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The Vulcan

Crap talk and speculation galore until the release date

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#626 badger


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Posted 27 June 2008 - 07:19 PM

Here is the one and only post I will put into this insanely long thread.

42 pages later and here is the synopsis of everything everyone has said, all the pictures found, all the video clips, and all the "facts". I don't care if you heard speculation from a credible source as to how it really works, if you are fucking the mother of the lead designer, or you had a vision and travelled into the future to confirm it.

No one knows a fuckin' thing about this gun definiteively and has been simply guessing.

I've seen the videos. They don't explain the internals. They don't show the gun's full functional features. They don't give anyone insight into how it can or can't be modified. They don't warrant this insane 42 page waste of time!

Stop guessing and just wait for it to come out. If OMC hasn't told us anything new, then what makes you think that your hunches are going to be anything other than a waste of bandwidth. He would know before anyone else here. He has stated, in this thread, that he knows nothing more than what is known already.

Go out and nerf for fuck's sake! When it comes out, someone will most assuredly post about it. Someone who doesn't care that it cost $40 will open theirs to show off the internals. Finally, someone with alot of skill will mod it (maybe, who knows) and either make a masterpiece or a $40 broken piece of shit.

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#627 Commander Cody

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Posted 29 June 2008 - 02:05 PM

1. Entertainment earth has release date occurring in August:


2. apparently you can also buy additional belts!

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#628 Captain



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Posted 29 June 2008 - 02:09 PM

Nice find Commander Cody! And the release date is in August, my birthday's in August! Hooray.
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I don't care what anyone else says, Atom Blasters are fucking awesome.

#629 Commander Cody

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Posted 29 June 2008 - 02:12 PM

Captain, on Jun 29 2008, 11:09 AM, said:

Nice find Commander Cody! And the release date is in August, my birthday's in August! Hooray.

I was hoping for a July release...

The info caption says the gun is "piston powered". Hmmmmm...

I'm definitely going to buy 2+ belts, ahh the possibilities.
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"An open mind is like a fortress, with its gates un-barred and un-guarded" -Space Marine Librarian

#630 mystefansdontflystraight



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Posted 29 June 2008 - 02:16 PM

I saw in Commander Cody's link that it fires 3 darts per second. That is a hell of a lot faster than the videos show. I wounder if that is just a sale's pitch, or if it has more than two settings (single and auto).
It does say that it is "piston powered", which makes it sound like a plunger gun definitely (Badger)
I can't see how a flywheel gun can be in anyway translated to "piston"
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QUOTE(Blacksunshine @ Dec 24 2009, 02:15 PM) View Post

QUOTE(white moonlight @ Dec 23 2009, 01:29 PM) View Post

It's just screaming to be rearloading...

I seen a movie about that once.

#631 laxtk88



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Posted 29 June 2008 - 02:38 PM

mystefansdontflystraight, on Jun 29 2008, 03:16 PM, said:

I can't see how a flywheel gun can be in anyway translated to "piston"

Not to mention the chains have air restrictors.
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#632 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 29 June 2008 - 03:35 PM

Just to add some visual fun to the mix.

Posted Image

Posted Image

Only $10 for an extra belt. I love it.
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#633 AssassinNF



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Posted 29 June 2008 - 04:04 PM

I don't know if anyone's pointed this out yet, but Amazon.com now has the Vulcan listed. It says "currently unavaliable", but it's still listed.

Also, I don't know if this has been established yet or not, but do we know whether or not the chains can be connected to each other? It looks like the kid on the package of the extra ammo belt is wearing two belts connected to each other. The ends of the belt are different, too, which might mean they attach in some way (or maybe it just means the belt can only be fed one way...)

Sorry to add more speculation to this mess, I just thought the ends of the ammo belt being different was interesting.
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Probably dead by now, or something.

#634 Eboreg



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Posted 29 June 2008 - 05:52 PM

You know, the one thing that ticks me off about the Vulcan is that it doesn't have a stock. Think about it, the Magstrike has a stock, the Longshot has a stock, the Firefly is has a stock, even the Recon has a stock. So ... why not the Vulcan? The Vulcan is fired like a medium or light machine gun and both of those have a stock. </Snake>
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#635 MithMorchaint



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Posted 29 June 2008 - 06:16 PM


You know, the one thing that ticks me off about the Vulcan is that it doesn't have a stock. Think about it, the Magstrike has a stock, the Longshot has a stock, the Firefly is has a stock, even the Recon has a stock. So ... why not the Vulcan? The Vulcan is fired like a medium or light machine gun and both of those have a stock.

All of those are more or less Rifle configurations, or at least are meant to be held like a rifle. The Vulcan is apparently supposed to mainly be used on a tripod, so why bother with a stock?
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#636 AssassinNF



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Posted 29 June 2008 - 06:28 PM

Eboreg, on Jun 29 2008, 05:52 PM, said:

You know, the one thing that ticks me off about the Vulcan is that it doesn't have a stock. Think about it, the Magstrike has a stock, the Longshot has a stock, the Firefly is has a stock, even the Recon has a stock. So ... why not the Vulcan? The Vulcan is fired like a medium or light machine gun and both of those have a stock. </Snake>

So buy one when it comes out and put a stock on it. Problem Solved.
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Probably dead by now, or something.

