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#327872 Oh hey. What's good?!

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 11 March 2013 - 12:14 AM in General Nerf

Oh geez, it's been so long I for got how to add quotes and stuff to all of these posts. Uh oh, let's try it anyway.

They've revamped a lot of older blasters, and the results have been very impressive.

Welcome back to the forums!

I saw something on Amazon, it's called a "Firestrike Blaster," is this suppose to be like an upgraded Nite Finder? It looks pretty cool, kinda.
Oh and thanks.

Flywheel blasters are quite good now and we have a pretty active community centered around finding better motors and other sorts of modifications. Check out the Stryfe and Rayven.

Nice! Thanks. I saw the Stryfe on Amazon as well, had no idea that it had a motor in it. The possibility of modifying it seems pretty cool too. To the second part of that post, yeah I remember when Nite Finders were the bomb and everyone wanted to get a hold of the "Old NF" spring to put in the new one.
The old NF will probably be my favorite gun forever, even tho mine is dead.

Just in case you wanted to have the thread about replacement motors, here you go.

Thanks for the info man, I'll definitely search the forums for more on the topic and look at Sticky'd threads. I'm gonna have to look into this Stryfe since it's a good one.

Thanks for the info so far guys. If anyone else has anything to share about what they like or anything, feel free to let me know.

EDIT: I also had a question about the new darts. Why have we strayed away from the use of stefans? They were pretty common when I use to Nerf all the time. I noticed the new ones with the tips and the thread about it. I'm assuming this is just for safety? Didn't know if anything major happened that now nobody seems to use them anymore.

#327862 Oh hey. What's good?!

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 10 March 2013 - 10:08 PM in General Nerf

Hey there.

It's been a while since I've been on this website, and a long time since I've fired a Nerf gun or bought one for that matter.
In the few years I've been gone, I have to imagine that there have been new guns to come out.

So I guess my question is, if I wanted to buy something new, what should I go with?

Do people still buy Nite Finders? Are those still around? Is there a new favorite that everyone likes? Gimme some opinions on what you like/what I should look into. I know I can just Google the new guns or just go to the store and look, but I figured I'd drop a post on the ole site.

If this post is unnecessary I apologize, I might need to reread the rules on postings.


#152940 For Those That Think I Seem "mean"

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 24 April 2008 - 04:32 PM in Off Topic

admins to keep the place free of idiots, like they have over at nhq. Some guy tried to sell me multiple sex toys there, and he didn't get banned as far as I know. It is great that CS is standing up for what we value here. Thanks a lot, man.

Ahh yes, well are you interested in those dildos? I still have a backpack full of them.

#97949 Soldat Nerf Mod

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 08 January 2007 - 08:55 PM in Off Topic

Thank you all for the suggestions and that you would play it. Looks like I'll have to work extra hard to not have it suck.

What is to be expected
• I will be adding the gun sounds as a cooler effect.
• The water balloons for the grenades is awesome.
• I can take out the mortar and replace it with the Titan.
• The darts instead of bullets could be arranged.
• Scaling down of the weapons.
• Completion of the weapons
• Custom NERF HUD
• Possibility customization of characters and maybe a custom level.*

Am I missing any other things?

*= We'll see when Monday comes.

Notice: This mod WILL be posted in this thread when finished. Expect it on Monday or Tuesday. So if you want it I will not be making another thread.

#97927 Soldat Nerf Mod

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 08 January 2007 - 03:24 PM in Off Topic

murakumo32, I have said on NHQ about if people actually want this then it will look alot better and the HUD I was planning to do something cool. But both good suggestions.
Anders- I was thinking about that, I just need to figure it out.
Thanks so far.

#97913 Soldat Nerf Mod

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 08 January 2007 - 12:10 AM in Off Topic

Well I haven't been on NH because I'm to lazy to search the posts anymore. But if anyone here plays Soldat finish the rest of this post.

I was planning on dropping this on everyone when I was done with it. But I figured if people would be interested in it, I would fix it up, and if nobody wanted it then I would keep it sucky looking. But it is a NERF Soldat mod. I never saw the other NERF mod, but I thought it would be a cool thing to do. So if anyone likes it and is interested in it I will make it downloadable and fix it up much better. So far I only have 3 guns and so far they look like crap. I plan on finishing but if anyone likes it I will spiff it up and make the other guns much nicer.Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image
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Tell me what you think. Suggestions and feedback if you wish.

