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#232356 Recapping Chano 2: Electric Boogaloo

Posted by Demon Lord on 25 May 2009 - 12:15 AM in Nerf Wars

ChANO2 was just as Effeminate as the first one, plus I didn't have the load to haul this time!
Btw: The diddle Gun's actual name is The Bullwinkle attachment. I'll have a write-up in a couple of weeks hopefully...in theory

+ Having my newest attachment design work flawlessly
+ Getting a kill with an almost stock Titan (Sorry Beaver!)
+ Still having an Effeminate CTF game
+ Striking fear into the hearts of my opponents as part of Team Juggernaut
+ Being reminded why I started in this hobby

- Still long delays between rounds (didn't help I showed up lately, so this isn't a big deal)
- Not having that playground
- Invincibility?
- STILL falling out of that tree...

I look forward nerfing with everyone again and attending more wars over the summer.
And for those who are interested, Kast Run is the friend of mine.

#231715 Recapping Chano 2: Electric Boogaloo

Posted by Demon Lord on 21 May 2009 - 03:36 PM in Nerf Wars

The Titan scenerio is the most easily done of the three without needing a large group, unlike the other 2. And I have all the supplies needed for that as well which I can bring to the event.

#233637 Rear Loading Double Shot (picture Heavy)

Posted by Demon Lord on 31 May 2009 - 06:28 PM in Modifications

Make sure the the CPVC sticks out from the PVC by about a 1/8 or an inch or so to ensure a good seal.

#291607 R Series Blasters - Overview!

Posted by Demon Lord on 26 December 2010 - 10:18 PM in Homemades

CPVC at lowes is generally right next to the PVC in that same isle and is beige as a rule instead of white.

#300842 Quick Stefan Question

Posted by Demon Lord on 30 June 2011 - 11:44 PM in Modifications

@kingjulien: That's just another form of a craft foam dart. Whether you use washers or rounds weights, craft foam is just not good padding at all as is does compress during the gluing process and absorb the adhesive. This will lead to the padding being harder than the foam body of the dart.

#288778 Primary And Secondary?

Posted by Demon Lord on 23 November 2010 - 12:51 PM in General Nerf

Another definition of a secondary is a back up or hold out blaster. Something you can draw quickly while reloading your primary. This is usually something of the pistol variety.

#297765 Osama Is Dead

Posted by Demon Lord on 01 May 2011 - 11:39 PM in Off Topic

After the news I have but one thing, to say:
BOOM! Headshot!

And for the actual comment, it took just almost 10 years, but we got him.

#303350 Orange Mod Works Kit Reviews

Posted by Demon Lord on 15 August 2011 - 12:32 AM in General Nerf

Think of it this way with the kits; it will encourage people to try out their own mods and ideas. People swap out springs, add longer barrels, and when a person has a whole spare set of internals sitting around, people will mess around with those to see what they can do.

#284122 Orange Fbr

Posted by Demon Lord on 27 August 2010 - 01:58 PM in Darts and Barrels

Demon Lord, can you add pics? Anyways, I bought some McMaster foam and I like it a lot, good petg airgun fit, cpvc springer fit.

ok can you send the number so i can try it out.

It was several months ago that I bought the stuff, so no, I don't have pictures of the darts. I salvaged what I could of the washers and felt and threw the foam away.

#284077 Orange Fbr

Posted by Demon Lord on 26 August 2010 - 11:43 PM in Darts and Barrels

Learn from my mistake, don't buy it for darts. Its a high friction, skinned foam rubber and makes horrible darts.

#294165 Official Steam/pc Gaming Thread

Posted by Demon Lord on 08 February 2011 - 04:58 AM in Off Topic

Steam account name: DemonLordDirge
Display name: Various X

If you want to add me as a friend, search for DemonLordDirge.

