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#51322 Your Pope Died.

Posted by Formerly Sane on 01 April 2005 - 09:44 PM in Off Topic

First Terry Schivo or how ever you spell her name: I think keeping people alive on machines is fine if you think the person will recover. But she had been practically dead for 15 years, and there wasn't really any hope that she would recover. And all keeping her alive did was waste money and who knows, if she was in fact able to think I doubt she would want to be locked inside her body like that for 15 years without being able to talk or move anyway. I guess it's hard to let your daughter go if someone wants to let her die, but sometimes you have to make tough decisions like that. So, I guess it's unfortunate that that whole thing happened, but keeping her alive like that just wasn't logical.

And as for the pope, I'm catholic and I'm sad that he's in this condition, but after reading this thread it all kind of makes more sense. I mean, most people should fear dying because they don't know if they're going to heaven or hell yet, but he's the pope. He pretty much knows he's going. So if you look on the bright side of things, it's really not that bad that he'll be gone soon.

There's my 2 cents. Don't spend it all in one place.

#22780 Your Nerf Website

Posted by Formerly Sane on 29 March 2004 - 04:26 PM in General Nerf

Cyclone Nerf

I really should update it soon; I've been getting lazy about that. The images on my site don't work unfortunately. Sucks because they really help with my write ups.

Mine isn't the best by far, but I hope it helps you.

#10604 Xbox

Posted by Formerly Sane on 28 September 2003 - 04:38 PM in Off Topic

Xbox is a giant MP3 player, plus the memory is huge. I've saved things from 15 or so games and have downloaded 9 full CDs and my memory still says "+50,000 BLOCKS".

#10421 X-stream Maxshot

Posted by Formerly Sane on 25 September 2003 - 07:51 PM in General Nerf

I didn't know what TRU stood for either until a couple weeks ago. God I felt stupid that day. Do they sell max shots online in stores? I have a feeling if I buy one from a personal seller they'd jack up the price.

#8912 Wow, I Made A Dart That Gains Lift!

Posted by Formerly Sane on 30 August 2003 - 11:32 AM in Homemades

Okay, a piece of paper about 1 1/4" by 1 3/4". I tape it on top of a dart and fold the wings down as I put it in a barrel. Mine didn't work so well but do I have the right idea?

#24969 Will The Fun Last?.......

Posted by Formerly Sane on 27 April 2004 - 04:25 PM in General Nerf

If there by any chance aren't any more foam dart blasters on the market, for another decade or so, guns will still be in rotation on the internet. Even if all nerf guns become rare, homemades would suffice. There is only one way that nerf could die out almost completely. If the NIC (by some strange out-of-world extreme chance) happened to fall apart, probably half of the nerfers would lose interest, and any other kid who got a gun wouldn't think of modding it. This would leave only a few hundred in the world who still would know nerf as it is now.

Or the anti-christ could take over and eventually fall and everyone would be killed and judged before god during the post-armagedden times. Then nerf dies.

#7100 Wildfire Valve Repair

Posted by Formerly Sane on 16 July 2003 - 08:47 PM in General Nerf

I was hoping I could just get it open by taking out some screws, but this will have to do. I'm in a delema about whether I should ask my friend before I go cutting up his gun, but he did leave it with me and tell me to "fix it"... I'll get started soon. Thanx.

#7094 Wildfire Valve Repair

Posted by Formerly Sane on 16 July 2003 - 07:40 PM in General Nerf

My friend and I were taking out the pegs to his wildfire and somehow broke the automatic valve :P . The yellow part won't stay attached to the white part with the white rubber ring. Does anyone know how to open up the valve to glue that thing back on?

#18469 Wierd Dream

Posted by Formerly Sane on 07 February 2004 - 09:32 PM in Off Topic

I had this really wierd dream last night. I had left all of my guns outside and Groove came by and stole all of them. When I called him over he came up on my porch and cussed me out then openly carried my guns away. Hope I don't develop a serious case of grooveaphobia.

#18474 Wierd Dream

Posted by Formerly Sane on 07 February 2004 - 10:08 PM in Off Topic

Oh, that was you in the ditch at the end of my driveway? I thought it was just a dead body.

#32101 Who Would Buy Colored Backer Rod?

