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#47419 Instruments

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 17 February 2005 - 05:31 PM in Off Topic

Sheesh. No one with a trombone? I seem to be the only one. Played for only about 3 years. I usually just play by ear so I can pretty much play anything, including rock music. I am thinking about picking up a German bass trombone with two rotary valves on two seperate triggers. That way I'll be kickin' butt in high school (largest marching band in the STATE! Go East Kentwood!)

#45653 Nerf Gun In Toy M16 Case?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 07 January 2005 - 09:18 PM in Modifications

Nitefinder M4
Not quite the same, but it turned out not to bad. I was thinking about doing something similar (nerf gun aesthetically based off a more known weapon*), only with a Maverick. Instead of an M4, however, I would have the groundwork be the Nano GL from Red Faction II with a pump-action instead of semi-auto.

One phrase: reflective orange strip. They use the same thing on buses and semis. Or, just paint the whole gun orange if you're too worried about it. Even still, isn't it like a 3/5 scale replica?

*More known than the identifying look of a certain nerf gun, i.e. the five barrels on the BF is less known than the banana mag on the AK series or receiver of the SR series.


#45620 Combustion Gun Poll

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 07 January 2005 - 01:52 PM in Homemades

I feel as if there should be restrictions placed on long distance guns. What I mean by that is that if, for instance, there's a gun that shoots 200+ feet, then it shouldn't be used for shots less than 90 feet (for all safety's sake). Also, a ratio of 1:5 people on a team may have one in use. That way there won't be some group of 15 people capable of taking out a whole team from behind some bushes two blocks away, unless there's 75 people on that team.

#44966 Drills

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 27 December 2004 - 09:59 PM in Off Topic

To those of you who use drills for masonry work, I was just wondering if an air drill (4 CFM, 700 rpm) would be decent for masonry. It would be replacing an electric hammer drill.

#44939 Merry Christmas

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 26 December 2004 - 09:36 PM in Off Topic

Well everyone seems to have had a good Christmas. I enjoyed the B&D 18V cordless drill/driver, 300-piece drill bit/accessory kit (for drill), and 2-speed Dremel I recieved. I see why everyone worships their Dremels. Damn I love this thing; what can it not do to a block of wood (besides biscuit joint it)?

As to those you who celebrate any other December holiday, hopefully it was a good one.

#43736 Using A Silencer

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 10 December 2004 - 07:17 PM in Homemades

I think you scored low in Mavis Beacon due to your accuracy. :nugget:

From what I have noticed with the blaster directly beneath in the next paragragh, you are for the most part right. However, with a tight fitting silencer, there is the possibility of a slower dart caused by the unreliable friction of the tight bore.

My "silenced" AT3k; by using the directions (slightly moddified for my use) on this site works magnificantly. It is inaudible past 10 feet. As long as I keep all moving parts lubed and the case tight, no squeaks are heard by the enemy while in hiding.

Firearm silencers are different. First off, they don't "silence" anything, unless its a .22 with subsonics. They draw out the pressure behind the bullet, causing a report of around 90 dB or less and what sounds more like a pneumatic nail driver going off. The most "silenced" suppressor is found on HK's MP5SD series, whose internals are pictured lower. Posted Image
That is an outdated design, found also on early attempts of American/German/Russian designs of silent "spy pistols," which were found with a fixed (non-removable) suppressor, again much like that of the MP5SDs. What I find interesting on the SDs (also found on my AT for obviously different reasons) is what has been done to the barrel: porting just prior to the silencer to drop the bullet's speed to a subsonic level. It eliminates the sonic boom found after the bullet leaves the muzzle, or the need to use 9mm subs, it just depends on how you look at it.

#43671 Foldable Sniper Stand Idea

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 09 December 2004 - 09:24 PM in Modifications

I think it beats the (rather expensive) alternative of using a sling stud and Harris-type folding bipod. I prefer shooting sticks, 'cause they're easier to carry than a music stand. Unfortunately the folding kind of sticks run about $40-60, depending on the size.

losers? My team doesn't have losers. Only the semi-PC term of "designated marksmen," of which I am one of them as the rest of my team is good for "don't fire 'til you see the whites of their eyes" combat. Generally I just use a low branch on a tree, or use popular hunting tactics designed for shooting off-hand for rests.

