Wow. The Raider and the Furyfires just look absolutely amazing.
To clear up the speculation, Kid Flash, could you get a close up of the two yellow guns near the bottom of the back of the Raider box?
It looks like maybe 2 other 2009 guns, as both have clips that are huge. I just don't think it could be a yellow Longshot, as the blue one is still on store shelves. I understand the new Magstrikes, as they're not sold very often anymore, but Longshots are still everywhere. Ain't happening, but one with a better spring/better seal would be awesome

I think it might be the Spartan and something else....
QUOTE(Vinnie D. @ Feb 1 2010, 05:28 AM)

... to be able to get a better burst or sustained fire, rather than blowing the whole load at once.