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#308667 Darthrambelt: (principal has wide applictaion)

Posted by cheyner on 23 December 2011 - 07:07 PM in Modifications

My bad, didn't realize you totally think Nerf guns are the same thing as a real gun, and that anything dealing with firearms can totally be related directly to Nerf.

#308640 Darthrambelt: (principal has wide applictaion)

Posted by cheyner on 23 December 2011 - 10:05 AM in Modifications

I think you are missing what everybody is telling you, on multiple sites.

So with your super awesome magical tape method, the rest of the "barrel" now has absolutely no effect on the dart? Shit, I guess everybody has been wrong all along, we should be using 1/2" long, super tight barrels on everything.

Yes, tightening rings do work exactly like this, so does sticking say a 1/2" long stub of 17/32 brass into Petg.

I have the feeling you have no idea how an Angel breach works, so you probably should not use it as an example. The tightening rings are there to build up more pressure, shockingly like your super innovative tape. What use would they be as a dart tooth? Considering a dart tooth would stop the dart from moving, notice how it moves out of the way on stock CS blasters after you load a dart? Pretty sure you can't take those rings out after you load a dart. If anything would be a dart tooth in this mod, it would be the 1/2" and 17/32" brass that pushes the dart into the rings.
But in the end, considering tightening rings are optional pretty much destroys any argument you have for them being a dart tooth.

Also, technically a Vulcan does have a barrel, 25 of them stock to be exact. Following your train of thought, pretty much every Nerf blaster that doesn't use streamlines doesn't have a barrel.

But yeah, Merry Christmas.

#347219 The Mississauga Massacre

Posted by cheyner on 15 June 2015 - 10:06 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm a maybe.
Do you have a permit?
How firm are you on slingshot darts?

#347241 The Mississauga Massacre

Posted by cheyner on 16 June 2015 - 10:32 PM in Nerf Wars

Check out Canadian Nerfers on facebook. Most of us Ontario nerfers are on there including all the old guys from the GTA. I posted a link last night and this war is building a lot of interest, might pass that 20 person mark with this one.
The relaxing of the darts helps a lot. I have several hundred that are a few years old that have just been sitting there itching to fly.
Are Cobras firing large ammo ok?

#347261 The Mississauga Massacre

Posted by cheyner on 17 June 2015 - 05:47 PM in Nerf Wars

A permit will go a long way to get more vets. Many of us are still bitter about being kicked out of the park Vengeance used to be held at.
Also, if the permit allows sticking things in the ground I have many obstacles I can bring and would really like to pass onto somebody else after the war.

#318245 N-Strike vs Vortex

Posted by cheyner on 09 July 2012 - 05:52 PM in General Nerf

It definitely requires some brain calibration. The flight path of the discs varies widely depending on how you tilt your blaster, and are especially prone to curving mid-flight. I suppose you could use that to your benefit after a lot of practice, but for now it seems like only a hindrance compared to the reliable trajectory that darts follow.

I find that is actually one of the stronger benefits of using Vortex blasters. Nobody knows where the disc is going, where with most non-streamline darts they follow a mainly linear trajectory, making them easier to dodge. I have started carrying my Praxis with a 20 disc mag on a sling, along with my primary. I find it fairly effective to spam a few disc's at somebody and pick them off with my primary while they are dodging the disc's.

#272246 Finding A Blaster For A Friend In A Power Chair.

Posted by cheyner on 14 April 2010 - 09:24 PM in General Nerf

That all depends on the turret really. If a Tek 6 turret were to be used, then yes, not good for one hand oporation. But if a Tek 10 and possibly a Fire Fly turret is used then he could just roll it on his leg to advance the turret. Now that I think of it, the Tek 6 turret could even be used with one hand. If the barrels are long enough he could poke his foot or something with it and give it a twist.

#303126 Nerf Modifications Directory

Posted by cheyner on 09 August 2011 - 07:23 PM in Modifications

I tried doing the right thing, PMing Blue my question, but his inbox is either full or disabled, so I have to ask this here. Why is everything from Supermaxx 3k to Titan missing from the directory?

