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#347261 The Mississauga Massacre

Posted by cheyner on 17 June 2015 - 05:47 PM in Nerf Wars

A permit will go a long way to get more vets. Many of us are still bitter about being kicked out of the park Vengeance used to be held at.
Also, if the permit allows sticking things in the ground I have many obstacles I can bring and would really like to pass onto somebody else after the war.

#347241 The Mississauga Massacre

Posted by cheyner on 16 June 2015 - 10:32 PM in Nerf Wars

Check out Canadian Nerfers on facebook. Most of us Ontario nerfers are on there including all the old guys from the GTA. I posted a link last night and this war is building a lot of interest, might pass that 20 person mark with this one.
The relaxing of the darts helps a lot. I have several hundred that are a few years old that have just been sitting there itching to fly.
Are Cobras firing large ammo ok?

#347219 The Mississauga Massacre

Posted by cheyner on 15 June 2015 - 10:06 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm a maybe.
Do you have a permit?
How firm are you on slingshot darts?

#339225 Whats happened with Canada?

Posted by cheyner on 29 May 2014 - 07:04 PM in Nerf Wars

Forsaken Angel and his crew retired from hosting after the last Hell had about 8-10 of us show up. Basically the vets have retired and not enough young guns have stepped up to fill the void. Some of us have tried hosting wars, but being outside of the GTA has led to less than desired turnouts.

#329380 Dart-related Nerf war accidents and dart safety tests

Posted by cheyner on 05 May 2013 - 01:34 PM in Darts and Barrels

At one of the Vengeance's (4, I think) I took a shot to my eye glasses from about 30 feet away. The result was my glasses frame actually breaking and pushing the lens flatly into my eye with quite some force. It basically felt like I got punched in the eye, my vision out of that eye was fuzzy for about 10 minutes. The dart was most likely a 1/4" slingshot dome (Canada) fired by a brass breached 4B.

Posted Image

Here you can see where I got hit, the hit also bent the frame and stripped the screw holding the frame together on that side. This is why I always make sure to have a pair of safety glasses on over top of my eye glasses when I Nerf.

#328721 Canada, NewBrunswick

Posted by cheyner on 13 April 2013 - 04:33 PM in Nerf Wars

You are the first and only Canadian Nerfer I have heard from/about on the east coast. Most of us are in Ontario, with a few in Quebec and out west. You are most likely going to have to get the scene in your area going yourself, it sucks, but can pay off with some work.
And here is a helpful tip, you will bunch up less panties if you post a thread saying you are hosting a war, as opposed to a thread looking for one.

#328196 Magstrike Air Tank Mod Revisited

Posted by cheyner on 19 March 2013 - 10:51 AM in Modifications

Even just the switch to plywood would save you some weight, as somebody who delivers building material all day I can honestly say MDF is pretty much the heaviest practical thing you could have used.

I recently picked up a pneumatic caulking gun to nerf and now I know exactly how I will power it.

By compressor I assume you mean a full sized one? What about the small ones you plug into a car lighter?

#327834 2013 New Releases Mod Contest

Posted by cheyner on 09 March 2013 - 02:56 PM in News

Excuse the stupid question, but for the factor of release dates, are there any regional considerations? For example, the Stockade has been released overseas pre-2013, but has yet to be officially released in the US.

Considering the number of modders across the Pacific in particular, I thought some clarification might be helpful.

Not just overseas, we have had them in Canada since at least Christmas.

#327241 How has everyone been? who's still around?

Posted by cheyner on 23 February 2013 - 06:24 PM in Off Topic

I was actually referring to the Yuku site, I was not aware the .ca version had been moved. I have found it and will see what I can do to clean it up if I am still an Admin on it. It got to the point on the .ca site I had closed automatic registration.

#327232 How has everyone been? who's still around?

Posted by cheyner on 23 February 2013 - 01:43 PM in Off Topic

Pearson MIGHT host V7 later this april. The native site is back online but destroyed by tasmanian and kazachstani spammers/scammers. I can't remember where I found it, but the site's name is changed to its IP address and the "Canadian nerfing modified" banner is completely gone. The scene in Canada will live on. Come on man, get on it and host K.I.N.G II. We are proud Canadians, and we will keep the nerf scene up if we have to hold it up manually.

