  There won’t be any places to get water close to the field so please bring your own. I will be bringing a cooler with a case of water in it for myself and any idiots that forget to bring some.


  A good mood, no one wants to war with a jerk. If you are causing problems with other players you will be escorted from the premises.


  Bring one or eat before you get there, but we will probably order a pizza or something anyway.


  Your eyes are pretty much the only part of your body that can be seriously hurt by a nerf dart, I really would like to see everyone with some kind of eye protection. However, if you are

1.Over 18 years of age or  2. An idiot, we cannot legally force you to.





  You can bring a converted Hydro Cannon to f*ck with between rounds for the LOLs, but if it shoots water, don’t bring it. If you have a converted super soaker that you feel is safe, you’re welcome to bring it and one of us will check it.   



  Nope. Not a chance. You can bring it just in case a raccoon is bothering us, and you happen to bring a long enough barrel to hit it accurately.

Absolver exception: At least 4 Barrels required for Cobra, 3 for Jobar and Pango.  



  As much as we’re sure you enjoy any or all of these, you will be escorted from the premises if you show up with any of them. There’s plenty of time to drink at dinner afterwards.



  We really don’t care how safe you made your pipe bomb, you’re not bringing it. We’ll let you know if we’re planning any big game hunts in the near future.

Exception: JSPB Pro  



  If you’ve been nerfing for any decent length of time, we don’t have to explain this. Absolver’d titans will be allowed, MIN 3 BARRELS.



 Same as the singled titan ban. And yes, we can tell. We didn’t fall off the cabbage truck yesterday.



 This will be done on a case by case basis but there a few things I do not want to see.

- anything made to look real

- overpowered airguns. Just because you reinforced you tank with epoxy doesn't mean you need to pump the sh*t out of it and shoot way harder then needed

- converted paintball guns (scepters are okay)


if you are not sure about a blaster show it to one of us. If you wouldn't want to be shot with your own blaster there is a good chance no one else wants to be shot with it either.





-Slingshot darts

 If you bring these we have a couple of our own and a couple shitcannons on site to shoot you with point blank. We let it slide last time but not anymore.


  I can’t believe we even have to put this here. To be honest anyone smarter than a sack of hammers can follow this.




  This includes Pak-D tips, Xplorer tips, homemade sili-domes, artifact darts, acc darts or any other types of silicone domes or other metal free alternative.


  #6 or PERFECT (foam and felt must COMPLETELY COVER the weight, not just the front. Yes it is possible. ) #8 slugs



  3/0, 3/16 ball bearing, single BB, etc. Basically 3/0 or lighter is allowed.


CDTS (Converted Dart Tag Stefan)

  Remember when people made these? We don’t.


  Any form of stock ammo, knockoff brand or otherwise. This includes Nerf, Buzz Bee, BoomCo, Rival and Sceptor balls, megas, missiles, whatever.   


  If your darts are made so poorly that they are unsafe we will not let you use them, you are more then welcome to use some from the community box though, just remember to return them at the end of the war.



3:15 Team Deathmatch

3:15 FFA



Civil War

Freeze Tag

Defend the Core

Monster Mash


Capture the Flag






  We will be having a Southeast style raffle. Please don’t bring absolute garbage, however there will most likely be a trash can nearby you can use for your Recon with a leaky shotblast tank that uses a vertical facing super soaker pump and only takes 50 pumps to fill. And no, we don’t care that it fires fine “if you shoot right after pumping”. 



  We will probably go somewhere for dinner afterwards, whoever wants to come is welcome to. 


Big thanks to Buffdaddy for making this happen!!!



  • skullface44

  • the2ndbluesbro

  • buffdaddy +1

  • curly +1

  • deaddumpster +1

  • grey ?

  • k9 (hopefully) 

  • Tank 
  • charlie 156

#354933 M.M 2.0

Posted by skullface44 on 11 July 2016 - 12:15 AM in Nerf Wars

location: 1695 Dundas St W, Mississauga, ON L5C 1E3 ( Erindale Park) 


Admission: in provisos wars I had a few people not pay so im being as clear as possible  . If you don't pay you don't play. Wars cost money to do and its not fair that some people contribute and other dont. To anyone whats wondering where the money goes it all goes toward renting the area, buying cover and maintaining the large dart bin. If your not okay with that don't come.  The cost of admission will depend on how many people show up. The cost per person will lower depending on how many people come 

When: August 28th, 2016  war starts at 10 





  One or more good primary blasters, and if possible a backup in case your blaster breaks. If your blaster does end up breaking, we have loaners available for you to use.


  A pistol for pistol rounds. And no, a Nitefinder rifle doesn’t count. However, a Panther or Pistol Splat does  and rainbow pistols DO count, I DONT CARE WHAT YOU ALL SAY ILL MAKE A BUNCH FOR EVERYONE TO USE IF I HAVE TO LOL   :)  



  Melee is allowed but it must be either Nerf brand or homemade perfectly. We will check any homemade boffer weapons, unless we know you and trust that you know what to do. Also, you must also be bringing a blaster (this is to prevent LARPers showing up with just melee, however unlikely that is). Most LARP weapons will be allowed; if it is similar to the N-Force line in terms of materials (foam outer layer and plastic core).

Special restriction on homemade melee weapons: Length limit of 3 FEET. That is the length of the Marauder longsword.




  As many darts as you see fit, I am bringing 500 for myself. We have a community bin you can use, but dart fit may vary. I would prefer everyone to bring there own but the community dart bin is available to those who need darts. If you use my darts you WILL help us dart sweep at the end of the day.


  There won’t be any places to get water close to the field so please bring your own. I will be bringing a cooler with a case of water in it for myself and any idiots that forget to bring some.