#42596 Deathball...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 26 November 2004 - 06:29 PM in Off Topic

These games are rather interesting; something that a few friends and I used to do in elementary school.

In Deathball, where do you put the username/password in level 4? I have it, I just don't know where to put it.

#42007 Regulators

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 18 November 2004 - 04:09 PM in Homemades

I'm just saying that it's kinda hit or miss. It should be fine for use with multiple shots without a valve, just don't hold the trigger down for more than a second or else more air than needed will come out.

#41872 Regulators

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 17 November 2004 - 07:03 AM in Homemades

I read on some paintball site that because the regulator works by channelling the high pressure air through a small hole into a bigger cylinder, with some sort of stopper on the inlet hole when the pressure becomes to great in the lower-pressure cylinder. It also stated that the flow rate s slightly slower than running a direct hookup from the tank to the valve. That doesn't really seem true because the regulator (see next paragraph) I have on my aircompressor (20 gallon) has noticebly higher output than an unregulated tank at the same pressure. We all can figure out why though.

I seem to like double gauged ones more. That way one can check both their input and output pressures easily. Unfortunately they cost more, so I might try looking for a single gauged one at Lowes tonight. Then I don't have to use one of my gaugeless ones.

On a side note, propane and other higher-pressure tanks have built in crude regulators (the turn handle on the top/side/whatever). Unfortunately the tanks are pretty bulky, except those little gas grill tanks and torch tanks. Those two even have built in fill valves without removing the tank

Nice design. For a repeater you could have a valve between the tank and regulator. Burst of high pressure air -> large quantity of low pressure air, right?

#41501 N-strike Maverick

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 12 November 2004 - 09:11 AM in General Nerf

Well now we know why Nerf can't make something like our homemades, unless they did a "You must be 18 years or older to purchase" kinda thing.

It is great that there is a representative for Nerf in our community. Cx, I think he/she deserves a title, and maybe the first person here with the Maverick as their avatar.

#41469 N-strike Maverick

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 11 November 2004 - 07:14 PM in General Nerf

That's about $51.59 in America. Damn. Also, the converted NF cost is 6.2 Euro, which is the $8 pricetag here. If you payed 8 Euro for it, then you got ripped, cause that's $10.32 here.

Will there ever be another breechloaded clip rifle again like the Sawtooth? I mean it has side cocking handle and everything.

#41362 Question Mark?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 10 November 2004 - 08:36 PM in General Nerf

Was this guy/girl/it previously banned? If so I can see how. He does have a good point though; If one were to find out about all that has happened, I think they would have to take a wiz...

#41258 N-strike Maverick

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 09 November 2004 - 07:49 PM in General Nerf

The only problem I see with this gun is holstering it. Otherwise, I can't wait till it comes out, cause I'm sure to purchase it just for its design. Although it would be even more awesome if it could preform as well as it looks. I do see the possible potential to be a breech loaded cylinder with the use of stefans, even though it probably will be pretty decent stock.

#41181 Nf20

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 08 November 2004 - 09:29 PM in Modifications

I had done something similar with a SM1500 turret (got some MASSIVE pics), but it destoyed itself with the shear power of the piston spring forcing the piston into the cylinder head, which shot the whole assembly about fout feet. I'm happy to see someone had better luck with a heavier, larger capacity turret. Nice job.

#40826 Big Fbr

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 04 November 2004 - 09:34 PM in Homemades

Actually, since airsoft bbs are round, rifling is pointless. Also, pressures, in stock springers, are significantly lower as compared to nerf pistols. The NF has a cylinder twice the size of a Tanfoglio 1911. Even the spring is weaker in the Tanfoglio, yet it still produces high velocities because the projectiles are not even a gram in weight. In reality, my NF also has a bigger cylinder than my hardballer, yet my hardballer is a spring rifle/shotty. When measured in terms of force, most nerf springers and stock pump guns have more force, in joules, than airsoft guns. The most powerful airsoft weaponry shoot at about 3.7 joules, and that spits out .43 gram bbs at 450 FPS. Mind you that takes gas pressurized to ~125 PSI (Red Gas). However, that was after a total cost of $450 dollars. Stock airsoft guns (lower in cost than $100) have a max output f 1.7 joules. Nerf is still higher at about 4 joules with no air restricters. 1/4" darts would shoot out of nerf guns faster and farther in 1/4" barrels than they would in airsoft guns. You are probably thinking of the .25 caliber hunting air rifles, which would tear the brain out of FBR with the pressures alone.

