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#55722 Machine Gun, Part 2... And Other Mods

Posted by kickass jb on 26 May 2005 - 08:20 PM in Modifications

Thats so good it makes me want to kick my mom in the face.

The who in the what for how many cookies?

Dude, great saying.

And Phantom, I believe Halfing said it to show how astonished he was about the mod(s).

#55782 CPVC Or PETG

Posted by kickass jb on 27 May 2005 - 04:32 PM in General Nerf

I myself am undecided because I don't know if one out performs the other if the are the same. Specifically, I'm looking for what to use on a SM1500, NF and Rototrack chain mod. I know brass would be better for some but I cannot acquire any.

#55837 Eab Mod

Posted by kickass jb on 28 May 2005 - 10:01 AM in Modifications

This is a little something I tried out and it works. This mod will let you shoot both micro stefans and mega stefans from it. First off, follow Yakman's mod and take a piece of 1/2" pvc and glue it/tape it to the o-ring piece of the stock barrel. then put a coupler on the end that would be coming out of the gun and make it so that it stops JUST at the point where the larger stock barrel stops, and glue it in center. So now what I did is I cut two 5" pieces of 1/2" pvc and shoved 5" of cpvc down one of them. So now whenever I want to fire megas, I just stick the mega barrel (pvc) in the coupler and go, and when I want to fire micro stefans I just put the micro barrel (cpvc) in the barrel and go. Have fun.

If you need pictures let me know and I should be able to get them up in a couple of days.

#55895 Eab Mod

Posted by kickass jb on 28 May 2005 - 08:34 PM in Modifications

Ranges are without banding or spring replacement (so very minimal for its potential)

Micro: 50ft avg
Mega: 42ft avg

Shot six darts with each, and took the mean average.

p.s. I should be getting a spring for it in a week or two so I will update then as well if someone with a spring replacement hasn't already.

#55958 Show Me What You're Working With

Posted by kickass jb on 29 May 2005 - 02:25 PM in General Nerf

Bishop I don't understand about your pumps being angled up because mine are straight, and I wasn't using your pump as a gauge, I was using how that line on ur floor went with the indent area in the gun and came out the at the same level. But hey, if you just want to prove us all wrong and not take our advice, go play, have fun....and miss.

#56136 Sm1500 Strange Fact

Posted by kickass jb on 31 May 2005 - 03:11 PM in Modifications

I CPVC modded my SM1500 (plan to have 2 CPVC barrels and 2 PETG barrels in the future) and I range tested at different pumps and I found that after four pumps, the range actually decreased for every extra pump (up till 7, when I stopped) that I did. Just thought the added air pressure would make it go farther but guess I was wrong.

#56146 Sm1500 Strange Fact

Posted by kickass jb on 31 May 2005 - 03:52 PM in Modifications

Nerf monkey say you were right, then technically when I only used four pumps wouldn't I get even LESS range because its letting lower air pressure slower as well?

#56188 Single-barrel At3k

Posted by kickass jb on 31 May 2005 - 08:45 PM in Modifications

Why didn't you just save your money, buy a AT2K and single that then wait for when you can get PETG? That's what I did. Oh well, everyone has their own ideas and opinions. I won't be doing your mod but I'm interested for when your pics are up.

#56202 Show Me What You're Working With

Posted by kickass jb on 31 May 2005 - 09:21 PM in General Nerf

Airsoft, are those darts the stock ones reglued or are they actually orange stefans?

#56334 Sm3000 Broken?

Posted by kickass jb on 01 June 2005 - 09:31 PM in Modifications

I tried to mod it but when I pulled it out of the old bin and pumped it, it worked because I could feel the resistance on the pump but when I went to fire no air came out? HELP.

#56373 Sm3000 Broken?

Posted by kickass jb on 02 June 2005 - 02:22 PM in Modifications

It's never been modded, I openend it up and pulled the trigger and did it physically with my hand as well, I can see the rod come back and the valve opens, but there is no air in it?