#320806 Nerf Modifications Directory

Posted by cheyner on 21 August 2012 - 08:56 PM in Modifications

>>>>> Vortex Praxis
::Basic Spring Relocation
::Max Spring Relocation
::Extended Capacity Clips


Unless you count these three I guess you are right.

#274141 The Overkill: This Is What Happens When A Titan And A Longshot Have Ch

Posted by cheyner on 05 May 2010 - 09:41 PM in Modifications

Isnt this the guy that taught Forsaken_Angel24 everything he knows?

And those are the re-sized pics?

#310322 Wrist Mounted Flywheel Gauntlet Blaster

Posted by cheyner on 29 January 2012 - 08:21 PM in Homemades

Bringing the Quick 16 to mind, you should maybe move away from having it be a drum shape. Make it more of a gradual spiral shape to accommodate the large head on taggers. You could also make your clip larger this way as it would be spiraling up your arm, limiting clip size to what you are comfortable having strapped to your forearm, you could go pretty much all the way to your elbow.

#281098 Double +bow

Posted by cheyner on 23 July 2010 - 11:07 PM in Homemades

What the hell are you talking about in terms of the breech? You open it, load a dart or two and fire. I'm not even breaking a sweat!

Except, correct me if I am wrong, but you can't load the barrels independently, correct? Theoretically you could always have a shot ready with this system if you got rid of the linking mechanism.

Shoot Barrel 1, prime/load bar. 1. Shoot bar. 2, prime/load bar. 2.

If the breeches are linked:

Shoot bar. 1, shoot bar. 2. Prime/load bar. 1, prime/load bar. 2.

What makes you think that every time he open's the breach he has to load a dart in BOTH barrels? There is nothing to push the dart up when the breach is closed, so clearly its not going anywhere. If it wasnt linked, then it would take longer. This way, if he needs to load both at the same time, it is still one motion.
Edit: Whisper replied while I was typing. I think this still applies though, because how often do you shoot and reload at the same time?

#310085 Wrist Mounted Flywheel Gauntlet Blaster

Posted by cheyner on 25 January 2012 - 04:14 PM in Homemades

The tube magazine could work, use a end cap with a hole drilled into it so you can attach some vinyl tubing. Then simply run it up your arm and to a clip on the neck of your shirt, simply blow to load another dart.

#281318 Double +bow

Posted by cheyner on 26 July 2010 - 09:41 PM in Homemades

From the looks of your drawing, that breach would do the exact opposite of what you say. With the bars like that it would be reversed, with the bottom being able to open and close seprately.

Edit: Damn my slow typing.

#269052 Doubled Recon With Twin Drums

Posted by cheyner on 13 March 2010 - 07:27 PM in Modifications

The double Recon is a nice peice of work. That Raider though, holy shit, that is redicously clean.

#312959 Blaster census information required!

Posted by cheyner on 16 March 2012 - 06:11 PM in General Nerf

I will have to wait to see the final price, but as long a shipping isn't too crazy to Canada I will buy some.

What about Ultimators or XXL Bazookas? My Ultimator missiles are pretty beat up, if these work on them I will buy even more.

#327241 How has everyone been? who's still around?

Posted by cheyner on 23 February 2013 - 06:24 PM in Off Topic

I was actually referring to the Yuku site, I was not aware the .ca version had been moved. I have found it and will see what I can do to clean it up if I am still an Admin on it. It got to the point on the .ca site I had closed automatic registration.

#327232 How has everyone been? who's still around?

Posted by cheyner on 23 February 2013 - 01:43 PM in Off Topic

Pearson MIGHT host V7 later this april. The native site is back online but destroyed by tasmanian and kazachstani spammers/scammers. I can't remember where I found it, but the site's name is changed to its IP address and the "Canadian nerfing modified" banner is completely gone. The scene in Canada will live on. Come on man, get on it and host K.I.N.G II. We are proud Canadians, and we will keep the nerf scene up if we have to hold it up manually.

