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Recapping Chano 2: Electric Boogaloo

The question is: +bow, or hot girl?

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#51 LiterSize



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Posted 20 May 2009 - 02:47 PM

Is that the blastamatic in the back by the NB-1 and Eagle Eye?
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#52 Merzlin



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Posted 20 May 2009 - 03:40 PM

I also see a 1500. If that's even eligle for sale, I'm interested! I'll most likely be lending out generous amounts of Mile high foam darts if people need them, I have WAY too many. Also, my Semi-automatic Magstrike/Airtech 2000 will be making a show. So what are you guys doing to prepare for the war?
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#53 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 20 May 2009 - 06:02 PM

Merzlin: the 1500 was dib'd by Ice9 a few days ago. It will be making a showing at ChANO.
LiterSize: yep, that is a blastamatic

I will be posting all the blasters and ammo in my sales thread within the next couple of days, but as promised, the Chicago lot gets first dibs on stuff.
Exceptions to this rule are:
These are going up on eBay, since they have all the accessories, and so may be more valuable to collectors. But if you offer me a good price, I'll jump on the opportunity to sell it to you in person. I forgot to mention that I have 3 At2k's, which I price at $12 each. I'll be bringing darts, but may need to borrow some as the day goes on. I have several extra primaries which I can lend out if anyone needs guns.

Given the hospitality I have been offered so far, I fully expect to be greeted by showers of rose petals and adoring groupies. Don't disappoint.
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#54 Merzlin



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Posted 20 May 2009 - 06:21 PM

That's fine, I'm glad someone is getting that beauty. I'm glad to see you'll be making your way to Chano II Beaver.
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#55 Ice Nine

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Posted 21 May 2009 - 01:20 AM

Zorn and I swung by Ace today to pick up supplies. I took a break from a massive math and physics workload to make the first of the mobstacles, seen here in "Defend the Core" garb. Naturally, a layer of protection will be applied to the box before the round begins.

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Everything is pretty solidly zip-tied together, and we have a ton of that clear plastic painter's tarp, so mounting this box over the plastic should be a snap. I haven't tested the plastic beyond a few shots at two layers with the Uruk-Hai Crossbow (which it took quite well), but I'll have a working model by tomorrow afternoon to report on.

Demon Lord, Zorn and I will discuss the variants you sent via PM. The one with the Titan sounds like the most fun and probably is the most doable with the amount of people we have.

I have a few items for projects that I had hoped to receive by wartimes and while it doesn't appear as if those specific ones will be there, I have a few other surprises that I'm looking forward to testing out. See you guys Saturday.

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Get ready for it, because Nerfin' Zeke doesn't want to be disappointed.
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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

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#56 Ryan201821


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Posted 21 May 2009 - 01:54 AM

I'll be there.
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#57 Demon Lord

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Posted 21 May 2009 - 03:36 PM

The Titan scenerio is the most easily done of the three without needing a large group, unlike the other 2. And I have all the supplies needed for that as well which I can bring to the event.
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QUOTE(VACC @ Mar 7 2011, 09:03 AM) View Post

Don't worry so much about what other people will allow. Throw your own wars and kick your friends' asses until they all want one.

#58 Ice Nine

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Posted 22 May 2009 - 07:33 AM

I updated the attendance roster to better reflect the changes in the past few weeks. It is now essentially twenty-four hours to wartime; get that Mountain Dew handy for an all-night modification or dartsmithing session.

I'm looking forward to it. Let's make it awesome.
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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

Rnbw Cln

#59 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 22 May 2009 - 03:54 PM

I'll be unveiling my BBB overhaul, provided the gun doesn't shatter itself.
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"In short, the same knowledge that underlies the ability to produce correct judgement is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize correct judgement. To lack the former is to be deficient in the latter."
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#60 Snake51886



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Posted 22 May 2009 - 04:30 PM

My PAS is rebuilt and more dangerous than ever! :D Happy hunting.

And while we're on the subject, I9 said Chicago sucks in the last podcast...in the words of Reggie Dunlop, "I am personally placing a hundred-dollar bounty on the head of Ice Nine. He's the head coach and chief punk on that Caution team." :P

+1 to anyone who gets the movie reference...Just kidding about the bounty, we can all end up in the clinker over that. See everyone tomorrow!

Edited by Snake51886, 22 May 2009 - 04:36 PM.

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#61 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 22 May 2009 - 05:30 PM

I'm hitting the road. 414 miles to drive, with 40 blasters, 1000 stefans, and 2 +bows in my trunk. See you ladies in the morning.

