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There have been 406 items by Foamfoot (Search limited from 19-January 97)

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#198380 I Hate Some Employees

Posted by Foamfoot on 23 December 2008 - 04:55 PM in General Nerf

When I get comments like that from the cashier, they're flirting with me. Why? Because I'm 6' 5" and fucking gorgeous.

I did get a school photographer fired once though, he told me to shut up and I threatened to sue the company (hooray frivolousness!) so he got fired. If you want to take pictures of the kids at least be nice. Or have a van with "Free Toys Inside" spray painted on it.

But where are the toys? Wait.... Noooooo!

#200744 '08 Highlights

Posted by Foamfoot on 03 January 2009 - 12:26 AM in General Nerf

Getting validated
Posting a mod that was well recieved
Having VACC agree with some stuff I posted

CX not being around EVER this year
Not getting to any of the wars that I wanted to get to

#197186 Twilight Review.

Posted by Foamfoot on 19 December 2008 - 12:52 PM in Off Topic

This is turning into a patriotic nigra shitfest. Someone please close.

But, how could you think legos are gay? In fact, how can a plastic object like other plastic objects. As far as I know, only piping materials can do that. (male and female connections)

#197124 Twilight Review.

Posted by Foamfoot on 19 December 2008 - 12:35 AM in Off Topic

Brokeback Mountain was an awesome love story.

#198810 Merry Christmas!

Posted by Foamfoot on 25 December 2008 - 11:07 AM in Off Topic


Jesus christ. Yea, let's all go fuck up tradition by attempting to be funny through being a vulgar prick.

Well I'm only repeating what friend had written down.

Yeah, that makes it all better.

Regardless of unnecessary (and unfunny) vulgarity, Merry Christmas everyone!

#198805 Merry Christmas!

Posted by Foamfoot on 25 December 2008 - 10:33 AM in Off Topic

Twas the night before Christmas,
When all through the house
everyone was feeling shitty, even the mouse.
With Mom in the whorehouse and Dad smoking grass,
I just settled in, for nice piece of ass.
When out on the lawn, there was such a chatter,
I sprained from my piece, to see what was the matter.
I looked out the window and saw a big dick,
and I knew right a away that it was Old Saint Prick.
He flew down the the chimney with a thunderous fart,
that fucker blew our chimney apart.
Filling the stocking with dubees and beer,
and a big rubber dick for my brother, the queer.
As he left our house, flying out of sight,
he said, "pissing on y'all, Have a hell of a night!"


Jesus christ. Yea, let's all go fuck up tradition by attempting to be funny through being a vulgar prick.

#198973 Merry Christmas!

Posted by Foamfoot on 26 December 2008 - 01:36 PM in Off Topic

One thing I got was an electric razor. I'm returning it for a longshot and a couple of 2ks. I will be doing a major overhaul to the longshot, and an overhaul to the doubleshot, which I will be paying for separately. Both will be good contributions, and probably will be more recognized than my "You Shot Me All Night Long".

Let's get one thing straight, I needed that electric razor. I really cannot live without one. I'm cutting myself more than a "Good Charlotte" fan. My jugulars have sideburns because I'm afraid to shave them. I guess I will just have to name them and learn to love them... maybe "itchy" and "rashy" or "ugly" and "unsightly" or "foodcatcher" and "flytrap". Most likely I'll name em' toejam and earl, but if you have a better name, PM me.

#263612 Finding A Blaster For A Friend In A Power Chair.

Posted by Foamfoot on 28 January 2010 - 10:23 PM in General Nerf

What about an RF20 hooked up to an air compressor, or maybe a paintball CO2 tank hooked up to one?

#197553 World Of Warcraft

Posted by Foamfoot on 20 December 2008 - 07:47 PM in Off Topic

A tip for new players: don't play while depressed, sleepy, or hungry. If you do, your mind will develop a dependency on it to function. It's like ice cream, nutritionists will tell you not to eat it right after a breakup, or your body will use ice cream to treat depression.

Heroin does pretty much the same type of thing. Heroin is generally used to fill some void, and then people just get dependent on the stuff. The addiction of gaming and heroin is actually pretty similar.

