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#301564 Near-Semi-Auto Rifle

Posted by Banshee on 15 July 2011 - 12:41 AM in Modifications

It seems like this would work good with a hopper, have you tried one out?

No, I have a feeling it would work, but I've never even tried a hopper on any gun. By design, they don't look like they would work well with streamline darts, and I only have a handful of stefans.

#301554 Near-Semi-Auto Rifle

Posted by Banshee on 14 July 2011 - 07:53 PM in Modifications


So cool.
I've been working on something comparable using a SuperSoaker Hydro Cannon instead of the MS, and you've validated a few of the details I was worried about. Mine should be a little different, though - I hope to retain enough of the QB shell to keep the automatic trigger, and thereby have a chance at full-auto (using a hopper/chopper ... or just *maybe* if I can make it work (BIG 'if' there) an RSCB with a small hose to puff air into the back at the right time (inspired by Carrtoon's BBB)

Sounds Awesome Bob, can wait to see it!

#301593 Near-Semi-Auto Rifle

Posted by Banshee on 15 July 2011 - 11:03 AM in Modifications

Very nice Banshee! :)
The tank functions the same way as a Super Soaker Shot Blast tank. Would you happen to know how their sizes compare?

I don't own a shotblast, but from pictures I've seen, I would say they're pretty close in size. The Shotblast tank looks a little wider, but a little shorter.

#301550 Near-Semi-Auto Rifle

Posted by Banshee on 14 July 2011 - 07:38 PM in Modifications

This is sort of a write up on building your own Blast-Strike. I say “sort of” because I’m going to roughly explain my process to you, but with this modification, it’s fairly easy to see what I did through a single picture. “Now, what is it?” you’re asking? It’s a sort-of-semi-automatic rifle using a Nerf Magstrike and a Super Soaker Quickblast.

This is a Quick Blast:

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Inside the Quick Blast is a very simple air tank that functions like any air tank with a pin release. What makes this tank unique is that inside of it is a plunger with an O-ring and a spring. When you pump air into it, the pressure pushes the plunger out the back, and then when you pull the trigger, the plunger pushes all the air out the front. It’s quite interesting, it’s like a springer/tank hybrid. I’m sure you could achieve higher performance by adding a spring or replacing it, but I’m not doing that for now.

The reason I use this tank is because the plunger coming out of the back keeps the air pressure coming from the Magstrike bladder perfectly consistent. Testing with other tanks didn’t yield as nice results as this tank.

This is the basic design of the gun:

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This gun functions very simple. You pump up the bladder 25-30 times, press the original Magstrike trigger valve which releases air into the tank, and then you can fire. I can get 5 streamlines into the RSCB and I can fire them all on about 25 pumps.

This is a closeup to show you what I have inside:

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The air release valve is meant to extend through the shell so it can be pressed with my trigger finger as I tip the gun downward to load a new shot. I use this design so there is no wasted air between shots if I had just linked the bladder to the tank. That means more shots for my pumps.

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The rate of fire is awesome for the range. The key here is the check valve. You can not use this design without the check valve, if you do, all your air from the tank will escape through the air release valve. Put the check valve after the air release valve before the tank.

All put together:

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I’ve integrated 2 hornet tanks and their own AirTech 3000 pump on the side as well as a separate trigger on the front. I painted the pump handles, trigger, and the front green part of the gun because I thought it looked stupid, and there you have it! The Blast Strike!

The other side:

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Now, the important questions. How does it handle? The answer is, VERY well. It fires as fast if not faster than any pump action Nerf gun. You can fill the tank in the time it takes you to tip the gun to load a new dart into the RSCB’s barrel. Meaning you can fire this as fast as you can work your RSCB. In my case, I can load 5 streamlines and I can fire them all in about 3 seconds flat. This isn’t including the time it takes you to pump the gun, but if you’re like me, then you are constantly pumping your blaster in a Nerf war.

Ranges? With the RSCB and streamline darts with a single BB stuffed in the tip, using a 4 inch thinwall PETG barrel, I’m currently getting about 95 feet with every shot. Some better stefans and a better barrel fit, and I should be breaking 100 feet with this baby no problem. New primary? I think so!

