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Darts, Barrels and Hoppers Directory

A quick reference of good guides

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#1 Langley


    LGLF - Since 2002

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Posted 28 June 2005 - 10:40 PM

Scroll down to Zorn's post for Barrels, Reloaders, and other ammo types.


Home made nerf darts are one of the main aspects of this hobby that distinguishes the members of this community from other nerfers. We fire these darts from our homemade and modified blasters out of a variety of barrel materials which enables us to use Hoppers to automatically load a tube of darts, one at a time.

Ryan's guide to making homemade nerf darts is up to date and comprehensive. I recommend starting there if you are new to making darts.

Dart Weight Regulations and Range Testing by Ryan provides some data and explanation as to why many wars now require slug style darts and ban hotglue domes.

The Unholy Three's Guide to Dartmaking - A general overview of making homemade nerf darts. Somewhat outdated, has minimal info about hot glue domes in addition to slugs.

How to Make Better Slug Darts by RyanMcNumbers - An improvement on the Slug dart design. Widely considered to be the standard for Slug Darts, which are required at many nerf wars. Ryan's newer guide covers this material, but if you are already an experienced dartsmith, this distills it down to the necessary info.

Slug's Original Dart Guide - The original guide to making Slug style darts. The above articles are a vast improvement on the design, but this article was where it began.

VANS Are Not Slugs by the aptly named KaneTheMediocre - To the extent that it has been tested at wars, this design has not proven to be inexpensive, durable, practical, or effective enough to be widely adopted. However, this discussion thread represents the cutting edge in homemade metal-free darts, for people fixated on making homemade darts without metal parts.

Foam Sports: Australian silicone tipped darts these custom manufactured darts from Australia are metal-free, but their feed in hoppers is reportedly inconsistent.

If you want to see how we did it in the old days when dinosaurs roamed the earth and foam was 5/8" in diameter, you can take a look at these:
Stefan Mohr's "Evolution of the Nerf Dart", probably the oldest dart guide anyone around here would remember, excepting The Horsemen.
The Official LGLF Guide to Stefanmaking - This was NerfHaven's first dart article (darticle?) written by yours truly.

Dartsmithing Guide Archives - You're welcome to read the more than seven years worth of posts in this thread, but be warned that most of the information is out of date, inaccurate, and/or of little use at current nerf wars. Slug and Ryan's guides have been moved to their own separate threads, leaving little of interest.
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#2 Zorns Lemma

Zorns Lemma

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Posted 12 August 2012 - 11:48 AM


Homemade Arrows by Fome
Bullet Bills by SonReeseSonJensen


Guide to barrel materials

Doom/btrettel on statistical analysis of barrel rifling

Nerf type darts gain their stability from forward-loaded weight distribution, not from rotation. They're just not the right kind of medium nor do you have enough force behind the acceleration of the projectile for rifling to really accomplish anything reliably.

Please drop the idea. It's simply not applicable to this kind of ammunition.

Origianl "Unknown" Breech by Zero Talent
Slide Breech Rev.3 by CaptainSlug
Pump Action Breech Writeup by Carbon
JLego's hybrid slide breech
arfink's hinged break-open breech
Metric sized slide breech

NStrike magazine compatible breech


Hopper Clips
Basic guide to hoppers
Chopper hopper variant
Bottle hopper resevoir

Hopper Clip Improvements
BritHop - hopper modification for low power blasters
OptimalWye - hopper modification for silicone domes

Dart Doors
Original dart door v2 guide
Sliding dart door

RSCB explanation
RSCB with wye - BRISC
RSCB with "shuttle valve"

Deodorant clip

Edited by Zorns Lemma, 24 August 2014 - 03:01 PM.

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