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There have been 476 items by CustomSnake202 (Search limited from 21-January 97)

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#71020 Janga's Halo 2 Warthog Montage

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 14 January 2006 - 11:10 PM in Off Topic

Very nice video Janga, I still can't believe you (or your teammate) pulled off those very precise kills, getting killtacular's and what not. My favorite part was when a guy got nailed dead in the air. I especially like the block rockin beats intro.

#70496 New Dart Idea

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 05 January 2006 - 09:04 PM in Homemades

I've tried the airsoft darts before by using .2g tokyo marui tracer bb's. As Wrath said, they simply do not work because they are too light. However, I never tried to place a metal bb and then an airsoft bb ontop of it to make it heavier. So that might be worth giving a shot if you want to try a glow in the dark dart, but as far as safety goes, it is just as dangerous, which has also already been stated.

#70098 First Gun?

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 29 December 2005 - 03:22 PM in General Nerf

First gun I owned was a BnA when I was five. The first gun I bought and modded was a Sm5k when I was twelve or thirteen years old. Best damn gun I owned, back in the days when pvc was the dominant barrel material and stefans were not around. I started on nerfonline.

#69924 Free Credit Card Payments For 1 Year* Upto $1200!

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 26 December 2005 - 11:46 PM in Off Topic

Targeting a nerfsite? Man this is low.

#69921 Mark Series Modded Nf

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 26 December 2005 - 11:25 PM in Modifications

That flat-black paintjob and silencer are very well done. I really like the overall look of that guy. I also like the blue unpainted areas; they give the gun a little character. Very nice job.

The massive tube also bewilders me.

#69862 Spring Or Air Powered Guns

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 26 December 2005 - 01:06 AM in General Nerf

Definitely spring. I've had too many heartbreaks with pump guns. My SS2, and Sm5k to name a couple big ones. With springers, I know that there is a very good chance I will be able to repair any problems. My BBB has been reaching very good ranges with 12" nested brass, so as long as I can be up to par with some pump guns, I'm fine.

By the way, what would manual mean if spring is another choice? Like throwing the dart?

#69410 Bbb Help

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 17 December 2005 - 10:40 PM in Modifications

You could use a 9/16 brass barrel or a cpvc barrel, then wrap some electrical tape around the barrel a few times until it is able to hold a arrow snugly. Don't go by that mod's barrel length though. An eight or nine inch barrel is all you really need, I just like the look of a longer barrel.

#68576 Good Valves

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 29 November 2005 - 07:11 PM in Homemades

Metal valves haven't been used because you would have to thread the pvc, and that wouldn't work.
Those valves would be to big to be practical in a nerf war. And if you did get it small enough to work, you would have to fill it with an air compresser, which plain and simple, wouldn't work.

First off, you can get pvc attachments or fittings if you will that are already threaded, so you would just cement that on the end and screw on the vavle. Second, why would you need an air compressor? It works the same as a PVC valve.

#68574 Good Valves

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 29 November 2005 - 07:01 PM in Homemades

People do use metal ball valves too, you just don't see them on the site too often. I used a brass ball valve for a homemade, and it does work a little bit better than a PVC valve. Better handle and release. Only downside is that metal vavles cost a lot more, and ball valve guns are generally inaccurate as hell. That's why people go to a hose-sprayer attachment or homemade valves to increase accuracy.

#68467 Strongest Adhesive

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 27 November 2005 - 03:16 PM in Modifications

Plumber's Goop works the best for me. It takes about a day to dry and make a good seal, but once it does, that seal is going to last a very long time.

#68306 Saw Something On Bbb

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 25 November 2005 - 10:02 PM in Modifications

Even though your picture that you posted isn't working, I know what picture you are talking about. You could keep the handle and do that at2k intergration. You could just smack on a nitefinder, it would look a little awkward though. Other than that, figuring out a gun to intergrate on your BBB is the whole fun of modding; its your own idea. Good luck.

