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The Vulcan

Crap talk and speculation galore until the release date

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#601 Philote



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Posted 22 June 2008 - 07:32 PM

I believe an admin should CLOSE THIS THREAD NOW!!! No car batteries, no speculations, no re-posts, CLOSE THIS PLEASE. Do us all a favor. When someone actually does get this gun, make a new thread about it. This is getting out of hand, and I believe OMC said about 40 posts ago that he would ban the next person to post here. There, I said it. This is in the wrong place, but whatever. Grrr. There.... I'm done, good night,

Edited by Philote, 22 June 2008 - 07:40 PM.

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#602 z80



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Posted 23 June 2008 - 09:34 AM

analogkid, on Jun 22 2008, 10:23 AM, said:

chefdave, on Jun 22 2008, 01:49 PM, said:

Battery powered=fail.

Seriously, to get a decent amount of range you would have to add an actual "good" spring and to fire a "good" spring you would probably have to hook it up to a car battery.

This thread runs in circles. This has been discussed before...Car battery=12V, 6 C batteries=9V. Only 3V difference. Not to mention that the car battery would have too much amperage for a small electric motor to handle.
When will this thread end?

Amperage is determined by the device, not the power source.
Voltage=12 v
I is current
R is resistance of the motor. As the resistance increases, aperage decreases.
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#603 Commander Cody

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Posted 23 June 2008 - 10:19 AM

[Nothing New]


Edited by Commander Cody, 23 June 2008 - 10:21 AM.

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#604 Ubermensch



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Posted 23 June 2008 - 10:20 AM

Old news, dude.
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#605 analogkid



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Posted 23 June 2008 - 02:21 PM

z80, on Jun 23 2008, 10:34 AM, said:

Amperage is determined by the device, not the power source.
Voltage=12 v
I is current
R is resistance of the motor. As the resistance increases, aperage decreases.

Yes, and the resistance of the motor (or the coils in the motor) is not high enough. Which means that the current going through the motor would be high. The coils in the motor would heat up if the current exceeded the carrying capacity of the coils in the motor, then it would break. There would have to be a resistor in there somewhere to limit the current. If this still doesn't sound right PM me, I'm done posting in this thread.
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#606 TheNERFArmageddon



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Posted 24 June 2008 - 02:57 PM

oops. wrong button....

Anyway. From what i saw, i thought that the batteries were just to drive the belt. it almost looked like there was a spring mechanism in front of the trigger.

Also, in a recent Youtube video featuring the gun, it looked too slow to be battery fired. the delay between shot made it look like they were cocking the gun between each shot.

Link to the video below.
[href] [/href]

Edited by TheNERFArmageddon, 24 June 2008 - 03:01 PM.

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#607 PointBlank



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Posted 24 June 2008 - 08:19 PM

The more I read and hear about this gun, the more I realize that there is no point in me buying it.
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#608 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 24 June 2008 - 10:35 PM

Every time I log into Nerf haven. I see there is a new post in the Vulcan thread. Every time I hope its useful, almost every time I get let down.

It's like that poor child who hopes his Christmas present is that expensive glorious toy he has been dreaming about. The one that all the clean cut boys at school have. But deep down he knows its not possible. But still, There is that hope it might be it. It could be it. The box is the right size, it is possible. Slowly the wrap is taken off and the lid is taken off the box. A slow movement of the poor child's head over the box reveals hand me down pajama bottoms. A tear rolls down the dirty face of the poor child who knew better, but chose to hope. He will try harder not to make the same mistake next year.
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I don't get my kicks out of you,
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#609 slowguitarman



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Posted 24 June 2008 - 10:43 PM

I couldn't have said it better myself. I feel exactly the same way, forsaken.
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#610 Ultima-Weapon



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Posted 24 June 2008 - 11:04 PM

Blasphemy, on Feb 13 2008, 07:37 PM, said:

vaan, on Feb 13 2008, 08:14 PM, said:

I'd think that with 6 D batteries that it would be like the mech tommy 20, in the case that it fires, and rotates, execpt at a much faster rate. because if 3 tripple A's worked for about 15 feet and did that, then the Vulcan should in theory be better.

