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#180063 The Access Bow

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 27 September 2008 - 10:21 PM in Modifications

I like it. It's not what I was expecting; I pictured the stock running evenly close to the plunger on both top and bottom, as though the NF/DS guns were scaled up to the size of a crossbow, but now that I consider the size of the gun, I think I should agree with your version. A stock that ran closer to the bottom of the plunger would've probably connected at a place that would get in the way of your thumb.

Looks mighty comfy. Enjoy!

On a side note, if you don't mind, I'd like to link the post involving your stock to the Accessories directory, seeing how it's something that could be done to a number of the newer rail-equipped guns in some fashion or another.

I thought you'd never ask. :D
It really is comfortable, I liked Dayko's mod where it was closer to looking like a Crossbow, but i guess with mine i'm more going for the performance of one with a different feel. And the stock is pretty easy to get off, but it stays on even when you're pushing on it pretty hard, so i really did accomplish what i wanted to do with it.

Thanks alot. :)

#180465 The Access Bow

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 29 September 2008 - 05:28 PM in Modifications

I used a NF shell, 2x NF internals, and a DS shell. Because i didn't feel like going out to get another NF just for the shell when i had a perfectly good, similarly-sized shell laying around. Its not loud at all, but i just put in some enhancements that i'll post in the near future.

I've tried putting bungees on it but they always start to bend the rod whenever it gets primed, so i keep them off. Ranges are good enough without them.

Must...resist...buying 2 more NFs!! *twitch twitch*
Very nice work. Is it hard to cock with all those springs in there?

As i said before, not at all. Watch the video and you'll see.

#180573 The Access Bow

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 29 September 2008 - 10:32 PM in Modifications

The thing is i can put the DS's trigger back in and use THAT as the trigger. I just need the AT2K and maybe one more tactical rail.

#180742 The Access Bow

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 30 September 2008 - 11:36 PM in Modifications

I've made a few little enhancements to the gun that i think should be pointed out.

I went back inside the guns internals to make them more durable. I first dealt with the problem of the gap in the plunger tube. As someone pointed out, the gap did become a problem over time, usually making the plunger head snag on it keeping me from priming the gun.

I took off the e-tape and plumbers goop i had put on there and straightened the tubes up as best i could. Then, taking some clear packing tape i wrapped a few even layers around where the tubes met. Then epoxy was put over the tape.
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Then, the rod needed to be reinforced. It broke several times after i first constructed it, and i found a way to keep it all in line.

I drilled small holes in the rod where i made room for more springs and put small lengths of a wire coat hanger and epoxied them in. This kept the rod physically together, rather than just by epoxy. Also, re-epoxied everything.
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And i wrapped the plunger head with new layers of thread seal tape.
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To make switching out barrels easier, i took some of that 1/2" PVC insulation wrap and wrapped it around a 1/2" CPVC pipe. Then, taking some of the plastic wire ties that come with the nerf guns to secure them in their boxes, i tied them around the insulation so I could get the tightest fit. I slid one side onto the coupler to make it even easier.

And finally, just for looks right now, i put the Disc Shot's trigger back in. I will definitly make some use of this once i get another AT2K.

Finished Internals:
Posted Image

New Video (with stock demo):

EDIT: Also, i made a speed loader out of 1/2" CPVC, e-tape, and epoxy. The gun also feels heavier than before, which is good, it feels even better to hold now.

#180012 The Access Bow

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 27 September 2008 - 07:42 PM in Modifications


I put in the tube in the NF shell to get a feel of how i'd mold the DS shell to fit it.
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Removed all internal parts of the DS and hacksawed off the back just enough to get the main back wall off. Then sanded all the internal parts that hold the catch plate & anywhere around it.
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Did it enough to where it slid onto the tube at least.
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I made cuts with the hacksaw up the back of the DS until it let the tube slide forward just enough so it could rest where the DS's plunger tube would've been.
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Once the two shells fit together well enough, i put a long thin strip of plexiglass where the two tactical rails meet to keep the two together and epoxied. I also put a piece (look at picture for the shape) where the back of the DS handle is so it connects to the NF shell. Also epoxied.
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This next part was tricky. Getting the plunger tube's "caps" to fit a 1/2" CPVC coupler. Had to do alot of sanding and filing, but eventually got it to fit snugly without breaking.
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I put it on the end of the tube and epoxied the hell out of it so it was sure not to get pushed into the tube.