#56380 Sm3000 Broken?

Posted by kickass jb on 02 June 2005 - 03:47 PM in Modifications

To check for leaks I put whole thing under water and pump it right? if so, how do I get that huge yellow thing off?

**EDIT** I put it in a bucket of water and when I pumped it it was fine but then when I pulled back on the metal rod, the air (bubbles) came out of the place where the rod slides out from... Not sure if this is the check release valve or whatever, but that's my problem.

#56386 Sm3000 Broken?

Posted by kickass jb on 02 June 2005 - 04:36 PM in Modifications

Option A didn't work, guess I'm stuck with B. Any ideas how to get it open? and where can I buy o-rings, home depot right? If so what section? And I should use epoxy to close it back up again right?

#56403 Sm3000 Broken?

Posted by kickass jb on 02 June 2005 - 06:22 PM in Modifications

Seem to know what your talking about, any idea how to open it up, I don't really want to hack saw it unless I have to...

#56428 Plz Help! Mavrick Not Working

Posted by kickass jb on 02 June 2005 - 10:08 PM in Modifications

Yea, chances are there just isn't a good air seal. It happened to me to. I tried the whole hot glue thing as well as the FBR to bridge the gap. I'm hoping for some copper/brass/PETG that will fit my darts to stick nest in the barrel so I can glue the cap to those barrels. Anyway man, good luck and if you get it to work let me know.

#56817 Buxx Bee Toys

Posted by kickass jb on 06 June 2005 - 09:12 PM in General Nerf

I bought two tek-6's at walmart, anyone know if they are any good? Also, are the tek-10's any better

#57168 Tek 6 Single Barrel Mod

Posted by kickass jb on 10 June 2005 - 03:14 PM in Modifications

Posted Image

Heres the two guns. They are relatively the same as you can see. I have two tek 6's and I think I am going to turret mod one for close combat rushes and single one now because of those ranges!!! Pretty unbelievable indeed. I will prolly use PETG instead though since I don't have any brass.

#57279 Nite Finder Better Stock?

Posted by kickass jb on 11 June 2005 - 09:56 PM in Modifications

Speaking of barrel length, I remember a thread or article on here that had a formula or something you could use to calculate the length of your barrel based on you plunger tube and barrel width. Searched around here and on NHQ but I guess I was typing in the wrong things because I couldn't find it. I'm trying to find out a optimal length for my NF as well because now that I have a shit load of CPVC, I'm taking out the crayola.

#57300 Nite Finder Better Stock?

Posted by kickass jb on 11 June 2005 - 11:32 PM in Modifications

I know about the forces and cross sections and what not, but I don't know how to apply that to what the best length would be?

#57337 Rototrack Broken

Posted by kickass jb on 12 June 2005 - 02:21 PM in Modifications

I don't have any pictures, but after doing the mod for it on Nerfworld, I put it back together, shoot it, try again and SNAP! I opened it up and where the plunger shaft connects to the back piece of the plunger (the little thing that goes over the spring) snaped and there is a hole there now. I tried crazy glue, hot glue, melting plastic on top of it to try to bond it back together, nothing worked. Any other ideas?

#57357 Rototrack Broken

Posted by kickass jb on 12 June 2005 - 05:51 PM in Modifications

I plan on getting either one this week, since I don't have any right now. Which one would have the stronger hold in this case, epoxy right?

#57439 At2k Shotgun

Posted by kickass jb on 13 June 2005 - 04:11 PM in Modifications

Which type of tubing did you use? Vinyl?

For that matter, need to make a nerf gun for a math project, yea you heard me, MATH. I am using the AT2K since I have three but I am tearing it up to make it look a lot like yours, except with a handle to have like a one hand hold and a handle like Pinney did on the pump. Very short time span to do this so I was wondering what would be a good replacement for the air tank tubing wise, and what size should I be looking for and where can I get it? I'm assuming its vinyl tubing but I don't know where to look for it or what size I need?

