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There have been 353 items by ChiliPepperFender (Search limited from 15-February 97)

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#153765 "alternate Fire Modes"

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 28 April 2008 - 11:31 PM in General Nerf

On-topic, I'm personally working on a 2k-LS integration that allows me to still use a pump-action foregrip; I remember the last DCNO there were many-a-time when I wished I had a quick second shot ready to hit the person after a dodge. Given, a pump-action LS is pretty quick, but I'm talking about on the magnitude of within a second. Also, a shot to cover me while I reload the clips seemed like a good idea. It doesn't quite classify as an alternate-fire per say, but it does fall under the realm of a gun that is fitting for a greater variety of situations/extending the usefulness of the gun. After all, 2 medium-long range shots are better than one, eh?


I made a longshot 2k, it's in my signature. I made the pump so it's pump action. It was not the best looking but it got the job done, at a few of the wars I went to.

On topic though: I like Cmdramack's idea of integrating Big Salvo's on other guns. That along with imaseolman's idea with the SMDTG trigger. n fact, I'm working on something like that right now.

#161242 At2k, Why!

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 02 July 2008 - 12:43 PM in Modifications

I did plug the OPV valve.

Ok, Longshot Wielder just said that he would mod my at2k for 10 dollars + shipping. Is he legit? Should I do this? :cry:

Don't do that...He doesn't seem a like a top of the line modder. I searched his name in the modification's section and he's only made one thread,this one which ended getting closed due to him just copying other's work in all of it. I haven't seen any of his gun's other than one in the modifications/paintjobs topic and it was just a nitefinder.

If you can't make stefans or find any good FBR anywhere, just make conveted stefans. All you need is a stock dart, and some bb's or a 3/0 fishing weight. Then use 17/32 brass and your problem is solved.

#155344 Discussion: Comfortable Blaster Shells

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 10 May 2008 - 01:44 PM in General Nerf

Being one that owns both a crossbow and a sawtooth, I can vouch that they both are very comfortable. The only problem with the sawtooth is that it's stock is a little flimsy, nevertheless still comfortable though. The only problem with the suggestions people will give you, is that it's comfortable to THEM. That doesn't mean it will be comfortable to YOU.

It's your desicion on weather or not to mod your crossbow, but I say mod it. You'll have way more fun modding it and nerfing with it for another year, then leaving it stock and having it's value rise 0-50$. It's all personal choice though.

#147770 Ls Maverick Intergration Idea

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 29 March 2008 - 02:18 PM in General Nerf

Just to get this straight, are you Blue and your friend is Orange. It's just you share one account.
Also, I wouldn't recomend taping a maverick to the side of the longshot front gun, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

#148057 Foregrip Longshot W/ Paint + Light

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 30 March 2008 - 11:37 AM in Modifications

Wow, even that's an awesome paintjob and I don't even watch star trek. Also, great job with the tactical light and the foregrip. Very clean.

#200108 Team Canada!

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 31 December 2008 - 10:16 PM in Off Topic


#151022 Reinforcing An Ls Boltsled (better Edition) And A Paintjob

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 13 April 2008 - 09:07 PM in Modifications

While Ilike love the paint job, I don't believe your ranges were completely from flat level.

EDIT: So are you saying the 90ft range was angled, and 50-60ft is flat since that is the effective range?

#151217 Reinforcing An Ls Boltsled (better Edition) And A Paintjob

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 14 April 2008 - 10:21 PM in Modifications

I think he's using a crappy webcam to take pictures of them. I may be wrong but it looks like it, that or a camera phone.

#153505 Are You Serious?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 27 April 2008 - 07:30 PM in General Nerf

Who cares if he's lying or not, let him believe what he wants. I say everyone should stop posting "BS!BS!BS!". I think we get the picture here.

#201519 Team Canada!

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 06 January 2009 - 08:16 PM in Off Topic

Hockey isn't gay, its just brutal. Wrestling on the other hand...

If a real live Canadian said it, then it must be true right? Sorry, hockey really isn't my sport. Requires way to much padding and whatnot. Broomball is more like it

@ Foamfoot: Do you go out of your way to be a kiss ass?

So your saying wrestling is gay? Or are you saying it's worse than brutal? If you haven't done wrestling before, yeah you'll think its gay, trying to pin someone with strenght and technique. But I can guarentee you that wrestling is MUCH harder than football. I have no idea about hockey since I've never played it, but it's probably just as hard or harder.

#151744 Spongebob

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 17 April 2008 - 08:54 PM in Off Topic

Why is there a forum about spongebob on a nerf website.... Anyways, I've lost interest in spongebob like 3 years ago, but I remember the classics.