Ice9: I opened up the SM1500, and it looks like the tank itself ruptured. We'll discuss what to do about that tomorrow.
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#62 bigred1rifleman



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Posted 22 May 2009 - 08:38 PM

Well, this sucks, I just noticed that I only have larger darts for my PAS, yet the rest of my guns use CPVC, so I'm going to need to buy 100-150 CPVC stefans for around $20 (I'm not made of money, sorry). Also, check out my WTB list on page 2.

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#63 Ice Nine

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Posted 23 May 2009 - 07:51 PM

Well, that was awesome.

+ RSCB +bow working fantastically well (minus the first round, in which I was dicks).
+ Great guys to Nerf with. Beaver, Ryan, hope to see you around more often.
+ Warm and not windy.
+ Defend the Core round was ridiculously fun.
+ Got my two PASs and a 1500.
+ Fucked up my face. I am looking forward to those pictures.
+ I'm super exhausted and can't really think of much else but that's because everything was great.

Posted Image

Posted Image
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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

Rnbw Cln

#64 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 23 May 2009 - 08:15 PM

+ Another Chicago war
+ Meeting Beaver and Ryan, and then being shot by them. A lot. Especially Ryan during Core games
+ First thing breaking on the 3B was not the plunger head or breech, but the modded LS clips
+ Great weather
+ Lots of round variety

- Except for pistols, my NF just took up space in my pocket
- Modular walls didn't really do much
- A 3B is hard-pressed to compete against a sea of +bows and PASs
- Playground was occupied
- Invincibility, You know what I'm talking about
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"In short, the same knowledge that underlies the ability to produce correct judgement is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize correct judgement. To lack the former is to be deficient in the latter."
Kruger and Dunning (1999)

#65 bigred1rifleman



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Posted 23 May 2009 - 08:31 PM

+ Getting my Bow 'n' Arrow, a double crossbow, 2ft of brass, and a missile storm, which all work fantastically. You can expect a write-up for the missile storm, and a small and effective mod for the double crossbow.

+ AWESOME weather, almost perfect.

+ Getting a dart in the core with my Half-Ass modded bow and arrow (it's in the process of becoming a worthy primary).

+ Picking off Zorn 3 times in a row from about 80 feet away with my PAS from behind a tree and some bushes (and everyone says angled shots aren't effective), unfortunately Demon Lord raided the trees and I had to scramble.

+ Getting to see "the diddle Gun" in action. (Demon Lord's wierd shotgunned 4B.)

+ Meeting new, cool people, like Ryan# and Beaver.

+ LOTS of kills.

+ Barricades were great, I don't know why you didn't like them Zorn.

- Lost almost every dart, again.

- Badger got shot with a missile in the face, but I guess it's his problem. Zeek got hit face torn off.

- Getting shot in the face ALOT, almost every time I was hit, I was hit in the face.

- As Zorn said, play ground was occupied.

- I was butt-diddled, err, spawn camped (and stalked), by Demon lord's friend for the wing round, he was fine after that, though, actually pretty nice.


Edited by bigred1rifleman, 24 May 2009 - 04:43 PM.

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#66 Ryan201821


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Posted 23 May 2009 - 08:39 PM

Awesome war. I'm glad I could show up for a few hours and Nerf with you guys. It was a lot of fun. I'll be sure to come to the next event.

+Getting to meet Zorn, Ice Nine, and the rest of the crew
+Nerfing with Hairy Beaver and dominating the pstol round.
+Seeing Snake again and playing with the Chicago Mob.
+Plusbow performing beautifully
+Defend the Core was a pretty cool scenario game that I enjoyed a lot.
+Missing Snake's head by a few inches every shot (Not intentional)
+Beautiful day

-Had to leave early
-Left with no darts
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#67 Merzlin



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Posted 23 May 2009 - 09:27 PM

Wow, such a great war. This really blew my mind on how well this went, seriously guys, awesome war!


