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#88869 1/4 " Slingshot Ammo

Posted by Team Slaya on 03 September 2006 - 09:57 AM in General Nerf

They can most likey be found at www.cabelas.com . I looked around, and here's the split shots. I dunno which one is 1/4", if they have it. - Linkage


#72923 3b

Posted by Team Slaya on 12 February 2006 - 12:54 PM in General Nerf

I, personally, am among the people who don't like the BBB - I never got any results off of it, and I couldn't get the catch back in once I opened it up. So now I have a half screwed up BBB with the front sawed off gathering dust. Not too fun - I payed a pretty penny for it before the re-release. Others, like CustomSnake, have gotten really nice results off of it and really like it. It's all a matter of luck, I think. Or skill. Probably skill, I'm not the best modder ever. But don't expect to get over 70' flat with a BBB.

In my humble opinion, I think you should find a Maxshot. You could probably find one on ebay for $20ish, which is how much a BBB is at stores (right?). And Maxshots get easily over 85' flat when singled. But all in all, it's your cash. Just don't be an idiot and get ripped off like that guy who payed like $110+ for an LnL or something insane like that.


#56821 3dbbq

Posted by Team Slaya on 06 June 2005 - 09:25 PM in Homemades

I suppose I'll second that...
Anyways, last we've seen from 3DBBQ was his new game, GunnyBunny2, a sweet flash game with great graphics. I posted it somewhere on this website but I believe it was eaten. Do a google search if you want to play it.

Actually, GunnyBunny 1 and 2 are on flashplayer, along with a bunch of other games/moves that either suck or own. Check it out.


#120467 4chan?

Posted by Team Slaya on 19 August 2007 - 11:37 PM in Off Topic

/b/ sucks today.

Ugh, I hate that site now. It was hilarious a while ago. Now it's mostly porn, which gets old quickly unless you're single, and repeated memes with no creativity. I could be amused for HOURS on /b/ before, and now I go on for about 10 mins and I'm so bored because mostly nothing goes on. Every once and then something is funny, but still. Most of the charm is gone now.


#63103 7/16 Backer Rod?

Posted by Team Slaya on 05 September 2005 - 04:20 PM in Modifications

Most people use 1/2" with CPVC. It's just really tight. They use it mostly for springers. Just use a smaller barrel than you usually would. Like around 3" or less for an NF.


#62873 A Full Auto Homemade

Posted by Team Slaya on 01 September 2005 - 05:01 PM in Homemades

It would also be interesting to see if you could take these re-usable tanks and just make a semi-auto kind of thing. Make it big enough for around 5 shots, so you could make a 5 round ompa clip and incorporate that into the system. To use, load the air tank and clip in. Cycle and fire all five rounds, then repeat. I dunno how you'd be able to really do that, but it's just an idea.


#65241 A Nerf Gun Commercial!

Posted by Team Slaya on 07 October 2005 - 01:53 PM in General Nerf

Wow. That dart tag vid was the shit. We need a course like that... except bigger.


#80724 A Nerf Silencer!

Posted by Team Slaya on 24 April 2006 - 03:40 PM in Modifications

Spartan, you have the right idea with the felt, just use foam. It'll be more effective. Thats only on spring guns, however. Search for Renegade's (?) silencer for air guns, or use Carrtoon's.


#61253 A Nerf Video Game

Posted by Team Slaya on 06 August 2005 - 01:27 PM in Off Topic

Tex, I can't seem to play the game. It claims it's loading, then does jack squat. I tried it on other comps at camp, and it worked there. Hmmm, does it only work on XP?? I run on Win2k.


#67771 A New Custom Dart

Posted by Team Slaya on 16 November 2005 - 02:52 PM in General Nerf

You could also put a dab of hot glue in a little indent in the front of the dart. This would secure the weight, once it dries, enough to put in the Plasti-Dip. Not too tough.


#65058 A New Discovery

Posted by Team Slaya on 04 October 2005 - 05:24 PM in Modifications

True, or he could be using a cylinder modded MS and can revolve it really fast. Who knows?


#65042 A New Discovery

Posted by Team Slaya on 04 October 2005 - 03:21 PM in Modifications

Same! I used my singled triple shot, however. It sucks like there's no tomorrow at about 40 feet, but two shots at that distance can be pretty sweet. Good accuracy too.


#64843 Air Tech 2000 Mods?

