mystefansdontflystraight, on Feb 22 2009, 02:29 PM, said:
I really hate to be pessimistic, but I think it is a springer, not an airgun. Here are a couple reasons:
1. ROF. Hasbro is concerned with making rapid fire guns, such as the vulcan, dtb, mav, ls, recon. They all have a relatively high ROF. If this gun were to be an air gun, it would require multiple pumps (unless the pump tube takes up 1/3 of the gun). This would not be very high ROF. Hasbro wants guns that will spew out a lot of foam in a short period of time. The 10 shot turret would accomplish this for us, but for SWAT team loving kids, it wouldn't be enough, in my opinion.
2. General motion of things: Hasbro has not made an air gun in 3 years. But still, Nerf only made springers until the Supermaxx line (feel free to correct me on that), and only made airguns for the supermaxx years. Then, they kept on making airguns for the airjet power+, and Airtech lines. Then along came the NF and Nstrike, which have, for the exception of the hornet and titan, been springers. I hope they are going to go back to airguns, because correct me if Im wrong, but there hasn't been an airgun available in stores that people completely gave up on (recon).
I would really hope that it is an air powered gun. With a pump plug, PETG barrel replacement, maybe find some way of hacking off the front of it to allow for longer barrels... (GASP)
I can see it having great potential.
Springer or not, it would be easy as pie to integrate a 2k into there. Im going to get it regardless.
EDIT: If this is a springer, I think the only good route is to convert it to an airgun. I mean, look at the size of the area behind the gun. It looks like it has a mav sized pluger tube. The pump shaft looks like it would snap under the weight of an added spring (or a plugged pump for that matter). Looks like a powerclip pump, but thinner.
The faux barrel would kill range for sure, but it is necessary for the pump action to work corrrectly. I can see AT2k internals in this baby already.
I disagree because of the reasons stated below.
The_Nerf_Devil, on Feb 22 2009, 12:06 PM, said:
Kid Flash, on Feb 21 2009, 10:45 PM, said:
Yes, but if you look at the STROKE length of the pump/priming handle for it to be a springer it would either have to protrude or use gears to reduce the stroke length on the plunger. All I am saying is that it is most likely an air gun.The_Nerf_Devil, on Feb 21 2009, 10:43 PM, said:
Before saying something like that look at the schofield(or however it's spelled)... The guy made a gun with about a 1 inch plunger stroke and it went the same distance as a stock gun.highly unlikely and improbable.
The_Nerf_Devil, on Feb 21 2009, 10:34 PM, said:
Kid Flash, on Feb 21 2009, 10:13 PM, said:
The_Nerf_Devil, on Feb 21 2009, 10:07 PM, said:
I'm looking into this but think of it this way. The maverick doesn't protrude. The crossfire doesn't. The longshot doesn't. The only points that I see that suggests air power is the sm1k and the small rod. Which could be just to push back an actual priming rod. Think of the gears in the lanard pump action speed loader.In my opinion both of the new dart tag guns are definitely air guns because if you look at the picture of the orange dart tag gun with the pump/priming handle halfway there is nothing protruding from the back of the gun so it's an air gun, the capture the flag guns are air guns because there is no other way for it to prime than the handle on the top which has a rod much more like a pump handle than a plunger rod.
I know that a lot of guns with reverse plungers don't protrude but if you look at the stroke length and compare it to the amount of space where a plunger COULD be it would have to protrude and there isn't enough space have a plunger tube with the right plunger travel that doesn't protrude in that space.
Edited by The_Nerf_Devil, 22 February 2009 - 03:05 PM.