You are, however, incredibly correct about how it would be a pain to find the darts. It's just the thought of saboting the 1/4" FBR to fit in a brass modded SM5000 and shooting at least 210 feet level that makes me want to try this, although I'm lacking in the SM5000 department.

#40803 Big Fbr

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 04 November 2004 - 07:33 PM in Homemades

1/4" is equal to .25 caliber. Airsoft guns are .24 caliber. Catch my drift? Only problem would be getting a weight glued on there. Or, in the case of what I'll be undertaking in a few weeks, a "hybrid" nerf gun, based on some old bolt-action single shot rifle I have. It looks like a toy (purple stock), feels like a toy, and is only 40" long (a little over a meter).

Unless you're talking about the spectrum thing, in which case that means that the 4" stuff is the massive end and the 1/4" is the micro end.

Also, the FBR comes in 3/4 inch. I may need to pick some up for one of my homemades.

#40703 Big Fbr

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 03 November 2004 - 06:50 PM in Homemades

If anyone actually studied the price tables on loghelp's closed cell foam (the stuff cx uses), you'll see that one could make some mighty big stefans (that cx does not use). So what I was thinking was to make big stefans and shoot them in big barreled nerf guns, like the Titan's stock barrel. Or, there was a website somewhere about spud guns that sold rifled PVC in 2 and 2.5 inch diameters. Anti-material rifles anyone?

On the other end of the spectrum, loghelp also makes 1/4 inch FBR. That could be used as a non-nerf to nerf conversion medium.

Any thoughts on the subjects are welcome.

#40586 Election 2k4

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 02 November 2004 - 05:49 PM in News

I know of 8 people that left the presidential section of their ballot blank...they will recieve a verbal bashing followed by a lecture next time I see them.

I might be able to vote next time, but my 18th birthday will be within 3 days before the election, so I don't know how that'll work.

Nice avatar cxwq. Quite patriotic.

#40197 At3k Clip

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 29 October 2004 - 02:22 PM in Modifications

I don't see how exactly a clip mod could be done with the at3k's auto-rotator. I've disassembled a few of their valves and it just wouldn't work out. I'm sorry that I couldn't be more helpful but I just can't see a way on how to make it without having some serious downfalls.

#40166 Instead Of A Breech

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 29 October 2004 - 06:09 AM in Homemades

Well it sounds good, but you need to have some sort of lock on the top/side/whatever to keep the barrel from flying all over the place when you're running. I think I may have to do this as well, although I'd probably have two barrels in an O/U manor with a selector switch. That way one barrel could be 9/16" brass with micro stefans and the other could be 1/2" PVC with those shotgun-ammo stefans. That would be neat.

#40128 George Dubya, And 9-11

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 28 October 2004 - 05:09 PM in Off Topic

Ya, there is a reason my politicol ideaology has the same root as the word Liberty.
For those that could't pick it up: Ideology isn't party.

But the Libertarians have such good views:

I believe that the best form of capital punishment is that performed by the potential victim a few moments before their death.

Gotta love CCWs.

#39930 Psi In Ball Valve Gun

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 26 October 2004 - 07:23 PM in Homemades

100 psi? Dang. I thought that me running 85 with super-weight darts was insane.

Well depending on the ballistics of your current darts, you could go up to 40-60. If your darts are too light for that range then you'll have to outfit your current stockpile (if you have one) with a new surplus. Otherwise I don't see why you want to change the pressure as 35 psi is easy to hit with most pumps.

#39149 Pvc Cutting

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 17 October 2004 - 08:16 AM in Homemades

I use a giant pipe cutter for all my pipe cutting needs. It gives incredibly good results, except the top edge usually needs to be sanded down.

#39007 Rf20 Problem

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 15 October 2004 - 10:49 AM in Modifications

Exactly what southpaw said. The primary valve is sticking in the half-open position. The same thing happened to mine. I used a bit of silicone lubricant inside and outside the valve . I would recommend you open the gun up all the way and see if the valve sticks.

#38871 Political Equity

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 12 October 2004 - 06:07 PM in Off Topic

You are the most horribly quixotic person I've ever met.

