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#105742 How Much Of Your Life Is Dedicate To Nerf?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 15 May 2007 - 06:07 PM in General Nerf

Well let me see:

Id say how much is DEDICATED TO NERF?-----> 0%
how much i nerf ----------> .02%

let me do a rundown here...

ruling out sleep, school, shopping, and other routine stuff like eating and bathing....

8% wasted sitting at the [bleeepedy bleep bleeeeeeeeeeeeep] grocerystore for my stupid aunt who goes TWO FUCKING TIMES A DAY, EVERY GOD DAMN DAY :angry:

39% talking on the phone with my friends whitney, steph, dave, and a few random others....

1% cleaning the room in which i live

37% videogames/internet

10% shooting airsoft and bb and pelet rifles and working with them

5% looking for the damn remote controls, batteries, or pens and pencils

.0000000000000000000000000000001% drawing shitty art that everyone seems to like for some reason :wacko: :blink: :huh: -_-

and things may chane, such as going to stores, or going to friends and yeah...

#100835 Am I Going To Get Shot?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 05 March 2007 - 07:51 PM in Off Topic


First off to flamebo388:

well when i said plastic guns i was kinda excluding pistols...i have 4 plastic ones that are kick A. And well i dont own a Ca a TM or any high end aeg..... I was just saing that they could be a lil more reliable than a solid plastic gun. And if it has plastic internals...worthless POS. And if mistreaten, anything can break...
My first gun was (is [i still have it]) a clear plastic m16, from walmart in fact. BUT it broke as in the external and internals. I vote that for your money....stay away from clear electrics or rifles. Pistols are good though.

now to Ronster:

I ment by the cops wont care as in IF IT IS A CLEAR GUN V A ORANGE GUN V A BLACK GUN. If they feel threatened they will act acordingly nomatter what color the gun is.

I never said guns under 150 are POS, all of mine in fact costed less than 100 and they are good. I said you cannot get a AEG for 150 and under. Tecnically its an MPEG. And the best guns (electric) ive ever heard in that range are the ECHO 1 series, CYMA cm .028 and CYMA cm.031

the jg your looking at is more than likely a CM 028 or 031 if its a AK pattern gun.

and lastly:

If you dont want to risk, dont play. All you can do is tell the neighbors and act smart. If anything happens stay calm and listen. tis all we can say. If afraid, go look to paintball.

#100734 Am I Going To Get Shot?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 03 March 2007 - 06:11 PM in Off Topic

First of all, the clear guns are the only things that they will treat as "fake," any paint job could be a real gun painted to look fake just as easily as an airsoft gun. Even the orange muzzle doesn't set them at ease. I kinda imagine that if airsoft guns were made their own style, like paintball and nerf, where the guns aren't replicas of real ones, that might put them at ease a bit. Or if you had something that isn't possible to get in real-steel, like the XM-8; but the best way to go is clear. And painting the mags won't do any good at all, any mag could be painted.

Ok first off. Clear guns are (for the most point) worthless. They are made of plastic and WILL break. DONOT GET CLEAR. SURE you may find one or two that are clear that are good, but they are still platic bodies, and will break if you accedentally drop. A CA (classic army) gun has a metal body and will not break.

He is right about the paint but still, clear isnt going to help and they flat out suck. GOOD airsoft guns are made out of metal bodies, and are flat black.


dont paint or put orange on it. A cop wont care. All orange dose is give away your position, makes gun sticky if it comes off and wastes the point of airsoft (TO LOOK REAL AS POSSIBLE) dont bother with cloth or tape. no point. keep the tip thats only thing should be orange.

Three things i recomend:


Make sure you keep the orange tip and inform your dad that thats why its there, fed laws to show its fake
the guns are suppost to look real. Im NOT paying over 100 bucks for some clear peice of shit that looks like shit. If i guy im getting it to look just like an M16 or Ak47. And work good too. i have 1 clear rifle and 2 real looking rifles. The real ones out preform the clear one by a LOONNG shot. Same for pistols. Explain to him what airsoft is, where you play and tell him your responcibe enough not to branish in public.


