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#80520 Nitro Quad Mod

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 21 April 2006 - 02:37 AM in Modifications

Hey, nice work! I do have a couple of questions though:

1) Is this a Nerf gun, or a knockoff, and is the official name the Nitro Quad?

2) May I take refuge with you when the Zombies attack? I love that book.

I ask the first question because I'm wondering where to put this mod in the directory, and I've never heard of this gun before!

Actually, the same goes for your other recently posted mod, the Coral Viper... I haven't heard of that one either. Once you let me know, they'll both go into the mod directory!

I'm not sure how I missed out on these guns... unless they were way before the bow and arrow or something...


#80525 C02 Gun!

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 21 April 2006 - 03:05 AM in Homemades

I'd like to add, that when I've delt with CO2, it tends to be inneficient directly out of the cartridge (the cold temperature decreases the available pressure). That's why I THINK (I'm not sure) most paintball guns have an expansion chamber between the barrel, tank, and trigger; to allow the compressed air to warm up, even slightly to give more efficient pressures. But I could be wrong about this. What I'm saying, is that if the flow is horrible, or you find yourself using a lot of CO2 per shot, try creating an expansion chamber with another valve as a trigger. When I turned a Brass Eagle Ghost (I think it was called that) into a Nerf gun (inspired by Yakkman), I remember getting about 30 shots per cartridge, each shot going about 90 feet on the average, and most of my stefans getting blown apart from the excess force. So that demonstrates the potential of a CO2 powered gun...

Good luck, and brass all the way!

#58620 Maverick

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 03 July 2005 - 08:47 AM in Modifications

Has anyone tried sacrificing three barrels; hacking off the blue connection around the original orange barrel tip, opening the top for longer barrels, and making only three extended brass/PVC barrels so that it can still rotate around part of the way.  I am assuming the turret can rotate both directions, and turns clockwise automatically.  Three shots would be fineif everything else worked well.

I don't think I understand what you hope to accomplish by taking out three barrels. The main problems with the mav in my opinion, are that the seal between the plunger and turret is bad, and that the turret rotates on the trigger pull and not the cock. I tried drilling the air restrictors, I tried changing out the barrels with cpvc. Getting that turret to fit perfectly once it has been taken apart is so difficult that I've declared my mods unsuccessful. And by my mods, I mean other people's mods that I tried. With the cpvc, sometimes, when the plunger is PERFECTLY pressed up against the turret, the dart goes a flying... but most of the time, the dart makes it halfway out of the barrel and jams my gun.

I think having just three barrels would only increase the lack of seal (damn dirty double negatives!).

The only thing I would do to a mav if a bought another one would be to allow the turret to swing farther out. Because that rocks. (!)

Anywho, this has all been said before, but seriously. I don't want to believe it. The mav looks and seems so cool! I just don't want the above to be true.... too bad.


#80521 Big Bad Bow Re-release Basic Micro Dart Mod

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 21 April 2006 - 02:44 AM in Modifications

Pictures may be unneccessary if you own the gun, but for me, they're mandatory when it comes to adding mods to the directory. If you add pics, then this dealio will get added to the directory ASAP. Otherwise, no go...


#82943 Airsoft Springs

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 07 June 2006 - 09:02 PM in Modifications

If you go to your hardware store and buy this:


(enter your zip code, it will show up)

You can use any nerf gun to shoot airsoft pellets. They fit perfectly into this tubing. They're not very accurate, though, and even my little Tanfoglio could outshoot a modified nite-finder any day, both in ROF, distance, and accuracy.

Shotguns for the win!

Any other questions, you can PM me... since this is a Nerf forum.

EDIT: While I was typing, Yogurt posted... Airsoft is actually just a scaled down version of a nerf plunger/tube, as far as I know. It's not like the spring hits the airsoft round: a plunger compresses air behind the round and the resultant force causes it to travel down the barrel. Of course, I may be wrong. Does anybody here know for sure?

#68649 Good Valves

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 30 November 2005 - 11:29 PM in Homemades

I realize I'm joining in the conversation late... BUT!