Oh and Deadshooter, there is a TON of stuff wrong with this world, gaming just isn't illegal, nor as dangerous as most drugs. That's why plenty of people get addicted to gaming.

#198291 World Of Warcraft

Posted by Foamfoot on 23 December 2008 - 12:50 PM in Off Topic

I heard that there is a dildo in the game that you can beat people with, is that true?

Gravity engineers for life bitch!

#197455 World Of Warcraft

Posted by Foamfoot on 20 December 2008 - 01:19 PM in Off Topic

Having gone through multiple seminars in trying to find my future career, I have found multiple studies stating that gaming is an addiction. People who are addicted, like many other addictions, have some void to fill. They are NOT weak. That would be like saying someone with depression is weak, there is a void with depression too, and things are always put in that void to replace it.

Oh, and applefury, sex can't rock when it breaks your cock.

EDIT: Don't play because my computer is sucky and glame.

#206071 Indoor Vs. Outdoor

Posted by Foamfoot on 24 January 2009 - 09:31 PM in General Nerf

The thing about indoors is when you dance indoors, you can often break something, while there is plenty of room outdoors for dancing. Woot.

#261639 Skype Group Chat

Posted by Foamfoot on 12 January 2010 - 10:44 PM in Off Topic

Ben Dover
Call me Foam the fucking foot.

#206532 Indoor Vs. Outdoor

Posted by Foamfoot on 26 January 2009 - 11:08 AM in General Nerf

How about indoor AND outdoor?
I have a walk out basement and we nerf in and out .
It's a blast .

That was very painful to see, because you fucking centered it.


#207580 A Few Behind The Scenes Shots From Last Nights Shoot

Posted by Foamfoot on 29 January 2009 - 02:21 PM in General Nerf

That was really homosexual. I want you to trust me when I say that I will NOT be looking forward to new images.

#207627 A Few Behind The Scenes Shots From Last Nights Shoot

Posted by Foamfoot on 29 January 2009 - 04:42 PM in General Nerf

You're gonna get controversy over anything like this. You're doing something creative, I'll give you that, but like foam foot, I don't much care for it. If you can't take being told something is gay, I'd suggest not posting it on the internet. You take that risk. Get over it.


Another thing is that I'm not mad. this is funny, I'm having fun right now. I don't know if it's from the shot of morphine in my spine, but yeah. All I'm saying is put some tongue and cheek into it. You also said "Comments are always welcome" so... I win! Yay....

At least you are posting pics rather than claiming you electroplated a longshot.

#207590 A Few Behind The Scenes Shots From Last Nights Shoot

Posted by Foamfoot on 29 January 2009 - 03:13 PM in General Nerf

That was really homosexual. I want you to trust me when I say that I will NOT be looking forward to new images.

lol, everyones a critic. And you are right. nothings gayer then a hot chick, and a swat guy.
You have a nice day there foamfoot

That guy with white hair is a chick? Please note: I removed all the useless spacing

Good sir, let me assure you that what was posted right there was, without a doubt, gay. This isn't a dress-up forum. You put vacuum parts on your guns and ran around in the sewers wearing black clothing. I have nothing against having a good looking blaster, or even having them fit a theme, but... you look like you take this so... seriously. This is a hobby that involves plastic guns and foam darts. Go post this on a fucking prop forum. Or at least just put it in the paintjobs and pictures thread.

#189317 Nerf Tank

Posted by Foamfoot on 12 November 2008 - 06:23 PM in Off Topic

Please. If I saw this, the first thing I would do is run full force at it, break it/knock it over, and blast whoever was inside. Fuck 3-15, whether I got shot or not, I would be so offended by this, I would be unable to control my urge to destroy it. In conclusion, I concur with shadowkid33.

You live across the country from me, but you are hereby banned from any wars that I host.

As for rules, maybe just have a certain number of hits before the tank and everyone in it were destroyed. Or you could make it a rule that if any dart goes in the hatch, everyone dies.

#207919 Steelers Vs. Cardinals

Posted by Foamfoot on 30 January 2009 - 05:38 PM in Off Topic

I have no regrets... other than this accidental double-post.