Good to hear about Pearson, however what you are referring to as the native site was actually closed 2 years ago but never deleted by Forumer, when they got taken over by this new site they reopened it for whatever reason, stripped mods of any power, and basically turned it into a giant heap of garbage, I have been actively trying to get it deleted since this change came about. And I will be posting a thread for a war once I get a better idea when the snow will be gone.

#327220 How has everyone been? who's still around?

Posted by cheyner on 23 February 2013 - 01:03 AM in Off Topic

FA_24 is pretty much retired, Hell before Halloween was the last war he will host, unless something spectacular happens in the GTA. The scene in Canada is pretty much dead, out native site went down late last year and nobody really cares enough to do anything about it, going several weeks without a new post will do that though.

#318193 Prototype WHIP-S2

Posted by cheyner on 08 July 2012 - 08:47 PM in Homemades

Is the other gun a wooden pumpbow? How thick are the side plates? What are the side plates made of? I would love to see a writeup of how to build a wooden pumpbow.

It looks like he used 1/4" MDF, in which case you would not want to get it wet at all. 3/8" plywood would probably work, but again you run into problems with moisture when using plywood. I'm sure the edges could be treated with something though to keep the layers from separating if they get too wet. You would have to get the plywood pretty soaked though before that would happen, MDF on the other hand will swell up pretty fast if it gets wet.

#323894 The HomeWrecker V1.0

Posted by cheyner on 24 November 2012 - 06:24 PM in Homemades

Nice Work MiG, I have been wondering if Brafasco sells springs or not, now I know. Convenient as I have one just up the road from me.

Interesting side note, its actually Curling.

#312446 Massacre 7

Posted by cheyner on 04 March 2012 - 09:29 PM in Nerf Wars

If you are asking how many blaster to bring yourself, bring as many as you want. I personally bring a large tote full of blasters to most wars, I like to change my blaster based on the game we are playing, and extras for when things break.

#310731 Massacre 7

Posted by cheyner on 05 February 2012 - 10:33 AM in Nerf Wars

You should get something to go over them, I have had my glasses blown apart before, and have a round dent in the frame to remind me of it.
Also keep in mind that this is in a gym, and there will be outdoor primaries in play, expect to take at least one short range shot from a Big Blast.

#306541 Hell Before Halloween 5

Posted by cheyner on 26 October 2011 - 08:04 AM in Nerf Wars

At this point there is only really 7 or so recaps on Canadian Nerfers, so I will move mine over here as well.

First and foremost, I would like to thank Angel and K-10 for putting on an amazing war, you 2 never fail to deliver a good time. I HAD A FUCKING BLAST!

-Going to HBH5, an obvious first pro.

-Seeing all the regulars again, miss you guys in those long periods of no nerf.

-Americans! All of you fucking rock, and you guys (and girl) need to make it up for more wars.

-Winning headhunters, I only actually shot one person, all the others where taps, but it was Butter's for the win, the best person to shoot if you only shoot one person.

-"Sword fight" with the hungry Colonel, at one point he wound up with my blaster, and I had to pull out my "dagger" (pistol) to save my ass. I really hope that made it onto somebody's video camera, it was funny as hell and I want to see what it looked like to everybody else.

-Butters climbing to the top of the playground and challenging all, next thing I hear "this is a REAL slide cam" only to turn around to see him sliding down the slide and yelling "WHEEEEE", I was on the ground literally laughing my ass off after that.

-Not getting shot once while defending in Tower Defense, I have found my sweet spot for that, and you can't have it, no it's not the bulldozers.

-Being late, but still on time.

-K9 cookout

-Shooting defenders through that cloth stuff in tower defense.

-Getting a Ultimator, motorized Ballzooka, and a Jolt from Buffdaddy.

-Getting a big ass bag of stock ammo from Angel, it pretty much doubled the amount of stock darts I have.

-No problems with the obstacles, and lots of offers to help set them up, makes me want to make more.

-Bookworm's Librarian worked great in it's first war, which is even better because mine broke.

