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#200552 '08 Highlights

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 02 January 2009 - 01:07 PM in General Nerf


+Seeing Ohio becoming a more viable nerfing location (thanks to Cincinnati)
+23 man turnout at the Winter war I helped host
+Team 3K during the summer Ohio war (Me, Twitch, Bpso's brother, Bpso)
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+HVZ 2008 at Ohio University
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+Snagging a clear mav for xmas thanks to my girlfriend
+Some awesome new members (rork, herticorp, splitlip)
+Not nerfing related, but I backpacked home from college over spring break and it was definitely a highlight of the year. link


-Only making it to two wars. I've got better transportation (i.e. a car) now, so I'm pumped
-The fact that we still haven't seen a writeup for this. rork is a tease indeed.

#199289 Late Winter Ohio War

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 27 December 2008 - 10:12 PM in Nerf Wars

Put me down as a maybe. My only issue at this point is that I'll be driving from Athens to Greensburg, PA the next day, so if gas goes up by much, I'm not going to be able to afford both trips.

#198200 K'nex Wars

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 22 December 2008 - 11:03 PM in Off Topic

It's mind boggling how anybody could look at k'nex and decided to make weapons out of them, but I have to say that the end results are really impressive. The whole concept seems to go hand and hand with nerf homemades and the k'nexsayer has actually got me interested in trying this sort of thing out.

I think you could almost completely adapt normal nerf warring rules for k'nex wars and many of the variations of normal rules could be utilized in the same ways. The biggest difference seems to be that the average range of these guns is a bit shorter, but I don't think that affects too many of the variations.

The only real problem I see is accessibility. How much of an investment do you have to make in order to start building these things. With nerf, you can pick up a nite finder and you are ready for a war-- With k'nex, is it fairly easy for a newcomer to enter into the sport?

Overall, awesome stuff though. It seems very much in the same vein as nerf and also very much the same sort of DIY spirit.

#198121 Stefen Making Woes

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 22 December 2008 - 06:33 PM in Modifications

Badwrench, I do believe all of the CS style darts at the war on Saturday were made by me. I usually don't have durability issues with them-- I think the combination of the cold and the fact that our battlefield had much more in the way of things to hit contributed to them breaking down easier.

I brought about 250 darts to the war and I would say that over half of them were darts I made before the summer and used through out the fall- so they usually have some longevity.

That being said, your method looks pretty interesting. I'm just not so sure the time spent making them would be worth it to me. To each his own, I suppose.

#197635 Winter Ohio War

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 20 December 2008 - 11:39 PM in Nerf Wars

Couple more pictures-- There should be a gallery tomorrow:

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NERFstrong represent!

#197532 Winter Ohio War

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 20 December 2008 - 05:27 PM in Nerf Wars

What a great time! I have the convenience of living only fifteen minutes away, so I'm going to go ahead and post my reactions now before I forget them all. Overall, I think this war really went well. Props to the Cincy kids-- They come out in force every war and they really are great to play with. Some of them were saying that they have been waiting to nerf for a while and I'm glad we could accommodate.

So my thoughts

+The turnout. 23 people in all. I'm pretty sure Ohio is moving up in the nerf world.
+ The venue. It's definitely different, but the castle park is fucking badass. That is really all to say about it.
+My +bow generally operating in an awesome fashion. Unfortunately for me, my breech came apart near the end of the day, but it should be in working order soon. This was my first war (besides HVZ) using the +bow and I have to say that I am extremely impressed.
+ Thaygor really pwning with his xbow. It seemed like every time we were on opposing teams, I found myself in shooting matches with him and once, while in the fort, I heard one of his darts whiz right by my ear. It must have missed by a millimeter.
+ Lynx's friend (don't remember his name) who had never nerfed before. I gave this guy a BBB to use and he really did an awesome job with it. He would prowl around the battlefield edges, picking off anyone that was by themselves. At some point he said “this nerf stuff is really great. I want to get some guns of my own.” Score one more for nerf!
+The enthusiasm of all of the cincy guys. They really bring their A-game and I love going up against them. It sucks that UC is no longer hosting giant wars.
+ Seeing all of Mr.Badwrench's creations. I was especially impressed with the big salvo hornet...if only it wasn't so leaky. It's nice to know that nerf is a sport for all ages too!
+Being able to try new game types. The castle made for an interesting place to play and I was pretty happy that we were able to try a few things, such as gunslinger heaven and humans/zombies. The CTF rounds were also a blast because they really force you to work together. Too bad my team never won. I'm a sucker for zombies, so even though the round was a bit experimental, I think it worked out great
+Co hosting a war that turned out to be pretty damn awesome is always a plus in my book. Honestly, I'd like to put together a larger scale war because I had a blast hosting it.