In case anyone is wondering about the Hornet tanks, they get about 70 feet with 4 inch CPVC barrels from 5 pumps out of a AT3K pump. It’s what I had on me at the time, a smaller diameter pump would be better, and I plan to swap the barrels out for PETG whenever the hell it finally gets to my house… They’re linked together and fire at the same time, and the trigger is on the front between the bottom barrel and the pump.

You can see it in action in this video here, check it out!!!

Question, comments??

#301604 Near-Semi-Auto Rifle

Posted by Banshee on 15 July 2011 - 01:34 PM in Modifications

Very nice! If only I hadn't wasted a 2k tank and a magstrike bladder on a project for a friend... I'm guessing that most/all tanks that use a pin would be compatible? If so, I have a new project. :ph34r:

I think any tank would work, but I went with that tank because I can hear it fill with air, you can hear the rod come out of the back. I tested with an AT2K tank, and I never really knew when it was full and it didn't seem to get to a very high pressure because the darts isn't go very far at all. So I'm not really sure, but I left this mod very generalized so anyone can apply their own twists, hopper clips, different tanks, breeches, etc. The possibilities are endless, and I'm excited to see what someone will do with the concept.

#230885 The Soulreaper

Posted by Banshee on 17 May 2009 - 06:44 PM in Modifications

Would you be willing to start selling these pre-assembled ready for installation? How much would I expect to pay for something like that?

#159224 While Making Something Else, I Made....

Posted by Banshee on 15 June 2008 - 12:03 AM in Modifications

You dip shit. Dude, welcome to NerfHaven, you opened a 2 year old thread!

#248220 Berserker Mod

Posted by Banshee on 22 August 2009 - 10:33 PM in Modifications

Can anyone direct me to some decent internal pictures if there are any. I want to see the plunger size, the air tank, how it all works. I've seen pretty much nothing about these guns.

#182786 What's The Cheapest Place To Buy Good Spray Paint?

Posted by Banshee on 10 October 2008 - 12:16 AM in Modifications

Are you serious? You couldn't have figured this out for yourself? You had to post a bulletin? And why in Modifications? Isn't there a "pointless shit" thread somewhere? Dude, you can get spray paint anywhere, and its all the same price...

#210370 The Howler

Posted by Banshee on 08 February 2009 - 12:48 AM in Modifications

Let me be the first to say nice work man! How does it prime compared to a BBB?

#231661 Longshot Scope Now Usefull!

Posted by Banshee on 21 May 2009 - 08:42 AM in Modifications

Where'd you get a yellow LS? I have yet to see one in stores.

#285572 Pacbow Write-up

Posted by Banshee on 17 September 2010 - 01:18 AM in Homemades

Those "V-notches" at the ends of the bow, I was cutting some of those on a bow I made when I was in Jr. High and I ended up cutting off half of my thumb. I'm not kidding, so choose your method of cutting "V-notches" carefully. You'll regret it if you don't... I do.

#285636 Pacbow Write-up

Posted by Banshee on 18 September 2010 - 01:37 AM in Homemades

I was a stupid kid and used a utility knife cutting downward toward my hand that was gripping the pipe. The top part of the pipe snapped off and all the force I was putting down sent the knife through half of my thumb and the blade bottomed out on the bone in my index finger. I hardly need to tell you that it was an extremely gory mess.

I have a feeling that it hurt. Did your thumb get better?

Well it didn't actually hurt. First of all, it severed all the nerves in my thumb and I immediately went into shock so I really don't remember it hurting. But to answer your question, no, it didn't really get better. I cut straight along the bone and split my thumb like you'd split a fire log, so the thumb still moves, but its a little weaker and I have no feeling in the surface of it and I got a really nasty scar. But I got used to it and I don't even notice it anymore.

#285591 Pacbow Write-up

Posted by Banshee on 17 September 2010 - 02:25 PM in Homemades

I was a stupid kid and used a utility knife cutting downward toward my hand that was gripping the pipe. The top part of the pipe snapped off and all the force I was putting down sent the knife through half of my thumb and the blade bottomed out on the bone in my index finger. I hardly need to tell you that it was an extremely gory mess.

#243542 Lanard Sawed Off Hand Cannon Modifitcation

Posted by Banshee on 24 July 2009 - 11:09 AM in Modifications

I didn't see any any internal pictures of the whole gun. Can we get some?

