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#202742 N-force

Posted by AJZ on 11 January 2009 - 09:31 PM in General Nerf

Those are the new Nerf swords. Target sells them...why haven'y you responded to my PMs? We can discuss through PM

#202360 Sf Help

Posted by AJZ on 10 January 2009 - 01:28 PM in General Nerf

@Blue: That's the same SF that I have. I purchased it from chefdave

I have concluded, it's not exactly a leak....it holds air only when I apply pressure to the pump all the way in the starting position. I pump back, and hold. After I pull forward, the air immediately jets out the left barrel as previously mentioned, so it's not exactly a leak. This is more like it firing prematurely.

I REALLY want this thing to work so please pass forth any help or advice. Especially backing up other peoples solutions.

P.S- I did try lubing it up with silicone spray, and solid lube. It didn't do much

#201933 Sf Help

Posted by AJZ on 08 January 2009 - 07:35 PM in General Nerf

I recently purchased a SF and we all know they're leaky.

I remember a couple SF help threads, but I suck at searching. If there are in fact SF threads, please direct me to them.

On to the problem: It came leaky so I do not know what happened to it before I bought it. I'm assuming the pump is plugged since I can pump it over 5 times. The main problem is the left barrel when peering into the front immediately lets the air out when I release the force applied to the pump. In other words, I pump it and it leaks when I try to pump it again. The right barrel seems to work fine because it creates a nice pop when fired. I have not done anything to it besides pump it a few times to observe the leak. I'm guessing the valve in the front of the chamber is somehow out of line and it opens prematurely.

THanks for any help, Alec

Does anyone else recomend nerfer9's solution?

#201775 Airsoft For Sale!

Posted by AJZ on 07 January 2009 - 11:27 PM in Off Topic

I have two guns...I'd like to keep the business local because shipping across state borders might be a little risky. Both have less than 5K rounds and are virtually new to most people...

Pictures here: http://s367.photobuc...pEvox/For Sale/

#201768 The Playstation Network Topic

Posted by AJZ on 07 January 2009 - 10:55 PM in Off Topic

I had a thread a month ago, but it hasn't gotten any late responses. I will get a gamertag soon as I'm getting a router.

I have many games:
COD 4 & 5
Fallout 3
Far Cry 2
Rock Band 1 & 2
other non awesome games (plus they're old)

#200438 Oh My God Mcdonalds.

Posted by AJZ on 02 January 2009 - 01:56 AM in Off Topic

Fuck this thread.

Fast Food will never be good for you. Of course if you exercise and eat a stabled diet you won't get fat.

#199539 New Replica

Posted by AJZ on 29 December 2008 - 12:09 PM in Modifications


#199466 May 14, 2008

Posted by AJZ on 28 December 2008 - 11:37 PM in Off Topic


#199196 My Trip To Goodwill

Posted by AJZ on 27 December 2008 - 12:52 PM in Off Topic

Shit like this makes me depressed...I try to go to my Goodwill's as often as possible, but I don't have much free time at all until the weekends. Makes me think how many nerfy goods have passed without me...and the amount of kids who buy these guns and do nothing with them...

#198713 Christmas Goodies 2008

Posted by AJZ on 24 December 2008 - 05:39 PM in Off Topic

What the hell? How is everyoine getting presents BEFORE Christmas? I understand if you're Jewish, but I haven't gotten anything...except for the world's smallest fishing pole!

#197346 Which Sports Do You Play?

Posted by AJZ on 19 December 2008 - 10:51 PM in Off Topic

Proudly, I do Gymnastics...I fucking hate my coach, but that's another story. I wouldn't care to bore you.

I am thinking about starting wrestling for my High School, but I have a few problems...like my right kidney about ready to rupture, and my horrible vision. My eyesight person lady says I am old enough to get corrective sugery, however my eyes won't be developed fully until I'm 25...WHAT THE FUCK?

