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#90655 Lightning Blitz Gone Wrong

Posted by munson20 on 27 September 2006 - 08:33 PM in Modifications

Hey, I got a lightning blitz a while ago, and I just got around to modding it. I plugged all the airways so that only one dart shoots and I plugged the pump. But when I closed it, there was a leak when I pumped. Is this just the seal is bad or is it what I did?

#85227 06' Blasters Situation

Posted by munson20 on 17 July 2006 - 02:14 PM in General Nerf

Hello, this is my first post in a while, so bare with me. I am a little confused on the situation of the new guns, the magstrike and and the longshot cs-6. In this topic, I would like you to state the availability and release dates of each gun. Are they in stores, how much, and if not, when will they be released?

#85234 06' Blasters Situation

Posted by munson20 on 17 July 2006 - 10:05 PM in General Nerf

When will the longshot come out? Will it be soon, like a week, or like a month? I would think soon because it is in the back of stores already.

#79158 At2k Mod Problems!

Posted by munson20 on 08 April 2006 - 02:47 PM in Modifications

Ok, I just got a new AT2K from Khols for 10 dollars, and after opening it up, and using it for about 20-30 shots, the metal rod that release the air won't keep the air inside it. It leeks! Has this happened to anyone and is it a hopeless problem or has it been fixed? Please help me!!!

#78211 Longshot Debu?

Posted by munson20 on 31 March 2006 - 11:11 AM in General Nerf

The Fallen, I dont mean to be a dick, but please try to search the archives before posting things like this... it says in the Fall 06' Blasters post that they will be coming out in the fall, so this is a pointless post. Just look before you post something... Thanks!

#94065 Pvc Sanding

Posted by munson20 on 10 November 2006 - 01:59 PM in Modifications

I have a Lathe sitting around, I might even try that! Or Ill put the pvc in a drill, and sand it will it is spinning

#94061 Pvc Sanding

Posted by munson20 on 10 November 2006 - 12:47 PM in Modifications

I need to shave some of the end off of PVC to fit into another thing of PVC. What is the best way of going at this? I have been sanding for hours and it isn't working, and it come out uneven! Help!

#93307 Nerfers In Il

Posted by munson20 on 29 October 2006 - 09:48 PM in Nerf Wars

I would also be up for a summer Illinois war. I live in Winnetka, which is near evanston. Could it be by there?

#74337 Scout Pistol Mods?

Posted by munson20 on 25 February 2006 - 11:56 PM in Modifications

hello, i just got the scout pistol from a tech target package. i was wondering, is there any mods to make this gun better? also, i tried extending the barrell, however, there is a piece that breaks off every time i shoot, so i can never put it back together. do i need this piece-(it is the piece that holds the 'O' ring in place for suction.)

#89397 We Need A Longshot Write-up

Posted by munson20 on 09 September 2006 - 02:52 PM in Modifications

I think he means a writeup un the modding section. I Also agree that there are no new mod writeups in this section. I know there is a mod directory, but most dont know how to find it.

#93507 Plunger Question

Posted by munson20 on 01 November 2006 - 11:09 PM in Modifications

Im almost posative that if the hole is atleast in the middle of the barrell, then it should be fine. I know what you mean Nerf Monkey how the ss1 shoots up. That same thing happens to my LnL.

#93493 Plunger Question

Posted by munson20 on 01 November 2006 - 09:28 PM in Modifications

In a plunger for a spring gun, do you think it matters whether the hole where the air releases is in the middle or a little above. Will it get the same ranges? I would think it doesnt matter but I am not sure and before I build something I would like to be sure.

#93523 Plunger Question

Posted by munson20 on 02 November 2006 - 10:22 AM in Modifications

In a plunger for a spring gun, do you think it matters whether the hole where the air releases is in the middle or a little above.

The size of the hole matters a lot more than its position. The position of the hole in the endcap has no effect on the pressure that the plunger will generate.