#208210 Steelers Vs. Cardinals

Posted by Foamfoot on 31 January 2009 - 12:48 PM in Off Topic

Foam foot, I just want you to know that you are a gaping blackness that sucks all light and happiness into it. Everytime you post, I feel a little worse about my life. This isn't like a warning or anything, I just wanted you to know that you may be the most unpleasant person ever.

added that hilarious quote to my signature, while playing with my butthole

#207918 Steelers Vs. Cardinals

Posted by Foamfoot on 30 January 2009 - 05:35 PM in Off Topic

I dislike football, but Steelers beat my hometown (Seattle) in the Superbowl, so the cards are my pick.

#198883 Good Indoor Stock Primarys And Secondarys?

Posted by Foamfoot on 25 December 2008 - 09:55 PM in General Nerf

If your willing to buy online, get a speedloader ,it has been very effective and reliable from my experiences.

I would not buy one of those for the price listed, under $20 at the most for a speedloader. Amazon sellers just like to diddle you, and then feed mushrooms to your cat.

#251454 Puget Sound Nerf War

Posted by Foamfoot on 23 September 2009 - 08:15 PM in Nerf Wars


Mark me as a maybe. Looks fantastic.

#196088 How Long Do You Think You'll Be Nerfing?

Posted by Foamfoot on 14 December 2008 - 01:12 PM in General Nerf

I really don't think that Nerf is a very healthy addiction but I intend to stick around a bit longer.

You're absolutely right, because things like snorting crack and BASE jumping are much more healthy.

You shut up about my other hobbies... Base jumping.

As far as I can see, I'm like a juggalo: I'm down fo life, yo.

#258136 Need A Volunteer For The Mod Directory

Posted by Foamfoot on 06 December 2009 - 01:27 AM in News

I vote for myself to become a moderator.

I'll pay you 5 dollars over paypal to withdraw that.

#191403 The New Xbox Experience

Posted by Foamfoot on 23 November 2008 - 11:49 AM in Off Topic

I love it how the Wii's firmware is pretty annoying, yet everyone is attempting to follow it's mold.

I do admit that Miis are not as good as some of the other avatar type things on PS3 and Xbox. At least they got something right.

#192035 The New Xbox Experience

Posted by Foamfoot on 26 November 2008 - 01:18 AM in Off Topic

The NXE is...well its a Microsoft idea. You still have to give them props for trying. And truly the Netflix instant watch is just excellent. The 8-way chat is good for when you are having clan meetings, or trying to talk to friends in different games. But the avatars are a slight rip off of the Mii's, and the fact that there are only 4 games out for your avatars costing 10 dollars a piece.

But sadly...I got...THE RINGS. Thats right RROD. Blast the design team who put looks over reliability.

Haha... I've had mine for a while and with a nice lil' fan for it, nothing has happened yet. Yay...
Effeminate FAIL Viva isn't working... noooooo....

Could someone tell me why viva pinata won't run ever since the update?

Edit: Never mind, disc was upside-down.

#257502 A Declaration To My Fellow Nerfers

Posted by Foamfoot on 29 November 2009 - 03:35 AM in Articles

Fuck extrospectives.

People run and jump around and do this shit because it's human nature for structures to collapse. Hell, this is pretty much relating to Neitzsche's "Beyond Good and Evil". We're just being pricks to discharge our strength.

Look, the community is the way it is because of two kinds of people: people who over-analyze the deterioration of the communities past structures (I'd probably be put into this), and people who just want to be awesome.

Writing out a big analyzation like this is just going to fuel the "Awesomeness" garbage. People will keep worshiping the admins, praise them as the damn voice of truth, and conflict and shit will arise, keeping the community on the forum, not online.

All you're seeing is just what happens when a ton of people get together. Things change, we become some sort of a hive mind, and we all start analyzing ourselves, and ranking each other in some Cocker Spaniel pecking war.

And, the thing is, I, and everyone else, are at fault here. Nobody plays games anymore. We analyze shit, and in addition to that, we try and best each other as any human would do. When we best eachother, we create a very sturdy cardboard box fort, but, it's going to eventually hit the cieling, we won't be able to build anymore box fort, and life will suck because mom is pissed at us for breaking the chandelier with the boxes.

#192031 The E-tape 5k

Posted by Foamfoot on 26 November 2008 - 12:44 AM in Modifications

I'm sure we are all happy that you are trying to contribute, and I applaud you for doing so.