Also, for the barrel, I'll probably be using either CPVC or Copper. Would 12" be too much for those? my CPVC is on my quad AT2K and the bullets go in fairly tight and I have 6" on that, copper is very loose (slide down the barrel loose) so I don't know if I should use it. If so, what would be a good length for copper?

#57579 Ahh Where Does It All Go?

Posted by kickass jb on 15 June 2005 - 06:05 PM in Modifications

I opened up my AT3K and fucked up the internals, can anyone give me detailed pics of the turret/firing mechanism...anything helps. Thanks

#57581 Ahh Where Does It All Go?

Posted by kickass jb on 15 June 2005 - 06:52 PM in Modifications

Using the pictures and a lot of trial and error, I got everything back into place except this following piece. The top white part is just a ring, not to be confused with the disc piece that gets a screw through it that holds the turret together.

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#57582 At2k Shotgun

Posted by kickass jb on 15 June 2005 - 06:58 PM in Modifications

Inspired by this idea, I copied it almost exactly except I stuck a CPVC coupler on the end of the valve/barrel and then I glue/taped PEX pipe onto the coupler the act as a guide so now I have removable CPVC barrel. I also added a pump handle for comfort and and handle on the trigger area for comfort and one hand shooting.
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#57584 Ahh Where Does It All Go?

Posted by kickass jb on 15 June 2005 - 07:09 PM in Modifications

With CLOSE examination of the pictures.. it seems your right once again CX. Merci beaucoup.

#57640 At2k Shotgun

Posted by kickass jb on 16 June 2005 - 02:51 PM in Modifications

I range tested it and it got a lot more than I expected. I shot three times and the ranges are as follows


mean = 118'

My gun even with the goop still gives a minor air leak that I'm going to fix shortly but thats with those ranges. I already have two friends offering me 40$ a piece. Getting to friends into it plus and getting some $$ at the same time. Talk about a good day.

#57644 At2k Shotgun

Posted by kickass jb on 16 June 2005 - 03:19 PM in Modifications

I replaced the airtank with vinyl tubing, it's a little longer and looks a little wider.

EDIT: It's flat ranges

#57654 At2k Shotgun

Posted by kickass jb on 16 June 2005 - 06:58 PM in Modifications

I assume your questioning my results ninja? That is what I measured, mind you my tank is bigger than the stock one (as you can see) and it's a wider too as aforementioned (which you can't see that well). I also have a longer barrel to take advantage of the larger air tank. Those are my ranges, if you don't believe me, try it yourself or just read some other thread.

P.S. people make claims of getting 100' flat with a single AT2K, how is it that hard to believe getting 118' flat with an AT2K with a tank replacement and barrel lengthening?

#57707 Mav Barrel Mod?

Posted by kickass jb on 17 June 2005 - 11:27 PM in Modifications

Well what if he cut off the barrels before so they were flush with the turret. Wouldn't get the best ranges but he could fire micro stefans and still get better range than he is now. I was thinking about cpvc as well but I'm not so sure about dremeling it all out yet because I don't know how stable it will be.

#58063 Titan As-v.12

Posted by kickass jb on 23 June 2005 - 09:33 PM in Modifications

As mentioned before, horribly impractical. But then again, neither is running around shooting people with toy guns, but hey it's fun. If I had a Titan I'd do that mod for sure. I'd Maybe add more barrels for less range, you know just to clear out a close combat area/emplacement or something then drop the gun and continue on with your primary. Very cool.

#58184 Diferent Kinds Of Blowguns

Posted by kickass jb on 25 June 2005 - 12:41 PM in Homemades

I think it's fiddling. The whole shell thing in a blow gun is unique, I have to admit. The first one is kind of silly, but I like the second one. I am not sure of how actually practical it would be, since you would have to deal with the different pieces.

On a totally unrelated note, I found some non n-strike nite finders at a toys backwards r us today. Rad.