-The LGLF proving that it is possible to make an awesome entrance in a station wagon.

-Taking out most of Angels team in 360 core, only to have the favor returned by him while I was stuck reloading.


-After party, so much fun I cant even begin to describe it.

-Random food just coming out to us at the Sushi buffet place.

-Grizzly letting Bookworm and myself crash at his place.

-Going to a place know for its breakfast the next morning and getting a delicious hamburger.

-Stopping at the Big Apple on the way home, Caution, Rabbits are wild and may bite if handled, please do not touch. Best sign ever.

Not so super:

-XIII blowing up a stefan on my forehead in headhunters.

-DoomCheyner broke, in the same way it did at Massacre 5, and somehow managed to suck a dart into the plunger tube.

-Could not hit the right part of the core if my life depended on it, I even managed to score a point for the yellow team, while being right in front of my side.

-No shows, what the fuck people, 30 or so of you? That's just ridiculous.

-Speed bumps at the park apparently did not go well with my muffler strap, realized after stopping at the Big Apple that my muffler was only being held up by the exhaust pipe. Luckily I work at a lumber yard, so I was able to use a lumber bander to fix it.

I'm most likely forgetting stuff, there was just too much awesome to keep track of it all.

#304048 Hell Before Halloween 5

Posted by cheyner on 29 August 2011 - 08:24 PM in Nerf Wars

A fair bit of people showed interest in nerf at my wedding last weekend, as such, I should have 5-7 guests at this war.

#279271 Battle Max Markerball Sceptor V1.0

Posted by cheyner on 02 July 2010 - 02:59 PM in Modifications

Son of a bitch, I have passed these up the last 4 times I have been to this liquidation store, $20 CND!
Now I have to go make sure they still have some, amazing find TantumBull.

Fuck, they sold the last one half an hour before I got there.

#327834 2013 New Releases Mod Contest

Posted by cheyner on 09 March 2013 - 02:56 PM in News

Excuse the stupid question, but for the factor of release dates, are there any regional considerations? For example, the Stockade has been released overseas pre-2013, but has yet to be officially released in the US.

Considering the number of modders across the Pacific in particular, I thought some clarification might be helpful.

Not just overseas, we have had them in Canada since at least Christmas.

#300307 Tyco RC Rapid Assault

Posted by cheyner on 21 June 2011 - 05:36 PM in Modifications

Fucking please; have you met automilkshake?

I'm still waiting for another ground breaking mod from him, he is my idol.

I love this mod MiG, this would be pretty effective at Massacre. But I think it would be better suited for Scano if you could mount the turret sideways. You would be able to drive up the middle of the portables and clear out one side. It's a Toronto school yard, so I'm fairly confident it wouldn't have any problems with the terrain, unless needles and used condoms stop it in it's tracks.

#328196 Magstrike Air Tank Mod Revisited

Posted by cheyner on 19 March 2013 - 10:51 AM in Modifications

Even just the switch to plywood would save you some weight, as somebody who delivers building material all day I can honestly say MDF is pretty much the heaviest practical thing you could have used.

I recently picked up a pneumatic caulking gun to nerf and now I know exactly how I will power it.

By compressor I assume you mean a full sized one? What about the small ones you plug into a car lighter?

#289601 How To[mostly] Build An Svt4b

Posted by cheyner on 01 December 2010 - 11:33 AM in Modifications

That is great work. I really like your method of keeping the stock OPRV. I have been waiting for something like this to give me the boost I needed to finish my double 4B.
I also like how crazy easy it is to do a tank expansion with this method.

#293070 Hornet Tank Problems

Posted by cheyner on 18 January 2011 - 06:55 PM in Modifications

Hornets have them inside of them, they are easy enough to scrap out and attach tubing too. I think there is a way to make them using ball bearings and tubing as well, and I'm sure you can find some available for purchase if you look around online.

I'd have to take you at your word on that, but if there were check valves inside the tanks, then how is the blast button going to work? The check valve needs to be before the blast button and the tanks. Either way I'm going to do what was suggested which is basically branch the tubing off into two directions, each with their own check valve.