Posted by Formerly Sane on 22 July 2004 - 03:12 PM in General Nerf

So the price would be $5 for 20'? I like the idea of colored foam so I may order enough for maybe 100 darts, but I'd rather pay $6 for 100' of FBR from aloghomestore.com even if I do have to keep making darts when I lose them. Good job giving back to the nerf community though.

#21118 What!?!?!

Posted by Formerly Sane on 11 March 2004 - 06:41 PM in News

I agree that you should write about "exotic" places to nerf. I'm really getting tired of hearing about parks and schools and I'm kind of tired of nerfing at my house. Also, like Nerfer16 said, indoor wars might be a good topic to cover. I don't believe I've ever seen an article on this. Indoor nerfing adds alot to a war if you have a big house, plus there are infinately more places to hide. Some games like thisare very good for indoors and I hear of lots of people playing inside.
That brings me to something else. You could write about different games and give a brief description of the rules. I'm trying to assemble a cache of war games, but I've heard of some and I don't know how they're played(ie. some type of hostage game or something like that)

#17742 What Kinda Clips?

Posted by Formerly Sane on 31 January 2004 - 07:02 PM in Homemades

We aren't fighting over an IP address, we're using it as proof. I think you lose.

But anyway, I'd just like to add that you need to straighten the darts out a lot before you put them in the magazine, especially if it is gravity fed. Even though spring mags might be a little more complicated, they will insure that the dart will fall into the barrel.

First make a container out of any of the materials already listed. It should be about the length and width of a dart, and then make it high enough to hold 5 or 10 darts. Find a light spring and glue it onto a piece of wood or sheet metal or whatever material you're using. Then take that and attach it to the bottom of the magazine. Make a breech load system like the one showed in the Homemades section and attach the magazine onto hole in the barrel. Now when you twist the barrel a dart should shoot in place, ready to fire.

#53930 What Colors Does Fbr Come In?

Posted by Formerly Sane on 01 May 2005 - 03:07 PM in General Nerf

www.aloghomestore.com is where I got mine. They sell the black kind. I believe it's only about 3 or 4 dollars for 50' of FBR. I bought 100' and it should last me another year or so. Someone on this site sells pink FBR, although it's a little expensive, it is way easier to find your darts. Oh yeah, don't try spraypainting your darts orange so you can find them easier. It doesn't work (learned that the hard way <_< ).

#53955 What Colors Does Fbr Come In?

Posted by Formerly Sane on 01 May 2005 - 04:04 PM in General Nerf

Now I'm a BIG fan of nite wars outside, and we have serious trouble finding the darts. Would the darts still work if I sprayed with a little glow-in-the-dark spray paint? If not, what would go wrong?

Okay, I know we weren't supposed to take this topic too far so I'll try to make this my last post in this one. I tried to spraypaint my darts orange, but the paint just doesn't cover the whole outside of the dart. A painted dart becomes stiff, and dried paint dust comes off whenever you put a stefan in your barrel. After a few weeks of use, the paint came off completely and in the process it got all over my hands, guns, clothes, and floor. In short, sounds like a great idea but it does not work at all. Go for colored FBR or just surrender to the mindset of, "I have another 80' of FBR, who cares if I lose 10% of my darts?".

#25042 Were To Get A Petg

Posted by Formerly Sane on 28 April 2004 - 04:32 PM in Modifications

Why post to ask him why he posted saying hes not going to bother?

#10603 Web Editor

Posted by Formerly Sane on 28 September 2003 - 04:31 PM in Off Topic

Frontpage isn't that bad. I used it to make my site but you can do more with other programs.

#25258 Ultimate Artillery

Posted by Formerly Sane on 30 April 2004 - 09:11 PM in Homemades

I have thought about making something like that, except the cluster of barrels would be removable so you would have 2 or 3 with you. You still have to take about a minute to pump it and only get 3 shots, but it would be useful for the reasons you described.

Try going the blastfire method and have a valve at the base of each barrel. I think this is what the sm 1500 also has. If I'm not mistaken, it lets air go through the barrel while the spring is compressing. When it pushes the valve closed, the air stops going to that barrel and can contribute to another one. The range might be decreased, but each dart will go an equal distance.