Posted by Team Slaya on 02 October 2005 - 01:55 PM in Modifications

Hey, whoa! Chill out. These guys are just saying that the 2k is probably the most highly modded/found gun out there. There are many different things to do to them. I can't imagine how you couldn't find one by searching the modding section. Also, look over your criteria closely, you may have not specified to go back over all of the topics, just the ones that were posted in the last month, per say.

Also, I don't get why newbies these days don't just make up their own mods. As CXWQ said once, other than removing the restrictors, adding new barrels, plugging pumps, and adding bands there are only a handful of gun-specific mods. Make your own up, don't be a forum n00b and ask for obvious stuff. My 2C.


#81235 Air Xxl Bazooka

Posted by Team Slaya on 04 May 2006 - 09:04 PM in General Nerf

Macgyver on NHQ has two of these, and with stock darts through about two feet of PVC it gets around 100' flat. With a shorter barrel and mega stefans this gun would own all.

As to how it works, it's just a very large plunger. You pull it back by taking the handle on the top and racking it back about 16 times. Basically the whole body is the plunger/plunger tube, i'm guessing.


#77666 Airtech 2000 Single Barrel

Posted by Team Slaya on 26 March 2006 - 11:09 AM in Modifications

Lilsniper, here's a solution. Do the crayola part of this mod, and then measure how far the 1/2" PVC goes into the coupler, and glue that much PVC on the end of the crayola. Then, stick the coupler on that piece of PVC, and It should come out straight. Just put hot glue EVERYWHERE. It's what I did, and it hasn't failed me yet.


#66325 Airtech 3000 Mod

Posted by Team Slaya on 22 October 2005 - 04:29 PM in General Nerf

NN, just think about it. If the Barrel Material that you're using isn't fitting the darts well, a.k.a. there's space between the dart/suction cup(if using stock), then most of the air will escape, because air travels the easiest path out. So, make sure that your darts fit well. Use a more tight barrel material for spring guns like CPVC, while a slightly looser fit like PETG or Brass is usually a better choice for air guns.


#66326 Airtech 3k Tubing Blown!

Posted by Team Slaya on 22 October 2005 - 04:38 PM in Modifications

Doom, you might have a high temp hot glue gun, and then you're right, they're only really good for darts. But i've connected vinyl and other things of the sort, and it does bond. Your idea will make it permanent, and mine will also if you don't jostle it around too much. Sorry if it didn't work for you.


#66289 Airtech 3k Tubing Blown!

Posted by Team Slaya on 21 October 2005 - 11:08 PM in Modifications

You could always take it off and replace it with the same size vinyl. Just use liberal amounts of hot glue.


#56498 Airtech2000mod

Posted by Team Slaya on 03 June 2005 - 10:00 PM in Modifications

Ehhhh? If it's coming out of the pump "tube" then that's a broken check valve at the back of the pump. Uncureable. If it's the handle/shaft itself, then yes that's an overpressure release valve acting up. Take out the handle/shaft, look in the back, and clog the small hole with hot glue.

Odd. I had the same problem with my At2k - the check valve thing - or the problem with air leaking out the pump tube. I thought that it was just the fact that there was too much space between the o-ring and the pump tube itself, so i just slathered (sp?) around it and various places on my pump. Worked like a charm.


#86137 Another Ma Skirmish?

Posted by Team Slaya on 30 July 2006 - 10:53 PM in Nerf Wars

The 19th is perfect. I'm gonna start asking around with my usual nerf buddies to see who can come. I have upwards of 500 darts to bring as well, both micros, megas, and zeros. I went completely ape shit on making darts, I dunno. Something came over me. And those late night shows on comedy central really helped. Whatever, I'm coming, just to let people know, and I'll probably have at least one with me.

OMC, have you found out if any of the NJ guys can come?


#86864 Another Ma Skirmish?

Posted by Team Slaya on 09 August 2006 - 12:32 AM in Nerf Wars

Awesome, NJ guys! Thanks for helping clarify the date. I'm really looking forward to this.

Now for specifics, we may as well start now. What time, about, should be there? Noon? I'm pretty flexible about this, it's really up to the NJ'ers, for I dunno when they're getting up, if they're driving up that morning. Whatever, we've got time.


#86752 Another Ma Skirmish?

Posted by Team Slaya on 07 August 2006 - 10:31 PM in Nerf Wars

It would be a large stretch, and I highly doubt that I'd be able to make it then. We're supposed to go away the week of the 21st, so I'd have to not go then and go a week later. If it absolutely comes to that, okay. But I'd really rather not do so.

Is everyone else good for either the 19th or 27th?