If there is any risk of some fucking neighbors being paranoid, before you play go to the neighbors and say "yo were about to play airsoft these are fake. Call cops on us im sewing you."

Inform police too.

Play on your own land, and not near a road. Hell you could do "damage" to cars and get your ass chewed out. get away from roads. Woods or large feild is best.

and three.

IF police officers and overreacting fuckers show up, raise gun above head and yell I SURRENDER and say I AM DROPPING THE MAG HOLD YOUR (insert word(s) here) FIRE. drop mag then slowly put on ground. Then when they come up to you tell them check it, its a toy. then they should go away. you short one bullet hole.

PS. I play airsoft and your full of bs if you think you can get an AEG for 150. 150 will only get you a good MPEG or loser or amazing pistol. If your getting a 150 gun I HIGHLY suggest the ECHO 1 M16A2 or the ECHO 1 M4A1. They are about the best they are for that cost.


I agree that it can be hard for a passerby to dissern between an Al quida raghead with a AK47 (real) from a 16-18 year old in fatigues with a M16 airsoft. Just dont be where youll be seen and your set. But if people have any brians left in this country (which its getting less and less) they would notice the sound... Not a gun report but a popoppopopopop.

#98994 Banning Guns

Posted by moubeus5018 on 31 January 2007 - 11:31 AM in General Nerf

deleted by me.

#98992 Banning Guns

Posted by moubeus5018 on 31 January 2007 - 11:22 AM in General Nerf

And before assasin flames me ( in three seconds or beats me to it) I am just saying not by pain standards, im saying by a fairness rate. I just dont belive its fair when the odds of one side winning are.....um lets see. 99% to .0000000000001%. What happened to the other part? a bird craps on them and they have to go inside to wash.

Yeah it was fun, but we got owned. It was rediculous. But really it was the fact that they had semi auto 75ft + losers, and we have 40ft NFs and 25ft Fireflys and DTGs. We did have one magstrike...it wasnt effective at all. Our longest range thing was a crayola cap BBB and i think a at3k singled.... not shure on that one. Owell
And i know as soon as i hit post David is gunna post his reply 3 seconds after it :unsure:

Yeah on the some people will shoot themselves, it is very true, I know some that would.

#98966 Banning Guns

Posted by moubeus5018 on 30 January 2007 - 08:05 PM in General Nerf

I think certain guns should be banned when their shear power makes it either unbeliveably painful, or totally unbiased, ie one team has a blowgun, and a longshot, others have a nf, and 2 mavs.

(waiting for Assassin to flame me to hell)

Its bs when me, and his lil brother, are on a team, and him and our friend craig, get a singled at3k, and a longshot and a blowgun when his brother never fights he just surrenders and we both only have a firefly a bbb and a nf or 2. Our only long range weapon fires at half of the rate as the two Pros in the group with the equivelent of semi auto in nerf, and the other two guys (well Johns never fights so) well one guy has squat range and no ROF.

I think blow guns in cases like that and even mod Ls should be blocked, to make the match at least not impossibly unballenced.

And I agree, if you arnt willing to shoot yourself with it, you shouldnt be able to use it.

#97213 Does Anyone Have Myspace?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 26 December 2006 - 10:31 PM in Off Topic

Yes, i do, and Yes, i do.

*pointless topic of pointlessness.

this is stupid topic.

if anyone cares, here is mine:

#97212 Best Of Nh

Posted by moubeus5018 on 26 December 2006 - 10:29 PM in Off Topic

I say that the ones who deserve the credit are, as piney said, those who expend large amounts of (otherwise priductive) hours working on guns, going to matches, and participating, those who expend large amounts of money, and those who have stuck by the sport all along.

I say all the staff--colectively.
and all those others like Bolt and OMC who put alot of effort into this kinda stuff.