The finished Internals:
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Then to add another tactical rail onto the gun, i took a spare Mavrick cocking handle and cut the rail off so it'd be flush with the trigger guard of the DS. I hot glued it onto the space where the ammo holders would've been.
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And you are finished!
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The reason why i call it the ACCESS Bow is because of all the rail accessories that can be put on it. It works great with the tactical shot i made because i can put it on the front of the top rail on the DS and cock it while its still attached. Like so:
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And the bottom rail is perfect for a tactial light.
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Various shots:
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Incase your wondering, the handle of the DS is extremely comfortable when holding.
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Ranges are from 85'-95'. I'm very satisfied.


Q's? C's? F's?

#180001 The Access Bow

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 27 September 2008 - 05:56 PM in Modifications

I've added a working (and quite comfortable i might add) stock! It's removable as well, to keep with the accessibility theme of the gun.

It uses a tactical rail as you could guess.

I first took a 1/2" PVC coupler and 2-ton epoxied it to the handle of the NF, to one side so i could still open up the gun.
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Once dried i put on goop for some unknown reason.

Then taking:
1x tactical rail connector
1x 1/2" PVC coupler
2x 1/2" PVC right angle'd connectors
1/2" PVC pipe (both regular and thin walled)
1/2" PVC pipe insulation wrap

..I put together a stock that would be comfortable. Put the coupler on the rail connector and epoxy and goop and whatever else adhesive you want it so that it will NOT move. Fit the pipe into the coupler and make sure it's meant to stay in there.

Then.you can guess how to put the rest together. Just make sure that the length of the pipe on top is far enough so that the rail connector will lock in place securely when its pushed forward, while the lower pipe (thin walled) will slide into the coupler on the handle.

I put the insulation wrap on the stock for comfort, but it for some reason didn't reach all the way around so i filled the rest of the empty space with backer rod. VERY COMFORTABLE in case your wondering.

Finished Stock:
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How it's attached:

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*Slide on the rail and put the pipe into the coupler snugly*

In place:
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Works great, and is removable. I'm happy. -_-

#179840 The Access Bow

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 26 September 2008 - 10:21 PM in Modifications

Holy shit, what a beast.
Do you ever have any problems with the massive draw length? I worry about the plunger rod snapping or something since it's so long and exposed before firing.

The rod is built to last, 2 ton epoxy and plexiglass stabilization, not going anywhere.

And to be honest, the massive draw length gets me pumped up. B)
And it should frighten anyone who sees me prime it.

#179987 The Access Bow

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 27 September 2008 - 04:52 PM in Modifications

Did you have any problems with there being a bump between the two plunger tubes? I thought about giving this mod a shot a while back, but thought that the fact the plunger has to make the jump between the two PT's might impede power or pop off the second PT.

You're right, there is a little gap between the plungers but its never a concern when priming or firing. Only when you're moving the rod slowly (like while its out of the gun) do you notice the jump.

#179877 The Access Bow

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 26 September 2008 - 11:34 PM in Modifications

I feel inspired.

If I hadn't already let myself create a long list of unfinished projects, I think I'd start bashing on something like that, too.

Same here. Mods like this make me want to get my shit together and finish my mods, so I can try this.

Awesome mod.

Thanks alot, this means alot.

I really just pulled this together, like most of my other mods.

#179995 The Access Bow

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 27 September 2008 - 05:18 PM in Modifications

Well.. its sure as hell alot better than a 1/2" PVC T coupler that i was originally going to use. Then i read Dayko's write up a little more carefully. :rolleyes:

#179849 Marvelous Titan Guide

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 26 September 2008 - 10:44 PM in Modifications

This is great! I may make one of these someday. Awesome work!

#185111 My Doomsayer

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 23 October 2008 - 04:20 PM in Modifications

That is in-credible. Looks fucking menacing. Like something from MGS or something cool like that.

I want one of these. Badly.

#240645 Titan/magstrike Integration

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 07 July 2009 - 01:15 PM in Modifications

Just one question.... was it worth it?

#180913 Favorite Pistol/secondary?

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 01 October 2008 - 08:47 PM in Modifications

If i still had my AT2K, it would've been that. The one with the burst shots.

For now its my SSII. 60ft range and 2 very fast shots.

