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There have been 219 items by chefdave (Search limited from 11-May 97)

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#234740 Foamtalk: A Nerf Podcast

Posted by chefdave on 06 June 2009 - 11:23 PM in General Nerf

Alot of spam from that site... dling it now however

#262619 Furyfire/2k Modification!

Posted by chefdave on 21 January 2010 - 05:59 PM in Modifications

Oh my god! That is beast! I wish i had an air tech 2k to use for this mod.

Is it really necessary to quote his entire post to just say "Cool"?

@ ahtanie, nice job with the gun. You turned a shitty springer into what everyone was hoping for before the gun was released.

#187128 Greatest Game That You Have Ever Played In Your Life

Posted by chefdave on 02 November 2008 - 09:24 PM in Off Topic

Oh, I forgot, Star Fox: Assault,

How can you like Assault, that game was TERRIBLE. Go play StarFox N64, that game was AMAZING.

#178038 Greatest Game That You Have Ever Played In Your Life

Posted by chefdave on 17 September 2008 - 10:17 PM in Off Topic

Guild Wars "was" the greatest game I've ever played. To bad they don't know how to skill balance and the economy is shit now.

I still play it, but I am getting bored since I got my rank 9 Hero title.

#143676 Green Tactical Light Mod

Posted by chefdave on 03 March 2008 - 06:35 PM in Modifications

Welcome to nerfhaven! This isn't a bad idea, I might do this. One tip though, all of your pictures are blurry, you may want to shoot from a greater distance but, more zoomed in

#175548 Guide To All Guns Directory

Posted by chefdave on 06 September 2008 - 11:30 PM in General Nerf

This could work, but there needs to be a standard format. Like this:

>Stock ranges: XX-XXft
>Possible ranges: XX-XXft
>Modding difficulty: X/10 1=nightfinder 10=Doomsayer
>Avg. price: XXX$
>Standard position: Primary or Sidarm
>Rate Of Fire: very low(singled, 10pumps+), low(singled,5-10pumps), medium/low(singled pump gun <5 pumps), medium(average springer), medium/high(easy to reload springer or gun with multiple shots), high(semi-auto), very high(auto)
>Notes: Aditional information here

If he can't keep up with the updates, some one RESPONSIBLE could just copy-paste the whole topic and take control of it.

#175533 Guide To All Guns Directory

Posted by chefdave on 06 September 2008 - 10:47 PM in General Nerf

*edit* Actually this might be good for quick reference, maybe....I don't know. *edit*

#175541 Guide To All Guns Directory

Posted by chefdave on 06 September 2008 - 11:07 PM in General Nerf

you are taking upon yourself the responsibility to update this list every time someone would post a contribution

Heh, I wonder if you can do it, and if this will actualy work.

>>>>>> First Shot
>stock ranges: 10ft
>possible ranges: 50ft
>modding difficulty:low
>avg. price: 10$
>standard position: secondary
>Rate Of Fire: 1 shot
>notes: pretty much a crappy maxshot
>>>>> Big Salvo
>stock ranges: 20-30ft
>possible ranges: up to 120ft
>modding difficulty: medium/low
>avg. price: 15$
>standard position: primary
>Rate Of Fire: 4 shots, semi-auto
>notes: can also be shotgunned
>>>>>> Blast Bazooka
>stock ranges: 30ft
>possible ranges: 150ft+
>modding difficulty:low
>avg. price: 10$
>standard position: primary
>Rate Of Fire: very low
>notes: high powered rifle, can cause welts
>>>>>> Max Shot
>stock ranges: 25ft
>possible ranges: 120ft
>modding difficulty: medium
>avg. price: 35$
>standard position: primary
>Rate Of Fire: medium
>notes: excelent primary
>>>>> Over Under
>stock ranges: 25ft
>possible ranges: 30ft+
>modding difficulty: medium
>avg. price: unknown
>standard position: secondary
>Rate Of Fire: high
>notes: its a maverick-chainblazer!
>>>>> Sonic Bazooka
>stock ranges: 30ft
>possible ranges: 90ft
>modding difficulty:low
>avg. price: 12$
>standard position: primary/secondary
>Rate Of Fire: medium/low
>notes: mini blast bazooka
>>>>>> Speedloader
>stock ranges: 25ft
>possible ranges: 45ft+
>modding difficulty:low
>avg. price: unknown
>standard position: secondary
>Rate Of Fire: medium/high
>notes: It's a DTG
>>>>>> Triple shot
>stock ranges: 20ft
>possible ranges: 50ft
>modding difficulty: medium
>avg. price: 15$
>standard position: secondary
>Rate Of Fire: medium
>notes: three shots, reload

#104515 Has It Been Done?

Posted by chefdave on 07 May 2007 - 11:53 PM in General Nerf

Has anyone single-barrel modded a big salvo? what were the ranges?

#104818 Has It Been Done?