Good to hear about Pearson, however what you are referring to as the native site was actually closed 2 years ago but never deleted by Forumer, when they got taken over by this new site they reopened it for whatever reason, stripped mods of any power, and basically turned it into a giant heap of garbage, I have been actively trying to get it deleted since this change came about. And I will be posting a thread for a war once I get a better idea when the snow will be gone.

#327220 How has everyone been? who's still around?

Posted by cheyner on 23 February 2013 - 01:03 AM in Off Topic

FA_24 is pretty much retired, Hell before Halloween was the last war he will host, unless something spectacular happens in the GTA. The scene in Canada is pretty much dead, out native site went down late last year and nobody really cares enough to do anything about it, going several weeks without a new post will do that though.

#326928 Airtech 2000 mod problems

Posted by cheyner on 17 February 2013 - 07:09 PM in Modifications

Plug your pump better. Although your wording makes it seem like its not actually a problem at all.

#326835 Buzz Bee Panthers at Wal-Mart!

Posted by cheyner on 14 February 2013 - 05:29 PM in General Nerf

On topic, I have been trying to get a panther for so long! I have this awesome idea but it involves a panther (and duct tape), and here in Canada, kind of hard to find eh.

Have you not checked Wal-Marts in the GTA? I find it hard to believe not a single one would have them considering they have been at Wal-Marts in Canada since they first came out last fall.

#326264 Singled Nerf Rough Cut

Posted by cheyner on 03 February 2013 - 12:55 AM in Modifications

I like that you took the blasters name literally when making your minimization.

#325440 Looking for Nerfers in Northern Virginia

Posted by cheyner on 18 January 2013 - 12:39 PM in Nerf Wars

Man, what kind of women do you know that you expect to find other people in their viginias?
Might want to proofread your title next time.

#324249 PhotoBucket Issues.

Posted by cheyner on 08 December 2012 - 04:38 PM in Off Topic

You used the wrong link.
Your non-working link is for E-mail and IM, this site is neither of those things.
Its still the bottom one, like it has been for awhile now, or you could use the one literally right below the one that doesn't work, you just have to do the [IMG] stuff yourself.
I just posted a picture from PB to make sure, but have edited it out as it serves no purpose in this thread.

#324196 Durability of Slug Darts

Posted by cheyner on 06 December 2012 - 10:18 PM in Darts and Barrels

Hot glue is not known for its adhesive qualities, Goop or Gloozit(Canadian made Goop) works much better.

#324195 Splitfire Breech Guide

Posted by cheyner on 06 December 2012 - 10:06 PM in Modifications

I love how clean that looks, cannot wait to see what it looks like after you paint the barrels and whatnot.

Still the same name as top left corner of this post.

#323894 The HomeWrecker V1.0

Posted by cheyner on 24 November 2012 - 06:24 PM in Homemades

Nice Work MiG, I have been wondering if Brafasco sells springs or not, now I know. Convenient as I have one just up the road from me.

Interesting side note, its actually Curling.

#323853 Broken Guns

Posted by cheyner on 23 November 2012 - 03:53 PM in General Nerf

Must have rammed his cock in to hard.

#323532 Death By Foam

Posted by cheyner on 13 November 2012 - 04:06 PM in Site Feedback

All of them are still on here, look, you will find them. If not, then I guess it was never meant to be.

#323281 problem with vortex blasters dropping mags?

Posted by cheyner on 02 November 2012 - 08:35 PM in Modifications

Its worth doing, but not a true solve to the issue, it goes deeper then that. My Praxis will drop the heavier 40 round mag as soon as you prime it, but again on the trigger pull, so I guess it is at least a half fix to the problem.

I don't usually watch his videos, and had to laugh at 6:36 or so when he said "as you can see" and it was horribly out of focus.

#323279 problem with vortex blasters dropping mags?

Posted by cheyner on 02 November 2012 - 12:26 PM in Modifications

Sometimes the pieces of plastic for the trigger (at least the piece attached to the trigger) and the clip release are both on the upper end of the tolerance scale. When that happens, the trigger can rub against it and engage the clip release.

