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There have been 143 items by Hoceky (Search limited from 06-May 97)

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#197403 Which Sports Do You Play?

Posted by Hoceky on 20 December 2008 - 02:40 AM in Off Topic


Competitive Freestyle Skiing

Lifeguard during the summer


#197404 Vulcan Won't Feed

Posted by Hoceky on 20 December 2008 - 02:42 AM in Modifications

The rotating gear is probably cracked. This happens to alot of Vulcans.

#197862 Lancer Chainsaw?

Posted by Hoceky on 21 December 2008 - 08:59 PM in Modifications

Have you tried this one? It looks similar to the original chainsaw that FA_24 used.

#197893 Auto Tommy 20 Pistol

Posted by Hoceky on 21 December 2008 - 10:00 PM in Modifications

Wow cool, similar to Ubermenschs (is that how you spell it?) How did you clean up the cuts on the end?

That is german for Superman.

#197926 Lancer Chainsaw?

Posted by Hoceky on 21 December 2008 - 10:48 PM in Modifications

Have you tried this one? It looks similar to the original chainsaw that FA_24 used.

That isn't it.

I didn`t say that it was the same one. I said it was similar. I you are going to argue lets take this to PM.

#201395 Team Canada!

Posted by Hoceky on 05 January 2009 - 11:37 PM in Off Topic

Booyah! Canada beat the Swedes 5-1. Gold medal baby! Reffing was a bunch of BS though. The Sweden goalie was also a huge asshole. He probably went to theatre school. His helmet was ripped off from two "collisions" with Canadians.

#201628 Halo 3 Skull Malfunctions?

Posted by Hoceky on 07 January 2009 - 09:11 AM in Off Topic

Also, in the campaign scoring part, only the gold skulls give you multipliers. The silver skulls are just for fun.

Right on the ball again Maeric.

#201750 Anyone Else Have This Problem?

Posted by Hoceky on 07 January 2009 - 09:44 PM in General Nerf

This hasn't happened to me. I am always sure to grab the back of the plunger before dry-firing so I can slow it down (I have an older, non-recalled version).

Same here.

#201941 Halo 3 Skull Malfunctions?

Posted by Hoceky on 08 January 2009 - 08:03 PM in Off Topic

And for a heads up there are new skulls in the Mythic map pack.

The map pack dosent come till the Halo 3 Recon release

#203043 Question On Painting

Posted by Hoceky on 13 January 2009 - 08:43 AM in Modifications

There was a topic about this yesterday. Look harder or search.

#204114 Calgary/ West Canada War?

Posted by Hoceky on 17 January 2009 - 01:12 PM in Nerf Wars

I'd be down for that. But I woudn't count on us having it in the spring though just in case we have another late winter.
Then again we could rent a gym or something.

Same Here. We would need to do it in June sometime because we couldn`t risk a May snowstorm. Put me down.
EDIT: Here is a small list of people in the area.

Killim Spree



EDIT2: I e-mailed Falcon about Season of Foam already and the only western Canada area they will be stopping at is Vancouver.

#204570 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by Hoceky on 18 January 2009 - 10:29 PM in Off Topic

Gamertag: Hoceky

Games I Play:



Halo 3

Rock Band 2

Fallout 3


That is all ... for now.

#204869 Calgary/ West Canada War?

Posted by Hoceky on 19 January 2009 - 09:29 PM in Nerf Wars

I have done some minor mods here, mostly AR removals, and my personal best an AT2k(no re barreling though)
though probably will use my longshot,(ARs, and weak spring added).

EDIT: Where is parkland? South Calgary? If it is I may not be able to come.
It is in the south, so I can't come sorry.

What community do you live in Nuuk? I live in Edgemont if you know where that is.

#204897 Calgary/ West Canada War?

Posted by Hoceky on 19 January 2009 - 10:46 PM in Nerf Wars

Attention! small war at the school in parkland, tuesday 20th after exams, more details tommorow.

So..... Where's the details?

#206470 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by Hoceky on 25 January 2009 - 10:50 PM in Off Topic

What is "Nazi Zombies"? Is it something you unlock after you beat the game?