  A good mood, no one wants to war with a jerk. If you are causing problems with other players you will be escorted from the premises.


  Bring one or eat before you get there, but we will probably order a pizza or something anyway.


  Your eyes are pretty much the only part of your body that can be seriously hurt by a nerf dart, I really would like to see everyone with some kind of eye protection. However, if you are

1.Over 18 years of age or  2. An idiot, we cannot legally force you to.





  You can bring a converted Hydro Cannon to f*ck with between rounds for the LOLs, but if it shoots water, don’t bring it. If you have a converted super soaker that you feel is safe, you’re welcome to bring it and one of us will check it.   



  Nope. Not a chance. You can bring it just in case a raccoon is bothering us, and you happen to bring a long enough barrel to hit it accurately.

Absolver exception: At least 4 Barrels required for Cobra, 3 for Jobar and Pango.  



  As much as we’re sure you enjoy any or all of these, you will be escorted from the premises if you show up with any of them. There’s plenty of time to drink at dinner afterwards.



  We really don’t care how safe you made your pipe bomb, you’re not bringing it. We’ll let you know if we’re planning any big game hunts in the near future.

Exception: JSPB Pro  



  If you’ve been nerfing for any decent length of time, we don’t have to explain this. Absolver’d titans will be allowed, MIN 3 BARRELS.



 Same as the singled titan ban. And yes, we can tell. We didn’t fall off the cabbage truck yesterday.



 This will be done on a case by case basis but there a few things I do not want to see.

- anything made to look real

- overpowered airguns. Just because you reinforced you tank with epoxy doesn't mean you need to pump the sh*t out of it and shoot way harder then needed

- converted paintball guns (scepters are okay)


if you are not sure about a blaster show it to one of us. If you wouldn't want to be shot with your own blaster there is a good chance no one else wants to be shot with it either.





-Slingshot darts

 If you bring these we have a couple of our own and a couple shitcannons on site to shoot you with point blank. We let it slide last time but not anymore.


  I can’t believe we even have to put this here. To be honest anyone smarter than a sack of hammers can follow this.




  This includes Pak-D tips, Xplorer tips, homemade sili-domes, artifact darts, acc darts or any other types of silicone domes or other metal free alternative.


  #6 or PERFECT (foam and felt must COMPLETELY COVER the weight, not just the front. Yes it is possible. ) #8 slugs



  3/0, 3/16 ball bearing, single BB, etc. Basically 3/0 or lighter is allowed.


CDTS (Converted Dart Tag Stefan)

  Remember when people made these? We don’t.


  Any form of stock ammo, knockoff brand or otherwise. This includes Nerf, Buzz Bee, BoomCo, Rival and Sceptor balls, megas, missiles, whatever.   


  If your darts are made so poorly that they are unsafe we will not let you use them, you are more then welcome to use some from the community box though, just remember to return them at the end of the war.



3:15 Team Deathmatch

3:15 FFA



Civil War

Freeze Tag

Defend the Core

Monster Mash


Capture the Flag






  We will be having a Southeast style raffle. Please don’t bring absolute garbage, however there will most likely be a trash can nearby you can use for your Recon with a leaky shotblast tank that uses a vertical facing super soaker pump and only takes 50 pumps to fill. And no, we don’t care that it fires fine “if you shoot right after pumping”.



  We will probably go somewhere for dinner afterwards, whoever wants to come is welcome to.  




  • skullface44

  • the2ndbluesbro

  • buffdaddy (hopefully) 

  • curly +1

  • deaddumpster +1

  • grey 

  • k9 (hopefully) 

  • Tank 
  • charlie 156


#353711 The Return of Vengeance

Posted by skullface44 on 23 May 2016 - 09:28 PM in Nerf Wars

After some research, 3/0 fishing weights weigh approximately 0.5g, while 1/4 slingshot ammo weighs 1.0g. So what you bought from McMaster seems to be the exact ones companies sell as slingshot ammo. Sorry for my lack of research before replying the first time, your darts will not be allowed with those weights. 



Just weighed some 3/0 lead fishing weights and they are 1g too. Not sure if what you found was the weight of another size of fishing weight, but the 3/0 fishing weights I own (from Walmart) weigh the same as the 1/4" steel ball. I could use 3/0 weights in my darts, but I don't like to handle all that lead plus the steel balls are cheaper.


The 3/0 fishing weights from canadian tier and bass pro shop are .75g-.8g witch is the max weight for darts at the war. The darts in the community dart bin are made of a mix of sera rod, hot rod xl and some red foam from china. If they dont fit your barrel you can use one of mine or if your not using something that the barrel cant be changed you can use one of my blasters. 

#353694 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by skullface44 on 23 May 2016 - 02:52 PM in Homemades

Never really posted any of my work but here is everything that i have left, I sold most of it  


Rev shot 


Rev shot .jpg


Top one is a makeitgo M.O with a few changes such as using normal materials and it has been simplified. The bottom one is a scaled down multiple orgazem made to look like Xellahs v2 bullpup

bull pups .png  


A few snaps. From top to bottom there is a pump snap 3.0. tommygun style snap carbine and 2 snapbow mk5s 


Snaps .jpg


The top one is a rainbow pump made to look like dracs blood born. The wood is oak and apple wood that i milled out of a old tree in my backyard, you dont want to know how i stained it. The bottom one is a standard double rainbow 


rainbows .jpg

#353693 The Return of Vengeance

Posted by skullface44 on 23 May 2016 - 01:34 PM in Nerf Wars

I am hoping to attend this war, however I had a question about dart weight regulations. I use glue domed Stefan darts weighted with a 1/4" diameter steel ball from McMaster Carr. The steel ball weighs the same as a 3/0 lead fishing weight, but it is slightly larger. Would I be permitted to use these weights in my darts? Or would I have to switch to another type of weight for the war?