#183911 Favorite Pistol/secondary?

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 15 October 2008 - 01:12 PM in Modifications

My friend is quite dumb, he has a titan with a vulcan front where the barrel should be, a hornet on the bottom, two crossfires where the two side tactical rails are on the vulcan front, and a maverick where the scout should go. It looks hilarious when he uses it though, the gun is huge and he is quite short.

My lust for the lulz demands you put up a video of this. Now.

#213699 Clusterfuck Of A Longshot

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 20 February 2009 - 11:36 AM in Modifications

Thats just freaking cool. Props.

#170586 Firefly Modification And Painting Guide - Pic Heavy

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 19 August 2008 - 11:25 AM in Modifications

this is why ive never been turned on to the idea of modding the firefly, even after modification its not really worth it (for me at least).

awwwwwwesome paintjob, though.

#245767 Working Semi-automatic Homemade

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 06 August 2009 - 10:32 AM in Homemades

Freakin' sick man. Very nice work. I should make more homemades..

#243197 Season Of Foam - Augusta

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 22 July 2009 - 04:28 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll be attending. This will be my first war, I'm all giddy.
I'm gonna try to bring a friend with me since i don't really know anyone.

Oh, and also i'd like to bring my homemade just for shits & giggles. I will not use this in the actual war. That would be stupid.

#243974 Season Of Foam - Augusta

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 26 July 2009 - 02:54 AM in Nerf Wars

Glad you two can make it Norther and Rogue. This will actually be the first time we've had a Floridian nerf with us in Augusta. It's an honor.

Norther, we may let you use T.I.M. at the war. We're pretty lenient on gun restrictions. Bring it anyway because I want to see it in person ^_^

Okay, we'll see. I just got my first shipment of PETG and i'm looking forward to using some new guns with it. And yeah i'll bring TIM. Now i need to make those stefans...

#244599 Season Of Foam - Augusta

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 29 July 2009 - 06:33 PM in Nerf Wars

So as luck would have it, my PAS stopped catching. I think its the catch spring.

Also, my recently PETG'd AT3K gets terrible ranges.

This is due to my inability to get SwiftNerf FBR to fit into PETG.

I hope i can find a way to make it fit, otherwise i'm kinda naked in the breeze.

And so if I could use TIM that'd be great, because right now its the only primary i have working. Alongside my NF.

#244606 Season Of Foam - Augusta

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 29 July 2009 - 06:46 PM in Nerf Wars

And so if I could use TIM that'd be great, because right now its the only primary i have working. Alongside my NF.

Bring it and if is not deemed unsafe then you are welcome to.

If it is and none of my other primaries are in working condition, will there be some that i could use?

#245226 Season Of Foam - Augusta

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 02 August 2009 - 07:48 PM in Nerf Wars

I can't make it unless someone picks me up and brings me there and back, which seems extremely unlikely. So, sorry guys. ;)

#245119 Season Of Foam - Augusta

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 02 August 2009 - 01:06 AM in Nerf Wars

Turns out i won't be bringing a guest, and if my repairs are successful to my 2 other primaries i'll have 3 out of my 4 working so i'll bring them.

Norther's Stefan count: ~40 ...sunday's gonna be a long day.

#196224 Ol' Painless (updated With Video December 20th)

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 14 December 2008 - 09:22 PM in Modifications

While Im not a big fan of the name written on the gun, I really like the color you chose. It goes nice with the black.

I for one think the name is a nice touch, especially how its on their physically instead of just painted on. I may do that to one or two of my guns. I like the paint too, its nice to see some new colors on the PAS/RFS. Nice mod.

#187725 Switch Shot Ex-3

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 05 November 2008 - 09:14 PM in Modifications

Sweet jesus finally a new mod. We've been in a drought on here the past few days.

I like the shell of the gun, it looks like the handle of a Recon.

#245479 Homemade Holster For Minimized Nfs

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 04 August 2009 - 03:47 PM in Homemades

I might have to do this at some point. Very very nice write-up!

#186233 A Gift.

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 29 October 2008 - 12:31 PM in Modifications

Beautiful, and great work as always.
My next gun will definitely be from ERTL. Has anyone any news of future blasters from this company?

Was that a little teaser at the end, there? :D

#186348 A Gift.