The minigame Nacht der Untoten (German for "Night of the Undead") consists of 1–4 players fighting an unlimited number of waves of Nazi zombies. Players can work together with other people to kill the zombies known as "co-op" mode either offline with two players or online with 2-4 players. The players gain points by injuring or killing the zombies or repairing boarded-up windows, which are used to remove blockages inside the bunker and to gain access to more useful weapons than the starting pistol and unlock more rooms. Zombies continually break the windows to gain entrance and to find and kill the players; when all players die the game is over. Yes, you unlock it after you get the acheivement the last stand. Taken from Wikipedia.

#208102 Crossfire Help

Posted by Hoceky on 31 January 2009 - 12:42 AM in Modifications

You can always hammer a screwdriver that will fit into the back of the plunger until it comes out. This is what I did to my friends CF.

#208258 Halo 3 scumbag Rifle

Posted by Hoceky on 31 January 2009 - 02:32 PM in Modifications

Oh. I thought it somewhat resembled a battle rifle.

#208267 Steelers Vs. Cardinals

Posted by Hoceky on 31 January 2009 - 02:48 PM in Off Topic

Steelers Win I'm guessing around 17-4

#208278 Arsenal Organization Tips

Posted by Hoceky on 31 January 2009 - 03:18 PM in General Nerf

Here's my closet small aresnal organization thingy.

Posted Image

#208463 N-force Swords

Posted by Hoceky on 31 January 2009 - 11:01 PM in General Nerf

If you were to integrate a lightsaber/sword into a gun it wouldn't it be a bayonet now? Then we could run around yelling BANNNZZZAAAIII!

#209022 Homemade Nerf At Cracked.com

Posted by Hoceky on 02 February 2009 - 08:05 PM in Homemades

I'm gonna use a SNAP to hit a button that ignites a flamethrower that sets the tannerite on fire, blowing up the car, sending a piece of shrapnel onto the firing button of a minigun which fires at the ground, setting off my homemade claymores which set fire to my thermite grenade that burns so hot its residual heat lights my Salvia blunt. :lol:

Rube Goldberg Machine eh?

#209032 Double Nf Enhancment

Posted by Hoceky on 02 February 2009 - 08:18 PM in Modifications

EDIT- sorry about the pics if you don't have an account on this website, but it was the only way for me to get them to work.

Use Photobucket.

#209157 Sof Seattle War

Posted by Hoceky on 03 February 2009 - 12:30 AM in Nerf Wars

Damn. If air fare didn't cost so much I could go.

#209656 Ff Cocking Question Respond Asap

Posted by Hoceky on 04 February 2009 - 11:20 PM in General Nerf

It's probably because the plunger rod was upside down.

#210924 The Sfd Clip

Posted by Hoceky on 09 February 2009 - 06:45 PM in Darts and Barrels

What brand of deodorant is it? I'm guessing Old Spice right?

#210934 The Sfd Clip

Posted by Hoceky on 09 February 2009 - 07:15 PM in Darts and Barrels

what is knex

Is it the full word or just an abrreviation?

I just want to know and I think it'S a legitimate question for a noob nerfer

P.S. Don't hurt me admins

Really? It's a building toy like lego. A quick google search wouldn't have hurt now wouldn't it.

#211032 The Sfd Clip

Posted by Hoceky on 09 February 2009 - 11:21 PM in Darts and Barrels

Thank you everyone, and yes Hoceky, its old spice... is that pronounced Hoss-ecky?


#214326 +bow: Diy Thread

Posted by Hoceky on 22 February 2009 - 09:34 PM in Homemades

Posted Image

Does the thickness tolerance matter if the thickness is 1/4 and 1/8? In the above picture the polycarbonate is not the same part# as the one on the part list. Correct? I would prefer if CS replied to this. Thanks.

Edit: Replying to your post Splitlip, does it matter what kind of polycarbonate you order from Mcmaster just as long it's 1/4 and 1/8 in thickness?