#68295 Saw Something On Bbb

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 25 November 2005 - 09:23 PM in Modifications

If you saw off that handle, right above it lies the main plunger assembly for the BBB, so you wouldn't have any space to put it. But you could glue something in the place of the handle.

#68290 Carrying Your Stefans

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 25 November 2005 - 08:40 PM in General Nerf

A big ziplock taped to your waist or secured around your belt should hold all of your stefans. Also, nerfing is the only excuse to use a fanny pack with Tweety Bird (for general elegance) on it. I usually use my cargo shorts with huge pockets.

#68212 Ris Cosmetics

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 24 November 2005 - 02:19 PM in Modifications

Its a rail system that allows accessories to be put on guns, i.e. flashlights and lasers. Here's an example of an airsoft gun with a RIS at the front with a mounted laser:
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EDIT: These pictures are a little better: http://www.modelmart.....>Rifle&no=638

#68201 Ris Cosmetics

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 24 November 2005 - 12:54 PM in Modifications

I've had an idea of making one of my nerf guns a RIS system or at least a cosmetic RIS. My dad always sees me modding my guns and suggested that I use a ribbed plastic sheath to cover my barrel, just for looks and a cool texture. Also, I realized I could use it to make RIS design on the side of my gun. So I finally got around to it and got some of the sheath at my local ACE. The plastic sheath is primarily used to hold electrical wiring inside. Just ask a employee for something along those lines and they should know what you are talking about. Anyway, here is my BBB with some of the sheath pieces glued on the side to create a RIS system look.

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I used 3/4 inch sheath to cover my barrel and detail the side of the gun. For the barrel, the sheath was not big enough to cover the whole circumfrence. For the part thats supposed to be a RIS system, I had to cut the tubing in half and quarter slivers. I love the look and feel of this gun now, it really does give it a more realistic look. I hope you guys think about trying this out yourselves.

#68019 Big Bad Bow

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 19 November 2005 - 10:54 PM in Modifications

I'm a little confused, isn't the part where the air comes out the same as the barrel? Do you mean that the plunger head is not aligned with the barrel?

#68007 The Icebow

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 19 November 2005 - 07:04 PM in Modifications

Awesome job, and a first paintjob at that. Did you use sparkle paint for the light blue spots, or is that just the flash from the camera lighting up the plastic? I like the color scheme, even better if you are a UNC fan.

-As far as the plunger goes, I am not sure about that one.

#67906 New Silencer

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 18 November 2005 - 12:16 AM in Homemades

I think my old smk5 would beg to differ.

#67633 Chewbacca's2k

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 14 November 2005 - 04:29 PM in Modifications

Awesome job on relocating the 2k innards to the chewbacca bow; people's ability to keep the original trigger to fire the gun always amazes me. The reason for your short ranges could be because your trigger assembly isn't pulling back the air-release pin fast enough on the air tank. Stefan quality is also a factor, but I'm not sure if those two things are causing range loss.

As for some advice, relocating the pump to run along the bottom of the stock would probably be more comfortable when its resting against your shoulder. Everything else looks great. Nice job once again.

#67373 The Shoes Heely's

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 09 November 2005 - 05:32 PM in Off Topic

The third choice looks pretty hot. They look better without the plate.

#67247 College Football

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 06 November 2005 - 07:20 PM in Off Topic

Still waiting for positive consistency in the University of Arizona's team. Stoops was supposedly going to turn our team around two years ago and I'm still waiting. However, I think now our back-up QB is our new primary, we will have a great offense. I'm still surprised we blew out UCLA (whose ranked 5th in the nation) last night. 52-14 I do believe.

#67169 Happy Halloween

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 05 November 2005 - 08:41 PM in Off Topic

Check this out


The next person to post this shit is going to die. Someone posted a "whats the difference between the two pictures" screamer a few months back and my heart rate went up and didn't come back down till five minutes later. Coincidentally, I once again had my headphone volume up a considerable amount when I viewed this one. Asshats.