#162039 Good Beginner Guitar?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 08 July 2008 - 11:43 PM in Off Topic

My first guitar was an Ibanez RG4 for around 300$. I just got some bad amp at a pawn shop too, for 50$. An alternative to that is to get a Squier Strat pack. Which doesn't cost to much. Then when you get better/ are still interested, get a real strat, they have a great sound.

#151550 200+ Feet? How?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 16 April 2008 - 09:42 PM in Modifications

I remember somebody talking about 400ft Big Blast. Although, I'm not sure of the gun.

#146237 Ran Out Of Hot Glue.

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 22 March 2008 - 01:03 AM in Modifications

What was the point in that post...wait what is the point in this post..I know

[PRODUCTIVE] the gun would, as stated, look much better with out the tape, i suggest you go to your local walley world and pick some up when you get back.[/productive]

If he didn't have tape then the gun wouldn't be together at least most of it.
Oh and don't you mean "i suggest you go to your local walley world and pick up some glue when you get back."

#148042 Ran Out Of Hot Glue.

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 30 March 2008 - 10:18 AM in Modifications

I guees it looks a little cleaner, and did you take off the titan and one at3k? I only see one now.

#186615 Stock Arsenal Contest! Win $$$

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 30 October 2008 - 10:40 PM in General Nerf

Nice arsenal Angel. I especially like the 5k's and 750's.

Edit: Heh, I find it odd that you have 15 old style 1500's and 1 New style ones.

#146198 Ran Out Of Hot Glue.

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 21 March 2008 - 08:11 PM in Modifications

The last two pictures make this gun look very front heavy. I'm guessing it is. Right? I've seen people add an air tech gun to the side but you have two of them, and to top it off, a titan. I'm not sure if I like this gun or dislike this gun. Anyway, it was your first mod. Good job.

#149420 Spy Gear Signal Launcher

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 05 April 2008 - 12:32 AM in Modifications

You should try pumping the plug on that thing. Nice mod too.

#149522 Spy Gear Signal Launcher

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 05 April 2008 - 05:28 PM in Modifications

You should try pumping the plug on that thing. Nice mod too.

I think you mean, "plugging the pump", pumping the plug sounds totally different. But does'nt that thing cost $20? And is it accurate with those sights you put on the top? (If they are even sights.)

I think he was just trying to mock Keef.

Keef isn't the only one who's made that mistake. Plenty of people on the boards say it frequently.

Looks good though. They do still sell these in stores, and the only complaint I have about it is the funky trigger. It is usable and you could get used to it pretty fast.

I wasn't trying to mock keef, and I did make that mistake. Thanks for pointing it out though.

#199595 Japanese Nite Finder Rip-off?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 29 December 2008 - 04:52 PM in General Nerf

Wow, they don't have a light in them, so they just have a gaping hole in the front?

Wow. Just wow.

Well yeah, they barely cost a dollar..

#152557 The Longspider Shotgun

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 22 April 2008 - 12:31 AM in Modifications

Maybe he is for real with his ranges, I just looked at his ebay feedback and he's the guy who sells 100ft recons. It looks like he sold many of them and has gotten positive feedback on all. Or the buyers never actually tested how far the gun could shoot before they gave him positive feedback. If the ranges are BS or not, good luck with the sale, I see it's already jumped to 40$.

#152484 The Longspider Shotgun

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 21 April 2008 - 07:30 PM in Modifications

First one like this that I have ever seen. I would've thought more people had done this by now. Nice job.

#152644 The Longspider Shotgun

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 22 April 2008 - 04:45 PM in Modifications

I have heard of how good these are to integrate but I have never seen a gun with one aside from the Integration into an lbb done by kbarker. Good job.

You've never seen Arachnophobia 2? I think alot of people have done SMDTG integrations, but they just don't post them.

#152491 The Longspider Shotgun

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 21 April 2008 - 07:57 PM in Modifications

Obviously, his ranges are angled, alot. I don't think we'll see internal pictures because he's selling the gun, and won't want to open it back up. That is unless he already has internal pictures. Oh yeah, not to mention that he probably glued the SMDTG on the top so he can't open it back up without taking it off.

#151030 Free Rice To Help Starving Children

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 13 April 2008 - 09:30 PM in Off Topic

According to Dictionary.com it's not a real word.

#147966 What's The Most Expensive Nerf Gun You Ever Bought?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 29 March 2008 - 10:44 PM in General Nerf

I recently just bought a DTG set, so that is my highest I've ever paid for a single packaged gun. Also, Orange, I just looked at your page and arsenal. Holy shit you have ALOT of guns. At least two of everything! Quite a collection you got there.

#146908 What's The Most Expensive Nerf Gun You Ever Bought?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 25 March 2008 - 05:36 PM in General Nerf

$30 Longshot, not quite as impressive as a $100 Xbow.