#276929 Not Chano 4 - But Still A Decent War

Posted by Demon Lord on 05 June 2010 - 11:30 PM in Nerf Wars

For a war in possible flash flood zone during pouring rain, things weren't too bad.
- Got instantly drenched as soon as I got out of my car
- My nightfinder had better accuracy with the stock darts we were using than just about anything else on the field
- My +bow shooting a streamline 70ish feet horizontally, then watching it curve 90 degrees up and flying another 70 ft.
- Nerfed in a flash flood zone on top of hills
- Good people
- Small war
- Only played Carpe Testiculum, but those were good rounds
- Free foam!

Next time, let's have less flooding, but over all fun.

#179243 Niu Humans Vs Zombies Needs Help!

Posted by Demon Lord on 23 September 2008 - 11:39 PM in General Nerf

As you may know, we had the shooting on Feb. 14th. We are currently trying to get the game back to the point it was at but we need some help. We have some people still complaining to us about insensitivity.

This is very unfortunate, and obviously not in any way your fault or responsibility, but all the same it might be best to "lay low" at least until an anniversary passes. Maybe look for some off-campus locations, to help keep your organization going, even if you have to pay a use fee.

No matter how politic you are about it, it only takes one person's objections to royally screw you over, while such a community wound is fresh.

The thing is that the "advisory board" wants to get rid of HvZ COMPLETELY. As in shut down the club. We do more than Humans Vs Zombies games, we have held and are planning to hold NERF wars and other events but these people are threatening to end all that.
My name is Tim Peterson and I'm the Graduate Adviser of the club. We've fought long and hard for the very little the club has and now we are threatened with being shut down for something out of our control by a board who did not consult the people involved with the club nor consult any of the victims or their psychologists. All that is being asked is that people who nerf email the above address to show support of the club and what it does. If you have story about HvZ or something similar, tell it. That's all we can ask. Thanks for the support.

#179788 Niu Humans Vs Zombies Needs Help!

Posted by Demon Lord on 26 September 2008 - 06:24 PM in General Nerf

Now if it is that non-players are not being sensitive to your club, ask why that is. I suggest being strategic about where, when and how you conduct your games. Be ready to take breaks in the action so you don't molest other people on campus. As for defending your game, it's no more risky or obnoxious than a soccer or ultimate frisbee game. Make sure that people clean up their darts. If people don't like the fact that you are playing with TOY guns, avoid getting into arguments with them. Always always always be polite and stay calm. Be prepared to show off your 'BLASTERS' (yeah I still call them nerf guns myself, but like so many things in college wording can be key).

The concern from this board is that the 150 or so students that were in the room when the shooting happened at NIU is that the sight of the NERF stuff will trigger PTSD flashbacks. Upon talking with some of the students and the department involved, none of the people at the shooting were contacted by the board about this, the board just presumed they weren't healed yet and went ahead and are trying to shut us down.

#148758 Nite-con

Posted by Demon Lord on 01 April 2008 - 10:27 PM in Modifications

What about flipping the firing chamber and catch upside down? That might make the catch work in the Recon, but it looks like you might have to machine something to link the catch to the trigger considering the space between.

#293580 Night Vision For N-strike

Posted by Demon Lord on 30 January 2011 - 06:45 AM in General Nerf

I can see in darkened areas for HvZ in campus settings or indoor wars with the lights out that something like this could be handy. Scenario specific of course, and defiantly not something I'd set out to buy if I had other things to buy, but a neat little find. Retarded? No. Niche. Quite.

#281114 Nerf Stampede - Reviews & Internals Guide

Posted by Demon Lord on 24 July 2010 - 01:53 AM in General Nerf

At least it isn't/doesn't appear to be reverse plundered. Looks like a good RoF gun and IMHO very tacticool looking and fast reload type as well. Is Nerf listening to us?

#287366 Nerf In Snow

Posted by Demon Lord on 22 October 2010 - 11:56 PM in Nerf Wars

From experience from MANO 1.5, don't use white stephans. You won't find them in the snow.

#318159 Nerf Elite Retaliator

Posted by Demon Lord on 08 July 2012 - 01:44 AM in Modifications

Hasbro measures maximum ranges by angling the blasters and from what I've been reading angled shots are actually really close to their claims. Anyone with proof feel free to correct or back me.