There are only two things that I would like to work on-- Making the transition between rounds smoother, and making the lunch break more clear/organized. Regardless, this war ruled.

I should have all of the pictures uploaded later, but here are a few for now:

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Great moment from HVZ

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#197249 Winter Ohio War

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 19 December 2008 - 05:36 PM in Nerf Wars

ice... he was coming? WTF??

That would be ice, as in frozen water, as opposed to ice, the youtube sensation. Also, I pm'ed you my phone number.

Vistagecko: You mentioned a broken/messed up SNAPbow in your trading thread. If you still have it, I'll buy it off of you tomorrow. But I don't need any foam.

In other news, the weather report:

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It's ain't going to be beautiful, but it should still be a blast. Don't forget to bundle up and to bring water and a lunch. We'll stop for a bit for lunch, but since the park is kind of out there, it will definitely be smarter to bring one rather than to go buy food. I may bring a camp stove for hot chocolate, but it depends on whether or not I have fuel.

See you guys tomorrow!

#196908 Winter Ohio War

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 17 December 2008 - 11:49 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm not 100% sure why, but people tend to start dropping like flies attendance-wise in the days before a war. Then you get some yahoo who posts the morning of the war and says he can't go, etc. If you plan on dropping out, you should do it soon

I said it earlier, but this park is a little ways back and it can be a little confusing to find. If you want my cell #, shoot me a PM and I'll give it to you. That way, you can let us know if you're lost or trapped or whatever.

It's been pretty icy here, so I'll try to have some salt on hand to spread around the castle. The good news is: it's supposed to be clear and in the 40's on Saturday, so we probably won't have to deal with ice.

Who's ready to nerf?

#196204 Home Made Forts

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 14 December 2008 - 07:51 PM in Off Topic

Definitely in the wrong forum, but heck, I'll bite.

Not for nerfing, but just for shits and giggles, we started building a box fort in my apartment. The construction lasted about a week before the fire marshal came around to inspect the fire extinguishers in our complex and we had to take it down (talk about bad timing). It was pretty damn awesome.

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#195999 Winter Ohio War

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 13 December 2008 - 10:55 PM in Nerf Wars

1) You better be there

2) I'm considering myself sort of the co-host, so even if you aren't there, this war will run smoothly

3) You better be there

#195063 Winter Ohio War

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 09 December 2008 - 07:45 PM in Nerf Wars

TX. Yeah, far away, and might not seem worth it, but it's the best timed war for me. If I don't go to this one I probably won't be attending one for a while, due to the limit of time available for me.

OK, for one thing, holy crap. I now feel it is partly my responsibility to ensure that this war is incredibly awesome, considering the distance you are traveling.

Also, I have a possible +2 coming now, one being my girlfriend. Even if she decides not to go, she said I could use her professional grade DSLR camera, so I should be able to get some pretty snazzy photos.

Finally, Lynx, check your PM's

#193630 Winter Ohio War

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 02 December 2008 - 10:43 PM in Nerf Wars

You might not come. I'll see to it that you don't. M16's and C4 are involved.

Tell you what. Stop making death threats in the war thread and we might let you come to a future war. Deal?

I've never met the kid, but I'm starting to see why people might be celebrating his absence.

#193511 The Exhaustive Guide To Crossbows NOW ON NH

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 02 December 2008 - 03:55 PM in Modifications

The crossbow is one of the oldest nerf guns. While I can't remember the exact year, it is around 10 years old. I can check the copyright date later.

I realize that. I suppose I was merely musing on how far modding has come in general in the short (10-15) years that the hobby has been around. Comparing this crossbow mod to say, a mod from around it's release shows how far we have come as a hobby.

#193357 The Exhaustive Guide To Crossbows NOW ON NH

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 01 December 2008 - 08:09 PM in Modifications

Awesome guide and awesome job on the crossbow!

I think the best part of this guide is is that this truly is exhaustive and it should serve as a resource for a long time to come. It's pretty interesting how far crossbow modification has come in the (relatively) short time since the blaster was released. (e-tape on the barrel hole...does that even count?!?)