*and frankly, I really dont give a shit who gets the totally bogus title of best member, Im only putting this cause im bored. -goes back to playing SOCOM FTB2-

#96438 Rapidfire Shotgun Mod

Posted by moubeus5018 on 13 December 2006 - 05:03 PM in Modifications

:P As soon as possible, im going to get pictures and upload for Assasin, just havent had teh chance to get them yet

#95105 Next-gen Systems

Posted by moubeus5018 on 23 November 2006 - 11:36 PM in Off Topic

I am not going to buy the wii ever, it seems dumb and stupid. I want a ps3 but 600? HAHA yeah right. ill get a ps3 when the ps4 comes out. The first one im gunna get is the 360 unless I win a ps3. The wii's control seems dumb, and i dont like nitendo games other than handhelds. I am a die hard sony fan, but I wont pay 600 for a system. Im happy with my xbox and ps2 for now.

#95041 I Have A Nerf Gun That Shoots Almost 400'

Posted by moubeus5018 on 22 November 2006 - 10:19 PM in General Nerf


I agree, totally imposible and impractical, but sweet friggen job man! I belive it myself, but here are a few suggestions to convert a few nonbelivers.

It would be totally easy to prove your claim if you do the following: As previously stated, on the video, use a sharpie to make a scribble on the dart, load, pump and fire. Then have ppl at 50' intervals to watch for the incomming dart. Lay a tape messure on the spaces to prove the width. Donot add in anything, no beginning info, not mid video commentary, no after video interview, just one straight film so they cannot say you eddited it.

Im gunna go ahead and say it RIP gun, we will miss the.

#94541 Rapidfire Shotgun Mod

Posted by moubeus5018 on 15 November 2006 - 07:33 PM in Modifications

Yeah our "spies" that we had failed us :D (we are just now finding out 2 years latter). Yeah we had a certain some1 under watch by like 5 people. :ph34r: I say be curious and then start laughing. :lol:

#94331 Rapidfire Shotgun Mod

Posted by moubeus5018 on 13 November 2006 - 04:47 PM in Modifications

Ouch. Trash her much?? Ok ill stop.

When do you think I can get a hold of it for a testfire? Is there anyway to modify the barrels to fire normal darts instead of megas?

#94030 Rapidfire Shotgun Mod

Posted by moubeus5018 on 09 November 2006 - 11:42 PM in Modifications

In order. Yes if you can get over here with the gun i can get pictures up, ive got a photobucket account, and I got the awsomness of my cammera.
Two yeah i found it out. My bad Ill fix.
Three. She dont deserve to be a teacher if she cannot keep grades straigt.
Four. Yeah weve had this argument before, i just like nitpicking.
five. Yeah i dunno, ill probably stick with just a new firefly and see if it can be modded.
six. I counted i have none.
seven. So the longshot gets a slightly better overall no surprise.
eight. I love what you did with it. thats awsome
nine. Boy are you going to love what I did for you on the internet, lets just say, its something you deserved a loong time ago, but you are just nowe getting it. Ill call it an early Christmas preasent. :) :huh: :D
and ten. Fire our spies. Yes all of them. Elizabeth, Amber, Jealica, and all our other ones from 8th grade.

(youll understand that when you get your preasent and I explain)


Our teacher, Frau Mary Comer, who is teaching us through a web camera, is totally stupid, to peppy, screws up assignments, messed up our grades, cant keep her attemtion longer than 5 seconds, admits she is an idiot, and We are sick of her.

Zwitter she aint really but we insult her enough. This is german 1. We curse her out at least daily. The worst we can come up with at this time is zwitter, were trying to acquire new material as we speak though. Weell let you know what new insults we come up with.

Back to david.

How hard was it to modify? Did it take several attempts, or did it seem to just work. Is there anyway to make it even better than it is now?

Im done. Im out

Das ist Mobeus, Raus. sub-optimale.

#93921 Rapidfire Shotgun Mod

Posted by moubeus5018 on 08 November 2006 - 06:54 PM in Modifications

Yeah German rocks, but Frau comer ist sehr doof. She is a stupid piece of shit. I agree. If we go to that diner place, it will be with a M-16 and a M-2o3.

I still cant belive the shit she pulled with the (we were useng the email during calss bull fuck) How the shit could we? Ask wetherholt, we didnt.