+Ryan201821 being such a badass. Man, this guy is good. I saw one of your darts, those things are like brilliant. I'm glad I could meet you and actually get shot by you. Also, I really like your +bows, those things are near-perfect craftsmanship.
+ Awesome weather, I mean it couldn't get any better. A slight breeze, nice sunshine, perfect nerfing condition.
+ CTF round: I was (I believe) one of the only people on Team Caution to get the flag that far. I still can't believe I dropped my gun charging for the flag, that was such a fail move.
+Again, awesome weather
+Lasting the Pistol Round till the end, then getting shot in the leg by Ryan. How did I even last that long?
+Seeing Ice9 and Zorn again, thanks for hosting this awesome war.
+Minimizing the round ending-starting sequence by a tad. Near the end, it got a bit long, but it wasn't bad at all.
+Finally using a +bow. I'm really considering getting one of these, so +bow sellers beware.
+My Semi-automatic 2K /in a / magstrike failing. I'm surprised it didn't blow up, that thing utterly failed at this war. Expect a V.2 soon.
+Getting at the war before a round started, nice timing.
+Seeing everyone again, I'm glad I could.
+Staying till the very end.
+Ice9's face getting cut up, ouch. Hey, at least you have some battle scars on your gun and face!
+ Playground being...played on. Ouch, but never the less trying out new things was a surprise.
+ROF is what is made for me, I can't do jack shit when it comes to one shot-one kill tactic like Ice9 or Ryan. So my PAS + RSCB was partially awesome.
+SM1500 doing great, lasting my second war in 3 months.
+Losing a whopping total of 400+ darts. Holy shit, what the fuck happened there? I tell the honest truth here, I lost a HELL LOT of darts. Meh.

Again, great war. Thanks guys for setting this up
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#68 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 23 May 2009 - 09:38 PM

Note: If anyone actually wants darts back, we can either mail them to you, schedule pick-up, or you can wait until the next war.

We've got a bag of close to 500 darts probably.
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"In short, the same knowledge that underlies the ability to produce correct judgement is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize correct judgement. To lack the former is to be deficient in the latter."
Kruger and Dunning (1999)

#69 Merzlin



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Posted 23 May 2009 - 09:42 PM

I'd have to say my dart losing count point is proven. Honestly, if I come to pick em up, I'm just going to lose them in my front yard. You can do what you want with them, or I can get em' at the next war.
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#70 Ryan201821


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Posted 23 May 2009 - 09:46 PM

Merzlin, on May 23 2009, 09:27 PM, said:

+Ryan201821 being such a badass. Man, this guy is good. I saw one of your darts, those things are like brilliant. I'm glad I could meet you and actually get shot by you. Also, I really like your +bows, those things are near-perfect craftsmanship.

Ha, thanks man.

It great was great to meet you. I'm sure we'll get to Nerf together again.


Lasting the Pistol Round till the end, then getting shot in the leg by Ryan. How did I even last that long?

Too long. I thought you guys had me for sure. Great round nonetheless.


+Finally using a +bow. I'm really considering getting one of these, so +bow sellers beware

I think I know a guy ^_^
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#71 Kast Run

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Posted 23 May 2009 - 10:24 PM

to posters above--

great fun! i enjoyed trying out the "ballzooka" for close range cover fire.

The ctf setup seemed good, myself and (nice guy in blue shirt, don't know his name), took some time during pistol round to pick out good spot, ended up with two base spots that both had two trees behind them usable as cover for defending team, one big honkin bush/tree thing kind of in the middle, and those placeable barricades to filling the rest of the field, nice job on those!

sadly, my old favourite lever action rifle w/bayonet was out for modding, but the tec ten i had seemed to do well (for a pistol), getting range smoked by all those big big guns out there was a learning experience tho ^_^

Have to be sure to wear better shoes next time, walkin shoes do not sneakers make.

take care all!
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#72 Ice Nine

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Posted 23 May 2009 - 11:09 PM

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I cleaned off my +bow stock. Some of it got stained in.

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I also cleaned off the cuts on my face. Still don't know what happened.

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Holy shit guys, we ended up with a lot of darts.

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Look at that shit! It's solidly over four hundred.

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Good spread guys. I do have on suggestion, though; either switch to slingshot weights or use multiple BBs. a lot of these darts are just too light to use with the power that's behind them.

BustaNinja, on May 23 2009, 11:09 PM, said:

Now all you guys need to make it down to MN for a war, so Team 1500 can pwn. Ryan, you need to get your 1500 working again, and by the way, do you happen to have an extra turret guard? Zach raped the one he gave me.

Looks like it was fun. What's this Defend the Core? Will Hairy Beaver and Ryan be allowed to bring it back?

Again, Snake is the only one who can talk. We NEED more midwest clashes and Effeminate Nerf-outs.

I won't be able to make it up until next fall, but maybe me and Zorn could rent out a van with Snake (or, you know, just use a big car) and meet you guys there. My new 1500 will be ready, as will some absolutely crazy RSCB'd guns.

A few posts ago I put up the picture of the box setup we used for Defend the Core. It's really easy to recreate, it's pretty obvious to see what to do if you look at the picture. We taped a piece of paper (nice, thick, proper printing paper) over the hole, jammed the setup into the ground in front of a tree, and split teams. We set up two alarms for a ten minute round, an eight minute one to signal two minutes left and a ten minute one to end it. Defending team takes fifteen behind he tree to respawn, the attacking team walks back to the concrete path they started out on to respawn (about fifty yards from the core, I guess? It was a decent walk). In those ten minutes, attacking team has to put as many darts into the core as possible. It's an adapted and sort of dumbed-down DtC from Massacre 4, but it was really fun.