Posted by chefdave on 10 May 2007 - 02:45 PM in General Nerf

no, no, what I ment is if you could combine the air output of all four salvo barrels into 1 SUPER BARREL. also, rig it to make a fire all trigger.

#171637 Homemade Airtank Question

Posted by chefdave on 22 August 2008 - 07:20 PM in Homemades

I'm making cs's DIY airtank and I was wondering if I need a checkvalve? I am using an expensive bike pump (This one can pressurize anything up to 160 PSI). Also what mcmaster part do I need so I can hook up the pump, too vinyl tubing, too the tank?

#246889 Homemade Trigger For Bbbb

Posted by chefdave on 13 August 2009 - 01:29 PM in Modifications

I managed to hot glue and e-tape everything together

On the air tank... can you say BOOM?

Do not use hot glue on anything that requires structural integrety to not break/splode.

#211537 How Do You Open The Cs Clip Up.

Posted by chefdave on 11 February 2009 - 07:14 PM in Modifications

Try prying under the tabs with an exacto-knife

#133818 How Many Darts Have You Lost?

Posted by chefdave on 25 December 2007 - 10:20 PM in General Nerf

I've gone through about 125 stock and 300 stefens.

#245892 How To Cut A +bow Spring?

Posted by chefdave on 06 August 2009 - 09:41 PM in General Nerf

Bolt cutters will melt through any nerf-related item like a knife through butter, I use them all the time as a modding tool.

#103012 I Finally Got A Longshot.

Posted by chefdave on 29 April 2007 - 04:00 PM in Modifications

springs...springs... I just use a streached/ heat treated maverick spring, it doesnt bounce around and it seams to work better than an NF spring, o yea and im gonna post my 30 min longshot mod in a few days

#203602 I Have A Recon Dream...

Posted by chefdave on 15 January 2009 - 05:09 PM in Modifications

Please use the search function before asking/writing a retarted question/speech. Also, to all you other people who posted, no need to start a who has the biggest dick topic.

#143559 I Have Done It!

Posted by chefdave on 02 March 2008 - 11:32 PM in Modifications


#143547 I Have Done It!

Posted by chefdave on 02 March 2008 - 10:59 PM in Modifications

Here she is.

Posted Image

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Posted Image

The hole I cut to remove the ar:
Posted Image

After I covered it up: *note* That is not tape, its a stronger form of shrink rap used to cover RC airplane wings.*note*
Posted Image

Posted Image

Half of the breech:
Posted Image

The material used to cover the tube (sorry blurry):
Posted Image

Enough pictures for tonight, I will have the write-up done within a week.

Ranges, well with no spring replacement, a streamline hit hard against a wall 40ft away. It could probably get 60ft with stefens.

Questions? Comments?

#143550 I Have Done It!

Posted by chefdave on 02 March 2008 - 11:15 PM in Modifications

The breech is made out of 9/16" and 17/32" brass. The 17/32" is glued/hammered into the plunger rod(or whatever it is). After inserted I cut it in half, dremmeled out all the rough edges, and inserted it into the gun. I then took the 9/16" and slid it onto the end of the breech so that it was fully closed. Finaly I glued the 9/16" to the oranged cap on the front of the gun and cut away the excess brass.

*edit* grammer *edit*

#143553 I Have Done It!

Posted by chefdave on 02 March 2008 - 11:20 PM in Modifications

The ranges are probably about 20-30ft longer then stock. I never measured the stock ranges, because they were crap.

#143675 I Have Done It!

Posted by chefdave on 03 March 2008 - 06:32 PM in Modifications

The half of the 17/32" brass and the 9/16" are what the darts shoot out of. This makes a 35/64" barrel which is prefect for weaker spring guns. (it fits bullets kind of like PETG)

#212808 I Present To You The Hefty Clip

Posted by chefdave on 16 February 2009 - 05:05 PM in Modifications

Iv'e never had jamming problems, he also didn't glue the spring in

#212739 I Present To You The Hefty Clip

Posted by chefdave on 16 February 2009 - 12:36 PM in Modifications

Good to be doing another write-up, haven't done one in quite a while.

So lets get started!

This will allow you to use stefens in your longshot.

Tools and materials:
-exacto nife
-epoxy putty
-rectrangular wood dowel
-possibly a dremel

First you need to open it up, pry open the tabs with an exacto knife or cut them off with a dremel.

After you have opened it, measure and cut your wood, glue it on at the appropriate positon according to the length of your stefens. Make sure you measure and glue it on straight,

This is where I origanly stopped, it broke after 1 use :angry:

Wimpy, wimpy, wimpy.
Posted Image

Hefty, hefty hefty:

Reinforce the wood with a large ammount of epoxy putty, make sure there is a small gap in between the two pieces of wood when the clip is reassembled.

Posted Image

Now, take the slider piece and cut it so there is about a 1/32th of an inch gap between it and the wood.( If you do not do this properly you will not be able to fire the last shot in your clip!)