#67144 Firefly Rev-8 Cpvc Mod

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 05 November 2005 - 11:55 AM in Modifications

Nice mod and writeup Sqiggs. Let us know if you get any definite ranges on that thing.

#66893 Happy Halloween

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 31 October 2005 - 10:39 PM in Off Topic

I wanted to go trick-or-treating this year very badly but homework did away with that idea. I would have gone as one of the beastie boys from the Intergalactic music video. Maybe next year.

#66715 Of Recalls And Rednecks

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 28 October 2005 - 06:02 PM in General Nerf

Good to see you getting back into nerf Rags. Its never too late to start primming those at2k's once again.

#66520 Happy Birthday Groove

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 24 October 2005 - 06:09 PM in Off Topic

Happy birthday Groove, don't drink too many Yoohoo's.

#66163 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 20 October 2005 - 05:25 PM in Modifications

Alright, I guess I'll dump my load off here. Sorry for some of the crappy pics, a year or two back I wasn't able to take a decent photograph for some reason.

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#65669 Bbs

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 12 October 2005 - 10:41 PM in Modifications

Nice trimming job. Even though you used E-tape to cover up the points of modification, it still looks nice. The BBB is a perfect gun to make a shotgun; you have that very nice cocking motion at the middle of the gun. The light is a good touch too.

#65620 B.w. Happy B-day!

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 12 October 2005 - 10:02 AM in Off Topic

A little late on this one, but happy belated Birthday Wrath.

#65580 My First Paintjob

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 11 October 2005 - 08:36 PM in Modifications

Pretty good for the first time. Looks a hell of a lot better than my black NF hand paintjob. The green tape goes good with the gun, but if you get a chance, paint it green so you won't have to worry about the tape coming off. Just an option, it looks good as it is, I always like the spiral look of E-tape. Well done.

#65357 New Version Bbb Mod

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 08 October 2005 - 08:22 PM in Modifications

Much thanks to all the comments. I'm glad you guys thought it was a good paintjob. I'm definately going to do some more painting in the future.

-And Reaper, the gun cocks when you pull both halves of the gun in opposite directions. I had always wondered how you would cock the BBB until I finally saw one in person at Armageddon 2004.

#65316 New Version Bbb Mod

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 08 October 2005 - 12:58 PM in Modifications

The BBB can shoot an arrow up to 40', but its really only good up to 30'.

#65313 New Version Bbb Mod

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 08 October 2005 - 12:35 PM in Modifications

The barrel is 10.5 inches long. Now that you mention it, it is kind of long. I may shorten it.

#65310 New Version Bbb Mod

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 08 October 2005 - 12:25 PM in Modifications

Thanks for the comment. And I am not going by shoe size, I measured my shoe and it came out to 11.5 inches.

#65308 New Version Bbb Mod

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 08 October 2005 - 11:37 AM in Modifications

I just recently received my Big Bad Bow from amazon.com and am very pleased. I have heard many different sides to the BBB, either being very good in range or very poor (Ompa's BBB's being the prime source of that information). This being my first BBB, I was very hopeful that it would give me some decent ranges in exchange for a nice price tag of $20 + shipping. So I am telling you right now, I did not get extraordinary ranges, but I did not get very poor ones either. I am very pleased with the BBB after a simple barrel mod has been done. And this is what I did:

First, take that nice piece of plastic out of the box and take in her beauty. Next, remove the ten screws at the front of the gun to access the barrel assembly. This is what the front end of the gun will look like without it's shell:
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If you are not an idiot like I am, you won't hesitate saving the two orange nubby poles with their springs on the side of the gun. This is what actually keeps the gun cocked, something I did not know and almost threw away vital pieces.

Next, remove the barrel at the front, simply by pulling it apart from the rest of the plunger. Inside, you find these goodies:
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That pesky air restrictor lies inside the barrel of the gun to greatly decrease range. Take the pole, spring, and circular restrictor out and throw them away. **Note that I do not have the small piece of the air restrictor that was at the very tip of the barrel. Before I even opened the gun, I sawed off about an inch off the barrel, hoping that I would not need to open the gun. If you choose to open the gun and get all of the air restricting material out, you will still need to either dremel or cut off the very tip of the barrel. There are four grooves at the tip that will not allow another barrel to fit inside.