In my leisure time, I play outdoor sports like most people, and ride my bike which is nicer than all of yours :P

#197191 Ps3 Advocates

Posted by AJZ on 19 December 2008 - 01:32 PM in Off Topic


#197043 Ps3 Advocates

Posted by AJZ on 18 December 2008 - 08:00 PM in Off Topic


#197023 Ps3 Advocates

Posted by AJZ on 18 December 2008 - 06:53 PM in Off Topic


#196605 Couple Of Questions.

Posted by AJZ on 16 December 2008 - 08:01 PM in General Nerf

Sigh...There is no better barrel material, it's what fits your darts. It's been said countless times...I don't understand why people ask these rhetorical questions or better yet, other members answering these countless times.

Brass is a better barrel material IMO since it comes in 1/32 " increments and is more common in my area, but I have heard many people have trouble finding brass.

Aluminum just isn't popular

#196080 Painting A Batman Symbol On An At2k

Posted by AJZ on 14 December 2008 - 12:30 PM in Modifications

Draw the symbol on a piece of paper and cut it out. Now you have a stencil.

I think you know what to do after

Edit: imaseoulman...you had to post a second before mine

#196078 Longshot Modification By A Newbie

Posted by AJZ on 14 December 2008 - 12:27 PM in Modifications

There's not much to do other than you already have. Unfortuantely, you can't keep a gun 'as stock as possible' and modify it at the same time. You pretty much got the internals down, but I would suggest to reinforce the boltsled and catch so your little bro doesn't get pissed when it breaks. You can use epoxy putty, strips of sheet metal (or aluminum in my case).

The other option would be to integrate the gun that attachs to the front and swithc out the bipods for an extra shot. The gun weighs 2 pounds AT MOST when it has an Angel Breech and other shit on it, so you don't need a bipod.

Cosmetic modifications would be a great way to keep everything stock so paint it whatever...you could add sights instead of the worthless scope, or you could buy shotgun grip from hereitcorp. You choose what you want to do

#195489 Sjno

Posted by AJZ on 11 December 2008 - 05:56 PM in Nerf Wars

Yeah...right. I'd like to see that

I will probably come a bit earlier is possible since I have some trading in mind so anyone want to set up a time and place? This would prbably be strictly trading and before the war.

#194875 Scr-6 Rifle Homemade

Posted by AJZ on 08 December 2008 - 10:47 PM in Homemades

It's growing on me...

I think the main reason it's ugly is the fact you painted it the color of shit, which in any case is wierd. Or chocalate ice cream.

Maybe paint it a different color? I like it, but I wouldn't want to hold it... ;)

#194634 Scr-6 Rifle Homemade

Posted by AJZ on 07 December 2008 - 06:56 PM in Homemades


#194480 Funny Youtube Video

Posted by AJZ on 07 December 2008 - 12:53 AM in Off Topic

Funnier YouTube video:

Ok, that sir, made my day.

Anyway, dude really? You laugh when an innocent creature is killed by hunter carelessness? I mean really. Thats just fucked up. I am in no way a PETA activist, but thats a bit cold. Just think of if it were a cat or a small dog or your penis? Would it be funny then?

'Cause everyone knows rabbits feel pain too...

I agree though. Rabbits if I remember don't have very large brains, but that doesn't justify that. I'd rather shoot a rabbit, than a deer, but where I live, it's the other way around. We have a large population of deer and it's almost everyday there's a dead deer by the side of the road. I was about to get a fucking gorgeuos rabbit I saw on at a shelter, but I decided againtst it since it's a big respnsibility. With my snakes, and dog + cat, there was soemthing bound ot be forgotten. THat video wasn't very funny, but rather startling since my volume was at the fucking top. God damn my family deeeeefness...

#193886 Quick Q

Posted by AJZ on 03 December 2008 - 10:27 PM in General Nerf


#193866 Quick Q

Posted by AJZ on 03 December 2008 - 09:05 PM in General Nerf

Thanks for those that helped...I got my answer

#193366 Sjno

Posted by AJZ on 01 December 2008 - 09:02 PM in Nerf Wars

This schedule has a fairly late start. I'd like to propose that folks interested in trading/buying/selling meet up ahead of time. Sunset is 5-ish these days, that's probably too far ahead. But somewhere in between there's probably a good time for some socializing and trading.