#94905 I Have A Nerf Gun That Shoots Almost 400'

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 20 November 2006 - 10:18 PM in General Nerf

Nice work, I pretty much believe you. Mostly because when people post a 200ft' NF and say that everyone is calling BS and the person doesn't even make an ATTEMPT to prove it. You actaully took the time to do this, so I give you that for atleast doing it.

392' is still not practical because could probably could not shoot someone from that far. But hey you've got braging rights.

Also it's easy to tell there is no wind simply because none of your shirts are blowing. Hence I say no wind!
You've got quite some gun there, and I hope you don't blow it up!

Good work, sorry I'm late posting this, but I think for the most part I contributed.

#94593 Next-gen Systems

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 15 November 2006 - 11:10 PM in Off Topic

Computer definitely, considering I can get an X-BOX 360 emulator on my my computer for free, and pick all the games for free, there is really no reason to get just one console.

I'll pick up some external RAM and space, thinking maybe 1GB ram and 250-500GB of hard drive space, costing about say 150-200. After that I can pretty much get all the systems I want and play on my computer, of course getting a nice controller too. I can get an NES, SNES, PS2, sega, N64, and Gameboy advance emulators for free.
So the point of me buying all the systems is stupid.

I stick with my computer, but I might go for the Nintendo Wii after I have a job, because it just rapes harder than you.

#94490 Holiday Raffle

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 15 November 2006 - 03:28 PM in General Nerf

I might as well, why not try to get a free gun?


#93993 Dream Cars

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 09 November 2006 - 06:15 PM in Off Topic

Lotus Elise that's my car.

#89538 Longhot Front Gun Mod

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 11 September 2006 - 06:54 PM in Modifications

I agree with Hokiefan, Nerfmonkey, chill man. Maverick x is new so give him a break. He probably is very new and unexperienced to modding. Maverick x, dont listen to guys like Nerfmonkey, hes just likes to pick on people on internet forums. Hey, just get some nitefinders and practice, then move on.

Your picking on someone right now, douche. I wasn't remotely good at modding. But I searched the forums, tried many different types of mods, thought of new ideas. My first mods weren't good. So I was able to salvage and do another one. After that mod I found something better I would do that.

In response to the topic I know many people have said it, but try a mod on some cheaper guns. Maybe make a diagram of the guns internals, case sizes, and sizes of possible moding materials I.E crayolla, CPVC, brass PETG, etc. Then draw out different ideas you have. When you find the one thats sure to work. Try it out. If you mess up try again. If you hurt the gun then try to find a way so salvage it and try it again or another mod. Kinda like a trial and error type deal.

#89341 Poll: Maverick With 3 Or Tek 6 With 6?

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 08 September 2006 - 04:03 PM in General Nerf

Thank you for your time. The reason for this poll is that I was faced with this same situation a few weeks ago.
I choose the tek 6 with nitefinder, then charged in. Was this wise? :(

I don't know. Did you get shot? Did you lose this Nerf round? I also don't know your situation so for me to answer this question is impossible.

#88239 Rifle Slings, Holsters

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 24 August 2006 - 06:17 PM in General Nerf

I just used an X-Acto knife. Mostly because I don't have a dremel. Then I attached the little clip on the screw.
Glad to know it helped.

EDIT- Used wrong quote.

#88177 Rifle Slings, Holsters

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 23 August 2006 - 08:28 PM in General Nerf

Well I did this to my Longshot a few days ago, for one purpose: I never use a primary with a side arm. It's to hard for me. So I wanted to be able to carry a large gun, and be able to use a side arm. So instead of using the holes already there. I cut myself a new one. For two purposes:
1. Using this hole ( Pic #4 in the pics) I wasn't able to use, the stock comfortably.
2. It didn't feel right while one my back.

So I suggest cutting a hole if it doesn't feel right. Here are some pics. Sorry for blurry pics.

Whole gun.
Posted Image

The new hole that I cut.
Posted Image

One of the stock holes I used. Near front of gun.
Posted Image

Hole that I didn't like.
Posted Image

Me with the gun slung on my back. (Front)
Posted Image

Me with the gun slung on my back. (Back)
Posted Image

Me with the sling and being able to use the stock comfortably.
Posted Image

Hope this can help you, or if it was a complete waste because I didn't read all of your post. I can run comfortably with this on my back as well.