#87289 Another Ma Skirmish?

Posted by Team Slaya on 13 August 2006 - 12:59 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm DEFINATELY gonna be there.

I'll be bringing 1-2 people, as previously advertised.

I talked to my melrose buddy. He says that he's still unsure about his friends, but he's coming. I'm gonna check in with him tomorrow and get a head count.

The milton crew will probably be about 3-4 people as well.

There's other random people here and at NHQ as well. There's gonna be a good turnout from MA, don't worry about it.

About the time, 11-12 sounds good. Anyone wanna solidify it? I can make either, I think that 12 would maybe work better for the NJ'ers, for then they have more time to get up here. And I'd like to nerf for as long as possible.


#87567 Another Ma Skirmish?

Posted by Team Slaya on 15 August 2006 - 06:40 PM in Nerf Wars

Yes, the park is named Cunningham Park. And as a notice to everyone, we should meet in the obvious looking parking lot at the front of the park.

And, since no one gave any feedback, I'm assuming it's just gonna be at 12. Objections?


#85785 Another Ma Skirmish?

Posted by Team Slaya on 26 July 2006 - 01:57 PM in Nerf Wars

Sweet OMC, that sounds great. They'd feel right at home, too: I've gotten into Megas, now.

Speaking of ammo, I have an assload, and there would be more except I ran out of foam. I'll most likely get some more before this war.

Plus, I got a hold of macgyver, the guy from NHQ who couldn't come with all of our ammo last time. I now have his cell number which will help a lot. He says that he can probably come, and he'll have a lot of ammo/guns/maybe people with him.

I'll probably get a guy or two to come with me. Tell us if this date works, folks


#87598 Another Ma Skirmish?

Posted by Team Slaya on 16 August 2006 - 03:23 AM in Nerf Wars

Okay, 11 it is. I don't know what you mean by a large showing of us, per se, but there will be decent lot of us. I'm checking in with people tomorrow to solidify things, and I'll post/edit this tomorrow night.

There's also the milton crew, they have to tally themselves up. And there are a few random people not in any large group that need to be counted, as well as a few NHQ members.


#87797 Another Ma Skirmish?

Posted by Team Slaya on 18 August 2006 - 10:38 PM in Nerf Wars

Hope you guys enjoy the event. I am not lucky enough to be attending. I tried.

Ouch, that sucks. Sorry you couldn't make it.

That reminds me, what's the headcount on all of the NJers? Just curious. I'm bringing two, my friend in melrose is bringing 4 or 5, and I have his cell #. I also have OMC's cell #. Plus, we have a couple stragglers from here and NHQ who may show.

See you guys in less than 12 hours.


#87844 Another Ma Skirmish?

Posted by Team Slaya on 19 August 2006 - 07:41 PM in Nerf Wars

Ah, well it was good that you made it then.

I must also reinforce that this war kicked a lot of ass. Thanks to the 7(?) NJ people who came up, that really made the war. Those longshots are really good, I got nailed a lot from those suckers.

Overall I'm very sore, and extremely satisfied. Thanks guys and girl!


#85355 Another Ma Skirmish?

Posted by Team Slaya on 19 July 2006 - 03:48 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey all you MA folks, it's time for a bit of a summer checkup. I've found out that I'm going to be home all summer, and instantly thought about nerfing. Is anyone else up for it? Maybe we can even find a week for OMC to come on down.

Send some feedback, we'll get this going.


#85686 Another Ma Skirmish?

Posted by Team Slaya on 25 July 2006 - 02:48 AM in Nerf Wars

So, to accomodate both OMC and Mimic, does the 3rd week of august sound good to people? I'll probably be fine, I gotta check with the folks on when I'm going away then, it'll probably be fine.


#85363 Another Ma Skirmish?

Posted by Team Slaya on 19 July 2006 - 07:42 PM in Nerf Wars

Hehe, score. I knew I could count on the milton guys. I'm also gonna send a PM over to macgyver of NHQ... but I doubt that he's gonna respond to it. Who knows? Maybe he will. If he does I know that he will bring people and a boatload of ammo. He's the one who didn't show up last time with all of our ammo, if you remember that.

Okay, so that's a couple of us. MA'ers, cmon!


#85425 Another Ma Skirmish?

Posted by Team Slaya on 20 July 2006 - 07:46 PM in Nerf Wars

At no time during the summer? At all? Not even one weekend? Ugh, that's rough. -_-


#85516 Another Ma Skirmish?