The longshot only has a 6. I say 6 cause it must be reloaded. Its like an M16. Its got a 30, not a 150. I dont know, the longshot seems, not my nerf style.

How do you rate the longshot in the same catagorys?

Ill sell you my megas If I have any.

I got a photobucket accaount. Get me pic and ill do it.

Survey for everyone. Other than me and David, who understands the

Es ist schwuler und Frau Comer ist ein Zwitter

Crack we did on our teacher without useing a translator?

#93791 Longshot Digital Ammo Counter!

Posted by moubeus5018 on 06 November 2006 - 05:46 PM in Modifications

I like the idea, but not for nerf.

If you cant count backwards from 6 go to kindergarden. Thats the only counter i can see needed.

It would be an awsome idea for an airsoft or paintball gun, but serves no real porpus in nerf, especially when 76% of the guns you can turn around and see there is X # of darts left, Y # fired.

You cant do that in airsoft, or paintball, so i can see the idea going over well with those. I like the idea, and give you mad props for it if it works, but not for a nerf gun.

#93789 Rapidfire Shotgun Mod

Posted by moubeus5018 on 06 November 2006 - 05:40 PM in Modifications

I'm afraid I can't get some pics up, I can barely get on the internet in the first place most of the time. My computer sucks, AND it has a fucking virus on it (my computer is too old to download any decent virus protection software). I will be getting a new computer soon, but for now I can't do pictures. :lol:

I can answer you questions, though.

1. Gander Mountain (or something close to that.)
2. Trigger triggers the catch.
3. It was strange, I didn't see a spring at all on the catch.
4. No o-ring at all. It was more of a giant rubber block.
5. Nope. Without the front part, the turret would probably just fall off.
6. Very sturdy. It's got the same "Not going to break anytime soon" feel that the Longshot has.
7. Not as well as the longshot, but pretty good. A hell of alot better than the Double shot.
8. Cause its an awesome gun.
9. Yes, there's nothing in the stock, but the stock itself is pretty thin. (about 1.5")
10. Yes
11. Very comfortable, even for my ridiculously large hands.
12. It has an O-ring on the front of the plunger tube. :lol:
13. Nope.
14. 8.

I agree with Forsaken Angel here, Outdoor Sportsman is definitely right up with nerf. If it weren't for the Longshot and its reign of Nerf ownage I unleashed upon my friends last month, This gun would be my favorite gun.

There you go again David. On Nerfhaven istead of doing work in German class on our new laptops. I thought that is what you were up to... Slacking off agian... Owell I cant complain, me and Craig are watching videos. (Gotta love that class dont we)
On the serious side...

From what you have explained to me, i want one. I can confirm that you got it at Gander mountain. I want to go there soon.

I am pretty glad that you didnot have it at my party, the longshot was nasty, but we incapacitated you by simply making you run out of ammo. With this, we would have been screwed.

The turret loads just like a firefly or mav correct? Megas though. That is the only thing stoping me from going out and getiing one- Low megga ammo count.

Did they have any other (normal) Nerfish guns at GM? I mean by normal is not mega, or balls. If i get one can you take a crack at it?

Would you suggest me getting this or a longshot and leting you work on it for me (I bow to ye nerfmod skills)

What if there are multible normal ones, what one do you suggest.

If you need to, use your parents computers to upload a pic, or use mine.

On a scale of 1-10 rate the following 1=POS (peice of shit) 10 (\/\/00+)

ease of use

#93734 Who Watches Naruto?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 05 November 2006 - 04:48 PM in Off Topic

I like Naruto, but i am not a devout fan.

I also watch Ereka 7, Inuyasha, Full metal alchemist, ghost in the shell, and the lot. I like anime theme, and I love the Catgirl look, but i watch anything really. Inc spongebob.