#86579 Magstrike Cpvc Clip Mod

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 05 August 2006 - 06:05 PM in Modifications

Yea if you read my paranthesees then your post would be pontless. READ the post first.

edit- I also said that sunchip did a great job and was probably not a mod for other people to use but it suits him well and thats what counts.

Well I'm sure Sunchip did a nice job with my Magstrike that I modded myself that isn't his at all.

Yeah and I guess nobody would want a little extra range and somewhat better accuracy.

Okay enough arguing on here. PM all the hate you have inside you.

#86553 Magstrike Cpvc Clip Mod

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 05 August 2006 - 01:11 PM in Modifications

Step 7.
On the back of all clips, there is a slit. It's connects to a layer that conects to the barrels layer of the clip barrels. Take you knife and rip that back layer off. DO NOT DO IT HARD. If you break this peice you messed up the mod, and I take no responsibility if you kill your clip. See the slit, here's a pic.Posted Image
Posted ImageHere it is ripped off.

Step 8.
Now I think this step may be skipped. But when I did this I had no idea what I was planning on doing, because I was going to use a dremel. The dremel idea messed up and it turns out you can just saw it.
But I took and exacto and started to disect my clip. Posted Image

Step 9.
When I figured out I had to use a saw. I sawed this out. Posted Image
Shave out the inside and this is what you should have.Posted Image

Step 10.
Remember that strip I said not to get rid of. Well here it is. Glue your 10 CPVC barrels onto it. Posted Image

Step 11.
Take the 10 barrel strip and put it in the the other peice. Posted Image
This is your finished clip. If it's not glued to the side, the add some hot glue to the side of the outside barrels and attach to the side of the orange peice. Make sure your sides do not buldge out. Then the clip won't advance.
Posted Image

Finished mod.
Ranges are about 55' to 60' I don't know exact ranges because my dad lost the tape measurer. But I have a marker marking 52' and it passed it up by about 5-10'.

If you have any questions or I misspelled terribly and not relized it feel free to PM me about it. I'll do the best I can to help you out.



EDIT: I made it in to two posts, because I think something went wrong.
Thanks to Nerfmonkey for telling me how t band, and for suppling the bands.

#86551 Magstrike Cpvc Clip Mod

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 05 August 2006 - 12:20 PM in Modifications

Nerrf Dart Tag Magstrike Blaster. In other words, a gun with a not-so-great clip with the gun, or atleast mine. The main problem with my gun was the tightness on my darts. It wasn't a great gun to me. So I decided to fix that problem. This mod is primarily on clip, but we need to open the gun to band the bladder.
Posted Image The magstrike stock. I didn't like it.
Posted Image This is the clip our primary target.

1/2" CPVC
Hot Glue/Hot Glue Gun
Lots of time.


Step 1.
Pry off the green cap near the pump.Posted Image
I cut mine off but I heard you can pry it. There is the black back peice, but it comes off with a little pressure.

Step 2.
Remover all screws. No pic required.

Step 3.
Open up the gun. Here is a pic of the internals.Posted Image
A close up.Posted Image

Step 4.
Where the stock is, is where the bladder is. Find it, it's a black tube with a large white peice over it.
Remove the top white peice. Now is the time to add you bands. I used just enough to cover the entire tube. That is your goal with banding, to see no more black.Posted Image
Posted Image

Step 5.
Screw the gun back together.

Step 6.
Find a clip and measure the amount of CPVC you need to use per barrel. I used around 2.5" for each barrel. Here is a comparison of the stock barrels to the CPVC. You can barrily see the extra CPVC I used.Posted Image
Posted Image

#82846 Southwestern Pa Nerf War

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 06 June 2006 - 04:11 PM in Nerf Wars

Pittsburgh is about give or take, 1hour and 1/2 away from where me and NerfMonkey. Sunchip also lives outside of Pittsburgh, so he might come. If there are enough people and I'm allowed to go, I might. I'll keep you posted.

#82844 First Shot "PDW"

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 06 June 2006 - 04:09 PM in Modifications

Thats pretty frickin' badass. Makes me like the look of a First Shot..