Also, it's kickass that there are now nerf articles in my RSS feed thanks to the LGLF. Rock on.

#192424 Black Friday Nerf Deals

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 28 November 2008 - 02:47 AM in Off Topic

Some TRU sales I saw in an ad today:

Crossfire two pack for $22
Tek 10 two pack for $9.99
Tommy 20 for $14.99

Also, I hate exclusives, but that mav is pretty damn sexy. Unfortunately, I don't own a wii.

#190936 Winter Ohio War

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 20 November 2008 - 04:53 PM in Nerf Wars

i visited the park today. One thing to note: The google map directions take you to one of the entrances, but the park is on the other. The park is visible from the other entrance, though, so as long as you have basic navigation skills, you can easily get there. In case you can't, just add these to the end of the directions from google maps:

Left at Avalon
Immediate right at Eastcliff

Onto the pictures! First off, I was told this is indeed a public park, even though it is next to a school, so we should have no problems there. Secondly, this park may soon be torn down, so we should definitely use it while we have it. The field to the side is completely barren, so we may need some obstacles if we want to do any "normal" battles, but I think the park will keep us satisfied for a while.

The field:
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The castle:
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This should be Effeminate. I'm excited.

#190457 Winter Ohio War

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 18 November 2008 - 10:12 AM in Nerf Wars

Well, Whetstone park has a very nice, newly renovated facility. The only problem would be getting it rented and not popping a stefan through one of their huge windows.

I've rented that facility before. For weekends, it's $150/hour. I'm down if you're paying.

Let's worry about this war. If someone else wants to plan an indoor war, they are free to do so.

#190453 Winter Ohio War

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 18 November 2008 - 09:50 AM in Nerf Wars

Bpso, Twitch, and the rest of the Cincinnati gang have done massive indoor wars at UC, but that whole shebang is no longer something they are able to do. I don't think us Ohioans would be opposed to an indoor war (especially considering our winters) but the problem is finding a venue that would 1) let us nerf there and 2) not cost much. Especially considering we usually get about 5-6 people that mysteriously get sick/have transportation issues/whatever and conveniently forget to post about it until the morning of the war

#189921 A Teaser

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 16 November 2008 - 12:35 AM in Homemades

I'm excited. This looks awesome from an aesthetic point of view as well as a mechanical one. The extended trigger makes it look like it has a huge plunger draw too.

/me is patiently waiting for said writeup

#189048 I Was Cleaning....

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 11 November 2008 - 02:33 PM in General Nerf

Yeah, poorly worded phrase. Out of all of the catchers out there, Piazza has the most home runs.

#189036 I Was Cleaning....

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 11 November 2008 - 01:54 PM in General Nerf

Honestly, a google search would have been a good place to start. It looks like it isn't too special.

MIKE PIAZZA THUNDER FX BAT A great professional look with a cool "thunderous" sound created by swinging the bat. Comes with a VORTEX ball so kids can practice their home run swing. (Available: Spring 2003; Approximate retail price: $9.99)

From here: http://www.toymania....sbro_nerf.shtml

Also, if it isn't obvious, Mike Piazza is a baseball player. He is the catcher with the most home runs in the MLB.

#188637 Just Stopping By

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 09 November 2008 - 09:39 PM in General Nerf

Ohio actually has a fairly active amount of nerfers and at least a one war a year happen at Whetstone park, which is smack dab in the middle of Columbus.

I'll send you a message the next time we have a war in Columbus (which will most likely be in the spring or summer)

#187792 Winter Ohio War

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 06 November 2008 - 01:15 AM in Nerf Wars

A note on the venue:

Essentially, it is a giant wooden castle structure. It spans a fairly good distance and it has a combination of "indoor" and outdoor passageways.

It's a bit different than Whetstone park, the standard Columbus venue, but I do think it will be worth it. It's not really going to lend itself to many standard games, but then again, it seems most winter wars aren't too standard anyways.

I'll be taking more pictures as soon as I am back in Columbus for winter break.

#185452 What Costume Are You People Wearing For Halloween?

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 25 October 2008 - 12:55 AM in Off Topic

The hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne!

Seriously, I've got the knitted hat, the "Blue Sun" shirt and everything. If only I could find a rainstick...

#184689 Should I Single My Sm3k?