#194918 Bitchslayer

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 09 December 2008 - 01:13 AM in Modifications

That's awesome BS, nice mod. I have the same problem with the stefan tips falling off, though with my SM5k. And that's AFTER 10 shots at a wall. It looks like you have a monster of a gun there, I really like the use of this blue side too.

#152807 Foamslinger

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 23 April 2008 - 05:13 PM in Modifications

I've never owned a T20 but what I hear of it is that it's not good. Also, I've seen it which is why I say it's bulky and big. By opening up the longshot I meant taking the two halves off, rather than having it half open.

#152800 Foamslinger

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 23 April 2008 - 03:21 PM in Modifications

Can you still open up the longshot to mod it? It doesn't look like it, unless you tore off the T20. No offense, but I hate this integration. It looks very bulky, and big. Not to mention the T20 is loud and will give you away. It doesn't seem pratical at the wars I go to, but whatever style works for you, I guess.

#177998 W@m X2

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 17 September 2008 - 07:58 PM in Nerf Wars

Add me as a mabye. Most likey though yes.

#180561 W@m X2

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 29 September 2008 - 09:13 PM in Nerf Wars

I might be bringing a guest or my dad or both. I'm pretty much a definite as of now, unless something comes up. By the way, will the Blue Tiger(in my sig) be allowed? I haven't range tested it for 3-5 months now but if I remember correctly it wasn't getting insane ranges.

Also, Blacksunshine, I'd like to buy about 20$ worth of your darts. Green tipped is preferred since all of mine are. I'll have alot of guns too so you should probably make more than that, if you'd be interested in a trade. I have ALOT of guns I will be selling too.

#144633 Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 10 March 2008 - 08:39 PM in Off Topic

Yoshi all the way, he's always the best in the games. Which is my opinion.

#161268 Subliminal (hidden) Messaging

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 02 July 2008 - 04:35 PM in Off Topic

Thanks, VACC. My statement wasn't directed at you, though. I actually have never played Super Mario Galaxies. Anyway, maybe I said it wrong, but they started a lot of things in gaming. They started things like lock-targeting and such.

Someone told me that the Hilary Duff albums can be played backwards to hear a famous Nazi Speech or something, but I highly doubt it.

I knew it! I knew hilary duff was a nazi! She must be Hitlers great granddaughter.

HAHAHA!...Your not funny at all!!

#144434 Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 09 March 2008 - 01:21 PM in Off Topic

If this is for the Wii, do you like stand up and wave around the controlers like the other Wii games? Or is it like the old gamecube games where you just sit down and play it? Anyway, I wanna play this game, it sounds fun. Plus, who didn't like the old Super Smash Bros. games?

#167224 A Short Vulcan "commercial" I Made.

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 07 August 2008 - 07:15 PM in General Nerf

Well I got a new monitor so I can post again decently. (You have no idea how hard it is to type with a bashed in moniter) And so I will say that I am guessing that about about 80% of the members on this site will say that ice's youtbe vids suck. In my opinion they are just ice rambling about random crap. Everyone should watch captains video instead.

Wow, your really funny. Yeah not alot of people here like Ice's video's, but why are you even talking about that? At least he has some good mods and great paintjobs. I'd take one of his longshots way before I'd take your ugly green vulcan.

On topic though, I really enjoyed the first video Captain, nice work!

#160511 Demotivational Posters

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 June 2008 - 03:32 PM in Off Topic

The pic is also my avatar on my youtube account.


That's not a demotivator. That's a quote. A stupid quote.

I know, I know, I just think the picture is funny. I could'nt really think of much else.
EDIT: Here's another. http://mymotivatr.com/view/624

Once again, that's not a demotivator. It doesn't even have a title, and it's just stupid.


#152447 Pistol Tommy 20 Mod (no Writeup)

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 21 April 2008 - 04:53 PM in Modifications

I've never owned a MT20 so I may be wrong, but since it's on your bike you may want to try to make it rear loading for an easier re-load time.

#153163 For Those That Think I Seem "mean"

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 25 April 2008 - 09:22 PM in Off Topic

Wow you ignorant americans.

Go fuck yourself.

Yay! American pride, you tell 'em Dark Shrimp.

#153310 Daedalus: Super Nf

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 April 2008 - 08:33 PM in Modifications

Do you know where you can get the spring from? I don't really want to tear apart my screen door for one. Also, how long is the plunger tube, and what did you use to connect the two plunger rods? I have two stock nitefinders at the moment and was thinking about doing something like this. Did you use the stock end piece for the plunger rod from a nitefinder or did you make a different one? Nice mod by the way, incredible ranges too.