How heavy are they? If you dont know ill weigh them at the war. Bring one of the steel balls for me to look at too if you can. If they end up being to heavy your more the welcome to use my darts, I bring around 3000.

That's fine the weight is what matters not the diameter.


Slingshot weights are !/4 steel balls, so they are most likely not fine. Please do not answer questions about rule unless you are sure you know the answer. Just dont want it to get confusing 

#353396 Rev-shot Write up

Posted by skullface44 on 11 May 2016 - 09:40 AM in Homemades

Thanks for posting this, I know that my badgering must have been annoying.

Could you post a picture of the finished blaster? I don't see one on here and there aren't that many pictures of the revshot on NH anyway.

Also, what material are the "straps" that hold the plunger assembly to the lower receiver? I don't see them listed. 

You can use any 1/16" plastic for the straps as long as its flexible or can be bent with heat . Ill put a pic up later today. 

#353393 Rev-shot Write up

Posted by skullface44 on 10 May 2016 - 08:07 PM in Homemades

Thanks so much for posting this up. It's great to have the design back around and visible. As much as I prefer hoppered blasters for a lot of reasons, I would way rather build one of these than spend the money on Xploding up a Longshot.


A suggestion to those who want to build one of these but don't have access to a lathe: there are omnidirectional Rainbow catch designs, such as the one in Aeromech's write-up here (I'd offhand guess that Ryan and Beaver deserve the credit for coming up with that design but who cares). There are probably also ways to implement a SNAP-style catch on the plunger head if the builder didn't want to make a Rainbow, which would also reduce the effective length of the trigger.


Thanks again for posting this, dude. Nice job building it. Did you end up making a video of it?

No problem, I think so too. I prefer hopperd blasters as well  but lately iv been really liking all of the cheep rubber domes coming out of china and since they dont hopper iv been using this quite a bit. 


Yes, I made a video the day i posted it, the range test is a little dark but you can hear the dart hit my garage. It just took a long time to upload because i live in the middle of no where and the internet is slow. 

#353377 Rev-shot Write up

Posted by skullface44 on 09 May 2016 - 08:33 PM in Homemades



Fist off I would like to say that I am doing this wright up because I have had quite a few people ask me to do it and since there isn't a lot of revshots around and the original wright up is not available anymore  I thought  it would be a good thing to have around. Especially since there is a lot of cheap, safe and good darts that dont hopper that well coming out of china lately i figured a few people might want to build a mag fed homemade again. Secondly  I have to mention that I did not design this blaster, from what I have seen luiec3 is responsible for this blaster . This blaster was purchased from a nerfhaven user (luckydude), although most of the blaster has been re built some of the credit goes to him for building the blaster because it aloud me to study the blaster inside and out,make the changes I thought where necessary and eventually do this wright up. SInce I dont have anything else to reference im going to assume the way I received this blaster was the way they were intended to be. Here is a list the "stock" features and a list of the changes i made. I perceive  them as upgrades but that is just my opinion. The 1.25" Thin wall plunger tube can be substituted with a ERTL PAS plunger tube( witch is even bigger), if you do this use the stock pas plunger head. 


Specs of blaster when recived:


- 1 1/4" pvc plunger tube

- 5" of draw

- brass and cpvc breach going into a  12"petg barrel

- 1 1/2" thinwall pvc pump grip 

- #6-32 hardware 

- rainbow catch 

- omni directional catch 

- U cup+rubber washer seal 

- [k26] spring 


Changes made:


- expanded plunger tube using  1-1/4 thin wall pvc (for a even bigger plunger tube a pas PT can be used) 

- 9/16 brass breach with tightening rings ( 14" barrel ) 

- [k26]+ arrow storm spring 

- spring spacer for more compression 

- stronger catch spring 

- #10-32 bolt for the priming rod 

- Polycarb and delrin angled fore grip added to the pump 

- air release hole in breach for smooth loading 


Matierals needed:


- 1' of 1/2" nylon rod

- 2' of 1.5" thinwallpvc 

- 3' of 1' pvc 

- 5/8" clear thinwall pvc 

- 1"- 1/2" pvc bushing 

- 2' of 1/2 pvc

- 12" of 1 1/4 pvc 

- 3/4" of 1 1/2 sink drain extension pipe 

- #6 1/4" nylon spacers 

- 3' of 1/4"x  1/2" aluminum bar 

- 12x6 1/4" polycarb sheet 

- Any 1/2" thick plastic (i used hdpe )

-  3/8 #6-32 set screws x 4 

- 3/4 #6-32 pan head screws x3

- 1/2" #6-32 pan head screws x 17

- 3/8 #6-32 pan head screws x 8

- #6 washers x7

- 2" #10-32  bolt with matching lock nut

- 6" of 2" Dia. plastic rod ( nylon,delrin or pvc can be used) 

- 1/4" aluminum rod 

- tuck tape

- 6x6 3/4" thick peace of hard wood 

- U cup seal 9691k57

- 1.5" rubber washer 

- 1/2" of 17/32" brass 

- 18" of 9/16" brass 

- 5 3/8"  19/32" brass

- 5 1/8" of 1/2" brass

- 6x12 sheet 1/16" plastic ( I used styrene) 



- #6-32 and #10-32 tap

- drill press

- scrollsaw

- bandsaw

- holesaw

- 7/64" dril bit 

- lathe

- tools for lathe I ground my own out of H.H.S blanks because its cheaper but you can buy them if you want  (boring tool, standard bit,grooving bit)

- vernier calipers 

- screw driver 

- marker 



- pvc primer 

- solvent weld

- epoxy 

- epoxy putty

- hot glue

- super glue 

- goop

- lepage 100% glue or Go2glue



Step 1: The Magewell 


- Here are drawings of the mag well,trigger and support  bar for the mag well. You will need to make 2 of the side plates. These are not templates but you could probably get away with cutting them out. Just measure the drawing when you print it and see if its close to the dimensions.   These parts are made of 1/4" polycarb



magwell drawing .jpg



trigger and mag side .jpg


It will look like this when its done 


mag well .jpg


 make the aluminium  bar before you put the mag well together.  it will help you line everything up correctly. 



