Parts needed
17/32" Brass
19/32" Brass
.5" Sched 40 PVC
1" Thinwall PVC
Small Pipe Clamp
Two .5" PVC couplers
One .5" PVC Endcap
Rubber washer and metal washer (that can roughly fit inside the coupler, but not fall through)
Tools required:
Cutting wheel/plastic cutting wheel/drum sander
Pipe cutter (you can't use a hacksaw and have it work well)
X-acto knife
I'll be listing dimensions and lengths in this writeup.
Preparing the breech
Cut a length of PVC 7.75" long. Mark off two lines, one 5/8" from the end, and then another one the length of your darts (in this case, 2"). Hacksaw across those lines to roughly the width of your darts.
Time to break out the Dremel. If you don't have an actual plastic cutting wheel, go get one, it's worth it. Really, I'll wait.
Connect the two lines you just sawed. The plastic cutting wheel is just deep enough that when you finish, you can just pop out the rectangle with a screwdriver. Plus, they don't shatter.
Okay, the breech is done for now. Time to make the slide knockout. Turn over the PVC and do the same thing on this side, .75" from the enn, 4.75" long. This side will be a deeper cut, about 1/3 of the tube.
Go back over the rectangles just cut out and clean up the edges with an exacto knife. Test out the breech with a stefan, and make sure it's wide enough. You'll probably need to go back and remove the edge of the entry with a knife. Then, sand it down. You're done with the PVC for now.
Preparing the Barrel
Take the 19/32" brass and cut off 3.5" with the pipe cutter. 19/32" is a near perfect fit in .5" PVC, so we're join it up with some 17/32" for the barrel.
The pinch the cutter is making is going to help seal the two pieces together.
Take your 17/32" barrel material and cut it to length with a hacksaw. The SNAP can use 12" of brass, so I left it alone. Flare one end of the pipe to the ID of the 19/32" brass. There's probably a tool for this, but I just use a needle nose pliers. Twist it against the tube to make the flare.
You should be able to see the flare.
End of part one (picture limit)
Edited by Carbon, 30 May 2016 - 04:52 PM.