#637 L0pper



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Posted 29 June 2008 - 06:42 PM

If you notice all the pictures of the chains on the packaging are orange while the actual chain shown is grey.
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#638 Shrub



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Posted 29 June 2008 - 08:05 PM

I think that ANF is right and the kid on the extra chain package is going RAMBO style.
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#639 Kid Flash

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Posted 29 June 2008 - 10:21 PM

mystefansdontflystraight, on Jun 29 2008, 03:16 PM, said:

I saw in Commander Cody's link that it fires 3 darts per second. That is a hell of a lot faster than the videos show. I wounder if that is just a sale's pitch, or if it has more than two settings (single and auto).

Would it not be false advertisement if it did not fire that fast?
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#640 mintee



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Posted 29 June 2008 - 11:59 PM


This video is by the guy who had the info on the Nerf Eliminator set. He supposedly works for Hasbro. It was posted two days ago, but I don't know if it's been posted. He claims to have fired it and wants to give us real info...

In summary:
- Fires slowly, at most 1 shot a second, definitely not fast as some may have speculated. Think DTG or Recon fast.
- Firing modes are On and Off, meaning you turn the motor On for Automatic firing (just pull the trigger), and Off for bolt action firing like the DTG, Recon, Longshot.
- There's a pop-up sight.
- The On/Off switch is above the gun's grip, and is covered by that orange flip-up thing.
- The tripod is spring-loaded and automatically retracts itself when the gun is picked up. The tripod stays in place by the weight of the gun itself. (Nice!)
- Heavy. (Presumably because of the 6 D-cell batteries.)
- Ranges... I DUNNO LOL IT WAS LAST WEEK WHEN HE FIRED but battery life/performance will not affect ranges, it will affect Rate of Fire because...

(most importantly...)
- Its firing mechanism is based on the traditional spring and plunger design, and not the spinning wheel design a la Tommy 20. The electric motor is used to pull the plunger back. (This is why its rate of fire is so slow, why the gun's ranges will not be affected by low battery, why it's operable without batteries and is used much like a Recon/Longshot/DTG/etc.)

At least, according to the fellow in the video. I'm very convinced that this is all fact because his claims to the gun's performance seem to be in accordance with the limitations and freedoms of the gun's firing mechanism.
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#641 Carbon



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Posted 30 June 2008 - 07:03 AM

min.tee, on Jun 29 2008, 11:59 PM, said:


This video is by the guy who had the info on the Nerf Eliminator set. He supposedly works for Hasbro. It was posted two days ago, but I don't know if it's been posted. He claims to have fired it and wants to give us real info...

In summary:
- Fires slowly, at most 1 shot a second, definitely not fast as some may have speculated. Think DTG or Recon fast.

Heh...trust some random talking head, or a video of it actually firing?

I'll take the video.


This is why its rate of fire is so slow, why the gun's ranges will not be affected by low battery, why it's operable without batteries and is used much like a Recon/Longshot/DTG/etc.)

ROF woud be affected by battery life. Weak batteries = less.
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#642 MithMorchaint



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Posted 30 June 2008 - 08:31 AM


- Its firing mechanism is based on the traditional spring and plunger design, and not the spinning wheel design a la Tommy 20. The electric motor is used to pull the plunger back.

Since I heard about this gun I sincerely hoped that this was the case. This has the most mod potential, as far as I can see, and I would gladly sacrifice ROF for this design.

Assuming that guy knows what he's talking about.
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#643 Kid Flash

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Posted 30 June 2008 - 01:04 PM

So if the battery pulls the plunger back if we were to add a bbb spring like in the longshot the rof would be even slower and we would most likely have to reinforce whatever pulls it back. That kind of stinks. But it would still be good in the manual mode like the longshot.
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#644 eddieoctane



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Posted 30 June 2008 - 05:44 PM


You know, the one thing that ticks me off about the Vulcan is that it doesn't have a stock. Think about it, the Magstrike has a stock, the Longshot has a stock, the Firefly is has a stock, even the Recon has a stock. So ... why not the Vulcan? The Vulcan is fired like a medium or light machine gun and both of those have a stock.

True, but when firing from a standing position, most people would fire "from the hip" with that kind of weapon. So a stock is unnecessary in that case.

MithMorchaint, on Jun 29 2008, 07:16 PM, said:

All of those are more or less Rifle configurations, or at least are meant to be held like a rifle. The Vulcan is apparently supposed to mainly be used on a tripod, so why bother with a stock?

Using a stock and a tripod in a prone position steady a real machine gun beyond what could be otherwise done with a man-portable weapon. I'd have like to see a collapsible stock, just for cosmetic reasons.

AssassinNF, on Jun 29 2008, 05:04 PM, said:

Also, I don't know if this has been established yet or not, but do we know whether or not the chains can be connected to each other? It looks like the kid on the package of the extra ammo belt is wearing two belts connected to each other. The ends of the belt are different, too, which might mean they attach in some way (or maybe it just means the belt can only be fed one way...)