Step 2 : Body 


- Cut 20 1/4" of 1 1/2" thinwall pvc. divide the pvc into 8 sections. I like to use one colour for the 1/4s and another for the 1/8ths. mark out the mag well slot by  starting at 7/8" from one side of the pvc and ending at 4 5/8", make it 1" wide and cut with a dremel this will now be the front of the blaster. 




body .jpg



Step 3 : Slots 


- place the body with the mag well facing towards you and mark out the slots. They start at 5 3/4" and end at 10 1/4", make them wide enough so a #10-32 bolt slides freely. Sorry for the bad picture. 


slots .jpg



Step 4 : The breach support  


This is the part you need a lathe for. Get your 2" rod and cut it 1/2 longer then you need it to be, that will give you lots of room to face off the part on both sides and make both faces square. When you are making these parts make sure to have a scrap peace of the 1 1/2" thinwall pvc with you to check the fit of your parts.adjust  the size of these two parts to what ever you need, they should be able to fit into your pvc easily but not be able to slide too much. Wile your at the lathe go ahead and make the aluminum support  bar for the mag well too.  Im sure there are other ways to do this though. I drew a quick sketch of the parts 



magwell lathed parts drawing .jpg


They will look like this when you are done 


brach support (back).jpg


front support.jpg









Step 5 : The catch 


Make a standard rainbow catch. Templates can be found here: http://nerfhaven.com.../20330-rainbow/


now cut a  5" peace of 1 1/4" pvc and screw the rainbow catch in place using set screws. it should look like this when you are done 




Rap e tap around the tube until it fits in the 1 1/2" thinwall pvc 


Now line up the catch tube so its flush with the back of the 1 1/2" pvc body and mark where the catch hole need to be. Now drill a hole where your mark lines up with the the next 1/4 line over from the line you make one of the slots on. This will now be the bottom of the blaster.


catch alingment .jpg




The hole will need to be big enough to let the catch screw slide freely but small enough so the spring has something to rest on. If you mess up and make it too big its not a problem the spring will rest on the 1 1/4" pvc that is nested inside the blaster.  After you have done this put the catch tube in the blaster and screw in the catch screw, this will hold the tube in place for now.



catch spring .jpg



put  3 or 4 screw though the 1 1/2" and 1 1/4" pvc to hold the catch tube in place, make sure to not hit the catch with these screws. The placement of the screws  does not matter but make it look nice 






step 6 : The plunger tube 


Get your 1 1/4" thin wall pvc and cut it to 6". Now get your 1 1/2" sink drain extension pipe and cut a 1/2 peace. Take your 1" to 1/2" pvc bushing and tap with tape until its snug in the drain pipe. Solvent weld the peaces together so the front of the bushing is flush with the 1 1/2" drain pipe. Now get a stub of 1/2 pvc and solvent weld it into the bushing.  Next measure 3/4" from the front of the part and cut( make sure its dry first). It should look like this when you are done 








Now that you have your 3/4" long plunger cap  solvent weld it into the 1 1/4 thin wall plunger tube so it is flush with the front. After it is cured drill a 5//32" hole 3/8"from the front of the plunger tube, make sure its going straight through.  It should look like this when you are done. 


plunger tube .jpg



Step 7 : The breach 


The sized of brass used will depend on if you make a 17/32" barrel or a 9/16" barrel. I used 9/16". First measure out 17" of  your barrel material ( i used 9/16"). next measure 4 1/4" from one end of the brass and mark with a sharpie. Now draw a line around half of the brass then draw two straight lines to the end of the brass. Shade in the area and cut it out, i Used a band saw with a metal blade but a dremel  works just as well.  It will look like this when you are done 




I lost the pictures for this part but its very easy. Cut 10 1/2" of 1/2" pvc and 1" pvc then glue the 1/2" pvc into the 1" pvc so 2 1/2" of the 1/2" pvc is sticking out of one end of the 1" pvc. You may need to sand don the 1/2" pvc. Once it has cured take your brass barrel and glue it into the 1/2" pvc so that the end of the barrel is flush with the 1/2" pvc sticking out of the 1" pvc. Make sure to add tightening rings to the brass (if you want to ) before you glue it in. It should look like this when you are done. 


barrel .jpg


Next we are going to make the bolt and pusher, if you are using a 9/16 barrel like me you will need 19/32" brass and 1/2 brass.  Cut 5 3/8" of your 19/32" brass and 5 1/8" of your 1/2 brass. now cut 1/2" of your 17/32" brass and  9/16" brass. Now super glue the 17/32" brass into the 9/16" brass then super glue that onto one end of the 1/2" brass this is now your pusher . after you have done this carefull drill a 2 7/64" holes anywhere in the 1/2 pusher, make sure to debur the holes. These holes will prevents a vacuum forming  behind the dart then it is being loaded. Next take your 19/32 brass and super glue it onto the pusher. Your bolt is now done. I used a peace of 5/8" brass to bridge the gap between the 19/32" and the 1/2 pvc but you can use e-tap if you dont have any. It will look something like this



Now that you have this peace you can glue it into the plunger tube. Make sure none of it sticks out on the inside of the plunger tube. I used Lepage 100% glue for this because its strong but flexible, if your in the states this is called go2glue. Once it is cured you can carefully drill though the brass using the holes that you already drilled in the pvc plunger tube. To make sure everything is air tight put a ring of glue (goop or Lepage 100% glue/go2glue) around the bottom of the brass and let it cure, next put a layer of glue all over the front of the plunger tube. I dont have a pic of this sorry. 