You make it seem like such a bad thing, when the founders of this nation could be described as the same. You also must not have met very many people; I know you haven't met me. I think that means that your comment is part lie. Now how does that make you feel? Are you going to turn that statemente into me being racist?

#38826 Political Equity

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 11 October 2004 - 08:15 PM in Off Topic

If you're not 18, watch it anyhow...

Can do. Gladly, in fact, I was going to anyways.

...a few green party or libertarian representatives in there to shake things up a bit.

It turns out there are actually 13 presidential candidates. Unfortunately I didn't know about most of them.

The Green Party really has a good look on everything. In this link it shows the four major candidates views and records on a few topics. After reading a few, I noticed that Libertarians are gun nuts, so I think I should join them. :huh:

After all it is a fact that with the amount of money we spend on ammunition alone each ye(a)r we could feed the world 4 times over.

I know what you're talking about. 5.56x45mm has gone up in price over the last four years. If it were up to me, I'd convert the U.S. army to 7.62x39mm seeing as how there are millions of rounds (literaly) just sitting around in the country we are occupying. We actually would be funded by the Iraqis, instead of the Saudis who own 7% of America. :huh:

#38744 Heavy Duty Darts

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 10 October 2004 - 08:04 PM in Modifications

who cares if you can hit the house if the dart cant reach the house

Let me rearrange that for ya:

the dart cant reach the house (so) who cares if you can hit the house

Even though of course you can't hit the house if the dart doesn't reach it. You do have a good point about throwing the gun, though, I think I may have tried that before...Good ol' RF20, always never worked when I needed you to.

#38743 New Zing-ring Launcher

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 10 October 2004 - 07:54 PM in General Nerf

I'll have to vist my local Meijer's.

How much power does this thing have? Does it distort the human body?

#38740 Heavy Duty Darts

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 10 October 2004 - 07:49 PM in Modifications

We shouldn't have butted in with our non-Dilbert images.

Power is nothing compared to accuracy. Who cares if it can shoot through a house if you can't even hit the house?

#38736 Shoot Me. Shoot Me Now!

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 10 October 2004 - 07:27 PM in Off Topic

So do you want it done with a .270 Win or a 7mm Rem Mag? Or do you prefer handguns?

I find it funny how my schedule is more packed than that even though I'm in middle school and in no sports. Stupid smart classes. ;)

I motion that we hijack this thread and turn it into a better one.

#38698 Springfield Wwii Rifle Concept

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 10 October 2004 - 07:42 AM in Homemades

Well if you still want to use old casings (although you never really said you did in the first place), you can just pop out the primers and there you go; a nice hole for air to travel through. That's what I've decided to do instead of the crayolas for the WWII rifle design of your's. Unfortunatley, I only have eight of the casing size needed. I guess I'll have to take a trip to my local army surplus store and pick up a bag of unprimed 50 AE reloadables.

#38679 Springfield Wwii Rifle Concept

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 09 October 2004 - 03:46 PM in Homemades

Okay...I'll take that advice, although I haven't blown up yet. ^_^

I dunno, boltsniper was making something similar to what I was talking about, only his used a butane grill lighter and PVC casings. I think that primers and brass/steel casings would be easier/better/safer.

I am very close to completion on the design that you posted, only mine is a single shot, not a clip/mag fed repeater. All I need to do is find a 3/4" to 1/2" reducer, then it's complete. What is very interesting is that it requires casings made out of crayola markers, so every dart is in its own crayola barrel.

#38664 This Had Me Laughing...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 09 October 2004 - 12:15 PM in Off Topic

I think he hit "new topic" instead of "add reply"...

Then why is there a title on this topic? Or is it default from the topic he last read?

<EDIT> I just remembered that I read his post yesterday. It was really stupid and pointless.</EDIT>

#38636 Springfield Wwii Rifle Concept

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 08 October 2004 - 09:49 PM in Homemades

Yeah I knew about the whole firearms situation in Australia, because I'm writing a paper for my English class about it.

I can get unprimed brass and husks, but I'd have to be 18 in order to get anything else, like primers and powder. However, the primers are only there to ignite the aerosol in the casing/husk behind the dart in this design. Depending on the recoil of the firing of the dart, we could have semi- and fully-automatic nerf weapons. And I'm pretty sure everyone would also love to have a funtional flash hider on the muzzle of their nerf gun.

