Thank you very much. Yeah, you're definitely right about the shittiness of coat hangars. Luckily, all the wire is doing is opening and closing the breech, contrary to a longhot where the bolt directly pushes on the plunger. But yeah, if it does start to bend, I'll definately rip it off and repace it with something sturdier. Thanks for the suggestion of brass.Wow. Amazing. I know I'm a bit late in saying it, but completely awesome work nontheless.
Just throwing something out here; I'd be a bit worried about the coat hanger wire. In my experience they can be a bit flimsy. Not breaking, but bending under pressure, thus caushing them to be un-usable. More-so at longer lengths.
A better substitute I've found has been brass bars. Not the flat kind used for the reinforcement, but actual, tubes/cylinders. I've found them at my local Home Depot. THey come in about the same size as coat hanger wires (tags claim 1/2 diameter... 1/2 of what I'll never know) and also one bigger, but also much stronger (3/4)
Of course, seeing all the putty you put on that I'd expect it's not really that replaceable. Oh well; if it works then it works.
And it seems to be working fine. Again, great work.
Thanks, man.I am utterly speechless... this mod is incredible.