Thats exactly what I was thinking. Im going to have to relocate the hole. If not that, maybe connect a tube to the barrell where I want it to be.

#86139 Longshot Assembly

Posted by munson20 on 30 July 2006 - 11:19 PM in Modifications

I did cartoons mod to the longshot and now I dont know how to put it back together. I have just about everything except the "ready, red" thing. It is the thing that tells u when it is ready to shoot. I dont know where that thing goes or where the thing that turns it goes. Also, where do the silver screws go? please give pics with detailed explanations... thanks!!!

#79033 Sm1500

Posted by munson20 on 06 April 2006 - 04:50 PM in General Nerf

They are mega's.

Dude, If you don't wan't to get banned, don't post a stupid thread like this. Search and bring back another threa because you are filling this site with crap.

Not only was this stupid, but you picked the worst time to do it. Many people are getting executed and you are probably one of them just for this.

I Know you are new, but this is just a heads up for you if you wan't stay a member on this sight.

#89556 Recent Topic Section And Mod/homeade Update

Posted by munson20 on 11 September 2006 - 09:45 PM in General Nerf

The recent topic section has been like this for a while, it just adds whatever is newest and doesnt change order. I like it when the topic which had the most recent post would go to the top of the order. If you don't understand what I am saying, I understand because it is hard to explain, but if you understand, please say, so whe can have it changed.

Also, in the modification and Homeade section, we haven't added new ones in a while even though many more mods and homeades have come out. I think we should update both! (Ex.- Modification doesn't have the longshot, or even some other good guns, and Homeades doesn't have the SCAR.)

#89562 Recent Topic Section And Mod/homeade Update

Posted by munson20 on 11 September 2006 - 10:25 PM in General Nerf

This should be under site feedback.

If you want mods go here. http://nerfhaven.com...?showtopic=7150

By the way, it does change the order. This thread/post was at the top of my "view new posts" section.

I know forsaken, but I mean under the actual link. Whatever though, if it is pointless, then so be it.

And flaming, I didn't know that, thank you, I didn't know that, but Ill try it. You like the format now? I just absolutely hate it! (sort of kidding)- Thanks, Munson20

#77714 Crossbow Mod Problem!

Posted by munson20 on 26 March 2006 - 06:35 PM in Modifications

someone recomended it!!! do you have any ideas how to get the glue out or what to coat it with so it isnt hard to cock?

#77716 Crossbow Mod Problem!

Posted by munson20 on 26 March 2006 - 06:40 PM in Modifications

just blow dry the glue part and it will fall off? ok ill try freezer and blowdryer...

how do you blow dry it? how long? then what?

#77720 Crossbow Mod Problem!

Posted by munson20 on 26 March 2006 - 07:04 PM in Modifications

Thank you so much!!! after freezing it, i just band it and it all cracked so it worked!!!
thank you so much!!!!!!

#77712 Crossbow Mod Problem!

Posted by munson20 on 26 March 2006 - 06:27 PM in Modifications

I recently filled the green pole, or cocker, in a crossbow with hot glue, however, now it wont cock easily!!! does anyone have suggestions of what to do, maybe coat it with something!????

#89398 Is It Possible?

Posted by munson20 on 09 September 2006 - 02:57 PM in Modifications

Please dont always mention when your searched or not. I hate it when newbs do this! If you seareched you searched, but don't tell us! It obviously means you've gotten flamed before for being stupid. Sorry, I didn't mean to sound mean, but I am just saying what is on my mind.

About the crossfire, You probably can. My friend had a crossfire, but he didn't do a mod to it, only opened it up and saw the insides. With the proper cutting, im sure you can.

#90542 Video: Decatur Area Nerf-out

Posted by munson20 on 26 September 2006 - 05:10 PM in Nerf Wars

Was boltsniper there? I was wondering because there were like 5 FAR's. Or did you guys make them?

#75185 Design Programs

Posted by munson20 on 04 March 2006 - 08:54 PM in Off Topic

You can just use M@cromedia Flash. I can do it with it and you can use the free trial from online, or find a serial code online.