#163623 Arachnophobia Pistols

Posted by Banshee on 21 July 2008 - 09:11 PM in Modifications

Great job! Those things are BEASTS! Are they easy to use as a pair?

#191350 Trifinder

Posted by Banshee on 23 November 2008 - 01:50 AM in Modifications

Nice mod dude! Speaking of Secret Shot 1's, I just found a NIB one in my closet last week. I never knew I had it in the first place.

Can't you see this is freaking old dude? Read dates!!! An as for najmodder0424, next time PM him or something. Only necro when you have something to add.

#230623 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 16 May 2009 - 05:59 PM in Modifications

Bow's gotta be on the right side. That's the biggest stipulation.

And you must be able to fire all or only one from the same trigger.

Haha, hell yes, then we need to add a Vulcan somewhere!

#230612 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 16 May 2009 - 04:15 PM in Modifications

Black Hawk Down, Windtalkers?
On Topic: Great mod, I love how smooth the paint looks.

YOU WIN 1 BILLION INTERNETZ!!! It was Black Hawk Down! Anyways, The paint is like $6 a can but its worth every penny and it smells really good. Haha.

And to SchizophrenicMC, Me and angel and whoever it was that made BBS collaborate and create the most impractically large, bastard nerf gun EVER. We'll have the LS with the bow on one side, the Blood Finder, on the bottom, and a Doomsayer on the other side HAHA! Then we'll integrate a RF20 into the LS scope, or better yet 2! "It's like a Nerf gun made out of BICEPS!!!!"

#230302 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 14 May 2009 - 09:42 PM in Modifications

I was recently admiring the work of PointBlank's "Cyclops" mod and how he managed to get an Airtech 3000 tank inside a nightfinder shell. However I wasn't so pleased with the idea of removing the perfectly good internals of my nightfinder, so I came up with a way to have both guns functionally in one gun. This is a VERY similar mod however we externally mount the pump.

The first part is not pictured, but you're going to want to take your AT3K tank and strip it completely clean of all flanges and extremities.

The you're going to take the housing of your light, remove all the wires and the light, but keep the housing. cut the flange off of the bottom so it will sit flat. Attach your barrel material inside the light and glue the whole thing to the front end of the tank like so:

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Keep in mind however that when your tank and barrel assembly are inserted your pump valve is going to need to come out the side, so plan how you glue them all together.

Then you're going to need to drill a hole in the side of the gun where your pump valve will come out of.

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Also, you're going to want to drill out and remove all screw posts from where the light used to be so the tank can fit. Then you're going to cut out the front enough for the tank to fit through the front. Its so unfortunate that it wont fit by such a small distance.

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Then we need to move on to the Nightfinder internals. You can do any of the basic mods you choose. I chose to attach the CPVC barrel inside the internal coupler from the plunger tube and the stock barrel like this:

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I then put an ACE #49 spring on the plunger and put some Teflon tape underneath the o-ring for a better seal.

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Then I filed down the barrel tip so the CPVC will fit through:

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Now to the AT3K trigger system. For this I did a linked trigger so I can fire both shots at the same time or still have the option of cock-shoot-cock-shoot. For this I bent the tank pin in a full circle:

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Now be VERY careful when you do this, use 2 pares of pliers, one to hold the pin and one to bend it. If you just try and bend the pin you could break the plastic on the tank and create a fatal leak.

Next we're going to drill a hole in the trigger in the rear for out new trigger wire.

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I didn''t get a picture of it, but I used a section of wire hanger between the trigger and the firing pin and ran it underneath the original trigger.

I also drilled some holes through the trigger for some extra style points and attached the brass end of a 12 gauge Remington shot gun shell to the pump as a pump handle. Its very comfortable.

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This photo was taken after painting it, but I've attached the pump to the left side next to the light with epoxy putty. I advise nothing less than epoxy putty. My first attempt with liquid epoxy failed to hold through a small indoor battle and hose clamps just let it slide though, so use plenty of epoxy putty.

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Now you can put it all back together, with your AT3K internals AND your NF internals. I ran the hose underneath the front of the trigger guard, through the gap under the barrel and into the side where the tank is. I sprayed mine with a candy apple red metallic paintjob. And I give you the "Blood Finder".

