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#39040 X-bow Rebuild Fs V2.0

Posted by macman on 15 October 2004 - 10:01 PM in Modifications

obviously dan is cooler than you, though... you didn't do jack with it!

#43271 Who Would Buy Colored Backer Rod?

Posted by macman on 03 December 2004 - 07:42 PM in General Nerf

hey, man...

You're new, right? Please don't post in old topics. This is old.


#42510 What Is Up With The Site?

Posted by macman on 25 November 2004 - 04:50 PM in Site Feedback


An OS is an operating system. For the basic version of your OS, open the 'start' menu and look to the left... it should say something like "Windows 98" or "windows 2000 Professional". If theres nothing there, then you are using the crappy XP interface.

I'm assuming your an average Joe user and aren't using a mac or Linux.

to take a screenshot, hit the "Print Screen" button next to "F12". then, go to mspaint.exe and paste it in. Save as .jpg, upload it somewhere, and insert it into a post.

I'm sure theres a better way to do some of this, w/e.

#42146 Urgent X-bow Help

Posted by macman on 21 November 2004 - 12:00 PM in Modifications

no idea, but...

Happy Birthday!

#41462 True Self Expression

Posted by macman on 11 November 2004 - 06:06 PM in Off Topic

I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, but I realized what crap it really was when i was almost second degree and quit. Now I practice with my Chinese friend a bit, and thats so much better than Tae Kwon Do classes.... I've done a little work with katanas, numchucks and bos, not to say that i'm proficient with any weapon!

#41628 True Self Expression

Posted by macman on 14 November 2004 - 03:54 PM in Off Topic

Posted Image
These guys kick some serious ass.

#39635 Towards A Reliable Fully Auto Homemade

Posted by macman on 23 October 2004 - 02:53 PM in Homemades

you now? i now too.

#39644 Towards A Reliable Fully Auto Homemade

Posted by macman on 23 October 2004 - 05:06 PM in Homemades

alright, i was just poking fun at you :lol:

#45544 This Is How You Suck

Posted by macman on 06 January 2005 - 11:52 AM in Off Topic

not to be sexist, but...

girls seem to like nickelback, much more than guys. And, please, lets not shit all over someones musical tastes... thats the lowest thing a person can do in my book. Well, short of that whole Nazi-hatecrime thing. :wacko:


#36997 The New G5 From Apple

Posted by macman on 12 September 2004 - 08:41 AM in Off Topic

mmm... UNIX on a mac or Linux.... i personally run OS X, Windows XP, and Debian. of them all, my favorite, by far, is my eMac. It is a powerful combination of UNIX power and Apple beauty/simplicity of design/user friendliness.

#37028 The New G5 From Apple

Posted by macman on 12 September 2004 - 02:02 PM in Off Topic

I've got a PC i built myself, and an eMac. The PC is mine, so thats what i use, but i hate it..... oh i hate this computer. I LOATHE IT. its pure joy when i get the chance to sit down at my eMac, what a beautiful machine.... the eMac is the family computer.
I also love my iPod... oh, and

So suddenly, Macs are looking awsome... I mean, look at that G5!

is very true. When the announcement of the new iMacs came to slashdot, there were employees of Intel who said they wanted one... that is just awesome.

#44763 The General, General, New Player Guide

Posted by macman on 24 December 2004 - 01:38 PM in General Nerf

wow, ok, you didn't even quote right. And you've just insulted someone who took a shitload of time to help people like you out. If Ompa's life is pathetic, at least he has a life for it to be pathetic.

#40800 The General, General, New Player Guide

Posted by macman on 04 November 2004 - 07:24 PM in General Nerf

Very nice, you post whore, you.

#39440 Sox Vs. Yanks

Posted by macman on 20 October 2004 - 10:52 PM in Off Topic

yeah... see, i don't follow football... But in the past they haven't been the best of teams. I'm sorry for making a dumb blanket statement :(. Please forgive me!

#39428 Sox Vs. Yanks

Posted by macman on 20 October 2004 - 09:31 PM in Off Topic

Hey, mets do suck, but yeah, whatever.

They shared a stadium, and the jets suck too... they're the same team!!


#39420 Sox Vs. Yanks

Posted by macman on 20 October 2004 - 09:02 PM in Off Topic

YEAH!!! GOT METS!! M-E-T-S... oh, right.