#82608 My Mini Nitefinder

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 01 June 2006 - 03:14 PM in Modifications

Meiser, you must have some strict ass cops. My friends play airsoft, and all their tips are pure black. Some ladies were walking by, and they called the police....So the cops get there, laugh, take the guns and start shooting each other. I really don't think they care that much. Even so I thinnk they would just tell you to not do it again. I don't think you need to be too protective of it.

Looks like a basic PPK modded NF. Looks nice anyhow.

#82179 Artemis Arms Presents...

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 21 May 2006 - 06:31 PM in Modifications

My Tec-9 looked very similiar to that, but your other two guns look superb. Great job.

#78617 Lux

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 03 April 2006 - 07:20 PM in Off Topic

It's against me to make an Off-Topic thread, but I must....Anyone here play Lux?

It's a badass Risk-esque game, but with many different maps, difficult players, and an awesome game. Just wanted to see if anyone played here before I buy it, because I want to play people on the internet as well. You can 'purchase a demp at Sillysoft.com. It's a fun and addictive game.

So anyone play? Or any questions if you've never heard of it?

#78599 Ohio Thrift Stores

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 03 April 2006 - 05:13 PM in General Nerf

The ones around or near Youngstown, OH. Don't carry anything good. But I don't know if this is the same for yours. Sorry I only know ones around my area. Sorry just thought I'd tell you. This is a waste of a post.

#77842 Sjnno 06!

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 27 March 2006 - 07:13 PM in Nerf Wars

Okay thanks.

Sorry I could've just edited post, but I'm to lazy. But I'd also like to comment on the eyewear point, and I would also very much wear them as I was shot from like 30ft. with a nicely modded Maxshot and it hurt like a bitch. I'm okay and everything but it hurt, so wear them please.

It's also my birthday coming up and I was wishing to get a video camera for it. If I do, I'm planning on bringing it up (if I come) and try to do a little video. Or if I can manage just to borrow a camera from somebody and just use it instead. I think it will be cool to do a video for some of the East Side things.

#77831 Sjnno 06!

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 27 March 2006 - 06:24 PM in Nerf Wars

Still wondering if my mom will let me go with NerfMonkey, but I asked him to ask his mom to convince her. So I still am unaware of my situation at this moment.

Also, when do you need to know by? Just wondering.

Hope I can make this one or anything for that matter. Thanks.

Nerf on-ith

#77691 Eagle Eye Mod

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 26 March 2006 - 03:40 PM in Modifications

Those ranges are BS. I also never beleave anyone who refers to NERF darts as bullets.

My one old friend called our Stefans "Nerf bullets" and his crayolla'd EX-3 Nf went about 150' flat, so I wouldn't say that about someone (just joking).
Anyway, I do not believe your ranges. It's a nice mod but don't carry it too far. Because 80'=100+' is just dumb. Unless they were angled.

Carry on, with modding.
Nerf on-ith

#76894 Sjnno Planning

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 19 March 2006 - 07:24 PM in Nerf Wars

If NerfMonkey goes, he may be able to pursuade my parents to let me go. But I'll talk to him and then his parents, and then mine. I'll add a few more posts (hopefully) to keep you posted.

#76891 Shindig!

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 19 March 2006 - 07:19 PM in Site Feedback

Happy birthday Shin. Have a good one.

#76802 Boltsniper Scar-n Rifle Bs-8

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 18 March 2006 - 09:38 PM in Homemades

Frickin' sweet. Another great job!

#76516 NCAA Tournament 2006

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 16 March 2006 - 03:52 PM in Off Topic

I got Boston College going all the way, but if Duke makes it, I'd have them winning it.

#75816 Ohnw 06' Planning

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 11 March 2006 - 09:37 AM in Nerf Wars

I was just stating that if he wanted more wars he'd probably have to travel some. I said Michigan but that was just an example.
And I never said the 2 versus 1 was bad. I would love to have atleast three or more here. But I was saying once more, that if he wanted to go to a larger nerf war, he'd have to travel places.

Sorry for doing it though, I didn't think anone would get mad over it.