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 29 October 2008 - 08:22 PM in Modifications

Angel I always love your mods, I really do. But I do not like this habit your getting into of making video mods. I think that a written picture riddled mod is much more effective and easier to follow. However, I am a very fast reader and through the 20 minutes it would take me to watch an entire video log I can read a whole mod in 10. Yes, I do realize it is much easier to produce a video and not go editing pictures and what not but a written deal is just so much simpler.

I hope you keep coming out with great work though, regardless of how you document your efforts.

This mod has been done many times, written especially. I give Angel props for taking the time out of his schedule to make something of this quality in video form. Be glad he even made it. With his schedule, be happy he didn't just post it in the Mods/Paintjob thread. Have a little more appreciation.

#186381 A Gift.

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 29 October 2008 - 09:50 PM in Modifications

Angel I always love your mods, I really do. But I do not like this habit your getting into of making video mods. I think that a written picture riddled mod is much more effective and easier to follow. However, I am a very fast reader and through the 20 minutes it would take me to watch an entire video log I can read a whole mod in 10. Yes, I do realize it is much easier to produce a video and not go editing pictures and what not but a written deal is just so much simpler.

I hope you keep coming out with great work though, regardless of how you document your efforts.

This mod has been done many times, written especially. I give Angel props for taking the time out of his schedule to make something of this quality in video form. Be glad he even made it. With his schedule, be happy he didn't just post it in the Mods/Paintjob thread. Have a little more appreciation.

I was. I apreciate it a lot. I was just saying taking an all video route for mods is not the right way to go. Sorry for having an opinion. I realize that this was not an entirely new mod, but I was pointing out a pattern that seems to be immersing.

If angel didn't want our input, whether it be good or bad, he wouldn't post a thread. Now stop backseat modding and let others express their ideas.

And I was merely saying that since, as you said, this is not a fairly new nor RARE mod it wouldn't be so bad if every once in a while someone wanted to make a video about a mod instead of litter these forums with mods that have been done over and over and over again to the point that it clogs everything up.

1. Don't pull that bullshit "sorry for having an opinion". Join the fucking club.
2. Did you not see my post on the first page? I do believe I was complimenting him on what a great job he did.
3. What exactly does "backseat modding" imply that I do? I contribute my own original stuff as well as my own versions of pre-existing mods, so i believe i'm breaking that barrier.

#238010 From Titan-hornet-mav To The Unforgiven

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 22 June 2009 - 01:41 PM in Modifications

"Insight, foresight, moresight, the clock on the wall reads a quarter past midnight."

Looks great, i love combining blasters the way you did. And the double pump idea is very creative.

#224269 Lanard 2009

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 18 April 2009 - 12:50 PM in General Nerf

The shotgun looks nice. Definitely sawing off that stock if i ever get one.

#270998 A New Singled Longshot.

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 01 April 2010 - 06:22 PM in Modifications


...haven't you posted a video of this yet?

#271275 A New Singled Longshot.

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 04 April 2010 - 10:41 AM in Modifications

That's about as much of a nerfgun as this is:

Why you be hatin'?

#247741 Mega Missile Decrapification

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 19 August 2009 - 10:47 PM in Modifications

Thats just beautiful. I've always been opposed to getting one because of the pump-length. Nice job, and seconded about the not bringing it to SOFA, even though i did not go.

#185947 Trifinder

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 27 October 2008 - 09:12 PM in Modifications

Doncha just love NFs? Cool mod.

#189676 The Crosssnap!

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 14 November 2008 - 11:38 AM in Homemades

Hot damn thats sweet. Looks very to-scale with an actual crossbow. Good work.

#188448 Daedalus: Super Nf

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 09 November 2008 - 11:59 AM in Modifications

Well in any matter, it's a very solid gun that gets monster ranges. And the firing sound was sweet. B)

#188032 Daedalus: Super Nf

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 07 November 2008 - 01:33 AM in Modifications

I'd love to see a video of this thing in action. Curious to see what sound it makes when its fired.

Very, very good work.

#242520 Dt Furyfire: A Peak Inside

Posted by Norther of Heaven on 18 July 2009 - 01:16 AM in General Nerf

I was just reading a write-up on a SM1K and i thought to myself, "Hey, this looks similar to that Furyfire thing thats coming out.. I wonder if it could have similar internals."

And then I find this thread.

That bullshit is getting replaced with a 2K tank and a pump. Really, Nerf?