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1 Billion internetz to the person who can identify the movie on my computer in the background.

Pump side:

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Front end:

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Ranges are typical:

Nightifnder Average: 75'

Airtech 3000 Average: 1 Pump: 60', 2 Pumps: 80', 3 Pumps: 90'+

Questions, Comments?

#230319 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 14 May 2009 - 10:18 PM in Modifications

I like it, its very clean and the paint job is pretty sweet. The shot gun shell for the pump is pretty excellent as well, is it hard to pump the gun with that though? It just seems like a small thing to hold on to, but I do have rather large hands.

No, not at all. Its about the size of an AT2K pump handle and I usually only do one pump anyways. And I have pretty big hands too.

#230502 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 16 May 2009 - 02:06 AM in Modifications

Nice I also thought that it would be another cyclops. Nice paint job!

my guess

I loved the concept of putting a pump gun inside a nightfinder but I didn't want to waste the nightfinder internals, because there's no point. I also saw NortherofHeaven put a AT2K in a NF, but I refuse to sacrifice pump strokes, I wanted an efficient, and practical way to put a pump gun in a NF, so I did this. I didn't want to put the pump on the side, but when you refuse to cut it down or remove internals, what are you gona do, right? The gun works flawlessly though, however its a tad bit front heavy. Putting some AA's in the handle might help that though.

P.S. Not Jarhead either.

#230328 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 14 May 2009 - 10:42 PM in Modifications

When I read the post title I was ready for a "cyclops" carbon copy, but this is amazing.
I love it. The pump handle and placement is engenious. (sp?) As well as the trigger linking. You said in the write up you wanted the option of both shots at once or semi-auto. How could that be semi?

Mega props.

Well, I don't have it rigged right now to be semi but it is possible. Right now, one trigger pull fires them both at the exact same time, but if I where to trim the trigger a bit and tighten up the linkage, i could get the AT3K to fire on half a pull and the NF to fire on the whole pull thus being semi auto, but I liked it better this way. Right now, I pump it once, shoot a dart, then I cock it and shoot another.

#230350 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 15 May 2009 - 08:26 AM in Modifications

This reminds me of NortherofHeavens integration... but I like this one more only because it looks "ballin" haha.

P.S. Is the movie Transformers?

Nope, not Transformers, good guess, try again!

#230448 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 15 May 2009 - 07:24 PM in Modifications

Love it. Great work with the blaster and I really like the paint job.


Coming from you, that means a lot. Your paint jobs are absolutely SICK. And all of you are still wrong about the movie.

#230420 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 15 May 2009 - 04:51 PM in Modifications

Thank you for all your compliments! And no, sorry the movie is not I am Legend, X-men, or Slumdog. None of you will guess what movie it is. You all know the movie, but I just happened to pause it at a point that looks like it could be anything. But anyways, this thread is about my gun.

The paint I used is a Duplicolor automotive paint. I love their paints because they have pan spray nozzles, really comfortable, the paint doesn't chip, smudge, or crack, its a beautiful color, it goes on VERY even, very fine so you can get it in any nook and cranny, and best of all, it dries to the touch in like 10 minutes. I painted the gun and put some 10 minute dry clear coat on it LITERALLY half an hour before I posted pictures.

#230499 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 16 May 2009 - 01:06 AM in Modifications

Saving Private Ryan

And, I just realized you're using a 12-gauge shell for a pump handle. Pretty ingenious.

Thanks, and wrong again. Closest guess so far though.

#230452 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 15 May 2009 - 07:50 PM in Modifications

Clue time me thinks.
Everyone agree?

Okay, its a war movie.

#259210 Semi-automatic Valve

Posted by Banshee on 16 December 2009 - 10:19 PM in Modifications

Fantastic. I can't wait to see a functional gun. What kind of barrel design do you plan to go with because that semi auto ability needs to be put to good use? An inline or RSCB may work, but I don't know. Great work, very revolutionary.

Thanks. As I stated in the above text, I plan to integrate the system into my Firefly (complete with a firefly turret and hopefully rear loading) once I get more PETG. Due to the fireflies auto-rotate barrels, it will be a "true" semi-auto blaster once I get the new system in.