^Good idea.

An earler time so I can get some buying and selling done would be great. I have to drive their all the way from the North Bay, so whatever we can do. I would probably not stay...

#193200 Air Gun Integrations

Posted by AJZ on 01 December 2008 - 12:00 AM in Modifications

There are none said turreted airguns smaller than a 2K. Why not single a 2K? I bet it would fit...

Or you can 2K your DTB like mine...expect a writeup within the end of the year

#191663 Crooks-bow

Posted by AJZ on 24 November 2008 - 11:51 AM in Modifications

I thought it was a great creation, but I'm not in favor of all those handles. I'd minimize the AT2K and try to add more on. Great job, but it wouldn't suit me as well. I will definately try and integrate a AT2K into mine from all these BBB's I've seen these past few weeks.

#191521 The E-tape 5k

Posted by AJZ on 23 November 2008 - 06:32 PM in Modifications


#190971 Wargames?

Posted by AJZ on 20 November 2008 - 06:23 PM in Modifications

Whether this topic is useless or not, I feel I should express my opinion...

Paintball Pros:
Fucking outrageous whn you have 40 or more people
Easy to play

EXPENSIVE with a capitol E...
Hurts quite a bit from short distance

Paintball is definately a great experience if you have not gone paintballing before. I made the mistake in buying a relatively expensive paintball gun and have yet to use it. Paintballing is my third favorite, but it's a definite badass sport. Absolutely Effeminate with a large group such as a church. Great to play, but not as a sport or hobby. That's for the people that enjoy it more than I.

Airsoft Pros:
More enjoyable than paintball in the long run
Great in almost every way
Great sport to get into
Great hobby aswell
EXTREMELY realistic

Expensive if you get into the high quality guns: if you have the money, high quality is the way to go

Airsoft's main downside is how much it costs. I can't quite grab what Im trying to say, but it's worth the money if you buy ONE high quality gun, and airsoft regularly. I am in fact part of a local airsoft team, and we skirmish within our team, aswell as play other teams. I FUCKING hate the BDU's or whatever them fucking camo outfits are called, but it makes you feel better when you wipe that bitchy smile off their face with some white plastic. Overall, airsoft is a great sport and hobby, IF you have the devotion and money like I do.

NERF Pros:
Really, NERF is a cheap and all around a smarter hobby
I could give so many more pros, but you guys know them all

People get a bit too obsessed...I'm sorry but 1,000 bucks for a Lancer-like longshot and 200+ bucks for a Crossbow is bit excessive if you ask me. Great worksmanship and a great primary worthy gun, but get yourself a DAMN PAS or Doomsayer!

NERF is definately a great hobby for me since it gives me a sort of pleasure and excitement. You can modify NERF, cut up NERF guns, and creat something truly spectacular like the Lancer or Doomsayer. NERF wars totally own and modified Titans can kill small game. What's not to like?

In conclusion, I am loyal to airsoft and NERF. Paintball is just too much fun not to do, but the paintballs just cost too much money...anyway, NERF, airsoft or paintball as you will...the main point is to have fun and enjoy your short lives. Well maybe shorter than others...

On Topic: Just NERF already...

#190788 Longshot Help

Posted by AJZ on 19 November 2008 - 06:28 PM in General Nerf

I don't understand why people buy thirty dollar guns just to fuck it up. Make a new breech.

Minimizing a longshot sounds pretty stupid to me, but you shouldn't have to sacrifice the ability to use clips. It should work with them as long as you still have the dart tooth intact.

Here's one...

#190646 Bbb Problemos.

Posted by AJZ on 18 November 2008 - 09:39 PM in Modifications

Really, it's not like you press a button and it goes back to normal. I would give a good SLAP to it when it gets stuck. Sometimes I shoot it before it's all the way back and it doesn't budge. Try giving it a good wack on the opposite end of the barrel. If that doesn't work, try dissassembling the ENTIRE gun and make sure everything is clean. Any moving parts included...