#214795 Ok I Really Need Some Help Here

Posted by Hoceky on 24 February 2009 - 09:50 PM in Modifications

Recon springs won't do much, but here's a little advise:

  • Your seal looks very...Interesting. Try a shorter Barrel/Better adhesive
  • If you can, I advise using a spring from Here These springs are a great improvement, but require a coupler washers on the plunger head

Those are +bow/Ar 15 springs right?

#214801 Switch Shot Question

Posted by Hoceky on 24 February 2009 - 09:56 PM in General Nerf

Unfortunatly, I only have normal, if you mean the whole gun, then it's about 3/4" too big for normal, so I'm guessing that it wouldn't fit in thinwall either.


How many times did you push the 'Add Reply' button? It's four posts of the same thing.

#214802 Switch Shot Question

Posted by Hoceky on 24 February 2009 - 09:57 PM in General Nerf

Unfortunatly, I only have normal, if you mean the whole gun, then it's about 3/4" too big for normal, so I'm guessing that it wouldn't fit in thinwall either.


God damn server lag, the same thing happened to me!

#214967 Quake Live Open Beta

Posted by Hoceky on 25 February 2009 - 07:04 PM in Off Topic

I like killing CPU Strogg better. They sound funny when they die and then this green mist comes to get them...

#215995 Lancer: A Product Of Kappa Sigma Armory

Posted by Hoceky on 02 March 2009 - 07:30 PM in Modifications

If you were to take the foam insert, and cut it backwards of the way you want it in the box, you would be able to hide the marker lines in the foam.

Lancer looks great!

I actually did cut it backwards, but I didn't cut it quite right, so it I put it in the "correct" way, it looks weird and the gun doesn't slide in as well. I am going to paint that part of the foam anyway, so it isn't a big deal. Thanks for the help though.

Also, cheesypizza001 made this comparison picture a while ago and just sent it to me, so I figured I'd throw
Comparison Picture

How are you going to paint it? I thought spray paint ate foam. Maybe if you hand painted it.

#216004 Where To Buy At2k's

Posted by Hoceky on 02 March 2009 - 07:53 PM in General Nerf

Just a question directed at all Canadian Nerfers. Has anyone ever seen an Airtech 2000 for sale at a Canadian retail store? I have never seen them so I was wondering about denser populations like Ontario. Thanks.

#216011 Nevermind.

Posted by Hoceky on 02 March 2009 - 08:11 PM in Off Topic

I had a problem like this except right here on Nerfhaven. Splitlip would know about it because I waited 5 months for the seller (not Splitlip) him to ship my blasters. I'm afraid there is nothing you can do is raise the dispute up to the next level. Why are you helping your brother anyways? Isn't this his problem?

#216024 New Improved Vulcan On My Website

Posted by Hoceky on 02 March 2009 - 09:33 PM in General Nerf

Were you trying to make the vulcan look like something from Halo? It's a great website that's very organized. I like it. How did you modify the vulcan? It's just cardboard...

#216030 New Improved Vulcan On My Website

Posted by Hoceky on 02 March 2009 - 09:49 PM in General Nerf

Don't turn into one of these cursed things.......
Posted Image

#216040 Lancer: A Product Of Kappa Sigma Armory

Posted by Hoceky on 02 March 2009 - 10:42 PM in Modifications

How are you going to paint it? I thought spray paint ate foam. Maybe if you hand painted it.

There is no need to bold/underline/italicize things to make them seen.

Anyway, I will obviously do some test painting on extra foam before I decided what paint/dye to use. I have painted foam before with no trouble.

Oh sorry about that, I was just trying to make my point really obvious.

#216136 Gorilla Glue Or Epoxy?

Posted by Hoceky on 03 March 2009 - 06:40 PM in General Nerf

There are only two types of glue I use. Fishin glue and plumbers goop.
I don't see a reason why I should use anything else when it comes to the plastics in Nerf guns.

What is fishing glue?

Fishin Glue that is meant for fishing line. In other words, it's just super glue.

#216734 The Countess

Posted by Hoceky on 07 March 2009 - 09:49 AM in Modifications

The blood effect is just you Angel. I love the Maxshot. Mad Props.