Posted Image

Grab the spring and glue it in so that the spring is flush with the open edge of the slider.

(sorry couldn't get the camera to focus properly)
Posted Image

Reassemble it and your'e done!
Posted Image

This clip is much more durable and, in my opinon, easier to mod!

Questions? Comments? Flames?

#113177 Idea For Increasing Magstrike Compacity

Posted by chefdave on 26 June 2007 - 05:14 PM in Modifications

Concept thread.......

#258805 Improving The Seal On Your Rear Loading 1500

Posted by chefdave on 12 December 2009 - 11:32 PM in Modifications


Wax paper
A penny



Take appart your turret, rip out the 4 small cylinders.

Posted Image

Take your penny, shove it into the gears, the top of the penny should be flush with the top of the center.

Posted Image

Get a smooth surface, tape down some wax paper.

Posted Image

Take a large amount of epoxy, dump it on the paper, and smash the turret on top.

Posted Image

Once the epoxy has hardened, scoar around the edges of the penny and remove it.

Drill out the holes in the epoxy.

Posted Image

Cut away the excess epoxy

Posted Image

Take a neoprene washer, cut off a small piece, glue on each part in the respective areas.

Posted Image

And your done, now you have a rear loading 1500 turret with a perfect seal and inter-changeable barrels.

The smaller piece of the neoprene washer makes the turret distribute the load of the spring more evenly stopping the turret from bending and ruining the seal, However you may need to spray some silicon lube in the turret as it becomes harder to rotate.

Questions? Comments?

#258819 Improving The Seal On Your Rear Loading 1500

Posted by chefdave on 13 December 2009 - 01:24 AM in Modifications

Just get either standard or plastic epoxy. Curing time doesn't really matter.

#258869 Improving The Seal On Your Rear Loading 1500

Posted by chefdave on 13 December 2009 - 04:02 PM in Modifications

@ MSDFS, you have to make sure the outer rim of the turret is firmly touching the wax paper, so there is only a very small amount of epoxy over the rim. If you are still having problems, tantum's fix should work fine.

#258822 Improving The Seal On Your Rear Loading 1500

Posted by chefdave on 13 December 2009 - 01:30 AM in Modifications


#176994 Integrations...

Posted by chefdave on 12 September 2008 - 11:33 PM in Modifications

It should work, but I don't think the titan tank and the salvo chambers operate at the same pressure, so..... something might explode.

#234368 Introducing A Hellcannon

Posted by chefdave on 04 June 2009 - 10:03 PM in Modifications

Inline clips slightly decrease range, therefore do you really need 60 shots in what is normally a 12 shot rear loading gun?

#129470 Is It Worth It?

Posted by chefdave on 11 November 2007 - 08:44 PM in General Nerf

Quick question, is it worth it to spend 5$ extra to get a wildfire over a rf20? What is the range difference? Does one break easier then the other?

#203276 Lbb Amount Of Pumps

Posted by chefdave on 14 January 2009 - 10:53 AM in Modifications

I have heard of people doing 45 pumps, but I wouldn't take it past 25.

#189258 Leaking At2k

Posted by chefdave on 12 November 2008 - 10:55 AM in Modifications

The trigger could be pulling a little on the firing pin causing it to leak out when you pump it. That might be why when you pump it slow it leaks, but if you pump it fast enough the pressure builds up so the slight pull of the trigger will not open the valve. Try pumping it while its not in it's shell if you have not done that already.

#116468 Lol

Posted by chefdave on 19 July 2007 - 07:31 PM in General Nerf

It looks kinda lame to me. Hasbro should have made a new gun not just change a few parts in a NF. I would love to see them release a new pump gun

#253778 Lolz

Posted by chefdave on 17 October 2009 - 08:12 PM in Off Topic

Smash your computer with a sledge hammer :ph34r:

Don't do it

You know you should though.....

#217706 Longshot Breakthough (takes Stress Of The Boltsled) (writeup's Up)

Posted by chefdave on 12 March 2009 - 07:05 PM in Modifications

Interesting, but doesn't that ruin the rate of fire? Instead of 1 second to prime it takes 3. Also, heriticorp(hope I spelled that right) made a longshot that doesnt even use the bolt-sled and still has the same rate of fire as a normal ls.

#185178 Longshot Carbine

Posted by chefdave on 23 October 2008 - 07:46 PM in Modifications

Read please: Code of Conduct

#230588 Longshot Cf Boltsled Reinforcement

Posted by chefdave on 16 May 2009 - 01:21 PM in Modifications

Very nice. I did the same thing except I used two layers of fiberglass. Does carbon fiber have similar strength to fiberglass?

I'm 99% sure carbon fiber is stronger than fiberglass.

#237215 Longshot Cf Boltsled Reinforcement

Posted by chefdave on 18 June 2009 - 05:55 PM in Modifications

Don't remember where I got it, it was probably a few years back, just check your local hobby store.