Step 8: The pump grip 


Take your aluminum bar and cut two 14 1/4" peaces. Make sure one end is nice and square and round off one end.  Now cut a 3 1/3" peace of 1 1/4" pvc and 1 1/2" pvc and nest them together, you will need to rap the smaller size with e-tape. Now  on the rounded side of the bars drill a 3/16" hole though both bars, to make sure the hole is in the same spot on both bars i like to tape them together with some packing tape.  next drill 3 --- holes on the square side of the bars, i drilled them 1/4" apart.  Now that you have done that put everything aside, the holes that will allow the bars to be attached to the pvc are drilled later.  This would be a good time to make a grip for your pump if you want to. Mine looked like this when i was done 



Step 9: the plunger 


Get your 1/2" nylon rod and cut it to 10 1/2" next make your catch notch 5 1/4" back from one end of the rod (it must be omni directional). This one was cut on a lathe.  If you do use a lathe, center drill one end and then drill a 17/64" hole about 3/4" deep then tap with a 6-32 tap.


plunger catch .jpg



Now get your 1/4 polycarb( 1/4" hdpe works too) and cut 3 disks, two disks using a 1 3/8" hole saw and the other with a 1 1/8" hole saw. Once you have that done get your u cup and put the small disk in the center of it then the two other ones sandwiching it the screw it onto your plunger rod.I have a 1 1/2" rubber washer under my u-cup but its not necessary.   I padded mine with some craft foam and a rubber washer.


plunger head.jpg


I made a spacer for more spring compression out of 1/2" pvc and cpvc and come 3/4" pvc but its not necessary. It helps performance quite a bit in my opinion though. 


Step 10: handel 


Cut 2 1/4" of 1 1/4" pvc, chamfer both ends then cut the top off. This cut does not need to be perfect it will be cleaned up later. Do not take a lot off though, just enough to give you room to screw in the handle. You can make the handle any shape you want, I made a simple one out of oak. Attach the handle using 3 drywall or wood screws, i like to us 1/2 screws on the outside holes and a 1" screw in the middle. I also put some epoxy around the joint between the wood and pvd to smooth it out but its not necessary. Stain or paint the handle how ever you want, I just rapped e tape around mine. It will look something like this when you are done 


handel .jpg


Step 11: The stock 


Cut a peace of 1 1/2" pvc how ever long you want then cut a peace of 1 1/4" pvc the same size. Glue the 1 1/4" into the 1 1/2 then glue that into the elbow. It will look like this when its done 




Step 12: trigger housing


 Cut three disks that will fit snugly in 1" pvc  from you 1/2" plastic , I used a small peace of 1" pvc to trace the inside of the pipe onto the plastic.  Next cut a 14" peace of 1" pvc. Cut the top off of the 1' pvc your taking about a little bit more then 1/4 of the pipe off. The goal of this is to have it sit nicely onto the 1 1/2" pvc body. Now put your disks indie the 1" and mark how much need to be taken off of them for everything to sit nicely onto the 1 1/2 pvc. After you have done that cut a slot on the bottom of the pvc, it will start 1" from the end and finish 2 1/2" from the end,this will allow the trigger to slide.  Now take the disks out of the 1" pvc and cut groves in the bottom of them big enough to let the trigger slide though them. Next cut a small triangle out of polycarbonate, this may take few tries to get right, I dont have measurements for you sorry. Secure the triangle into one of the disks using a small pin, the triangle  must be able to move, it will be what pushes on the catch screw. Here a some pictures of mine, if this does not make sense watch the video that is linked at the end of the wright up. 


cut trigger houseing .jpg


trigger brakets .jpg



Step 13: assembly 


Get your front magwell and insert it into the blaster, next get your front breach support peace and insert it into the front of the blaster, it should be pretty much flush with the pvc. Secure the front breach support with 3/8" 6/32 screws, i used 4. Next get your back breach support and slide it in the back of the blaster until it fits into the other side of the magwell. Next you slide your plunger tube with the plunger and springs in it into the back of the blaster, make sure you lube the plunger up well.  Next screw in your catch tube into the back of the blaster, you want your plunger rod to be sicking out of the catch by at least a 1/4" but no more then 1". Your should have something that looks like this now. 


plunger rod in catch.jpg


here is a pic of how the internals are in the blaster 


guts .jpg


Now screw on the trigger housing and stock. The trigger housing is supported by the magwell and the straps. Screw on the stock using one long screw at the bottom of the stock, you want the screw you go though the trigger housing, this will make sure it does not move backwards.  


back end .jpg


The last thing to do it to put the pump on, get your 2" 10-32 bolt and screw on the aluminum bars with it and secure with a lock nut on the other side, you do not want to over tighten this. Next slide the pump onto the front of the blaster and screw it to the aluminum bars. You can play around with the location a bit but make sure you can prime the blaster. 