Look up Cheyner's Max Spring Replacement Praxis, there's pictures in there showing that particular issue.

This will work on the Praxis, but I have discovered it still needs a spring added to use the 40 disc mag on it, it drops as soon as I prime my Praxis.
I have had no problems with my Pyragon, but I have not used it as much as my Praxis yet.

#323191 pSyk's "Auto-Loading" Rampage 3k + Vid

Posted by cheyner on 29 October 2012 - 04:19 PM in Modifications

You never cease to amaze pSyk.
I love the use of the lever trigger, I'm sure there is a very proud Kitty somewhere.

#322764 Air Zone Triple Shot, Discontinued?

Posted by cheyner on 18 October 2012 - 09:01 PM in General Nerf

You went to the same store twice looking for something and didn't think to ask somebody that works there?
Maybe you should try that, then if they do still sell them they can order you one.

#322521 Vote for NH's Next Avatar Pack

Posted by cheyner on 12 October 2012 - 10:09 PM in Off Topic

I second Transformers, more of them that is I guess.

What about professional sports logos?

#322377 Work Out Mat Barrel Spacers

Posted by cheyner on 09 October 2012 - 12:19 AM in Darts and Barrels

That's friggin sweet.

#322373 Nerf Vortex Disc accuracy increase mod

Posted by cheyner on 08 October 2012 - 08:21 PM in Darts and Barrels

Considering they were going for range and accuracy when they made them, I'm pretty sure grooves would have been already included if it actually did anything. Its not like the XLR discs are foam footballs made for kids that still cannot spiral a football correctly when throwing them. The Vortex line has mechanisms built into them to insure the discs will spiral, they do not need more help.

#322372 Work Out Mat Barrel Spacers

Posted by cheyner on 08 October 2012 - 08:16 PM in Darts and Barrels

These rock, I actually seen a bag of these at my local Value Village, they wanted 3 times more then what you paid though so I passed.
Would you be willing to make a RFDG spacer out of the purple for me? If it fits that is, most of those pieces look too small.
Although, a half green, half purple one would look cool locked together.

#322371 Eraser Dart heads

Posted by cheyner on 08 October 2012 - 08:11 PM in Darts and Barrels

I like these MiG, I might have to try them out myself sometime.
Will you be using these at all at Hell?


Posted by cheyner on 08 October 2012 - 08:08 PM in Nerf Wars

Any Americans planning on coming?

#321076 Sourthern Alberta Wars

Posted by cheyner on 27 August 2012 - 12:38 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm pretty sure I figured out what name you are using, either that or somebody has ripped-off your deploy mod. PM me your name just so I know it is you and I will see what I can do.

#321046 Sourthern Alberta Wars

Posted by cheyner on 26 August 2012 - 11:41 AM in Nerf Wars

Try CanadianNerfers.ca, most of the recent members are from out west.

#320919 30 round Absolver/shotgun attachment

Posted by cheyner on 23 August 2012 - 06:05 PM in Darts and Barrels

Princexbuster made a shotgun RSCB a few years ago, look for his commission thread to see his, I also know there is a video for it, but you will have to find both of those yourself.

This is what my version of it looks like:

Posted Image

#320806 Nerf Modifications Directory

Posted by cheyner on 21 August 2012 - 08:56 PM in Modifications

>>>>> Vortex Praxis
::Basic Spring Relocation
::Max Spring Relocation
::Extended Capacity Clips


Unless you count these three I guess you are right.

#320547 Homemade Rocket Launcher Contest Submission Thread

Posted by cheyner on 15 August 2012 - 11:18 PM in Homemades

Cobra Commander.

Posted Image

I know Cobras are one of the examples of what not to enter into this contest, however, I asked Draconis about a tank expanded one firing multiple rockets. He said that if I could get it to fire two rockets he would include it.