Last summer I built a "nerf" gun using PVC and a blow-gun-modded sprinkler valve. It's only half done... but it does shoot 1/2" stefans with ridiculous accuracy. But it takes about 5 pumps of a bike pump to get there. Everyone is going to hate me for this... but it's basically an s-rifle without the niper.

It's at my house in a-town, but I'll see if I can get my brother to take some pics or something.

Anyway, the point of all this is to say that: ball valves = slow and innaccurate due to the amount of force required to open it (your whole arm must move), where as sprinkler valves = awesome fastness, but nearly impractical for nerf due to size.

If I had made my air chamber smaller, then this gun would have kicked awesome bootang... but I didn't, and now it kicks bootang, but not nerf. Only larger things. Like marbles.

And Mr. bowie, the piston valves... have you ever tried shrinking one without making a whole lot of custom parts? This isn't meant to be sarcastic or anything, I'm just wondering. So far, I've had troubles, both due to size AND the "seal-off" pressure crutial to getting the thing to close.

Ok. I'll try and get pics up at some point...


#68667 Good Valves

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 01 December 2005 - 06:53 PM in Homemades

I definitely agree with the launching of vegetables...

The only reason I've tried using solinoids and such for nerf is because I hate building custom parts, and thus far, I haven't found an easily adaptable valve that can be used for a variety of applications (with the exception of the at2k). The at2k valve is still unwieldy though...

Lately, I've been trying to pack as much power into the smallest possible shell.... to no avail.

#68658 Good Valves

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 01 December 2005 - 05:07 PM in Homemades

I can't remember if I used a 1" or 3/4" sprinkler... I've seen both tapped for a blowgun, so I don't see why you should have any problems.

I'm REALLY interested in your results... and how you made that 1" homemade valve... do you have any pictures?

#82945 Co2 Nf

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 07 June 2006 - 09:19 PM in Homemades

Anyways, umm... would it be a smarter way to go with a craola barrel then PVC pipe? I mean I know fast decompresion makes it cold (isn't that how they make Nitrogyen?) and might make it explode... But how many times would I be safe to do this without it doing so?

As long as the PVC isn't under pressure, you're fine. By pressure, I mean compressed air in a tank made of PVC. If you're just using pvc/cpvc to make a barrel/breech system, then you shouldn't need to worry about the cold. The PVC will hold for more than enough time for the pressure to be released by the dart exiting the barrel.

#83210 Co2 Nf

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 13 June 2006 - 03:12 PM in Homemades

If you really want a co2 powered nerf gun, go buy a paintball gun by Brass Eagle called "Ghost" or "Blade02". They're the cheapest possible (for a paintball gun). Stick a mega stefan down the barrel, and pull the trigger. Done. Seriously. You don't need to add any sort of barrel, it fits already. If you want, you can cut off a bunch of plastic from the thing and mess around with a breech. About 40 shots at the most per cartridge. I did it with a ghost, before turning into a co2 airsoft gun (which, by the way, is a waste of money. You could kill somebody with that gun). For Nerf though, you need to make extrememly strong stefans, and replace them often. The gun becomes so powerful that the wear and tear on stefans is much higher than on a nerf blaster.

AND.. Yakkman did this same thing to a Blade02 gun back in the day, although I believe he modified it to shoot micros.

#58406 Air Compressors In Nerf

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 28 June 2005 - 07:25 PM in Modifications

If you want a battery powered air compressor, the Campbell Hausfeld should do fine. I own one that I use for my air cannons. While it is slower than my plug in, it is really handy for when an outlet is not readily available.

I also think that a schrader valve would do a pc wonders. You could pump, or use an air tank/compressor. OR, even connect two pumps for SUPER DOUBLE MEGATON PUMPING ACTION!

And, if you would like some help, quasar, with some sort of tank, let me know... I'm pretty good with compressed air.