Sorry to be off topic but when you say non N-strike, you mean the OLD ones? wit the good spring?

#58185 Water Guns

Posted by kickass jb on 25 June 2005 - 12:55 PM in Modifications

I was using my brother's super soaker turned nerf gun gun and I wanted one myself. I took an old one of mine that's water tank was lost and opened it up and saw that it had the same internals as an AT except that the tubing went to the bottle which held the water. So I ripped off all the tubing and replaced it with about 9" of vinyl tubing (enough so the pump and valve could stay comfortably in place in the gun). I gooped the tube on, and gooped a cpvc coulpler on the end of the valve and presto! I took it out to test it and with two pumps it got about 80 ft and with 5 it got about 110-120 ft but was kind of unaccurate after 110. Still, a 2 pump 80 ft gun that's more comfortable than a AT2K. I suppose this metod of the tank replacement can but used on most super soakers because they all function relatively the same. Pictures should be up tonight. Oh and not anytime soon, but I was thinking on int. two AT2K in it, I think it'd work even better.

#58241 Water Guns

Posted by kickass jb on 26 June 2005 - 11:37 AM in Modifications

Pictures are up. By the way, it's called the "Pulse Fire", but I named mine the Longshot

Didn't have any before pictures

This is what was between the pump and the valve which I ripped out. you can see where the water tank would have screwed on.
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Same piece but the thing on the top left is where I broke it off from the valve.
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Heres what the tank looks like when it's replaced.
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Close up of the valve.
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The valve in the gun ( I used glue as a bic pen mod to make the trigger easier to pull).
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Everything in the gun.
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The gun all closed up.
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Oh and the barrel is about 11" long. I cut it down from 18" and I didn't see the need to cut it down more. It's a mix of range, accuracy, and...."practility" (don't know the word for it). Any, like I said just open up most any gun (that doesn't have a ball valve), and ripped everything apart and replace it like mine. Kudos.

#58248 Water Guns

Posted by kickass jb on 26 June 2005 - 12:07 PM in Modifications

Did that shoot water out of 3 nozels?

Posted Image

No, it was the one that was able to switch between a steady stream, and "pulses" of water. But the gun itself doesn't really matter, as long as you have one with a pump and a (non-ball) valve.

#58264 Water Guns

Posted by kickass jb on 26 June 2005 - 03:19 PM in Modifications

I don't know about all of them, but the multi-nozzle ones I have have the split AFTER the valve, so if your like that you can just rip out the split thing and use just the valve.

#58282 Pulsator 4000

Posted by kickass jb on 26 June 2005 - 08:07 PM in Modifications

Very nice and clean. Two questions though, those tanks look awfully long, how many pumps does it take to prime? Also, the triggers are a good set up and nice idea but are they easy to pull? By easy I don't mean little resistance I mean like efficient and comfortable, looks like you would have to let go of the front handle and the accuracy might be thrown off. Overall, well done indeed.

#58300 Nf Spring Excahnge?

Posted by kickass jb on 26 June 2005 - 10:35 PM in Modifications

I wouldn't, The nf is good as it is a pistol. Mod it right and it'll be all you need as a sidearm, the last thing it needs is a spring replacement.

On the new EX-3, the springs suck ass.

#58303 Nf Spring Excahnge?

Posted by kickass jb on 26 June 2005 - 10:44 PM in Modifications

So nothing a couple of bands can't fix, and one more o-ring on the plungerhead. But while all you guys are complaining about the new nf's suckage, I'm pretty sure it's all the same internals so maybe it's just your gun.

It's the same internals, minus the spring, which is weaker. If it was just my gun, why would everyone else be having the same problems as well. I know bands would help but I despise them. I prefer the cleaner look where its all on the inside (if I can help it), I don't like things getting caught or snagged or snapped.

#58313 Help Me Win A Skateboard

Posted by kickass jb on 27 June 2005 - 12:03 AM in Off Topic

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Haha, nicely done.