However, unless your modification has something significantly new that effects it's performance, it belongs in This Thread.

#194982 Bitchslayer

Posted by Foamfoot on 09 December 2008 - 04:24 PM in Modifications

Sorry, my earlier post must have seemed more serious that I thought it would, I was joking. This may be, by far the most well-balanced gun ever, as far as range and rof goes, but you'd need to work on the legality thing. Study up on this.

#202460 Mg42 Longshot Help

Posted by Foamfoot on 10 January 2009 - 07:57 PM in General Nerf

Put a Mav turret into it and make so that a breech is able to enter though the back of the turret

Due to the bolt sled, that is MUCH easier said than done.

#194954 Bitchslayer

Posted by Foamfoot on 09 December 2008 - 01:04 PM in Modifications

That's great, but it's a semi-auto thing that could beat a titans ass. Definitely banned at any war I host. I honestly think that the ROF to range ratio should cap somewhere. This is just too powerful, and we already have a problem with that at wars nowadays.

But, it looks fun as hell to use, good job.

#284198 Is The Nerf Tactical Vest Worth The $30?

Posted by Foamfoot on 28 August 2010 - 01:32 PM in General Nerf


#265088 Nerf Marauder Longsword Reinforcement

Posted by Foamfoot on 11 February 2010 - 07:08 PM in Modifications

Oh I feel stupid, I ment 11 Feet. :D

These are magical swords.

#204402 Wierd Computer Problem

Posted by Foamfoot on 18 January 2009 - 12:31 PM in Off Topic

Look at boise's sig, yes my awesomeness has graced it, but if you look at the point in it, it is telling you that Linux is different, and you may need some help switching to an alternative system.

I've had one of these, I just ran all the scans and everything was fine.

#204689 Wierd Computer Problem

Posted by Foamfoot on 19 January 2009 - 12:28 PM in Off Topic

Look at boise's sig, yes my awesomeness has graced it, but if you look at the point in it, it is telling you not to get linux. Only get linux if you have good knowledge of your computer, and what it's made of. In my personal opinion, anything that requires that much knowledge of a user is shit. I hate linux, don't burn me.

I've had one of these, I just ran all the scans and everything was fine.

Don't hate something you specifically can't use. Maybe you wouldn't hate linux if I told you some things about it. Your router, and modem are both running Linux (You have a modem for cable, dsl, 56k, whatever). Your DVD player may be based on linux. A tivo is running linux. If linux hadn't evolved, you wouldn't be able to use these items nearly as well as you can now. You have a graphical installer, which is much more comprehensive than the windows installer on most major distros. Also, with Knoppix, the livecd era came about. I used an Ubuntu liveCD to save my windows install.

I can use linux, I just believe that it is somewhat undeserving of the praise that it receives. Don't get me wrong, linux is a good OS, and better than windows, it's kinda an Ocarina of Time type of thing. Yes it's great, and definantly better than windows, but it still has some flaws, it's not made by god, not even Ubuntu Christian Edition.

Linux is by far better than windows, and really, it has amazed me in many ways, but it's not as perfect as people make it out to be, at least from a users standpoint.

#205135 Wierd Computer Problem

Posted by Foamfoot on 21 January 2009 - 02:30 PM in Off Topic

Hey, we're still on the topic of weird computer stuff, and I didn't want to start a whole new topic.

Has anyone gotten this?

#205168 Wierd Computer Problem

Posted by Foamfoot on 21 January 2009 - 05:03 PM in Off Topic

How could someone get a virus from something external? Did they buy a flash drive from the black market?

Virus knowledge has never been one of my strong points...

#205817 Wierd Computer Problem

Posted by Foamfoot on 23 January 2009 - 10:46 PM in Off Topic

A friend just showed me his linux laptop and PSP, holy shit. Guess I got the wrong version or something...

#232379 Dremel Accident

Posted by Foamfoot on 25 May 2009 - 07:51 AM in General Nerf

You know what? I think we all know that we are supposed to wear eye protection. Those who are going to wear it already do, and those who forget, or are just plain stupid do not. Heck, even if someone did not know that you need to wear eye protection when using a 30k rpm dremel, they must be too stupid to read the warning on the dremel, much less the stories explained here.