 Here is a pic of what mine looks like 


Rev shot .jpg


A link to a video with a fireing test, range test, trigger demo and some ideas on how to now use a lathe will be up shortly. Thank you for reading, hope this helps. Questions are welcome 


Link: https://www.youtube....h?v=35TzVKIyOp0

Attached Thumbnails

  • pump grip .jpg
  • trigger houseing done .jpg
  • brass barrel .jpg
  • asembled mag well .jpg
  • assebled barrel.jpg
  • trigger.jpg
  • recever notch.jpg

#353261 The Return of Vengeance

Posted by skullface44 on 05 May 2016 - 11:05 AM in Nerf Wars

Location: 1695 Dundas St W, Mississauga, ON L5C 1E3


Admission: Last war I had a few people not pay so im being as clear as possible  . If you don't pay you don't play. Wars cost money to do and its not fair that some people contribute and other dont. To anyone whats wondering where the money goes it all goes toward renting the area, buying cover and maintaining the large dart bin. If your not okay with that don't come.  The cost of admission will depend on how many people show up. The cost per person will lower depending on how many people come 



When: June, 19,2016  war starts at 10 





  One or more good primary blasters, and if possible a backup in case your blaster breaks. If your blaster does end up breaking, we have loaners available for you to use.


  A pistol for pistol rounds. And no, a Nitefinder rifle doesn’t count. However, a Panther or Pistol Splat does :)  



  Melee is allowed but it must be either Nerf brand or homemade perfectly. We will check any homemade boffer weapons, unless we know you and trust that you know what to do. Also, you must also be bringing a blaster (this is to prevent LARPers showing up with just melee, however unlikely that is). Most LARP weapons will be allowed; if it is similar to the N-Force line in terms of materials (foam outer layer and plastic core).

Special restriction on homemade melee weapons: Length limit of 3 FEET. That is the length of the Marauder longsword.




  As many darts as you see fit, I am bringing 500 for myself. We have a community bin you can use, but dart fit may vary. I would prefer everyone to bring there own but the community dart bin is available to those who need darts. If you use my darts you WILL help us dart sweep at the end of the day.


  There won’t be any places to get water close to the field so please bring your own. I will be bringing a cooler with a case of water in it for myself and any idiots that forget to bring some.


  A good mood, no one wants to war with a jerk. If you are causing problems with other players you will be escorted from the premises.


  Bring one or eat before you get there, but we will probably order a pizza or something anyway.


  Your eyes are pretty much the only part of your body that can be seriously hurt by a nerf dart, I really would like to see everyone with some kind of eye protection. However, if you are

1.Over 18 years of age or  2. An idiot, we cannot legally force you to.





  You can bring a converted Hydro Cannon to f*ck with between rounds for the LOLs, but if it shoots water, don’t bring it. If you have a converted super soaker that you feel is safe, you’re welcome to bring it and one of us will check it.   



  Nope. Not a chance. You can bring it just in case a raccoon is bothering us, and you happen to bring a long enough barrel to hit it accurately.

Absolver exception: At least 4 Barrels required for Cobra, 3 for Jobar and Pango.  



  As much as we’re sure you enjoy any or all of these, you will be escorted from the premises if you show up with any of them. There’s plenty of time to drink at dinner afterwards.



  We really don’t care how safe you made your pipe bomb, you’re not bringing it. We’ll let you know if we’re planning any big game hunts in the near future.

Exception: JSPB Pro  



  If you’ve been nerfing for any decent length of time, we don’t have to explain this. Absolver’d titans will be allowed, MIN 3 BARRELS.



 Same as the singled titan ban. And yes, we can tell. We didn’t fall off the cabbage truck yesterday.



 This will be done on a case by case basis but there a few things I do not want to see.

- anything made to look real

- overpowered airguns. Just because you reinforced you tank with epoxy doesn't mean you need to pump the sh*t out of it and shoot way harder then needed

- converted paintball guns (scepters are okay)


if you are not sure about a blaster show it to one of us. If you wouldn't want to be shot with your own blaster there is a good chance no one else wants to be shot with it either.





-Slingshot darts

 If you bring these we have a couple of our own and a couple shitcannons on site to shoot you with point blank. We let it slide last time but not anymore.


  I can’t believe we even have to put this here. To be honest anyone smarter than a sack of hammers can follow this.




  This includes Pak-D tips, Xplorer tips, homemade sili-domes, artifact darts, acc darts or any other types of silicone domes or other metal free alternative.


  #6 or PERFECT (foam and felt must COMPLETELY COVER the weight, not just the front. Yes it is possible. ) #8 slugs



  3/0, 3/16 ball bearing, single BB, etc. Basically 3/0 or lighter is allowed.


CDTS (Converted Dart Tag Stefan)

  Remember when people made these? We don’t.


  Any form of stock ammo, knockoff brand or otherwise. This includes Nerf, Buzz Bee, BoomCo, Rival and Sceptor balls, megas, missiles, whatever.   


  If your darts are made so poorly that they are unsafe we will not let you use them, you are more then welcome to use some from the community box though, just remember to return them at the end of the war.



3:15 Team Deathmatch

3:15 FFA



Civil War

Freeze Tag

Defend the Core

Monster Mash


Capture the Flag






  We will be having a Southeast style raffle. Please don’t bring absolute garbage, however there will most likely be a trash can nearby you can use for your Recon with a leaky shotblast tank that uses a vertical facing super soaker pump and only takes 50 pumps to fill. And no, we don’t care that it fires fine “if you shoot right after pumping”.



  We will probably go somewhere for dinner afterwards, whoever wants to come is welcome to.  




  • skullface44

  • the2ndbluesbro

  • buffdaddy

  • curly

  • deaddumpster

  • grey 

  • k9 (hopefully) 

#353006 Grease

Posted by skullface44 on 24 April 2016 - 10:03 AM in Modifications

I think super lube is the best, mixing silicon grease with silicon oil is really good too. Just grease the plunger and plunger tube up then spray a little of the oil inside the tube after, works especially well on snaps 

#352605 Oznerfnerd Longshot kit

Posted by skullface44 on 03 April 2016 - 07:17 PM in Modifications

What should I get then OMW, Artifact, or Oznerfnerd?

well if you have to just pick one I would get the artifact kit. But if you have the money to get a few kits I would get all three. the big hammer kit seems cool too 

#352588 Oznerfnerd Longshot kit

Posted by skullface44 on 03 April 2016 - 12:08 AM in Modifications

Personally I like it, its a good addition to a OMW kit , artifact kit or a brass breach. 