One more note on this subject: Try making three of these and duct taping them together into one huge gun. Open each valve, and thats 246 pieces of foamy death raining from the sky.

#25311 Ultimate Artillery

Posted by Formerly Sane on 01 May 2004 - 02:18 PM in Homemades

This is the idea I'm thinking about. (The air tank is scaled down for lack of space) Each barrel cluster has one of the valves at its base. I don't believe I did a very good job of explaining, but this is what I'm talking about.

Anyway, the barrel clusters can be removed like clips to achieve a higher rate of fire. Instead of 82 darts, my version consists of four 8" barrels in each clip and shoots 16 2" stefans. Pumping up the air tank would still be a hassle, but this gun could be fired once every 1 or 2 minutes, if you wished. It would be more practicle to spread out the time between your shots.

Many people have been saying that it wouldn't be fair to fight with these, and belive me, I've been hit with 10 darts from a modded blastfire a few feet away and it doesn't feel good. But the time between shots gives a window of action for your team to move in and destroy the enemy. Also, the range of this gun would probably be about 50' or less.

If anyone sees any flaws in my design that can't be fixed, a single barrel with several darts in it would also work well. It would be more useful as a shotgun though, as you couldn't shoot off more than about 5 darts in each shot.

#25262 Ultimate Artillery

Posted by Formerly Sane on 30 April 2004 - 09:36 PM in Homemades

To make the valves, you would have to use a really strong spring. Still there is the problem of the valve closing too soon, but otherwise barely any darts will shoot. The only option I see is a valve with high resistance.

#21337 Ttg V2

Posted by Formerly Sane on 14 March 2004 - 09:52 PM in General Nerf

Posting one idea and a few minutes later posting again: BAD

Posting an update on whats already been said: GOOD

#35188 Toning Down The Titan

Posted by Formerly Sane on 25 August 2004 - 05:58 PM in Modifications

It seems easier to do ten pumps than to do twenty with an added air restricter. I guess you like the shotgun idea though. How's that working out?

#8960 The Tech Target Gun Is In Stores

Posted by Formerly Sane on 31 August 2003 - 07:21 PM in General Nerf

I think its from the atom blasters series but I know its from nerf.

#23757 T1-defender

Posted by Formerly Sane on 07 April 2004 - 08:00 PM in Modifications

I haven't seen the insides of this gun for a while, but I think this will work. Try putting a crayola barrel INSIDE the existing barrel. Also you can take the spring out and stretch it.

Try getting ahold of PVC that fits your darts right and attaching it to a piece of 3/4" PVC with glue and tape. Wrap some electric tape around the part of the gun that the arrow used to go on until you have a tight fit. Now you have a removable barrel. Your range should be about 70 ft. now.

Lastly, if your darts are falling down the barrel, you can cut off about 1/2" of it and put a crayola barrel in.

If you want to do any of these mods and don't feel comfortable yet, try searching some of the nerf sites for any arrow shooter or maybe some pistols. Good luck!

#23671 T1-defender

Posted by Formerly Sane on 06 April 2004 - 07:25 PM in Modifications

Whats with the "Sorry about the double post but..."?! It really annoys me that ALL the n00bs say it and it shows they realize they're doing the wrong thing but do it anyway. Can't any of you just click the edit button? If you're "sorry" about double posting, just edit and you won't have to appologize, its not that hard. Jeez, this is like unplugging your tv to turn it off.

Everybody stop this now okay, and stop all the other crap. I know most of you wont but jpshyboi, please get better at posting. Try instead of telling a story of how you modded it, just tell us straitforeward. My brain need a break at the end of the day.

#18467 Supermaxx Air System Line

Posted by Formerly Sane on 07 February 2004 - 09:00 PM in General Nerf

Gamefreak, whats the range?

#25635 Super Soaker Mod

Posted by Formerly Sane on 06 May 2004 - 05:04 PM in Modifications

First off, cut off the end of the nozzle and take out all the white pieces that restrict the air. Now, the reason I think this gun takes so long to pump up has to do with the pump itself. That's the only reason I can find, because I took it apart and hooked a sm1500 pump on it, and I get around 100 feet with 10 quick pumps. 5 pumps gets about 80.