Crap... leave it to me to actually read things. I'm that guy that looks at the pictures in books and then moves on. Haha, but will you be able to have it so all you do is pump and pull the trigger? From your video it looked like you had to have a 2 step priming.

#259207 Semi-automatic Valve

Posted by Banshee on 16 December 2009 - 10:05 PM in Modifications

Fantastic. I can't wait to see a functional gun. What kind of barrel design do you plan to go with because that semi auto ability needs to be put to good use? An inline or RSCB may work, but I don't know. Great work, very revolutionary.

#260711 Supermaxx 3000 Overhaul

Posted by Banshee on 04 January 2010 - 09:07 PM in Modifications

While we're still on the topic of this overhaul, I'd like to post some pictures of the SM3K I overhauled very similarly. If you don't mind that is. If you do mind, let me know I'll take them down.

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Same basic mods, I used PVC pipe for stabilizing the barrels. It made it kind of front heavy, but its very comfortable.

#260679 Supermaxx 3000 Overhaul

Posted by Banshee on 04 January 2010 - 05:34 PM in Modifications

Wow, I did pretty much the exact same thing like 2 months ago, kept the auto rotation and didn't do a pump, but I have the rear load, perfect seal, and it hits over 100' consistently. These guns are very underrated. Nice work on beating me to posting it. Haha.

#162133 Nerf Zapper Write Up

Posted by Banshee on 09 July 2008 - 08:20 PM in Modifications

Ranges? Out of curiosity?

#207483 Ps-800 And The "slide Angel Breech"

Posted by Banshee on 28 January 2009 - 10:56 PM in Modifications

Is there any way to move the clip closer to the gun and shorten the barrel? Because this thing is pretty beastly but it looks awkward and a tad long...

#262540 Big Bad Bow, Rapid Fire20, Rapid Fire20

Posted by Banshee on 20 January 2010 - 07:32 PM in Modifications

Looks um... Whats the word I'm looking for? Ah yes... HEAVY. Can you fire both rf20's with one hand? comfortably?

#164995 Assault Magstrike

Posted by Banshee on 28 July 2008 - 04:49 PM in Modifications

Okay, so did anyone explain the big pipe thing coming off the top of the plunger? I've read the whole thing and I still don't understand the point of it? What does it do?

#165005 Assault Magstrike

Posted by Banshee on 28 July 2008 - 05:50 PM in Modifications

Okay, so did anyone explain the big pipe thing coming off the top of the plunger? I've read the whole thing and I still don't understand the point of it? What does it do?

On a Magstrike the piston fills itself with air; then it when the piston reaches the end of it's stroke, it releases that air into the barrel. I just gave it more space to fill with air. Thus more air goes out the barrel per shot.

I noticed that when holding down the trigger the first shot is the weakest, and as more shots are fired they go farther. Anybody got any ideas as to why it does that?

Really!? Thats very interesting. Is the massive ranges you get because of the barrels or the tank thing. I'd like those kinds of ranges but i don't have the patients to do both, so what do you think increases the air the most?

#183104 Nerf Gun Science Projects

Posted by Banshee on 11 October 2008 - 07:16 PM in Modifications

Take a powerful-assed air-gun, maybe a water gun, and do it with a couple mod. Then use different barrel lengths as your variables. or do number of pumps, because I know my water gun sucks up to 6 pumps and gets better as it goes up to 13, then after 13 it goes down hill from there.

#289343 Longshot Cs6 X-ii "shattershot"

Posted by Banshee on 29 November 2010 - 12:05 AM in Modifications

Nerf isn't about sharp shooting. If that's what you want to do, play airsoft. Nerf is about running around and jumping around corners at close range and shooting people's bodies (not heads). That's why Nerf guns that aren't manual powered (cocking or pumping) or have ranges of well over 100 feet are generally extremely erotic because they defeat the purpose of nerfing.

And I assume you can't extent the stock because when you cock it, the stock collapses? That's what the stock-lock mod is for, open it up and stick some PVC in there to keep it from closing. It'll be (somewhat) permanently extended, but it's better that way anyways.

#259620 Nite Finder - Closing The Gap On A Minimized Shell

Posted by Banshee on 23 December 2009 - 12:49 AM in Modifications

I didn't find anywhere if you mentioned the price of the plastic sheets. How much are they and how big do they come?