-very nice 3d printing quality

- the metal reinforcement peaces make the stock parts very strong when glued properly 

- dead space reduction peace is a nice clean alternative to using hot glue 

- very nice 14kg spring with ground ends (best on the market in my opinion) 

-plunger reinforcement centres  the spring and really supports the weak part of the plunger rod 

- the lube it comes with is very good 



- you must use very strong epoxy to glue the bolt sled reinforcement parts. super glue will not work, jb weld broke on me, lepage epoxy broke as well, the only one that worked was aroldite and i had to import it from australia 

- the bolts that are ment to go though the plunger cap (micky mouse peace) are a pain to get on and the nuts did not fit unless i bent the bolt quite a bit. The bent bolt would not go though the screw ports unless i used alot of force. 

- its expensive to ship from Australia to canada or the US 

#352433 Can I use E-600 instead of Goop, for securing Petg in 1/2"PVC

Posted by skullface44 on 25 March 2016 - 04:49 PM in Darts and Barrels

I use e-6000, in my experience its stronger then Goop. I seal all my bushings with it too 

#351876 Whats the best Nerf gun to use with bad rounds?

Posted by skullface44 on 28 February 2016 - 09:47 PM in General Nerf

Dont mean to point out the obvious but why not just get your own darts? 

#351204 Verified "Voberry" Darts

Posted by skullface44 on 28 January 2016 - 05:32 PM in Darts and Barrels

Use the word "hole" while searching darts on eBay (i.e. "nerf dart hole") and look for entrees showing "with hole" or "w/ hole". This should get you many colors of the *berry variations. I haven't put this to the test though, so I'm not sure what the final product that arrives is like, but you shouldn't get FVJ's. Check the photos to be sure.

Alternatively, listen to this guy ^. The darts he listed perform far better and fly straighter. Make sure you replace "ebay.ca" to "ebay.com" if you're in the U.S.


Additionally, the following search terms are helpful:


"koosh" for finding Koosh darts. The few sellers who list them have caught onto that.

"sucker" for USC (Universal Suction Clone) darts. These are very cheap and have gotten quite competitive. I highly recommend them over FVJ's.


Unfortunately, ACC darts don't seem to use the correct search helper term.


To find Acc darts just type " Nerf dart black" , works for me every time 

#351084 Parasite Blaster/Mounting Technique

Posted by skullface44 on 24 January 2016 - 10:30 AM in Homemades

Good work. So simple I don't know why no one has done it before. I would've underslung an airgun, but there's no nothing wrong with a RBPistol. Only issue I can see is sourcing the thinwall pipe, which from what I remember is difficult to find.


Thin wall is pretty easy to get, garden stores sell it sometimes, jjdowns has it and flex pvc ships to canada 

#351082 Verified "Voberry" Darts

Posted by skullface44 on 24 January 2016 - 10:23 AM in Darts and Barrels

Are ACC darts aloud? They have a very soft tip and preform better then elite darts. Koosh darts would also be a good alternative. If elite suction cup darts are aloud you could probably get away with knock off suction cup darts. Here is a few links, hope this helps 







#350894 Canadain Winter War (Ontario)

Posted by skullface44 on 18 January 2016 - 11:45 PM in Nerf Wars




here is a link to a download for 81 pics from this war that my father took near the end. i sereously suggest taking a look at them because they are pretty cool

p.s any one wanna get into contact with me im dexter. contact me through block0king@gmail.com

the link says "download is no longer available"

#350451 Canadain Winter War (Ontario)

Posted by skullface44 on 03 January 2016 - 11:03 PM in Nerf Wars

Thank you to everyone that came out to the war and to everyone that contributed to the war fund. The was was amazing, all you guys are amazing. Thanks again, means the world to me 

#349887 Canadain Winter War (Ontario)

Posted by skullface44 on 07 December 2015 - 06:06 PM in Nerf Wars

Cant belive I spelt Canadian wrong lol, I guess thats what I get for being on nerfhaven instead of studying.

#349881 Canadain Winter War (Ontario)

Posted by skullface44 on 07 December 2015 - 05:43 PM in Nerf Wars


Vaughan sportsplex 8301 Keele st, Vaughan Ontario    https://www.google.c...1e8e23f3d331d8e


When: January  3rd 10:00am-4:00pm


What to bring:
- One or more good primary blasters as well as a secondary blaster. If your blaster brakes I will most likely be able let you use one of mine
- A springer pistol for pistol rounds
- As many darts as you see fit, I am bringing 500 for my self as well as what ever is in my dart bin for anyone that did not bring enough darts
- Water
- A good mood, no one wants to war with a jerk. If you are causing problems with other players I will ask you to leave
- Bring a lunch, we will probabaly order a pizza like ususal.
- Eye protection. Your eyes are pretty much the only part of your body that can be seriously hurt by a nerf dart, I really would like to see everyone with some kind of eye protection but I wont make you if you don't want to.

What not to bring:
- Water guns
- Alcohol or drugs
- Homemade airguns
- singled titans

Blaster restrictions:
- This will mostly be done on a case by case basis, if you are not sure about a blaster show it to me.If you would not want to be shot with your own blaster there is a good chance no one else wants to be shot with it either.