I would agree that the belts do appear to be connectible, which is awesome. The endless hail of darts and not having to reload for a good 5 minutes of continuous fire. Perfect.
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#645 Philote



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Posted 30 June 2008 - 06:51 PM

I supose it's pointless to let this thread die, no matter how hard you people (myself included) try, It's gonna keep coming back. But now that there's actually news, I guess I could post some questions/remarks.
1. In both Youtube videos, it doesn't appear to be firing sonic whistlers, but Micros.
2. Does the barrel come off? I thought this was mentioned some where but I'm not sure...
3. the ends of the chain DO look different, but both sides look the same, so I don't think they'll fit into eachother.
4. To contradict my previous statement, the kid on the extra ammo pack has the chains connected over his shoulder. HOWEVER there is a little dead space between the two chains, leading me to believe that the chains are not directly connected.
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#646 Ambience 327

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Posted 01 July 2008 - 08:56 AM

Philote, on Jun 30 2008, 07:51 PM, said:

4. To contradict my previous statement, the kid on the extra ammo pack has the chains connected over his shoulder. HOWEVER there is a little dead space between the two chains, leading me to believe that the chains are not directly connected.

Actually, if you look closer it appears that the "dead space" you mention is actually the sling from the gun passing over the chain. However, I count less than 25 shells in the area of the chain shown on him, so it is possibel that it is only a single chain, with very little hanging over his back, just for show on the pic.

It would definately be nice if the chains would connect without needing to mod them, but we'll just have to wait and see.

Edited by Ambience 327, 01 July 2008 - 02:17 PM.

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#647 Eboreg



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Posted 01 July 2008 - 01:10 PM

MithMorchaint: No matter what anyone says, accuracy is key, and a good stock increases accuracy.

eddieoctane: Firing from the hip could be just about the dumbest thing I ever heard of. It's derogatively called "spray and pray", it misses a lot of the time, and it wastes tons of ammo to hit one target. No matter what the weapon, you still need a degree of accuracy.
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#648 MithMorchaint



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Posted 01 July 2008 - 02:54 PM

Yes, accuracy is key. But if you're firing the gun from a tripod...you don't need a stock. We still don't know how heavy this is, exactly, so firing it in a rifle position might not be comfortable anyway, stock or not.

Also, some people need a stock and others don't. When using my BBB there is no stock, yet I'm quite accurate with it. On the other hand, I find bracing the Recon or Longshot stock on my shoulder makes it harder to aim. It's all about the person. Saying "Having a stock makes the gun more accurate (because it is easier for the person to aim)." is simply an opinion. Maybe it makes it more accurate for you, but it doesn't for everyone.

Another point would be that because darts can fly unpredicatbly, accuracy is usually unstable at best. Yes, the better you aim the more likely it is to hit the person/target, but a matter of an inch or two up or down won't change things a whole lot.

And how do you address pistols, then? Those don't have stocks, but can be extremely accurate.

Edit: And "spray and pray" usually refers to firing blindly without trying to aim. Firing from the hip is not the same thing, if you're actually aiming the gun.

Edited by MithMorchaint, 01 July 2008 - 02:55 PM.

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#649 King Of Butt Land

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Posted 01 July 2008 - 03:54 PM

QUOTE(Puppy-§layer @ Dec 18 2008, 04:22 AM) View Post

This contest may have some flaws, as people can simply be a deuschbag over the internet. By Lying.

A war-like setting/invitational would be better...

#650 Eboreg



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Posted 01 July 2008 - 04:17 PM

MithMorchaint, on Jul 1 2008, 03:54 PM, said:

Yes, accuracy is key. But if you're firing the gun from a tripod...you don't need a stock. We still don't know how heavy this is, exactly, so firing it in a rifle position might not be comfortable anyway, stock or not.

Also, some people need a stock and others don't. When using my BBB there is no stock, yet I'm quite accurate with it. On the other hand, I find bracing the Recon or Longshot stock on my shoulder makes it harder to aim. It's all about the person. Saying "Having a stock makes the gun more accurate (because it is easier for the person to aim)." is simply an opinion. Maybe it makes it more accurate for you, but it doesn't for everyone.

Another point would be that because darts can fly unpredicatbly, accuracy is usually unstable at best. Yes, the better you aim the more likely it is to hit the person/target, but a matter of an inch or two up or down won't change things a whole lot.

And how do you address pistols, then? Those don't have stocks, but can be extremely accurate.

Edit: And "spray and pray" usually refers to firing blindly without trying to aim. Firing from the hip is not the same thing, if you're actually aiming the gun.

Point. But I forgot to mention that when weapons are heavy and unwieldy, it's nice to be able to rest them against something. So if the Vulcan is heavy, that will be a point in the stock's favor, not against it. And there's that one final thing, recoil. Recoil can cause extreme inaccuracies when fired at the hip. This gun is having something constantly moving back and forward so there will be recoil, especially when you juice it up with a drill motor and an AR-15 spring ;D.

Edited by Eboreg, 01 July 2008 - 04:18 PM.

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