#93732 Model Airplanes

Posted by moubeus5018 on 05 November 2006 - 04:43 PM in Off Topic

I sugest that you definatly get somethign cheap. I am a moddle pilot, and i got a foam F18, but if the wind gets dead, or too strong, it will lose control, or stall, or be unresonsive to the controls, and crash. You will definatly need a large area to fly it, and be prepaired for super glueing, and repairing. they will break, dont care how good they are. Its a nice hobbie, but can get dangerous.. (i have almost been beamed by mine when it got out of radio range, turned straight for me, and at full speed. those props hurt. I had to turn and run.) My suggestion is look for one with the farthest radio range, and shortest antenne. Mine snaped in half.

Make shure it is large and colorful, i lost mine a couple of times in a open feild.

Let us know how it goes.

#92690 German Dictionary.

Posted by moubeus5018 on 22 October 2006 - 10:16 PM in Off Topic

The only one my german class teach likes and suggests us to use is

go to google, type translations

look for altavista bablefish translator.

its so good it will translate entire webpages or just simple words or entire sentences. and best of all its free.

here is a link to it

hope it helps

All you need to know in the german language is:

-Ich trinke gern waschpulver
-How to say the letter "y" in german
-Mein schlauch ist ser gross

dont forget that w's are v's and v's are f's and y's are Upselons, j's are y's, s's are z's, and the funky B is actually a ss. :unsure:

Auf wiedersehen!! :blink:

#91682 Eye Protection

Posted by moubeus5018 on 10 October 2006 - 03:16 PM in General Nerf

Hell Yes it's important!! Getting shot in the eye with a velcrow tipped tag dart from a moded BBB from 1 foot away SUCKS. I couldn't see out of my right eye for 2 hours.

If that had been a stefan, I would have lost an eye.

Eyewear = Good
No Eyewear = Stupid

Any questions? :P

I can vouch for that cause i did it. Sorry again bput that dave.

#91258 Idea For "nerf-proof" Vest

Posted by moubeus5018 on 04 October 2006 - 09:50 PM in General Nerf


$ 0.02? That was more like a buck and a half.

KK Whatever. Lol. Yeah its a wee bit lot for a $0.02. I guess i got carryed away. Did the bold, size 7, red, lettering give it too much? ^_^ :rolleyes:

#91083 Idea For "nerf-proof" Vest

Posted by moubeus5018 on 02 October 2006 - 05:57 PM in General Nerf

Simple, just duct tape kittens or puppies to your sister so when you shoot at her, they hit the kittens / puppies instead. Kittens actually make great protective padding. Personally, I never leave home without them.

On a more serious note, why on Earth would you be letting your little sister play? Not gonna lie, but you're just setting yourself up for disaster with that one. For real. Don't get me wrong, I've Nerfed along side and against some females, and some of them could actually take hits better than most of the guys could. Gender and age issues aside, I think you need to find some new Nerfing companions.



I totally agree on this one. My friends older sister was at home with her boyfriend and we were havin' a party and were in the middle of a match when she grabbed a firefly layin around full-0-ammo and let loose. :blink: She thought nerf was those "Sissy litty foam balls and such" and she ended up on one of the teams. We were inside and she was getting shot a HELLOVA LOT LESS than we were (5 guys) (2 noobs 1 pro v 2 pro) and she was havin a great time. :mellow: (shes a senior now and it was in the summer break). I can see playing with yer sis, but you are gonna get grounded when you nail her just right and she starts cryin' saying MOMMY HE HURT ME! B) :angry: So I suggest not trying to get her armor, and trying to work on your aim and skills with weak guns.

My methodology to be Armored is Duck, weave, and most importantly PAY ATTENTION FOR ONCE IN YOUR FREAKING LIFE!!! If you look, you can see how your opponent is aiming, and wait untill he firesand just sidestep or duck. DEHR!!!.

Well that be my $0.02.