-Since we are inside this time I would not like to see any really powerfull airguns

- #6 or #8 slugs as well as 3/0 or lighter glue domes will be aloud. If your darts are made so poorly that they are unsafe I will not let you use them, you are more then welcome to use some of mine though.
- No exposed metal
- Silicone domes and x darts are fine too



- This is a indoor war, range isnt as important as when we play outside. Rate of fire is more important when at a indoor war (IMO).

Game types:
- 3:15
- defend the core
- slaughter


Who will be there:

- Me

- 2ndbluesbro

- Cheyne

- deaddumpster

- grey

- charlie

- buffydaddy

- bookworm

- Tankrat

- Brayden

- Pearson

- Josh (maybe)

#349213 I'm making foam

Posted by skullface44 on 20 October 2015 - 06:42 PM in Darts and Barrels

Look here is the deal. If everyone has not quit nerf by this summer I will have foam for sale and go more indepth on my manufacturing proses.

Summer has come and gone, how about seeing that extrusion processes now?


#348926 3D printed longshot shotgun grip?

Posted by skullface44 on 01 October 2015 - 07:41 PM in Modifications

If you don't want to use china buy this guy is selling them on ebay.

If you copy and past the link for the f10555 shotgun grip from TaoBao to chinabuy it says the item is not available, however if you try to order from f10555's page on taobao it says its in stock. since I cant seem to figure out how to order from taobao directly I ended up ordering though a even sketchier agent then china buy. I'm not to worried because I payed though pay pal but just in case I ordered one from that guy on ebay too. I will post an updated when/if they come in

#348790 RevShot writeup?

Posted by skullface44 on 19 September 2015 - 11:06 PM in Homemades

Yeah there are some reliability issues, I figured anyone using one would carry a few 18 clips with them on a vest or something. Maybe we should take a look at the design and see if there's any room for improvement (Larger PT?). Also sometimes you can fail to prime the pumpsnap all the way if you're tired near the end of a war, but the shorter draw of the RevShot usually avoids that. There are also less complicated parts on a Pumpsnap, I still have no idea how the RevShot works.

I'd rather have a pocket full darts and a hopper over a vest full of mags. The mags have to be modded if you want to shoot stefan darts too, witch is a pain in the ass. Dont get me wrong I love my rev shot, iv put a lot of time into tuning it. I even made specific darts for it, but doesn't fit my play style.

#348788 RevShot writeup?

Posted by skullface44 on 19 September 2015 - 09:02 PM in Homemades

That'll be an awesome addition to nerfhaven's library. Honestly I think it's more effective than a pumpsnap. Higher capacity and consistent shots.

I disagree , yea its nice but it has the plunger volume of a longshot. The brass breach can sometimes chop darts and mis feed and reloading mags isn't fast at all. Sure you could carry pre loaded mags but that's a pain (In my opinion). I would take a hoppered snap/rainbow pump over a rev shot any day. There is a reason people stopped making them.

#348774 RevShot writeup?

Posted by skullface44 on 17 September 2015 - 06:43 PM in Homemades

I don't own one but hopefully someone who does will see this thread. Also I'm pretty sure it needed a custom lathed part as well. We really should limit all Nerf stuff to the Haven, it really sucks that people are going to Facebook.

I have one, Its the one I had at the last war. Ill post pics and measurements when I have some time

#348679 The Canadian Hell Before Halloween

Posted by skullface44 on 08 September 2015 - 09:35 AM in Nerf Wars

Location: My place, (Caledon East) Pm for address

When: Postponed
What to bring:
- One or more good primary blasters as well as a secondary blaster. If your blaster brakes I will most likely be able let you use one of mine
- A springer pistol for pistol rounds
- As many darts as you see fit, I am bringing 500 for my self as well as what ever is in my dart bin for anyone that did not bring enough darts
- Water, there will not be any places to get water close to the field so please bring your own. I will be bringing a cooler with a case of water in it for my self and any idiots that forget to bring some
- A good mood, no one wants to war with a jerk. If you are causing problems with other players I will ask you to leave
- Bring a lunch, there will not be anywhere to go eat that is close by. I have BBQs, but screw that lets order pizza like last time
- Eye protection. Your eyes are pretty much the only part of your body that can be seriously hurt by a nerf dart, I really would like to see everyone with some kind of eye protection but I wont make you if you don't want to.

What not to bring:
- Water guns
- Alcohol or drugs, I would be the first to want to go get a beer with everyone (that is legal) after the war but the park is not place for that. We will get kicked out if people see that.
- Homemade airguns
- singled titans

Blaster restrictions:
- This will mostly be done on a case by case basis, if you are not sure about a blaster show it to me.If you would not want to be shot with your own blaster there is a good chance no one else wants to be shot with it either.

- #6 or #8 slugs as well as 3/0 or lighter glue domes will be aloud. If your darts are made so poorly that they are unsafe I will not let you use them, you are more then welcome to use some of mine though.
- No exposed metal
- Silicone domes and x darts are fine too

Game types:
- 3:15
- defend the core
- slaughter

Who will be there:
- Me
- 2ndbluesbro
- condoboy
- curly

#348299 The Mississauga Massacre

Posted by skullface44 on 08 August 2015 - 11:44 PM in Nerf Wars

So this event is for homemades?

If you read the posts you would know the answer to your own question. Your in Mississauga, you should come. If you don't have a blaster you can use one of mine.

#348074 Feedback

Posted by skullface44 on 26 July 2015 - 10:11 PM in Off Topic

I told you both of the places that I know of to get brass. Both are in the GTA, why pay for it in USD + shipping when you can just buy it locally? its not hard to find

#347918 The Mississauga Massacre

Posted by skullface44 on 18 July 2015 - 05:32 PM in Nerf Wars

could I come? I might bring one or two friends we got tons of blasters and tons of darts. im curios, are modded blasters aloud?

of course you can come, bring as many people as you want.