#38621 Political Equity

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 08 October 2004 - 03:59 PM in Off Topic

Nice to see how this turned into a political argument, contrary to the beginning about how the county sucks.

They volunteered to go to war, knowing that if they died, it was for a cause.

Actually, since this is my brother's generation and probably some of your's, I do recall the recruiters promising the eligable enlistees that they were not going to go to war within the next five years. The recruiters said that in '99; We started this war in 2002. Do the math.

Down with the big chinned commies!

Where do you get "commies" from? And even still, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln had big chins. So did Bush Sr. If you want to make a good argument (or comment on an argument), be sure it isn't ass-pickings.

Bush has gone on record that he thinks it's a good idea to invade a sovereign country just because it has a lousy leader.

So who knows Bush's IQ? is it 99? 101? I highly doubt it is any higher than 115. I'm not saying that Kerry's Einstein or anything, it's just that I'd prefer a new president every four years. Otherwise terms would be "until death."

Now, I have a new question: Why are there political parties? They just allow biases in elections. Does anyone else agree with that? I seriously think everyone would be better off if there were no political parties. Or if all the people who were unable to think truly about who they are voting for (and not just saying "That candidate is a Democrat/Republican") didn't know about elections.

Even still, what does a president do that is so important to have one at all? Wouldn't a group of individuals, who share the common beliefs of certain regionally divided people, all coming together and voting on the dicision(s) be good enough? To make it better, there could be two such "gist voting" groups that each would vote seperately on the same topic to get the most decisive conclusion. Then again, though, we all could switch back to the monarchy and have more fun that way.

#38542 Springfield Wwii Rifle Concept

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 07 October 2004 - 04:54 PM in Homemades

If someone really wants to, they could use spud gun technology. Instead of using a grill lighter, however, shotshell primers would work better. That way, you just pop out the old one, replace it with a new one, and fill up the shell. Now you have another shot from that shell. I think, though, that if I can facilitate the construction of something like this, I may make a few prototype casings out of old .50 AE casings for 1/2" stefans, or 7.62x39/51/54R casings for 3/8" stefans. That would be interesting.

<EDIT>After some test fitting, I have discovered that the plastic 20-bore (or gauge...depending on where you live) husks fit my mega stefans perfectly, so there may be another possibility, if anyone is serious about this</EDIT>

#38433 Springfield Wwii Rifle Concept

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 06 October 2004 - 06:42 AM in Homemades

A long barrel means more accuracy, but it requires an increase in air pressure. A good solution to that is a nice trigger linkage to the a good valve (or set of valves) with a reg on a high-pressure tank. Then, we can keep our bullpup, bolt action, repeating rifle which we still can't use in all the good wars. Well, sounds good to me. and besides, who can say no to this? Even though that is the M90 and not the M95, the main visual difference is the curve of the bolt handle.

I have made a few single-shot bolt prototypes, but they leak air. I just can't seem to get the depth right for the o-ring grooves.

And if you don't want a bullpup, but still want a neat looking rifle, go with this. <_<

#38397 Springfield Wwii Rifle Concept

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 05 October 2004 - 05:10 PM in Homemades

It's when the bullet clip (not magazine--two different things there) is ejected on the last shot of a M1 semiauto Garand. The '03 Springfield is manually extracted after the rounds are slid off of the clip into the breech of the weapon. The M14 and M1C (Carbine) both take detachable magazines, hence no "ping" sound, which I would have to agree is an interesting feature of the M1. I personally don't see how it could "ping", unless it were under a great deal of pressure, much like a champaign (sp?) bottle and its cork.

If only this could be converted to a bullpup configuration...then we could use the M95 designs. Those are awesome rifles, my favorite of the Barrett collection, however unknown they are.

#38348 Springfield Wwii Rifle Concept

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 04 October 2004 - 07:47 PM in Homemades

They mismarked the rifles on that image.

So you're trying to make a Model 03 Springfield? Or are you trying to make a Model 14? Or are you going in the middle of the two and creating a Model 1/Carbine? The designs differ a bit between the two, but if you really want to (except you live in Australia...right?) you can take a Ruger Mini-30 and use the primer/hairspray combo in the reloaded 7.62x39mm casing to shoot a stretched 3/8" stefan out the barrel. I'd go with that, but good luck with your design. It's not bad.