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 20 October 2008 - 07:28 PM in Modifications

Removing the "goo" (which by the way I believe to be colored mineral oil) and leaving the tube intact could actually improve performance by increasing the volume available for air.

Funny how many times the modifications section is being brought up in this thread, but cxwq experimented with this here and found "The nearly identical mean, median, and range make it clear that this mod is not an effective way to enhance range."

#184430 Hvz

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 18 October 2008 - 04:45 PM in General Nerf

It's not because of site speed, it's because of logistics. Our game focuses on keeping it simple-- This is the first year were are even utilizing anything besides facebook to organize it.

The fact is, there is a core of probably 150 people that would track kills, and the rest of the people would never even go to the site. People keep track of their own kills and the admins can focus on the game, as opposed to worrying about who is trying to inflate their digital dick.

#184428 Hvz

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 18 October 2008 - 04:31 PM in General Nerf

Do you guys have a website?

We have such a large number of people that we avoid the kill log system, but we do indeed have a website. We mainly use the message board for communication, but the expect the site to be updated more as the game continues:


#184374 Hvz

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 18 October 2008 - 12:07 AM in General Nerf

Thanks for linking to the thread, Vistagecko!

We're gearing up for HVZ to start at OU (less than a week) and it should be an awesome time. Keep any eye out-- I'll be updating the HZV OU thread with pictures/stories as the infection spreads.

#183170 Tsunami Scattergun

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 12 October 2008 - 01:27 AM in Modifications

Nice writeup. I always feel that the BBBB is much better suited to a shotgun setup than the titan, and you've made quite a neat little setup.

Honestly, though, the real reason I want to comment is to say: The Advanced Wars music in your video fucking rocks. I forgot how awesome that music is. Props to you, BendyStraw.

#182365 We're A Threat!

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 08 October 2008 - 06:52 AM in General Nerf

The Colbert report bit is online, just about 9 minutes into the video:


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#182319 The Nerf Schofield

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 07 October 2008 - 11:08 PM in Homemades

First off, any creation of Firefly themed items automatically gets an "A" for "awesome" in my book.

Secondly, though, I really like what you have done so far. This reminds me alot of the "nerf musket" that was being discussed a week or two ago: not necessarily the most efficient system ever, but it's such an aesthetically pleasing experience that the performance doesn't matter too much.

I agree with some of the thoughts expressed though: Any lengthening of the plunger is going to improve this gun a ton. Do you only have PVC as a barrel right now? I'd be interested to hear the results of the nested brass barrel you mentioned.

#181401 No...really...this Is A Nerf Grenade

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 04 October 2008 - 12:24 AM in General Nerf

What a great find and a great idea! Although they probably don't have much war practicality, I think these things would be alot of fun for indoor wars or HVZ.

On the other hand, I wonder if a disassembled one of these guys could be used to integrate sort of a shotgun blast/SMDTG type attachment to other blasters. If the range is no good, probably not, but it might make for a good experiment.

#178996 Ohio University Hvz

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 22 September 2008 - 10:27 PM in Nerf Wars

Would it be alright (I mean work in the scenario) if I came Friday around 6 and left Saturday midday?

Since it's 24/7, will it be more like you college guys living your normal lives just playing Nerf occasionally, or pretty much all Nerf?

I saw any foam projectile is allowed, I'm assuming Stefans are alright then?

Yeah. If you mean Friday, October 24th, though, you might not see alot of action. Normally, the first day or two are slow as the infection spreads.

Alot of us travel between classes and such with nerf guns out and ready. There are alot of small skirmishes during the day, based on who you encounter, but at night is where the real battles are.

Yes, stefans are allowed, although I think most of the admins would prefer CaptainSlug style felt and washer stefans versus hot glue domes.

I might try to join after the Tipp City NO. Depending on whether or not parent wants to bring me. If I can make it, it will be awesome. If I can't, I will cry past the exit. Think you will be doing stuff at 4-7 ish?

4-7 will be a fairly dead time as people finish up classes for the day. Probably not much going on. Also, Tipp City is about the same distance from Columbus as Athens, so I'm not sure how you would pull that off easily.

#178927 Ohio University Hvz

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 22 September 2008 - 08:20 PM in Nerf Wars

Halloween is almost upon us and within a month, Ohio University will be overrun by zombies. That's right, two to three hundred OU students will spend a week playing HVZ. The dates are October 23rd-the 30th. It's a week of nerfing goodness and it's tons of fun.