#90497 Mythbusters

Posted by moubeus5018 on 25 September 2006 - 11:13 PM in General Nerf

First off the mthbusters wouldnt do a myth like this. If they did it would be one of those Tory, Carrie, Grant ones. :wacko:

Second if they had put a nerf dart in it would explode from the pressure of the air in the hole for the peg.
(they arent into nerf thus no info on stefans) :angry:

Third. If they did make a myth test they would first creat a gun in a compitition or something, then bust it wide ass open, make the "gun" like the straw cannon and load a metal "nerf like" bullet and do that. They always replicate the the facts of the myth, then replicate the myths results. It would not help us atall. :rolleyes:

Fourth a snowball stands a better chance in hell before the mythbusters do a myth on nerf. I can see modiying the myth to frozen paintballs, or super airsoft guns, but a very limited extent a nerf gun. ;)

HONESTLY what gun do you think is powerfull enough to kill someone fireing stock darts or stefans??? :(

#90128 Important Tactical Hand Signals

Posted by moubeus5018 on 20 September 2006 - 08:35 PM in Off Topic

...Yeah you just shout like hell. Hope the other guys aren't paying attention. Either way you dont need to tell your guys "ENEMY" when you are 20 feet away from the dude shooting at you.

#89342 Poll: Maverick With 3 Or Tek 6 With 6?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 08 September 2006 - 04:05 PM in General Nerf

I have no idea what a tec is, but I would take it with 6 darts, dithc the gun and use my uber nf it gets awsome ranges with all mods.

#89331 Has Your Longshot Darts Been Flying Crazy?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 08 September 2006 - 11:38 AM in General Nerf

Yes but for one reason or another in my friends ls they did NOT work weel or at all. They would ploop out the end of the barrel with out the pistol on and even worse with the pistol. It might be because his converted ones are old and damaged darts so he sacrificed them. My converted darts should work well as they are darts i killed because they wouldnt work in certain guns I use. I have not tryed them because I havent been to his house lately.

#89238 Has Your Longshot Darts Been Flying Crazy?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 06 September 2006 - 08:59 PM in General Nerf

Ok I just didnt know the 'official' name and it didnt show up with my search. Either way I didnt care about the remark. I wish normal darts would fire because the barrel is big enough to accomidate them. Too bad that they dont work

#89156 Has Your Longshot Darts Been Flying Crazy?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 05 September 2006 - 08:14 PM in General Nerf

Ok, this replacement really, really helped. I use the stock darts with 2 bbs jammed in the hole in the tip and then seal them in with hot glue. I'm hitting 110' flat almost every shot. I'm not sure if stefans will be better now.


Try search next time, we've been through this idea a lot.

I did and nothing came up.

I typed longshot darts

#89118 Steve Irwin Died!

Posted by moubeus5018 on 05 September 2006 - 04:48 PM in Off Topic

There have only been 17 deaths by sting ray so 1 in how ever many die per year is pretty big. Kinda rare to be killed by a ray.

Sting rays are very gentle and will only sting if pissed off or scared, and even then the venom is not dangerous to humans.

He swam over one, it got startled and instinctively stung him, just so happens he was in the right spot to get past his ribs, into his heart.

I heard he pulled the stinger out before he died--he killed himself--the loss of the stinger in his heart caused rapid blood loss and loss of blood pressure so he was dead before he got to shore.

Not many people now in days are concerned with the enviroment. He was one of the few good guys who did. He will be soarly missed, and We sallutre you Croc Hunter.

#89117 11 Year Old Children Should Not Posses Or Play With Airsoft Guns

Posted by moubeus5018 on 05 September 2006 - 04:41 PM in Off Topic

Tell her to shut the hell up because you WERNT suppost to let kids under 14 play, and you allowed him to play AFTER signing a waiver. Her problem because she signed it. It is no responcibliltiy to you with 'dat waiver.

#88988 Steve Irwin Died!

Posted by moubeus5018 on 04 September 2006 - 01:53 PM in Off Topic

He was diving and a sting ray got him in the heart. Poor croc hunter.

#88957 Modified Nitefinder, Need Help

Posted by moubeus5018 on 03 September 2006 - 11:57 PM in Modifications

My nf is plenty powerfull but i still want more. It has cpvc barrel, no air restrictors, and i use 2 bands. any suggestions?

#88955 Has Your Longshot Darts Been Flying Crazy?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 03 September 2006 - 11:55 PM in General Nerf

Well my friend put 1 bb in each dart and now they are flying perfectly straight. They also gained power too.