Yeah, go Sox!!

#38746 Shoot Me. Shoot Me Now!

Posted by macman on 10 October 2004 - 08:39 PM in Off Topic

so, um, heard of blogging? don't post your life in here... just go grab a livejournal or something.

#37627 Semi Auto Sniper Rifle

Posted by macman on 22 September 2004 - 03:10 PM in Modifications

why not have two modes of fire, a short and a long range? all you need are two secondary bladders and a two-way valve. The secondaries will fill off your primary and you can select which secondary to fill. Doing this, you also regulate the amount of air discharged, so you'll get more shots using the short-ranges secondary bladder. In fact, you could make a regulated semi-auto if you could make an automatic-refill valve...

#40151 Self-pumping Fully Automatic Patent

Posted by macman on 28 October 2004 - 11:06 PM in General Nerf

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

Lima Mike Foxtrot Alpha Oscar.

#41117 Revenge Of The Sith

Posted by macman on 08 November 2004 - 12:47 AM in Off Topic

Han was enrolled in the Imperial Academy when he saved Chewbacca from execution by disobeying orders from a superior officer. He was dishonorably discharged and Chewbacca became his partner through a Wookie Life-debt for saving his life.


#42054 Prank Ideas

Posted by macman on 19 November 2004 - 06:32 PM in Off Topic

:cry: oh MAN! Jeez, thats a heart-wrenching story...

#39512 Powerclip Question

Posted by macman on 21 October 2004 - 08:50 PM in Modifications

oh no, not five paragraphs... :P

#39144 Politics 'n Food

Posted by macman on 17 October 2004 - 12:01 AM in Off Topic

I'm a huge fan of ginger beer and birch beer.

Kerry doesn't specifically support gay marriage, btw... he just doesn't want a constitutional ammendment banning it.

#44702 Oops

Posted by macman on 23 December 2004 - 09:18 PM in Off Topic

wait, i'm confused. C, did you ban him? It says he's unregistered. I didn't think banning did that?

Please excuse my dumb-assery if this is blatantly obvious. I just don't get it.

#43663 Nooo, Dimebag Darrell!

Posted by macman on 09 December 2004 - 08:06 PM in Off Topic

Why the fuck are guns legal.

Hey man, i agree that guns are pretty vicious and evil sometimes, this isn't how guns should be used. Ever. However, guns are legal because...

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

--The Constitution of the United States of America

Unless of course you are not a member of this glorious Empire of Bush. Then you are subject to your own local governmental bullcrap.

#43624 Nooo, Dimebag Darrell!

Posted by macman on 09 December 2004 - 05:29 PM in Off Topic


This is fucking terrible... Pantera rules. And Dimebag is dead.... wtf wtf wtf

I heard from my friend that the shooter may have been an on-duty cop. Why would he do that, though? Jeez... what an amazing guitarist. My friend saw him a few days ago on stage...

Another metal legend goes down.
RIP 8/20/66-12/8/04


It wasn't a police officer. Check out the Wikipedia entry for both Dimebag and the shooter, Nathan Gale.

Cemetary Gates action happening here.

#43683 Nooo, Dimebag Darrell!

Posted by macman on 09 December 2004 - 11:42 PM in Off Topic

This so sad...He was like, the awesomest lyric/guitar player.....ever... :cry:

He was awesome... but can we avoid debating who was best, like the Hendix thread? Lets just say he was one of the greatest of the greats, haha.

#44266 Nirvana

Posted by macman on 18 December 2004 - 12:14 PM in Off Topic

you realize that because of his predilection for Linkin Park, he may just shun the rock aspect altogether and head his nasty-ass tastes over to the rap side. I apologize to anyone who happens to like rap, but I despise it.

#43936 Nirvana

Posted by macman on 13 December 2004 - 04:12 PM in Off Topic

Cheese... no offense, but its possible to not have heard of Nirvana? Nirvana is awesome... Kurt's lyrics are amazing. He may not have been a very good guitar player, but his songs... man.

#44098 Nirvana

Posted by macman on 15 December 2004 - 05:01 PM in Off Topic

STP is good stuff, I love AIC, and Linkin Park is the boy band of rock. My all-time favorite band is Metallica... but their old shit, not that new Load/Reload/St. Anger crap.