#20392 Suck It Spielberg!

Posted by Formerly Sane on 01 March 2004 - 04:20 PM in Off Topic

Which LOTR movie do you guys think was the best? Personally, I think the first was the best for plot, the second was best for battle scenes, and the third was best for visuals. Overall I think I like the second a little more than the third.

*sorry for going a little off topic

#25622 Stubby

Posted by Formerly Sane on 06 May 2004 - 03:42 PM in Modifications

1) Right click on the picture
2)click "properties"
3)copy the url
4)paste it in the adress bar or whatever its called

I think I see what happened. Vortex, have you ever seen a sawed down NF? If not, then you have done what I often do. I actually think up the mod myself, but its already been done by others. My BBB has a crayola barrel in the orange part, a removable stock, and a 3/4" piece of pvc, all of which has been done before. I didn't know.

#15275 Street Magic

Posted by Formerly Sane on 30 December 2003 - 12:51 PM in Off Topic

Do any of you know where I could get a bitten coin for cheap? I kind of have a problem with paying 8 bucks for a gimmicked piece of metal.

#26258 Stefans

Posted by Formerly Sane on 15 May 2004 - 03:20 PM in General Nerf

At first I got FBR from home depot, but its way better to order in bulk online. At the store its usually around $3 for 20 feet. On aloghomestore.com, where I ordered mine, it costs $3.50 for 50 ft. or $40.25 for 800 ft. I'd suggest getting it online.

#24230 Sspb And Nf Integration? No...

Posted by Formerly Sane on 14 April 2004 - 12:48 PM in Modifications

Sweet. Do you think you could get some pictures up? Also, what are the ranges of the two guns?

100th post! W00t! ^_^

#27232 Spoon

Posted by Formerly Sane on 29 May 2004 - 05:10 PM in Off Topic

It's Spoon's (and loser's) birthday today. Figured that he deserves something...like...some shit. I'll mail him some shit. Would that be good? I'll even include some random crap, too.

I've got beach party's all weekend...I'll be thinking of you guys. And of all that shit I'm loosing.

I'm sure he'll enjoy it.

#9503 Sm1500

Posted by Formerly Sane on 09 September 2003 - 06:01 PM in Modifications

I have 5" barrels on mine now but how long could I go. 8"? More?

#9505 Sm1500

Posted by Formerly Sane on 09 September 2003 - 06:24 PM in Modifications

I think I'll do 8"

#6487 Sm 1500

Posted by Formerly Sane on 03 July 2003 - 11:28 AM in Modifications

I just got a SM1.5K with a broken pump from my friend. I can get the thing apart except for the red cap at the base of the pump. How do I get it off?

#28821 Shotgun

Posted by Formerly Sane on 18 June 2004 - 03:11 PM in Homemades

Could you go into a little more detail about the distance each dart shoots? Such as, does one barrel shoot its darts alot further than the other one? Or do the last darts just kind of flop out, while the other ones go an acceptable range? If you have time, try putting more darts in one barrel than in the other and see if the one with more doesn't shoot out it's last shots.

#21198 Shotgun

Posted by Formerly Sane on 12 March 2004 - 03:29 PM in Homemades

That wouldnt work techno. The middle barrels would have the fastest air delivery, and the most air, whereas those outer barrels probobally wont even fire.

Thats just what I was thinking. To make it work it would be better to have the air come down one pipe and split in two directions. Working with only two barrels and keeping them as equally distanced from the source of the air is the best way to go. Put three darts down each barrel and you have a 6 shot shotgun. Better yet, instead of the two barrels make PVC couplers and have interchangable 6 shot double barrel clips.

#17856 Scope

Posted by Formerly Sane on 01 February 2004 - 05:26 PM in Homemades

The sight on the top of the BBB works really well on mine. I just look through and line up my target with the tip of the black tube thing on the top of the gun. From 40 ft. I can hit a 2 in. target using that gun. I was surprised that it really worked.

#11261 Sch. 80 Pvc

Posted by Formerly Sane on 10 October 2003 - 07:51 PM in Modifications

All I use is Sch. 80 PVC and crayola. The problem is the Sch 80 is $1 a foot at my home depot. How much is brass per foot anyway?