#88759 Marching Bands

Posted by moubeus5018 on 01 September 2006 - 09:10 PM in Off Topic

I dont play in march band, but i do play in concert. I can play tuba(the main instrament i play) and some baratone. I might quit the tuba for the baratone.

#88627 Magstrike Questions

Posted by moubeus5018 on 30 August 2006 - 10:26 PM in General Nerf

Yeah I noticed it loosing some if not all its pressure relitively fast like in two minutes if you pump 20 times. If you were to be useing it in a big war or in a feild you would have to pump before you fired to make shure it still had any power to fire the clip.

The gun just sounds painful and john yelped when you shot him in the leg.

It doesn't lose pressure. I used it as my primary in a war a while ago, and I left it pumped for about 10 minutes, and it still fired off a whole clip with no problems, no leaks, and no 4-letter words. I'll prove it to you at the war on the 2nd. (you'd better bring you own guns! Craig and Travis will be borrowing my guns, and I won't have enough left for you to borrow them, too! :) ) also, John yelps when I shoot him with a broken scout from 20 feet, so that's not saying much.

For the rest of you, he doesn't know if it has a leak. He does not own a magstrike, and he is talking about mine, which doesn't leak or lose pressure, so I don't know what he's talking about....

Ok let me clarify. I havnt been around lately so I am just now getting to this so...

I never said it did have a leak. Nor did I say it has this problem. I was expressing my concern that that could possibly happen.

I really doubt travis is going to need anything as he is got a lot of stuff(given it is old stuff and might not bring them). Craig has his pistols and will just need your bbb. I will bring my uber nf and bbb along with other stuff that could help. And yeah given John dose yelp at anything. Id hate to see him play airsoft or paintball. Actually I would love to see that it would be very funny. Id pay money to see that!!

#88624 Longshot Sight

Posted by moubeus5018 on 30 August 2006 - 10:09 PM in General Nerf

I think the sight is totally useless. No zoom(no need) no need for close range, and pointless. I think that it would look very cool on the firefly or the mav.

#88623 Worst Weather Experience

Posted by moubeus5018 on 30 August 2006 - 10:05 PM in Off Topic

I almost got stuck by lightning twice in one day. Huge storm and we were in a parking lot and all of a suddent everything went white and BOOM!! I had hit the other side of the lot (about 500 feet away). Then later same thing.

Dude, if you flew 500 feet then you must have landed on your head...

I think he meant it hit 500 feet away. Flying 500 feet would be ridiculous, even for the internet, nevertheless saying he did it twice.

Yeah you are right I had made a typo. I am sometimes a little it disslexic. I have edited it. But yeah big loud and scared the shit out of me. If it hadnt been for the seat belt id have hit the car roof Because it startled me so much I jumped.

#88599 I Got To Get In An Ah64d Longbow Apache!

Posted by moubeus5018 on 30 August 2006 - 03:44 PM in Off Topic

I got to touch the sexieness of a 7.62 Gatlingg gun once ounted on a f 16 i also got to hold an M-16
The military was at the C.N.E.

SO sexyness

Dude a f16 has a 20mm gat. Not a 7.62 minigun. Miniguns are on blackhawks, little birds, and some hwmmvs.

#88550 Worst Weather Experience

Posted by moubeus5018 on 29 August 2006 - 04:45 PM in Off Topic

I almost got stuck by lightning twice in one day. Huge storm and we were in a parking lot and all of a suddent everything went white and BOOM!! It had hit the other side of the lot (about 500 feet away). Then later same thing.

Another time was i went to school early one rainy morning and went to the band room. So me and about 50 people are in there and talking before school starts(we would do it every day) and when the 15 min.-to-get-to-class-bell rang, we go out into the hall and everyone is in tornado positions and were all like WTF? The teachers wig out and say get down and hurry and bla, bla ,bla. Turns out the band room was too loud to hear the siren and they called it about a minute after i got to school. If i had been 5 minutes late I would have heard over the radio and not gone to school and went to my aunts resturant. Turns out that the f2 twister went by there by about a half mile. I could have saw a twister. So i am never going to go to school early again.