#58630 Air Compressors In Nerf

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 03 July 2005 - 03:53 PM in Modifications

What about that new compressor from Canadian Tire. It "Says" it can inflate an air matress in under 2 min. It only costs 30$ and comes with 2 compressors and a docking station to re-charge it?

Blink, is there a link you could provide?

#58621 Air Compressors In Nerf

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 03 July 2005 - 08:53 AM in Modifications

About those air mattress compressors...

I believe that a typical air mattress holds at max 10 psi (probably closer to 4-6). A PVC airtank would need anywhere from 50-120 psi in order to make a pc cycle. I realize that these are just guesses, but nerf darts seem to like high pressure low volume tanks, since the darts have little mass.

So I don't think that a matress compressor would be powerful enough... but that would be nice!


*EDIT* Schveet idea devious!

#58662 Air Compressors In Nerf

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 04 July 2005 - 06:39 AM in Modifications

Well, I think that no link = shitake mushrooms. At least you tried!

#57841 Mav Barrel Mod?

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 20 June 2005 - 10:20 PM in Modifications

Well folks, I did the CPVC barrel replacement for the mav, following Exterminator's directions exactly. I shot some micro stefans, and the results sucked. Literally, the darts didn't even make it out of the barrels the whole way (it would come partially out, then jam the revolver).

Right now, I'm thinking that the CPVC is too tight for the mav. It puts out such little air, that perhaps the usual benefits of a tight barrel are killed by friction. Before this, I also tried just drilling out the restrictors, and found that the range was less than my brother's stock mav.

This gun... so cool... yet blows. Anybody have some suggestions? I'm not going to post any pics, simply because mine looks exactly like on the mod right now.

#57844 Mav Barrel Mod?

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 20 June 2005 - 11:31 PM in Modifications

Thanks, I'm going to try sanding down the cpvc to provide a more loose fit... and that single barrel mav... whoa!

I'll let you know how it goes, which probably won't be till tomorrow morning. Thanks!

#80809 Maverick Pvc Mod

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 26 April 2006 - 01:37 AM in Modifications

Rings said it, but just to hear it from the source:

I only put mods in the directory from THIS site. Once all the older mods are added, then I'll start branching out with an actual website to take on the NIC. Grinch and I talked a little about it awhile ago, but right now I just don't have time.


EDIT: I forgot to say thanks for the thoughts Spartan. If you'd like to contribute (by searching and sending me links and such) just let me know.

#60111 Barrel Clip

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 24 July 2005 - 06:39 PM in Modifications

It snaped in-half during the war. Lol

Well.. then I guess it didn't work very well, did it?

[Not meant to be offensive!]

Gun in half is a similar problem I am encountering while making my own homemade.


And I sure hope this clip deal turns out to be amazing, because it LOOKS amazing!


#71157 First Modifications (plus Questions)

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 18 January 2006 - 02:09 PM in Modifications

You can't extend the barrels because the grey hinge is right up against the edge of the barrels and with a barrel extension the drum wouldn't rotate.

I believe he was talking about sawing the entire front of the gun off, including the grey hinge-mechanism, thus alllowing for longer barrels. I think there was a previous topic on this (or at least a post). I would recommend just buying a maverick, and using it for its ROF, and not doing anything to it (except the swing out mod). I tried modding mine by putting in CPVC barrels and it doesn't fire as well as my brother's stock. The reason for this is the gap between the cylinder and the plunger, as when you take the cylinder apart, this upsets the careful spacing of the unmodded gun.

But if you do find some awesome way to extend the barrels and it works, let us all know!

Oh maverick: it's proof that clothing doesn't make you cool.


#78564 Extending Barrel Tip

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 03 April 2006 - 10:33 AM in Modifications

I don't have access to my usual tools right now, or else I'd try this...

I was wondering though, ShadowS said that this stuff sticks to CPVC or PVC when you try to make a dart out of it. Well, what if you lube up your tube with either some grease, olive oil, vegetable oil, pam, wd-40, ANYTHING like that. Or, if you rolled some wax paper into the pipe, then sprayed it, it seems like the paper might come off pretty easily.