I don't know if that's such an accurate theory. You have to remember no battery power in the MT20 is wasted going into rotation, seeing as how it is semi-automatic and rotates using a mechanism. The Vulcan is automatic, meaning the batteries almost definitely control the mechanism which moves the belt too, so not all the power of the 6-D batteries is going into firing the darts.

Anyways, I can already see it, people making super long belts and mounting this thing on top of a structure and just raining darts down upon everyone.

I think that with six D Cells, the battery power used to move a belt an inch will not be very great. I assume this will shoot very far, and get the dart there very fast.
Either way, I can't wait for this sucker to be released.
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#611 g-force



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Posted 25 June 2008 - 05:56 PM

Ultima-Weapon, on Jun 24 2008, 10:04 PM, said:

I think that with six D Cells, the battery power used to move a belt an inch will not be very great. I assume this will shoot very far, and get the dart there very fast.
Either way, I can't wait for this sucker to be released.

Wow. did you miss all the anti speculation posts?
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QUOTE(Carbon @ Jul 28 2008, 03:25 AM) View Post

My god, you actually built it. To that, all I can say is, "bravo".


#612 BustaNinja



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Posted 25 June 2008 - 06:37 PM

Forsaken_angel24, on Jun 24 2008, 07:35 PM, said:

Every time I log into Nerf haven. I see there is a new post in the Vulcan thread. Every time I hope its useful, almost every time I get let down.

It's like that poor child who hopes his Christmas present is that expensive glorious toy he has been dreaming about. The one that all the clean cut boys at school have. But deep down he knows its not possible. But still, There is that hope it might be it. It could be it. The box is the right size, it is possible. Slowly the wrap is taken off and the lid is taken off the box. A slow movement of the poor child's head over the box reveals hand me down pajama bottoms. A tear rolls down the dirty face of the poor child who knew better, but chose to hope. He will try harder not to make the same mistake next year.

Dude, that made me nearly cry. Stop being so depressing.

And if it is a complete letdown, atleast it has a bitchin shell right?
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#613 A side of nerf

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Posted 26 June 2008 - 08:02 AM

The following has already been speculated about in this thread,
1. Car batteries, 6 times
2. Rate of fire, 4 times
3. D Batteries, 37 times
4. Range, 15 times
5. The prototype chain, 3 times
6. Both youtube videos, 17 times
7. Release date,7 times
8. The Vulcan being crappy, 3 times
If you don’t believe me about this, type some of these key words into the “search topic” toolbar, it works wonders for those trying to figure out if what they are about to say is meaningful.
And the list goes on, the point I am trying to make here is if someone has some information that isn’t listed above, than please post it, I am tired of hearing the same thing multiple times. Can we just wait until someone gets it to contunue talking about it?

-A side of nerf
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#614 balisticjoe



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Posted 26 June 2008 - 04:28 PM

I have come up with a working design for a ls modification to turn it into a working Vulcan. Currently it is just a design, but if you have the means to spend the estimated $100 for the ls to mod the highly detailed designs will be posted likely around next Thursday in this topic. I have designed all aspects of it, including manual shooting, decent range in automatic shooting, and how to make a hopefully usable shell. In addition I have come up with a feasible mod for a maverick Vulcan design. Please don't doubt me I have been designing projects for fun for many years and have figured out tough problems and came up with many solutions. I will try to get the designs up as soon as they get done being put in the computer. You can expect many projects in the future of hopefully a long time in NH. Thank You
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#615 A side of nerf

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Posted 26 June 2008 - 04:43 PM

Now that is something I would like to hear about a vulcan. Can't wait to see it ballisticjoe. You should actually post it in modifications so it makes the directory. I look forward to seeing your future creations, welcome to nerfhaven.
-A side of nerf
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#616 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 26 June 2008 - 09:24 PM

balisticjoe, on Jun 26 2008, 05:28 PM, said:

I have come up with a working design for a ls modification to turn it into a working Vulcan.

In addition I have come up with a feasible mod for a maverick Vulcan design.