Why am I posting about it? For one thing, everyone is welcome, so if anybody in the Ohio (or wherever actually) area is interested, you're welcome to come down for a night or even for the whole week. Most of the action does happen at night and I will update this thread with mission info once we have it. If you have any questions, PM me.

Secondly, if anyone does want to come, I'm opening my doors to anyone that wants in on the action. You're welcome to stay at my apartment for any amount of time during the game if you want to make a trip out of it. I've got alot of space.

The rules to the game are posted at http://www.hvzathens.com

Finally, I leave you with some pictures from our previous games, along with a "trailer" that was made for a mission we had two years ago involving defending a large hill

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Let me know if you have any questions too. This is pretty much the highlight of my fall quarter every year and we'd love to have some more brains...er.. players.

#178214 Fall Ohio War

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 19 September 2008 - 12:44 AM in Nerf Wars

Smack dab in the middle of HVZ...so no go for me. Have a blast, though.

By the way: Winter war in Columbus please? You know, the awesome Whetstone field or the newly discovered playground area.

If nobody objects, I don't mind planning and hosting it. Look forward to it!

#176535 Munchkin

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 10 September 2008 - 10:15 PM in Off Topic

Munchkin is a blast, but my problem is that my friends play pretty competitively (to the point of ridiculousness.) One of my friends even bought a shirt to give himself extra bonuses. lame.

Speaking of board games: Has anyone tried out Heroscape? I bought it on a whim and it's definitely become a staple of gaming with my roommates. It's like legos combined with soldiers of every possible genre (future soldiers, romans, etc) It's neat.

#176407 University Of Cincinnati Open

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 10 September 2008 - 02:35 PM in Nerf Wars

I totally just realized I'm still on the maybe list.

I've got 8 hours of work on Saturday, so no go for me. Have a great war!

#175559 Hvz

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 07 September 2008 - 12:28 AM in General Nerf

This will be my third year of week-long HVZ at Ohio University and I'm actually considering this question myself. For the first two years, I carried a longshot and a maverick. The first year, practically nobody used modded guns and both of mine were stock. By last year, the maverick was about as maxed out as it can get and the longshot had some basic mods. Both years, I wasn't too satisfied with the load I had. The longshot jamming was what eventually did me in the first year and without a stefan compatable LS last year, I was not doing too well in dart conservation.

I read the zombie survival guide by Max Brooks (great read) and it sort of hit me that a weapon that required discipline and didn't easily jam or get messed up was more my style. So this year, I plan on carrying either a BBB or Maxshot with a couple flip breeches.My plan is not to get into swarm type situations in the first place, so hopefully I won't have to fight myself out of one.

I'm also considering having a powerclip strapped to my back. Although it will increase the weight I'm carrying, the ability to spray zombies while getting away is pretty clutch. If I can rig up a system that allows me to run fairly easy while keeping it accessible, I think it will be worth it.

In the end, it all depends on your style of play. I tend to hide and plan moves carefully, but someone less conservative than me might better off with a DTG, etc.

Speaking of HVZ, look for a nightly news type update from me once the game starts this year. I'd like to get some pictures and info on the board so people can get a sense of how we do things at OU and how awesome HVZ can be.

#173586 Women Who Nerf: Boost Or Decrease Attractiveness?

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 30 August 2008 - 12:33 AM in General Nerf

My girlfriend and I bonded alot during the first year Humans vs. Zombies went on at my school. She scored many a kill with my longshot and we both had a blast. I tried to buy her a few guns and have her join in at some local wars, but she's not as into actual nerfing--I think she enjoys shooting at people who don't shoot back.

Either way, I think it's awesome that she's even into HVZ. She's in grad school this year while I finish undergrad and she's trying to start up a chapter of HVZ at her school too. Pretty neat.

So I would say it doesn't boost attractiveness, but it does give a couple another hobby to bond with and have fun together doing.

#171081 My Youtube Account

Posted by Jedijoe9 on 20 August 2008 - 09:15 PM in General Nerf

Honestly, as annoying as people sometimes say you are, you have to admire anyone who puts that much time into modding and nerfing. I've only watched a couple of your videos, but they seem fine to me.

My suggestion would be to remove any videos with blatant misinformation, but continue making new ones. In fact, I think your videos could improve vastly with a little bit of time and editing put into them. if you focused on quality instead of quantity, I think your videos would be time much better spent.