#78306 Which Crossbow Mod To Do?

Posted by munson20 on 01 April 2006 - 02:47 PM in Modifications

Hello, I had the same question when I got my new crossbow, but I just simply looked at many mods online, then evolved them into one of my own mods. Following every detail for some of these mods is very difficult so I just got a pipe that fit my darts and glued it onto the compression cylinder, thats all. My only problem with this was the rod falls off sometimes and it is never perfectly straight... If anyone has any suggestions for this, please tell me because mine fell off the other day and is pissing the hell out of me.... Does that answer your question?

#80500 Cubs Make Me So Depressed

Posted by munson20 on 20 April 2006 - 09:12 PM in Off Topic

First of all, Black Wrath, this is an off-topic section, so why are you degrating it? He put something not about Nerf in the off-topic section! I don't really see why that needs a flame...

Also, you commented on how they are bad and you don't care. That is very telling of how all you care about in life is Nerf, and frankly, that is pathetic, yet so sad. You take advantage of people on the internet so you can feel good and big, am I right? Thats probably the only thing from keeping you from killing yourself.

I like the Cubs, so unless you have facts to prove your views, then don't post.

#85834 Magstrike On Nerf

Posted by munson20 on 26 July 2006 - 10:46 PM in General Nerf

I was looking on Nerf.com, and they have the Magstrike on it to buy! This shows that it is probably going to come out faster than the longshot. Even though the longshot is out in NWERK (New York), I still think the Mag will be out earlier. Hima Bliven Deusth MCnaven Onz Des Nostinv Marxver Beaschg Gempzve Deusth
Le Monz!!!!! Pardon My Fugnarvigati

#93682 First Shot Vs. Maxshot

Posted by munson20 on 04 November 2006 - 09:19 PM in General Nerf

Hi, I am about to buy a first shot or a maxshot, and since I have never had either, I need to know which is better? I mean, Ranges, size, rof, difficulty to operate, and other characteristics. If there are any offers for trading or selling either one, please say.

#77869 Stefan Break-through

Posted by munson20 on 27 March 2006 - 10:12 PM in Modifications

I recently bought a cheap clip dart gun from walgreens. The darts in this set had sticky tips so i took this off and put bb's in there then glued over them. These are great stefans because it is slight thinner foam than normal nerf darts and slide nicely down crayola markers, yet shoot very strong. They are now my primary bullets for my cross bow because you don't need a breech barrell, they just slide down... also, since they come with a clip, they could do for a great clip mod to a gun. I recomend these stefans for all guns because they do not curve what so ever during flight, and and go very very far.

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#89723 Paint Jobs

Posted by munson20 on 14 September 2006 - 09:24 PM in Modifications

I agreed with him saying it was legitimate, but he was critisizing in the first part. Nitewalker, I dont go to NHQ, one nerf site is enough. This isn't your place to critisize me. Also, I agreed when I said someone hasn't posted like this in a while. I still think it is a good post. B)

#89712 Paint Jobs

Posted by munson20 on 14 September 2006 - 06:14 PM in Modifications

There has been a mod thread which has paint jobs, however, it doens't show up on the most recent board, so most people wouldn't post new paint jobs if he posted in the thread saying they should. There you are again critisizing people. I think it is a great post for your first time. Someone hasn't done a thread like this in a while.

I sold some painted Nitefinders a while back that were silver and black. I made some dough!!! Well Ill get pictures up soon...

#85361 '06 Blasters Mod Ideas

Posted by munson20 on 19 July 2006 - 06:58 PM in Modifications

Hello, as we are all very excited for the new blasters, we need to start brainstorming for apparent mods on the longshot and magstrike! For this topic, come up with ideas for mods that you think may be possible, and state them. Do not criticize because we cannot be sure about anything and we dont have the guns. Be nice!!!

#93883 Online Source For Rf Shotgun

Posted by munson20 on 07 November 2006 - 09:32 PM in General Nerf

Of course you can, there was just a whole post on it, and how someone modded it! Read!