#190395 Stefan Molds?

Posted by AJZ on 17 November 2008 - 10:30 PM in General Nerf

Yes, I made myself a mold using a 1/2 round, 1/2" router bit. It works, but I think I use a little too much hot glue in the tips, because they are quite hard. Definitely end up being my best darts, though. If I remember, I'll post a picture soon.

I'd be interested in a mold since I don't have special bit for that. If they have the same bullet shape than great...a picture of the mold and a stefan would be much appreciated

#190189 Stefan Molds?

Posted by AJZ on 16 November 2008 - 11:26 PM in General Nerf

I was looking for one too just about a month ago...there's a guy named Landru on NHQ that has half circle domes and pointed plastic molds for around 10 bucks. He says the half circles go extrodinarily far and as far if not farther than the aluminum mold that you saw. I just think that the bullet shhaped mold id fucking awesome...that's why I rather go with one GOOD mold instead of 6 plastic molds. I have contacted Rooster but he says he's busy with work and such. Maybe on of these days he'll sell me one, or I will find a way to fashion one myself

#190188 Massacre

Posted by AJZ on 16 November 2008 - 11:19 PM in Nerf Wars

Sounds like the most Effeminate war to date...too bad I can't come. Anyway, I hope it turns out well and I'm looking forward to a recap.

Great WAR name by the way

#190095 Stupid Freking Screw

Posted by AJZ on 16 November 2008 - 06:56 PM in Modifications


#189819 Another Quick Question

Posted by AJZ on 15 November 2008 - 12:31 PM in Modifications

I own one and have taken it apart MANY times and I still don't understand your problem. Please provide a picture.

As far as I know, the knot is supposed to be visible but I removed the whole string thing and minimized mine. It's much easier. The best solution to your problem would be to take it apart and figure out where the knot should be or take a picture and show us. Words don't cut it

Edit: JSB got a picture up so maybe there's your solution

#189424 The Crosssnap!

Posted by AJZ on 13 November 2008 - 12:14 AM in Homemades

Well finally you sack of shit hard worker!

All jokes aside, it looks great and I'd most defiantely invest my money into one of those. Could use a bit of lengthening like a SNAP rifle or more like a +bow, but if it's comfy, it's all good. Maybe a next version will have more Xbow like features

Glad you finished it

#189380 Brass Vs Petg?

Posted by AJZ on 12 November 2008 - 09:50 PM in Modifications

IMO, PETG is the way to go. Ifyou already made stefans that fit brass, than that's the way to go. It all depends on your darts.

PETG is flexible and easy to work with, while brass is pretty easy to cut, but it takes a while to sand it flat and precise cutting is not my thing. With PETG, all you do is wip put some scizzors and "Cut 'em up!" I like brass aswell, but after a poor nesting job combined with running...let's just say I didn't brake anything valuable. The brass bent like kickboxing accident demonstrated in this video...

I learned my lesson but anyway, try PETG if you're not totally set with brass. It works for me

#189055 Maverick Strike Fire Intigration Mod

Posted by AJZ on 11 November 2008 - 03:04 PM in Modifications

So you're telling me that your Crossfire almost matches my Angel Breech longshot outside? With a 1.5" single copper BB, my LS gets about 80 ft. That's real. However, my Crossfire with stronger spring and PETG barrel gets about 35-40 ft. THat's not right. My maverick get good ranges but not close to yours...

On topic: It's a nice idea and however messy it is, it's also effective. Nice job

#188672 Guide To All Guns Directory

Posted by AJZ on 09 November 2008 - 11:30 PM in General Nerf


#188612 Recon -armed- Barrel Leak...

Posted by AJZ on 09 November 2008 - 08:40 PM in Modifications

I'm investing... My Birthday was today and so I have some spare cash... I just reassembled my recon though, I painted it and everything. She looks nice. Anyway, It still shoots very well. (I can't give measurements at the moment.)
I'll post pictures when I'm out of school on tuesday.

So you got it working? That's good...