Posted by Team Slaya on 22 July 2006 - 03:56 PM in Nerf Wars

Good to hear, guys. If you can make it that'll be awesome. I'm already making darts. :P

Dates shouldn't be a problem, we might want to start planning for maybe the first/second weekend in august? I can pretty much make any date that you guys throw out there. We should be able to find a good day.


#60552 Any Mmorpg Players?

Posted by Team Slaya on 29 July 2005 - 06:45 PM in Off Topic

Everyone is claiming that guild wars is gunna storm the market because there isn't a monthly fee, but the point of the monthly fee is to improve the game. WoW is always getting new quests, raids, items, and monsters because of the steady flow of income. Thats why guild wars sucks. Same old game. Thats why Diablo is hacked up one side and down the other. Diablo owned until my disc stopped being read and I got hacked into and all my mules stripped. T'was good when I had it though.


#64074 Any One With Bbb Mods?

Posted by Team Slaya on 21 September 2005 - 08:28 PM in Modifications


Even though there are some newbies around here, don't smash them into the ground. You were probably once like that, as was I.


#64031 Any One With Bbb Mods?

Posted by Team Slaya on 20 September 2005 - 09:17 PM in Modifications

Nice CN, you're really helping here. Woah look it's a coincidence! It's a cool smilie, just because you're jealous that you can't use it because you're not cool enough doesn't mean that you can rag on the newbs. :alien:


#57106 Any Out There In Ma?

Posted by Team Slaya on 09 June 2005 - 09:27 PM in Nerf Wars

FG - Okey, I'll have $20 when i come

User - Damn... i forgot it was a park... no electricity... you see, this is the problem. I'll be getting my brass there, so i won't be able to mod before hand, therefore i'll seriously suck... oh well.

Kiljhadh, is there a place nearby that we could get some electricity? Probably not, but i'll bring a plastic cover just in case.

NOB - I'll be making stefans all this weekend and next, but it'll only total around 200. I have some stock darts, but those don't count. Hopefully, someone else will bring a shitload, because I'm gunna need most of mine. I'll be happy to shell some out.


#57066 Any Out There In Ma?

Posted by Team Slaya on 09 June 2005 - 04:34 PM in Nerf Wars

Sweet FG, thanks a bunch. How much would it all cost?

User - 26th, as NOB said, would have Kiljhadh coming, and I would like the biggest total of people we can get there. If there are any problems with the 26th, TELL US SOON! As you may have realized, we only have another week (*EDIT* Heh, just kidding. After user's post, i do realize that we have over 2 weeks. *END EDIT*). Also, i think that people should leave according to THEIR schedule - how much time to get home, when dinner is, etc. For my family, dinner is usually 7-730, and we're 10-15 minutes away from arlington, so i'd probably leave at 7 if other people were still there, but if it's just me and Yazz (also from lexington) then i'd leave. Just a suggestion. I'm willing to come earlier as well, i would like the longest possible time, because it's basically the only nerfing i'm doing all summer, and it's my first war. Just ideas, again.


#57267 Any Out There In Ma?

Posted by Team Slaya on 11 June 2005 - 06:19 PM in Nerf Wars

Kiljhadh, how far is your house from the park? Is it walking distance? If so, modders could, theoretically, come to your house to mod, then walk over to the park with you. That would work better, for there is an obvious lack of electricity in the middle of a park.

Arcanis/userjb, could we have a set-in-stone headcount? I'm just curious, and it's probably just the old list plus 1 or 2. Thanks if you can do so.


#57379 Any Out There In Ma?

Posted by Team Slaya on 12 June 2005 - 08:04 PM in Nerf Wars

What if I were to say: "I could bring a maximum of about 8-12 people....."
How would you respond to that?> 
Then there is the problem of transportation and getting by the parents.

Where did siler go? Siler, are you still with us? We need your people! :P

Most of us might have weapons for them. Check how many can actually come, and if you can make it, and then get back to us soon.

And yes, i know that he posted a while ago.



I'm sure his parents don't want a whole bunch of kids they don't know tramping through their house and making it stink up with epoxy and hot glue and dropping plastic shavings all over. I understand the fact that you're getting the brass there to mod your gun, but you can just borrow someone else's gun (my aresnal has grown, use one of them). Alternatively, I could just bring my epoxy and my pocketknife, which requires no electricity, and will work just as well as hot glue and a dremel.

Okay, yeah, i realize that it's somone's house, but still, I seriously need to glue 2 things, and then i'll have a modded Maxshot. :huh: