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There have been 301 items by DTReaper (Search limited from 15-February 97)

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#74298 Favorite Game System

Posted by DTReaper on 25 February 2006 - 07:32 PM in Off Topic

Perfect dark is an awesome game an I am pissed that I can't get Perfect Dark zero for anything other than the 360.


#66341 Favorite Energy Drink?

Posted by DTReaper on 22 October 2005 - 07:08 PM in Off Topic

So many people in my school drink redbulls but the problem is that they have like 4 times the suger required in a day and the retards at my school don't exersize after they drink it therefore making its effects usless and instead make you fat. I mean I can't even drinkl a redbull it just grosses me out with the sheer am,ount of suger its like cool aid on steriods but with vitimins and other stuff. Thats why I don't drink it . But some energy drinks have a herb or something that speeds up your heart or raises your internal body tempurature (just like afedra). But still I just don't like energy drinks I prefer water its good for you.


#64675 Easier Way To Make Bacon Darts

Posted by DTReaper on 30 September 2005 - 03:38 PM in Homemades

Now here is the link for my inspiration http://nerfhaven.com...3&hl=bacon dart . So you ask how I can make it easier well I made a template to make perfect spiral grooves in it every time. I made it with
- A piece of cpvc (or something else depending on dart size but I use micros)
- A dremal
- A piece of paper
- Tape
- Protractor and ruler

-Ok so what I did is this I took the piece of paper and the protractor and made a 10-degree angle on it.
-Then I took the ruler made a mark a quarter of an inch over and drew another 10-degree angle on it on that mark.
-Then I cut the piece of paper down to fit around the outside of the piece of cpvc.
-I then taped it there an used a dremal to cut on the lines and on the top to get a space in there that is 1 inch long (this measurement depends on length of the dart I use 1 and a quart so that’s what I use) a quarter of an inch thick and at a 10 degree angle.
- Then all you do is put a dart in and use a high melt glue gun to burn in the edge then rotate it so the template is on the other side of the dart and you are finished, you now have a spiraled dart. This should improve accuracy.

Note 10 degrees may be too little and tests are still being conducted.
Please give me your thoughts comments and questions.

#74951 Dt3 Catch Mech

Posted by DTReaper on 02 March 2006 - 06:45 PM in Modifications

Well first off this catch is extremely weak. Secondly the arrow part must be on the pistol part very well in my sinlged one I have it taped on and it works great. Also it you are missing the front orange piece that is located at the front of the pistol when its in the arrow part, if its not there it will not work.


#96460 Double Shots At K-b Toys

Posted by DTReaper on 13 December 2006 - 09:03 PM in General Nerf

What I did to fix these is just take a drill and drill those fuckers out until the drill was at the bottom and there was no leftover "pole". So it was just a hole in the back with nothing in it. Then I cut the top skinnyer off and put in CPVC. It pretty simple and I find it a little harder than the old ones.


#67718 Double Shot Mod

Posted by DTReaper on 15 November 2005 - 06:15 PM in Modifications

That is good, very good now you need to invent a catch for the ejected shells so you don't have to pick them up off the ground, that would be good.


#66862 Don't Buy Dart Tag Replacements

Posted by DTReaper on 31 October 2005 - 04:10 PM in General Nerf

If the darts are too long cut the backs off, so they fit into you mav. Just a thought on how you could get them to work in shorter barreled guns, and all you need is a knife.


#66942 Don't Buy Dart Tag Replacements

Posted by DTReaper on 01 November 2005 - 07:01 PM in General Nerf

Use a sharp non saratted(sp?) you know the kind with grooved edges.


#64709 Dartsmithing Tips Archive

Posted by DTReaper on 30 September 2005 - 10:25 PM in Darts and Barrels

Note some of these may have already been said but I am giving my theories on darts.
Well as far as I know there are a few things that effect accuracy, range and power on a dart.
They are weight, spiraling, size (both diameter and length), guns power, barrel length, and conical or non conical head.
The heavier the weight usually the farter but slower and reaches its max speed farther away. it goes until you reach a weight in which you start losing range or its best weight as I call it. If it is lighter it has higher speed at close range but lacks the punch and range heavier darts have so…
within ten to like 20 feet lighter darts are better and any further you probably want heavier darts. That's at least my theory on darts and as for spiraling it is the same principal as a bullet and the difference between the revolutionary war and the civil war (AKA muskets vs. rifles). but with spin you usually decrease range because energy is being used to spin the dart out of the barrel and therefore loses a certain degree of power. The solid darts however do not spin unless the barrel is rifled so therefore it doesn't lose any energy to spinning. As for the conical head it makes the dart more aerodynamic and therefore has less air resistance and therefore it has more range. as for diameter of the dart the thinner the better the range due again to wind resistance.

And so ends my rambling theories on darts and range and spiraling.


#78864 Damn Airtech 2k

Posted by DTReaper on 05 April 2006 - 03:37 PM in General Nerf

I used the PVC cutters becuse it has a blade and cuts it and doesn't remove any materials as a dremal cut off wheel would ar a hacksaw. I gues you could but it might not work due to it missing part of the tank. Plus you cant garetee a straight cut unless you are really good with a dremel but I guess you could go for it if there isn't any other options open to you.


#78747 Damn Airtech 2k

Posted by DTReaper on 04 April 2006 - 05:29 PM in General Nerf

Here is my fix for this problem. Though it ios without pics if you have any questions just ask me. http://nerfhaven.com...wtopic=5665&hl= I did this to two of mine and one can get about ten pumps to full an its pretty much a beast.


#90561 Cxwq

Posted by DTReaper on 26 September 2006 - 08:49 PM in Off Topic

I remember someone googled it before so I just did that. look here http://www.urbandict...e.php?term=cxwq .
It pretty much explains it all.


#64900 Custom 2k-nf

Posted by DTReaper on 02 October 2005 - 07:04 PM in Modifications

Yes and because he is an ambassodor he can basicly do/say whatever the fuck he wants to.


#183592 Ctcon Mad

Posted by DTReaper on 13 October 2008 - 10:45 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm disappointed that there was a CT war and I wasn't there but I guess there was no way for me to know.


#77815 Crossbow Mod Problem!

Posted by DTReaper on 27 March 2006 - 05:12 PM in Modifications

I boil water and then pour it on the hot glue it works perfectly but takes a while. No repercussions in any of my guns thus far.


#68632 Crossbow

Posted by DTReaper on 30 November 2005 - 06:39 PM in General Nerf

They used to be alot less but someone(hatrad in vocie) told her that they were more valuable.


#269965 Connecticut April Madness!

Posted by DTReaper on 22 March 2010 - 06:53 PM in Nerf Wars

Now that it is within a week of the set date is there a definite location for this war? Or is it going to be pushed back further until a suitable location is found?


#265865 Connecticut April Madness!

Posted by DTReaper on 18 February 2010 - 11:42 AM in Nerf Wars

I will most likely be able to come to this event regardless of which of the three dates you choose.

#144650 Command And Conquer?

Posted by DTReaper on 10 March 2008 - 09:14 PM in Off Topic

I played the origanl and loved it and I have played a few other but they just aren't as good as the origanal to me, true red alert is fairly good but there is no beating the first one. I haven't played the newest one but I want to.


#71235 Chronicle Of An F.a.r.

Posted by DTReaper on 19 January 2006 - 11:56 AM in Homemades

Paint it hot pink, noone will thinks its like a real gun. Thats just my suggestion. Not only that but avoid both black and silver.


#92524 Broken Window!

Posted by DTReaper on 21 October 2006 - 09:23 PM in General Nerf

Honestly I would keep it the widow looks sweet. The patterns on it are cool. Plus you dont need a blind to keep people from seeing in.


#156432 Bodega Shoe Store

Posted by DTReaper on 20 May 2008 - 08:25 PM in Off Topic

Because they really need to hide sneakers from the cops can't let them have them. Honestly its just a gimmick to attract customers and make money. the zoning board knowes about it in all likelyhood so its just to make more money.


#136203 Bike Pump+ Ball Valve Gun?

Posted by DTReaper on 16 January 2008 - 10:57 PM in Homemades

sweet i have a blown wheel from neighbors bike.

Your all set then, just make sure you get a good seal, sometimes its kinda tricky. Make sure to pile on the plumbers goop or whatever you use, just don't cover the hole in the bottom accidentally, and double check the seal before you solvent weld the gun together.

I would honestly not suggest this I tried it once bad mistake thing leaked like no other and was just a pain in the ass its easier just to shell out like 3-4 dollars and get a set of two pop in stem valves from like walmart. No gluing no muss no fuss over it just drill and pull it through the hole its that easy. Honestly you can do whatever you want but I speak from experiance and its just easier.


#135786 Bike Pump+ Ball Valve Gun?

Posted by DTReaper on 13 January 2008 - 12:03 AM in Homemades

Use a schrader valve also known as a tire stem valve to connect the bike pump to the tank its the fastest and easiest way i know. And as Keef said you need a longer barrel to be able to harness the "mass of air" because the long the barrel is the more time you have for the air to be released and push the round out. Other than that good luck fairly simple design all I have to say is don't reduce the barrel too much or you will compromise the power you get much like an air restrictor.


#100780 Big Salvo

Posted by DTReaper on 04 March 2007 - 05:34 PM in Modifications

Carbon, what size o-ring did you use for the pump, because my new one has that same problem and it would help me to know. The inner and outer diameters would be fine, but if you have the brand and number that would be nice to have as well.


#71861 Bbb?

Posted by DTReaper on 29 January 2006 - 12:36 PM in General Nerf

Yes the BBB was rereleased.


#94795 Bbb Modification Help

Posted by DTReaper on 19 November 2006 - 11:27 AM in Modifications

The dart also might be too fat for the brass, it also could be the length is too long for the darts. I know some of my darts have problems with 1/2" brass.


#67945 Bayonet

Posted by DTReaper on 18 November 2005 - 07:45 PM in Homemades

Dude can't you read his other post
" can you get pics cause i anit a literal learner"


#67948 Bayonet

Posted by DTReaper on 18 November 2005 - 08:42 PM in Homemades

I am thinking of another thread and that was sacastic my last comment. Sorry about the incovinience.


#63465 Basic Mods To Improve Nf Range And Functionallity

Posted by DTReaper on 11 September 2005 - 11:07 AM in Modifications

Richomundo I didn't do that I just copied it as I stated in perenthases(sp.) so I don't know how it works but if someone else did it and claimed it did then it may have or may not have I don't know so don't ask me about that one.

#63418 Basic Mods To Improve Nf Range And Functionallity

Posted by DTReaper on 10 September 2005 - 12:00 PM in Modifications

In one area I put basic mods to do to the nite finder to improve range and functionality.
This is not a right up.
1.take out the air restricters (obvious but still).
2.Replace barrel (again obvious but necesary).
3.Replace or strech spring (the often overlooked but very effective thing to do)(Even though it loses its lifespan it increases range and you can just get another spring).
4. Put E- tape under the O-ring on the plunger to get a better seal or you could replace the O-ring with another bigger better sealing O-ring. (often not done).
5.spray silicon spray on the O-ring (Essential).
6. add rubber bands or bungees or surgical tubing (blatantly obvious and most common done).
7. Cut off ammo holders and put brass in the batteries area (more holsterable).
8.cut sights off for faster drawing speed (losing risk of catching on clothing or holster).
9.take out light to make it lighter less weight or to put something else in its place (sspb).
10.Put some RTV silicon sealent on end of plunger head (sound decreased).
11. add a silencer (more silent).
12. Chop off the cocking handle at the end and add a key ring or zip tie or something there to reduce kick. I think I first saw that in Thirst's TTG mod. I don't think it's a problem on NFs too much with kick, but mine does send darts a few inches high and that might help.(props to nerfmoney at hq for this one)
13. add more barrels (ie. ompa's nf20)
Any more basic or more complex mods for the night finder (not right ups) that help to improve range, accuracy, or functionallity please post them or your thoughts and comments.
1,2,3,5,6,10 and 11 can be used in any spring gun.
edit: Personally I did numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9, and 10 and it now has a very very high volocity(sp.) and it looks as though it could leave bruises.

#72990 Auto Dart Tag Guns

Posted by DTReaper on 12 February 2006 - 09:06 PM in Modifications

Or those spinny metal things that you see in the discovery store?


I think that runs on solar energy.


#87121 At4k

Posted by DTReaper on 11 August 2006 - 09:12 AM in Modifications

You don't really need a write up for every gun you mod. This gun is basically saw off the stck barrels leaving the center post intacted on the turret and the barrel holder(if you have one you will know what I mean). Gluse some new barrels on CPVC, crayolas whatever you can get on and still have the turret auto advance. then open it dont touch anything but the pump take that out put some glue on the release valve put it back and there you go. Its pretty basic stuff. But don't I repeat don't touch anything but the pump on the inside because in all likelyhodd you will fuck it up and it won't work right.


#86780 At4k

Posted by DTReaper on 08 August 2006 - 08:45 AM in Modifications

I must disagree the At4K I have has never jamed on me and true its power isnt as good as the At 2K and 3K it still has good range especially for indoor wars. Just adding my two cents.


#134443 At2k Tank Q And A Thread

Posted by DTReaper on 30 December 2007 - 06:11 PM in Modifications

I probably already did one of those, holy crap here it is http://nerfhaven.com...ic=9018&hl=AT2k . Good luck with fixing it just scroll down a bit to see what you want.


#64990 At2k Tank Expansion

Posted by DTReaper on 03 October 2005 - 08:31 PM in Modifications

Go to nerfevolved.com and look in mods for the 5K tank expantion. That may give you some ideas.


#134591 At2k Problem

Posted by DTReaper on 01 January 2008 - 02:12 PM in Modifications

Yeah thats what you do just dont mess up the outside edges of the membrane or the gun will leak. Really a small hole in the middle is all you need. But when mine blew up it wasnt the top part of the goo gauge the bottom part like blew off but it really didnt defen me. Really its up to you what you decide to do. Thats the buety of these guns is that there are so many possibilities for them and its all up to the modder as to how to do it.


#134563 At2k Problem

Posted by DTReaper on 01 January 2008 - 01:19 AM in Modifications

Well if worst comes to worst you could always just glue the outer pump part to the shell with some hot glue. But if you do this be liberal feel free to use alot and if you mess up just reheat the glue with hot water and it will become maleable again so you came get the pump out. But really the goo gauge doent matter I personally did the mod in my guns and it worked rather well its just if you pump it too much the goo gauge will fail. I think at 10 pumps or something like that. But as Piney said don't be discouraged most blasters are very forgiving and can be fixed, to a certain point. Good luck.


#79165 At2k Mod Problems!

Posted by DTReaper on 08 April 2006 - 04:05 PM in Modifications

This may help I'm not sure bu her you go
It's my solution to the front gasket part coming off the valve but it may help you out.


#71048 At 4000

Posted by DTReaper on 15 January 2006 - 04:17 PM in Modifications

I am gonning to soon get a 4000 and I realize there have been many topics before about this I know I looked but none really sepecify a Barrel length. So I am wondering how long to make the PETG barrels where as it can still rotate freely but have the length to get good distances. So what length should I use?