#44332 Nirvana

Posted by macman on 19 December 2004 - 01:21 PM in Off Topic

"Cliff Burton was the man who had that wild spirit that makes a band like Metallica a quality band. He wasn't only the bass player, or someone else in the band who co-write the songs, he was the man who made Metallica reach the sky. After his death, Metallica sold their souls for fame and fortune, things that he would never wanted to deal with. He'd never allowed all that "Black Album" to happen, and neither that damn "Load" thing. When Metallica lost their bass player, they also lost their soul." 

Then again, I don't like Lars a whole lot.

When I say rap, i refer to mainstream rap. Some underground stuff is really really good... its got meaning and content to it, not the crap thats all over MTV. I realize that there is some actually good stuff out there, sorry that I wasn't clear enough.

#44234 Nirvana

Posted by macman on 17 December 2004 - 10:02 PM in Off Topic

... I'm also gonna have to go and argue that bands such as Pantera and Damageplan were in the mainstream as well, and we all know mr. Darrell Abbott did his fair share of shredding.
While they were recorded before Nirvana, they are still on the radio and still selling copies now (post-nirvana).  The black album has sold uber-millions of copies, and other albums such as Guns N' Roses Appetite for Destruction which have also been very successful.  I'm sorry, but I don't see the decline in shredding.

Uh... considering Pantera's song The Art Of Shredding, I'd be forced to agree with you :D

I also feel it neccessary to point out albums such as Metallica's the Black Album (Metallica) that still sell many copies everyday; these albums do indeed feature shredding.

Yeah, they do indeed, however, I think that Metallica's Metallica marked the band's end as a metal band and its transformation into the money hogs they are. Its too bad Cliff died... the band wouldn't be who they are now if Burton was around. He really was the heart and soul of Metallica, in my very humble opinion.

#42507 Nintendo Ds

Posted by macman on 25 November 2004 - 04:44 PM in Off Topic

thats because it's Microsoft, and they are god.

Oh, Jesus, help me, Talio, you did not just say that....

I want a NDS just to hack it up. I can't wait to port some Linux to this, liek they're already working on at DSLinux Forums. I'm also looking forward to hacking up the Nintendo proprietary wifi protocol so we can tunnel through the 'Net to game... hehehe

Talio, you deserve death.

#42523 Nintendo Ds

Posted by macman on 25 November 2004 - 05:57 PM in Off Topic

think about it... wifi.. ARM9 processor with an ARM7 coproc...

wouldn't it be fun to be able to run anything you wanted on it?

Yeah, i'm a hardcore geek.


I'm pretty sure the DS can only play GBA/SP games. The ARM7 proc is there to emulate the GBA, and it doesn't include a z80 like the GBA and GB/GBP/GBC. The games would run wayyy too fast... unless there is a z80 emulator for the ARM7....

#43896 Nerf Mod For Any Gun

Posted by macman on 12 December 2004 - 09:59 PM in General Nerf

You're welcome!

#43870 Nerf Mod For Any Gun

Posted by macman on 12 December 2004 - 03:03 PM in General Nerf

ooo, an FRS radio, an adapter, and a long-range hearing system in a fixed position... that could be fun.

#43798 Nerf Mod For Any Gun

Posted by macman on 11 December 2004 - 04:22 PM in General Nerf

I wouldn't call this a mod, really, but its a cool idea.

Some of the spy-ear doohickeys do work, I've played with a couple... I'm not even sure how they work, but they can be fun. They work around maybe 20 ft. or more, depending on how expensive they are.

And, Nerfnewbie, don't worry, we still hate you! :) Just messing, dude.

#41674 N-strike Maverick

Posted by macman on 15 November 2004 - 03:53 PM in General Nerf


Whoa. Behold, the power of Cx.

#41690 N-strike Maverick

Posted by macman on 15 November 2004 - 06:33 PM in General Nerf

Group: Members
Posts: 33
Member No.: 1001
Joined: 6-September 04

new Pronunciation Key (n, ny)
adj. new·er, new·est

1. Having been made or come into being only a short time ago; recent: a new law.
13. Inexperienced or unaccustomed: new at the job; new to the trials of parenthood.


yeah. I think that constitutes new.

#38673 My Modded Nite Finder

Posted by macman on 09 October 2004 - 02:06 PM in Modifications

Sorry to hear that, Chessler, I was just kidding... but I really like what you've done with that gun!