Be sure to create a brand new thread for these.
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I don't get my kicks out of you,
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#617 Captain



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Posted 26 June 2008 - 10:15 PM

Those designs sound really cool,but instead of spending 100 dollars on a project like that, why not just wait for the real vulcan to be released and pay $40? I think we can wait. But it's always cool to design stuff.
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#618 CrazyIvan VI

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Posted 26 June 2008 - 11:24 PM

Captain, on Jun 26 2008, 10:15 PM, said:

Those designs sound really cool,but instead of spending 100 dollars on a project like that, why not just wait for the real vulcan to be released and pay $40? I think we can wait. But it's always cool to design stuff.

This guy finds a way to make a Vulcan-esque Longshot, FA will see it, and will be able to find a cheaper way to do it, maybe the collective Haven will come together, and we'll make an unstoppable weapon.

Maybe not.
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#619 balisticjoe



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Posted 27 June 2008 - 01:03 AM

I just want to say that currently it is only a simple design that I made to ad parts and make the ls into a powerful and kinda scary foam shooting machine. I should actually have the design I made from ms paint today (My NH clock is messed up a little). Like crazyIvan said it is '' Vulcan-esque'' but could be cheaper if you get rid of paint.

Edited by balisticjoe, 27 June 2008 - 01:05 AM.

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#620 Eboreg



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Posted 27 June 2008 - 08:10 AM

Captain, on Jun 26 2008, 11:15 PM, said:

Those designs sound really cool,but instead of spending 100 dollars on a project like that, why not just wait for the real vulcan to be released and pay $40? I think we can wait. But it's always cool to design stuff.

My guess, the "long-can" will be more compact than the actual vulcan creating a (drum roll please) NERF AK-47!!!!
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#621 zaphodB



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Posted 27 June 2008 - 08:21 AM

My guess is that nothing's going to come of it.
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#622 slowguitarman



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Posted 27 June 2008 - 11:06 AM

Eboreg, on Jun 27 2008, 09:10 AM, said:

Captain, on Jun 26 2008, 11:15 PM, said:

Those designs sound really cool,but instead of spending 100 dollars on a project like that, why not just wait for the real vulcan to be released and pay $40? I think we can wait. But it's always cool to design stuff.

My guess, the "long-can" will be more compact than the actual vulcan creating a (drum roll please) NERF AK-47!!!!

How would that be anything like an AK 47? AK's aren't belt-fed...
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#623 balisticjoe



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Posted 27 June 2008 - 01:47 PM

The designs for the gun are up now in the Modifications section. They should explain most of how it works. Feel free to ask questions. And who told you about my attempting an AK-47 or 74.
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There Are No Stupid Questions, But There Are A Lot Of Inquisitive Idiots.

#624 Eboreg



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Posted 27 June 2008 - 04:11 PM

slowguitarman, on Jun 27 2008, 12:06 PM, said:

Eboreg, on Jun 27 2008, 09:10 AM, said:

Captain, on Jun 26 2008, 11:15 PM, said:

Those designs sound really cool,but instead of spending 100 dollars on a project like that, why not just wait for the real vulcan to be released and pay $40? I think we can wait. But it's always cool to design stuff.

My guess, the "long-can" will be more compact than the actual vulcan creating a (drum roll please) NERF AK-47!!!!

How would that be anything like an AK 47? AK's aren't belt-fed...

I at first assumed that it would be magazine fed.
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#625 Philote



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Posted 27 June 2008 - 04:45 PM

Eboreg, on Jun 27 2008, 01:11 PM, said:

slowguitarman, on Jun 27 2008, 12:06 PM, said:

Eboreg, on Jun 27 2008, 09:10 AM, said:

Captain, on Jun 26 2008, 11:15 PM, said:

Those designs sound really cool,but instead of spending 100 dollars on a project like that, why not just wait for the real vulcan to be released and pay $40? I think we can wait. But it's always cool to design stuff.

My guess, the "long-can" will be more compact than the actual vulcan creating a (drum roll please) NERF AK-47!!!!

How would that be anything like an AK 47? AK's aren't belt-fed...

I at first assumed that it would be magazine fed.

I think it would be more like a SAW than an AK-47...
Hey wait a second! Damn, I posted in it too....crap.
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