After all the air restricting material has been removed and the tip of the barrel has been cut, you now have many differet options. You can wrap tape around 9/16 brass and wedge it down the barrel, add a 1/2 inch pvc coupler to accept a plethora of different barrels, add a crayola, or other various methods. Because I did not have any strong glue to bond a pvc coupler, I took another route. I took a piece of SCH 80 and wedged a 1 1/2 inch piece of 9/16 brass partially in the SCH and the rest sticking out to adapt to the original BBB barrel. I realize how short I left the original barrel and probably should of left more, but I can't go back now.

I initially used a very unique barrel setup, with the SCH 80 and brass and all. Disregard this barrel setup. Use about 8 inches of 9/16 brass or other barrel material that fits your darts.

With all the above stated and a white paintjob done, this is what I got:
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Night shot:
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I used Krylon Fusion paint for the first time on a gun, and am very pleased with the results. Being a beginner at painting, there are some rough spots and purple showing where the gun slides back, but I still love its appearance.

Now for some ranges. To get things straight, I will show you what I consider a level shot, and an angled shot.

Level shot:
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Angled shot:
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Now, back to the ranges (All the following was tested with 12 inches of 9/16 brass). With Dylan's leveled shot®, I am able to achieve an average of 90.83'. With Dylan's angled shot®, I am able to get an average of 92.40. All shots were tested with a 1 1/2 inch tight-fitting stefan dart. All measurements were based off of the heel-to-toe method. My shoes are 11.5 inches long. I measure by taking the number of steps multiplied by 11.5, then dividing my answer by twelve. For future reference, this is how I measure all of my ranges.

In conclusion, I love the BBB. I have always dreamed of getting one, and I highly recommend purchasing it. If there are any questions, feel free to post.

EDIT: Meh, grammar.

#65158 Painted Green & Black Crossbow W/ Matching Lnls

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 05 October 2005 - 11:37 PM in Modifications

That came out pretty clean. I can't see any flaws. The green is a pretty good scheme for all three weapons.

By the way, I'm guessing you used fusion spraypaint? I'm going to do some painting with white fusion spraypaint this friday and was wondering if I could get good results, as you did.

Good job on all three guns.

#65132 Grammaton Cleric's Sidearm

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 05 October 2005 - 08:27 PM in Homemades

Bolt, I have a feeling that you will never stop this madness. I have never seen a homemade spring pistol that fires mircros or stefan darts, and this being the first attempt that I've seen is just amazing. The final look is very clean and appealing. The rail system to attach a light is also a great option. What gets to me most is the crazy intricate details of the trigger mechanism and the catch for the plunger.

Once again, great work Bolt, your skills scare me sometimes.

#64762 Different Guns

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 01 October 2005 - 06:05 PM in General Nerf

Anything that shoots those little orange darts isn't going to have very good range. The only thing those guns would be good for are to put other nerf gun internals into them.

Also, while I was scanning that site, I saw a replica M4 for ten dollars. I bought the same one at a dollar store for, you guessed it, a dollar.

#64691 25yr Old Homeade Genius

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 30 September 2005 - 07:34 PM in Off Topic

Happy Birthday Bolt and thanks for all your beautiful contributions to the nerfing community.

#64545 Youre Computer Specs

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 28 September 2005 - 10:31 PM in Off Topic

The most recent addition to the mac family:

Machine Model: eMac
CPU Type: PowerPC G4 (1.1)
Number Of CPUs: 1
CPU Speed: 1.25 GHz
L2 Cache (per CPU): 512 KB
Memory: 256 MB
Bus Speed: 167 MHz
Boot ROM Version: 4.8.2f1

Hopefully I'm going to get a Powerbook for graduation.