Edited by Ice Nine, 23 May 2009 - 11:17 PM.

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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

Rnbw Cln

#73 BustaNinja



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Posted 23 May 2009 - 11:09 PM

Now all you guys need to make it down to MN for a war, so Team 1500 can pwn. Ryan, you need to get your 1500 working again, and by the way, do you happen to have an extra turret guard? Zach diddled the one he gave me.

Looks like it was fun. What's this Defend the Core? Will Hairy Beaver and Ryan be allowed to bring it back?

Again, Snake is the only one who can talk. We NEED more midwest clashes and Effeminate Nerf-outs.
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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#74 LiterSize



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Posted 24 May 2009 - 01:13 AM


GG, everybody!

Seriously, Ryan... you're a freakin' terror with that thing. I was in a roadie run headed for a barricade and Ryan still tagged me. Just gotta be faster, I guess. I had to comment you looked like you were auditioning for a part in terminator during the pistol round, though.

Sorry guys, the cam was an Effeminate fail. The footage corrupted and won't play. All I have from that is a few seconds of test footage I snagged of Beaver spinning his pistol on his finger.

"Defend the Core" was pretty cool, and there are some definite play styles that are a necessity for that game type. Having a mini-rocket launcher under your blaster helps too (look at my longshot in the stickied modifications thread for more info on how that looks).

Good to see some familiar faces, good to meet some new ones as well. I'll be getting the pics and video I got with my camera up hopefully by the end of this week.

let's see... here be highlights...

- Using pretty much everything I brought with me at least once.
- XXL BAZOOKA. Did I hit anything with it? No. Was it satisfying to hear the crank and the firing? Yes. Did I at least get CLOSE to hitting something with it? HELL YES.
- My barricade actually withstood some fire (picture of it later)! If not for the fact I was grossly outnumbered... and outranged... hah
- Hearing that Snake managed four blocks with a crossfire shield. Yeah, he's a believer after the Miracle at last ChANO
- "Indiana Jones" moment. Running out of ammo in my primary and reaching for my sidearm... which wasn't there. It had fallen out elsewhere in the round
- Wildfire's still got it. Blastfire's still got it.
- Seeing an Iron Raptor, those things are freakin' hilarious. Nice haul, Beaver.
- Actually making it through a round of defend the core wearing a clone trooper helmet on.
- The beautiful drive back on Lake Shore Drive heading up.
- Getting tagged almost simultaneously from four directions in the wingman round. Yeeesh, gotta remember to keep moving....

- Seriously though, big apologies to anyone I may have hit in the face. I know of one, but to make sure there weren't others. I don't aim like that and know it sucks. Part of the reason I stick to stock darts.

EDIT: What the hell were those people holding the sword fighting doing on the other side of the park? Anyone figure that out? I would asked earlier but really didn't want to break up the flow.

That's all i got for now... thanks again Ice9 and Zorn for hosting, 'til next time.


Edited by LiterSize, 24 May 2009 - 01:21 AM.

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#75 Ice Nine

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Posted 24 May 2009 - 01:40 AM

LiterSize, on May 24 2009, 01:13 AM, said:

EDIT: What the hell were those people holding the sword fighting doing on the other side of the park? Anyone figure that out? I would asked earlier but really didn't want to break up the flow.

Yes, I did forget to mention that. Apparently, for a film project, some people who live in my dorm were "re-enacting an ancient Chinese battle." I was originally concerned that Nerfers would ruin authenticity but they were literally using vaguely sword-shaped water guns while wearing t-shirts and jeans. I actually ended up losing a round to Danny B because my fellow University of Chicago students accosted me towards the end of the round, and we started talking until Beaver had already won. Beaver was talking to them earlier; I'm sure he was just sabotaging my awesome RSCB +bow.

I'm still surprised Zorn's BBB did as well as it did. The Longshot clips worked shockingly well, the gun shot shockingly hard (it was the only thing to give me a welt), and it didn't jam very much. Finn, i have no idea what the fuck you're talking about with the "Rape Gun." Also, you certainly did not hit Zorn from any more than sixty feet with that PAS.

Ryan, Beaver, it was fucking great Nerfing with you guys. I'd love to come up to a Minnesota war sometime during the fall. We'd be happy to have you back down here.

Edited by Ice Nine, 24 May 2009 - 01:42 AM.

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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

Rnbw Cln

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