As to it being more porous than FBR... I think the point here is that you wouldn't need to worry about straightening it. That's usually the problem with my Stefans, since I'm too lazy to do something about it (although I usually straighten them by leaving them in barrel pipes).

Still though, any takers? I'm pretty fired up about this... but I don't have time/materials to try it out (being in my apartment).


#70738 Cpvc/pvc Breech Writeup

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 10 January 2006 - 05:48 PM in Modifications

Added to mods directory...

Good Jorb!


#68664 Organizational Idea

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 01 December 2005 - 05:46 PM in Modifications

That sounds like a plan. I sent an e-mail to Grinchy to see what his thoughts on it were. I'll let everybody know from there.

#68648 Organizational Idea

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 30 November 2005 - 11:06 PM in Modifications

I realize this is a double post...

So, do people like this idea? Right now it seems kind of luke-warm... If somebody wants me to, I will, if they don't (for any reason OTHER than that they don't want to be like HQ), I won't.

Just let me know folks!

#68494 Organizational Idea

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 27 November 2005 - 08:12 PM in Modifications

P.S. nerfworld.com is an entire site dedicated to what your talking about.

I just looked up nerfworld.com, and it appears to be down right now... But I understand what you're saying. The difference here is that these mods will all be just ordinary posts/write-ups, not a full web page dedicated to mods.

Thats a neat idea.
But, if your just going to basically make a mods directory...
Its been done before.

I agree... When I originally posted this, I hadn't seen HQ for a while. But like Dux said, we need one for here.

The only negative I can see about compiling a mods list is that really n00bish people won't look at it unless something is done to make the list really obvious.  A reference in the COC perhaps, or maybe a link on the forum sub menu. 

Definitely. But I pose this to you as well... The second post in a topic started by a newer member is usually about reading the CoC... Perhaps that can just be accompanied with a note/link to the directory.

Oh yeah! I realized this idea might displace/replace this pin: Pinned. Oh well?

#68466 Organizational Idea

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 27 November 2005 - 02:57 PM in Modifications

Awesome, thanks for the support!

#68463 Organizational Idea

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 27 November 2005 - 02:54 PM in Modifications

I thought of it more as averageJoe posts a new mod... then, whoever's in charge of the pinned mod thread (whether that be the mods or a specific user, like me) would just put a link in the pinned thread to the new post of the mod.

And for categories, I assumed they would just be names of the guns... for example:

-----Nitefinder/Nitefinder EX3-----
1) Link to some brass barreled nf
2) Link to some uranium-powered nf...
3) Another link

1) Link to some awesome crossbow
2) Link to some crossbow that looks like a real gun...
3) Another link

And so on. The only problem I can see is with integrations. Either a separate category, or just put it in whatever gun's category the main gun goes in (so, an nf with one of those derringer things integrated into it would go in the nf category).

#68461 Organizational Idea

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 27 November 2005 - 02:35 PM in Modifications

First off, I realize I'm not a highly active member of these forums as far as posting goes, but I do regularly read them.... ok.

I've noticed that a lot of the posts are from first timers, asking about a mod for a specific gun and such, and that most users post some slightly angry message about Searching, and then someone usually posts a link.

So, what if there were either one huge pin or multiple pins for each gun that just had lists of links of all the write-ups people have posted? I've seen these types of consolidation posts on numerous other websites, and they really help me out, and I would imagine they would help anyone else out... especially if they're new to the site. We could even perhaps post stats on the mods, such as a "success" rating or ranges (if we could dig ourselves out of the BS)!

There have been numerous times I've searched for something, and I get a thousand threads, when all I want is to see the myriad ideas people are having.

You might be thinking, "What about the modifications page on this site?" And to that I say: those are very well done write-ups, but I think the cool thing about this site is how dynamic the forums are due to the collaboration of all the great minds we have here! Basically, it seems that the mods page, while it has great write-ups, does not display the full potential of the modding minds out there due to its static (as in not constantly updated) position...