#75795 Ohnw 06' Planning

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 10 March 2006 - 10:31 PM in Nerf Wars

There aren't too many nerfers in Ohio at the moment. If you want to go to a big war, go to a Michigan war or some other place. Plus, I don't like you at all anyway, and this is about the exact same for NerfMonkey and Sunchip. So you're proably not going to get anybody else to show up, because you've had two or three people explain why you suck. So if you want to nerf go up and drive places to nerf because nobody in Ohio likes you. ::gay smiley::.

#75666 Fireflyreasembly ?s

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 09 March 2006 - 06:03 PM in General Nerf

When I first took apart my FF a peice fell out of the Turret. It was a white peice and a spring. At frist I thought I had it right, but I was missing the spring. Without the spring the white peice has nothing to push to and rotate with. So you need to find the white part and the small spring (the size is a little more than 1/2'' I think). If you want me to I can take apart my FireFly and take some pictures of what it needs to look like. But try to figure it out on your own first. I hate opening up that gun.

#75369 X-stream's Still Available.

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 06 March 2006 - 04:00 PM in General Nerf

I actually saw some max shots in my local walgreens the other day. I didn't pick one up because I didn't have much money on me at the time, and I don't really like them. The cocking system is pretty goofy.

Seriously? I might get one actually. Thanks for the heads up.

#75288 Ohio Nerfers

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 05 March 2006 - 07:25 PM in Nerf Wars

Yes as Wrath said, you could have checked Frappr and see that He and I both live in Ohio. Also just a little tip for more results, try looking back on older threads to see what may pop-up. Just a friendly tip, I don't mean to be mean or tell you what to do, but you may find more results.

#75078 Who Are You?

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 03 March 2006 - 09:52 PM in General Nerf

I probably come closest to "The Nerf Low-Rider." Mostly because if I paint my guns they have to be perfect or else I have to repaint them. Yes I've wasted many bottles of paint because of this. The paint must be excactly where I want it, meaning, in the lines of the gun where I want it. Even the very very detailed stuff. If it's out by about a milimeter I think it looks like crap. So if you look at someones gun and the paint is like a little splashed over the side, mine won't be like that.

I also fit in to this category because if you notice if I ever Nerf with you. I tend to use the good guns that look cool. That's not the case for most guns, but if it's a really good gun I'll use it even depending on the ugliness. But if it's a good gun, but I don't do too good with it, I'll stick to my awesome looking and performing guns.

I may also fit myself in to "The Nerfer" category. I enjoy nerfing simply for the fun and the hobby. It's just fun, which is why I do it.

I may have wrote way to much for this, but oh well.

Nerf on.

#75073 Crossfire Mod?

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 03 March 2006 - 09:38 PM in General Nerf

I did a CPVC coupler mod to my Crossfire. It gets kinda bad ranges (50-55ft flat if I get the coupler on right)

I posted it here somewhere it's in the Mods section, search for it if that's what your looking for.

Hope it helps.

#74163 Fall '06 Blasters

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 24 February 2006 - 05:28 PM in General Nerf

Though the Magstrike is sure to be a pleaser, I must disagree with the Longshot just for my reasons. It looks way to ovrsized, modding capabilities may be low, and I just think it's a waste.

Not sure if you knew this, but the Longshot is actually two guns. Not so oversized without the silly front-gun attachment.

Oh yes, I did not notice that and studied the gun a little bit more. Now that I looked at it more it does look cooler and seem to be better than I thought, but I'd still never like it.

Thanks for the pointer, I'll read more carefully next time I post.

#74152 Fall '06 Blasters

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 24 February 2006 - 04:02 PM in General Nerf

I am really happy about this! I'm so glad I don't have to purchase a PC and find people to buy clips from.
This is a great set because, it's got two clips included in one set and are fully removable. Also, you'll probably be able to buy extra clips at the store! Which would be awesome, because you could load up on a few extra clips.

This looks like a heads up for the likelyness of better and cooler guns in the future.

Though the Magstrike is sure to be a pleaser, I must disagree with the Longshot just for my reasons. It looks way to ovrsized, modding capabilities may be low, and I just think it's a waste.

So in conclusion, I can't wait for the Magstrike

#73465 Somthing Is Strange Here....

Posted by Sqiggs89 on 18 February 2006 - 02:35 PM in Off Topic

Thanks for making a spam thread. Obviously mr. fuzzy is planning to attack the NIC somehow.

EDIT: Sorry guys. But yes he did leave this morning for Vegas, all I know.