#93880 Online Source For Rf Shotgun

Posted by munson20 on 07 November 2006 - 09:03 PM in General Nerf

Hello, I was searching around on the internet, and I found a place where you can buy the new rapid fire shotgun. It is being sold for 24.99 here at cabellas sporting goods site. Will you guys be getting it? I might.

#79661 Atomizer

Posted by munson20 on 11 April 2006 - 10:44 PM in General Nerf

No, not that!!! I got the name wrong, it is called the cyclotron! I just saw it on ebay and I don't see why no one around here likes it???

#79659 Atomizer

Posted by munson20 on 11 April 2006 - 10:33 PM in General Nerf

When I looked on the box of my at2k, I saw a strange gun called the atomizer. It was very large and it had a motor in it which made it shoot. The color scheme was silver and blue. I couldn't get any pictures of it but I am still looking... Why doesn't anyone talk about this gun? I have never even heard of it until I looked on the box and it comes as a real shock to hear nothing about it!!!

P.S. - I'm not talking about the pump ball shooter that is orange!!!-the reactor or something weird...

#91171 Clip Magazine

Posted by munson20 on 03 October 2006 - 07:50 PM in Homemades

Hey, maybe you have something there! Try it yourself instead of asking others. You could develop something great!

To answere the question, other materials are expensive, so they use balsa. It is maluable and can do the job. The next step up would be a gel deoderant container. The next step up which you are looking for is probably plexyglass constructed into a clip. This would be sort of dificult, but possible. Good luck!

#93889 Surefire Cap Blaster

Posted by munson20 on 07 November 2006 - 09:59 PM in General Nerf

Yeah, i saw that blowgun that has cap darts. Looked interesting. Almost got one, but i decided to get my viking hat instead, only thing that seems scary is that if the caps went off inside the blowgun. I guess they have to take the necassary cautions, but i'd still be worried about a small explosion inside.

Yeah, i saw that blowgun that has cap darts. Looked interesting. Almost got one, but i decided to get my viking hat instead, only thing that seems scary is that if the caps went off inside the blowgun. I guess they have to take the necassary cautions, but i'd still be worried about a small explosion inside. EToys also has the big blast, the LBB copy.

no, when it hits, they go off, they dont go in the gun, you load the caps into the darts.

#93879 Surefire Cap Blaster

Posted by munson20 on 07 November 2006 - 09:00 PM in General Nerf

I was looking online and found many undiscovered guns.

1.) I was looking around online and I found this. It shoots darts like a normal blow gun, but it makes a cap gun pop when it hits something because you load a cap into the dart! Isn't that cool? Well, also, they have very strange darts which could be something new for the Nerfing Community. I probably won't get one for the gun, but maybe just get one for the new darts! State your opinion.

A secon more of looking, and I found the darts being sold separately here. Wow, will anyone get these? A lot, but they could be a whole new generation!

2.) Also I found a yughio blaster. It is like a dragon, it looks really stupid. Here it is.

3.) ALso, I found this, a marshmallow launcher. It really looks like it could be modded! It even said it fits foam darts! I am definately going to get it, but is is very pricey. I am skeptical whether it is pump or spring. I hope spring, It could be like a crossbow be cause if it can shoot a big marshmallow 40 feet, It can shoot a stefan 110'.

4.) Lastly, I found sources to buy the big salvo and buzz bee rapid fire rifle! Im not sure if this is common to see, but I had never found a source. It is on Etoys.com

Please comment on all these guns...

#95099 My New Puppy

Posted by munson20 on 23 November 2006 - 11:14 PM in Off Topic

My family got a black female pug, and then after 2 years, we bred it with the neighbor male fawn (tan) pug. We took care of the 5 puppies. It was great waking up every morning to running 1 week pug pups. we sold 4, but kept 1. The mothers name is Olive, and it's baby is named, well... Baby. I may have pictures up later.