Ok folks, just to make this clear: I'm not criticizing ANYTHING, just telling y'all about this idea I had while looking around. What do you think?

Oh... and I volunteer to make/maintain it if no one wants to do it but thinks it's a good idea.


***EDIT: Should this have been posted in the site feedback forum? Sorry if so...

#68652 Organizational Idea

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 01 December 2005 - 02:05 AM in Modifications

What's wrong with that being hosted on NHQ?

Sometimes people get down on that site, I was just trying to avoid any reaction of that sort.

That's awesome that you're working on a full-fledged website, but that's exactly what I am trying to alleviate with this idea. There is so much content on this site already, why not just organize it? Or is that what you plan on doing? Because if you are, how do you rectify the bajillion nf mods out there? My idea is just to list them, and let the modder decide, rather than passing judgment myself.

Sorry if this sounds confrontational, because I'm not trying to be; I'm just wondering!

#68656 Organizational Idea

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 01 December 2005 - 04:55 PM in Modifications

So you're saying, rather than make a pin or sticky, we just use the current Nerf World page and update that? Or are you saying make a pin and use his info?

I suppose that either way, I should contact Grinch and see what he thinks.

Did I understand your idea correctly?

#68682 Organizational Idea

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 02 December 2005 - 01:07 AM in Modifications

I made a topic waiting to be pinned. It's at least started.

Also, Grinch e-mailed me back, and said that as long as I were to write the html and such, he'd put it up.

I'm going to first focus on the directory specific to NH, then go from there. It's going to be awhile!


#74775 Airsoft To Nerf

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 01 March 2006 - 02:49 AM in Modifications

I also wanted to add... that I've tried this, with almost the same marker as used by Yakman. Let me put it this way: unneccesary and waste of money when it comes to darts. If you want to get a good kick out of something, go and try it, but it's really impractical for nerfing for a couple of reasons.

1) CO2 becomes expensive (I'm not talking about nerf expensive, I mean expensive in the real world)
2)It's so powerful that the darts destroy themselves after one or two shots.
3)If someone got hit with this and the dart was intact... well it would be like getting hit with a plastic-coated steel weight at paintball velocities. Which is exactly what a stefan is...
4)Those cheap paintball markers have no way to change the air regulation, and the method used to release air from the canister is very primitive. This means that there is never any consistency between shots, AND you waste a ton of CO2 in the process.
5) So let's say you bought a really good paintball marker, and avoided the problems of #4... well now you just spent a ton of money on a product that is only going to shoot a stefan marginally farther. There is a limit to how far these things can be flung... and I think those limits are called physics.

But, it was totally fun to see foam fly that far and fast!

Also, there's a website that was dedicated to turning a cheap paintball marker into an airsoft s n i p e r rifle (there are these types in airsoft). He goes a little more in depth about the problems with these cheap markers.

Unconventional Airsoft - Gas Gun

I also made a variation on this beast... if anybody wants more info, PM me... this is a nerf forum, after all!


#71330 Maverick...

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 20 January 2006 - 05:58 PM in Modifications

... unless you've got a broken mav or something. My mav's cocking pin bent and eventually fell out, so that might be a candidate for something...


#59763 Modifying Bb Guns To Shoot Micros

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 20 July 2005 - 04:24 PM in Modifications

Less pumps! Yes!

Which bb gun did you use? It must have been pretty high end in order to have enough air to punch through those stefans.

#59493 Modifying Bb Guns To Shoot Micros

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 16 July 2005 - 11:03 PM in Modifications

Hmmm... Interesting, but what's the difference between that and doing a barrel swap on a cheap paintball marker?

Also think about this: it's made to shoot pellets (5 grams?) and a single stefan usually have at least two bbs in them, bringing the grand total to over or around 10 grams. I think you are better off either buying a brass eagle gun or an at2k!

Money (!)


#83208 Reinforcing Nf Internals

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 13 June 2006 - 03:04 PM in Modifications

My brother's NF did the same thing... I recently bought a brand new NF, but this time I epoxied the connection of the shaft to the plunger head. No problems yet...