Posted Image

I went for three.
Posted Image

As you can see, I used a 2" ABS tee with a 4" long chunk of ABS and an end cap, all the ABS was solvent welded together. This is where it got interesting, 2" ABS fittings are the only fitting, or anything for that matter, that I had access to that fit the Cobra tank even close. I ended up having a several mm gap between the walls of the tank and the fitting once I cut the tank. I used several wraps of e-tape to make up the gap, leaving the end bare of tape, I also cut a 3/16ths wide gap into the tape down to the plastic. I used Pl Premium in generous amounts on the the rings of bare plastic I was left with on either end of the tee. After sitting for 48 hours before testing it has held air tight and strong at the joints.

To extend the inner barrel dealy I cut it leaving enough room for the stabilizer to still be used, then press fitted on 1/2" CPVC couplers to either end. I am unsure of the length of CPVC I used to connect the 2 coupler together, but it would be different depending on how far the ABS tee is inserted into the tank, I do know when all is said and done the end with the rubber grommet needs to be 1 1/2" in from the end of the tank.

To attach the pressure gauge I got lucky at first, as 1/8" threaded fittings will screw onto where the red cap is on a stock Cobra. However, the plastic will not take much stress before it breaks off, I ended up drilling it out and tapping it for a 1/8" fitting. I followed that up with a galvanized 1/8" elbow and a 100 psi pressure gauge.

I replaced the pump with a bike pump that only needed a few wraps of tape and a good push to fit in where the stock pump was. The PVC on the grip is to patch up a leak my pump replacement caused.

The First number is the average for the purple and pink rockets, which flew the same distance give or take a inch or two every shot. The second number is for the blue rocket, which for some reason or another just refuses to fire as far as the other 2.

3 at a time:
30psi- 55', 40'. 40psi- 60', 46'.

2 rockets at a time:
30psi- 69', 62'. 40psi- 85', 69'.

1 at a time:
30psi- 118', 115. 40psi- 128', 125'. 50psi- 145', too much pumping for a second shot at this point when I was testing.

Cobra- $30
Pressure gauge- $4
Bike pump- $2
2" ABS Tee
4" of 2" ABS
2" ABS end cap
2x 1/2" CPVC coupler
Random length of CPVC
1/8" male threaded fitting
1/8" female threaded elbow fitting
All parts without prices I have gotten at work sites over the years.

I am using 1" aluminum tube from Lowes as my rocket barrels.

#319334 First annual Parabolic Toys contest!

Posted by cheyner on 27 July 2012 - 09:18 PM in Homemades

Do we need a detailed write-up?
Or are your requirements in the submission thread all you are looking for?
I ask because my laptop died this week and I lost all of my
pictures for my entries.

#318452 Button slugs

Posted by cheyner on 13 July 2012 - 09:19 PM in Darts and Barrels

By that you mean 180 degree weather right?
I've never had that happen.

Then you have never nerfed on a hot sunny day. Even in Canada hot glue domes will melt and stick to the ground and any crap they come in contact with, I have experienced this on several occasions.

As for rubber buttons, they use them for Rugby shirts, so they are out there, just don't know how easy they would be to find.

#318245 N-Strike vs Vortex

Posted by cheyner on 09 July 2012 - 05:52 PM in General Nerf

It definitely requires some brain calibration. The flight path of the discs varies widely depending on how you tilt your blaster, and are especially prone to curving mid-flight. I suppose you could use that to your benefit after a lot of practice, but for now it seems like only a hindrance compared to the reliable trajectory that darts follow.

I find that is actually one of the stronger benefits of using Vortex blasters. Nobody knows where the disc is going, where with most non-streamline darts they follow a mainly linear trajectory, making them easier to dodge. I have started carrying my Praxis with a 20 disc mag on a sling, along with my primary. I find it fairly effective to spam a few disc's at somebody and pick them off with my primary while they are dodging the disc's.

#318193 Prototype WHIP-S2

Posted by cheyner on 08 July 2012 - 08:47 PM in Homemades

Is the other gun a wooden pumpbow? How thick are the side plates? What are the side plates made of? I would love to see a writeup of how to build a wooden pumpbow.

It looks like he used 1/4" MDF, in which case you would not want to get it wet at all. 3/8" plywood would probably work, but again you run into problems with moisture when using plywood. I'm sure the edges could be treated with something though to keep the layers from separating if they get too wet. You would have to get the plywood pretty soaked though before that would happen, MDF on the other hand will swell up pretty fast if it gets wet.