I was hoping someone could save me the hassle of finding out the hard way and send me a link to a check valve that will operate at the right pressure that fits on 3/16 ID-5/16 OD tubing. I don't know much about pressure systems and I just don't want to get the wrong thing, especially when I have to order it.

When Blue said Hornet, he meant the whole blaster, not the tanks. Common sence should have helped you with that one, obviously there is not check valves in the tanks themselves.

#323191 pSyk's "Auto-Loading" Rampage 3k + Vid

Posted by cheyner on 29 October 2012 - 04:19 PM in Modifications

You never cease to amaze pSyk.
I love the use of the lever trigger, I'm sure there is a very proud Kitty somewhere.

#277462 Talos

Posted by cheyner on 11 June 2010 - 05:53 PM in Modifications

Is the stock plunger small/bad so you went with integrations galore? Nice job.

It didnt have a plunger setup. It was origianally a laser tag gun.

Then what is the plunger rod and barrel for? And why is there a rocket?

He was half right, It is a lazer tag gun, with an AIR TANK on the bottom to fire the rocket. That is a pump handle, not a plunger rod. It even says in the video that he replaced the stock air tank with a Titan air tank

Words cannot describe the work you did on that blaster Angel. I look forward to trying to dodge this on the 26th.

#280511 Another Homade Wye Guide

Posted by cheyner on 17 July 2010 - 04:12 PM in Homemades

Have you tested this yet? It seems like the dart would get snagged on the Tee, where it goes from the 45 to a 90 degree angle.

#297711 Octo-Shot

Posted by cheyner on 29 April 2011 - 10:33 PM in Modifications

This mod originated on Canadian Nerfers.


Actually, if you would have even bothered to look at the date the video was posted on youtube, and then the date it was posted on Canadian Nerfers, you would understand why you are wrong.

I suggest starting this mod with a fresh LSG/Quad-Shot. I am now down a Octo-Shot and a LSG after a rage blackout.

#280635 Another Homade Wye Guide

Posted by cheyner on 18 July 2010 - 09:28 PM in Homemades

Have you tested this yet? It seems like the dart would get snagged on the Tee, where it goes from the 45 to a 90 degree angle.

This wye work extremely well although I don't understand why people ask me this question when they probably have the materials to go and make one. ( Not flaming you cheyner it's just that most people have the materials to go and make one.)

Yes most people do have the materials to make a wye. I ask because you say nothing about making the the actual 90 degree angle of the tee into a 45 degree angle. You cut off the top coupler, then glued on another coupler cut at a 45 degree angle. That means there would be a lip that is on a 90 degree angle right at the end of the 45. So, are your darts bending even more to get around this? Or did you sand it out so there is no lip?

#304529 Nerf Vortex Praxis Spring relocation

Posted by cheyner on 09 September 2011 - 11:23 PM in Modifications

I did this last night to both a Praxis and Vigilon, and I am quite impressed.
I suggest buying the refill packs with your blasters though, the disks can be hard to keep track of when they start ricocheting.

#288311 New Nerf Gun

Posted by cheyner on 12 November 2010 - 06:12 PM in News

I miss the days when you didnt need batteries to use your nerf blaster.

No new half usefull attachments?

#289486 Barrel Tapping - A Cheap Shot?

Posted by cheyner on 30 November 2010 - 12:18 PM in General Nerf

Another thing I have noticed being a problem, if somebody walks up to you and ask's if you are in or out, dont try and tap them, it will end badly for you next time.

#318452 Button slugs

Posted by cheyner on 13 July 2012 - 09:19 PM in Darts and Barrels

By that you mean 180 degree weather right?
I've never had that happen.

Then you have never nerfed on a hot sunny day. Even in Canada hot glue domes will melt and stick to the ground and any crap they come in contact with, I have experienced this on several occasions.

As for rubber buttons, they use them for Rugby shirts, so they are out there, just don't know how easy they would be to find.