#74123 Sspb

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 24 February 2006 - 08:16 AM in Modifications

Just to add my two cents...

In my experience with the Derringers of Nerf, I've found them to be finicky bastards when it comes to sealing those pistons. Even the slightest bit of plastic dust/shaving/fleck will cause the piston to fail to seal; if this happens, it works best for me to take a paper clip, bend it a bit, and scrape the piston clear of obstruction.

The point of all this, is that when replacing the barrel, be sure to have the barrel pointing down to minimize gunk getting in the piston. Also, the pressure release can be plugged, but it's really not necessary: these things are powerful enough as it is. Also, as far as an air tank expansion goes: yeah, it works, but only to an extent. The valve is only so large, so it would be very easy to create an "air bottleneck" with a larger tank. Honestly, just put a CPVC barrel on there and call it a day.

I tried utilizing simply the valve by adding a larger pump and airtank, but the valve just isn't made to handle much higher pressures (my gun didn't blow, but it was nearly impossible to get it to seal, and when it did, the volumes just weren't there for effective nerfing).

I think the SSPB could be my favorite gun... Makes me feel like a male version of Derringer Meryl, minus the cloak.

Good luck pal, and rock that shitakke at all times.


EDIT: Oh yeah, and Lefty's mod works wonders. The air tank is the cylindrical area between the barrel (piston) and the pump. Basically, the top "L" of the gun is the airtank (not counting the barrel). So, if you were to saw off the pump and the barrel, you'd have an airtank. Which would be worthless. Almost.

#78967 College, Etc.

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 06 April 2006 - 12:16 AM in Off Topic

Thank you, Janga!

#78840 College, Etc.

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 05 April 2006 - 07:15 AM in Off Topic

I think I'll be the most inactive member to relay plans...

I'm in the same boat as Shindig, with about 5 weeks or so of my sophomore year at UW Madison until sweet, sweet summer, when I get to make money and play shows in Milwaukee, Madison, Appleton, maybe Illinois and Iowa as well rockin the piano with my Bop Rock band called Ticket251.

Otherwise, I'm currently undeclared and running out of time, but I'm trying to get a major created for me that focuses on making music out of foam projectiles.

Actually, I'm thinking about graphic design. But, I'm pretty sure I could BS that above major into existence.

Speaking of art, I'm up at this early hour because I just stayed up all night working on an art video involving eggs being dropped upon me.

And the bands:
George Dust (no site yet... sorry!)

So, if anybody's in the Madison area, and feels like talking/getting hit with foam, give me a ring. A ding a ding.


Oh duce, as far as Lawrence goes... they've got a great jazz program, and a wonderful "classical" program as well... but if you're more into the electronic side of musical performance/production, perhaps you might want to look at University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee? I've heard they have a great electro-acoustic sound department... because at somewhere like Lawrence or U of M, it's either going to be classical, or jazz (which is really classical with some jazz added in for spice), but all the sound production stuff (like recording, mastering, mixing, etc) you're going to have to learn on your own. But, Lawrence does have the Fred Sturm. Good man, he is. (Appleton is one of my home towns.)

OR, you could head over to UW Oshkosh, as they have a double major program: sound engineer AND a music major. Which means you're basically a god at audio, and pretty good at an instrument. It also means you worked your butt off. But music majors do that anyway, eh?

Sheesh I'm wordy.


#69874 I'm New.

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 26 December 2005 - 12:18 PM in General Nerf


Even though it's not nearly complete, the Mod Write-Up Directory might also have some good ideas for you, especially with the airtech2000 and the nitefinder.


#80673 Mod Directory Notification Posts

Posted by KirbySaysHi on 23 April 2006 - 05:48 PM in Site Feedback

Why don't you just post multiple times and bump your own thread, citing "added___(insert mod here)______ to the directory". That way, your "Directory" post gets in on the current update box, and you won't have a half dozen ancient posts with your name as the last poster.

That sounds like an excellent idea. I'll do that from now on.