#305729 Need help locating where I can get a spring for the Bullet Guard for t

Posted by Demon Lord on 11 October 2011 - 06:55 PM in Modifications

1. They are not bullets, they are darts. Learn the difference.
2. Check out Lowe's, they sell an assorted pack of springs for a few dollars that probably has a spring similar to the size you need.

#304374 Need Ebay Shipping Help Fast Please

Posted by Demon Lord on 06 September 2011 - 12:55 AM in Off Topic

You could also use a flat rate shipping envelope too. Also available at your local USPS.

#156442 Motorized Buzzsaw Mod

Posted by Demon Lord on 20 May 2008 - 10:21 PM in Modifications

Wow, just wow. Now I NEED to do this to my Buzzsaw now.
I've been kicking around this idea in my head for about a month but wasn't sure how to hook up the motor and that just gave me an idea on how to do it.
Thanks for the great write up.

#273657 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by Demon Lord on 29 April 2010 - 03:43 AM in Modifications

Posted Image
Painted by Merzlin for an A3k trade.

#287158 Mobstacles 2.0

Posted by Demon Lord on 18 October 2010 - 11:30 PM in Homemades



Yeah, There very easy to set up after our core decides to run 80 feet. Haha.

Using these as cores has been fun and interesting, but we really need to do something smaller than 4' square, and yet still larger than a shoebox. One day I'll get around to making a 2' elevated cube for a core. Also, the whole runaway core thing is a huge problem, and it's not the first time that happened.

Ground stakes would be a good idea, or tying it to a tree or three might work as well.

#338917 Milwaukee Area Nerf Outing S.S. 3/10!

Posted by Demon Lord on 13 May 2014 - 02:47 PM in Nerf Wars

Count me as a maybe. And maybe pluses.

#312750 Milwaukee Area Nerf Outing 8.0

Posted by Demon Lord on 12 March 2012 - 04:45 AM in Nerf Wars

I am a possibility.

#314861 Milwaukee Area Nerf Outing 8.0

Posted by Demon Lord on 27 April 2012 - 01:01 PM in Nerf Wars

I can confirm that I will be there.

#329205 Midwest Nerf Camping Weekend

Posted by Demon Lord on 30 April 2013 - 09:13 PM in Nerf Wars

June 15th is when SPANO is this year, so Cataclysm shouldn't happen that weekend. That being said I would push for the second weekend in July.

#303637 Mayhem in Milwaukee

Posted by Demon Lord on 21 August 2011 - 12:40 AM in Nerf Wars

With that date move, I might be able to make it.

#158549 Mav Problems

Posted by Demon Lord on 09 June 2008 - 04:28 PM in Modifications

Restore the original spring to the gun and add several pennies to the back end of the spring (4 or 5 should be enough). This will get rid of dead space in the gun and should give some extra range to the darts.

#270169 March 2010 Minnesota War

Posted by Demon Lord on 24 March 2010 - 01:29 AM in Nerf Wars

I have the TPB stuff, and I will bring it...assuming other surprises don't take up that much room in my car.

#270835 March 2010 Minnesota War

Posted by Demon Lord on 31 March 2010 - 02:03 AM in Nerf Wars

+ Worth the trip
+ Carpe Testis is an awesome game type
+ Beautiful Snowman seize in the first round of Capture the Snowman
- 6 hour drive
+ Unique DtC round with the hill
+ Newell park is awesome
+ HAMPS are fun to use
- Still not my favorite to use currently
- Monolith not being used
+ Getting parts to finish the Monolith
+ Meeting a ton of cool people
+ Directing EVERYONE during team games

I can definitely say this was one of my favorite wars so far and will be attending more in the future.

#286575 Mano 3

Posted by Demon Lord on 04 October 2010 - 08:15 PM in Nerf Wars

Mark me down as a maybe, I'll request the time off of work.

#286776 Mano 3

Posted by Demon Lord on 10 October 2010 - 09:51 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there. I'm leaving about 430 ish, but I'll be there

#286909 Mano 3

Posted by Demon Lord on 13 October 2010 - 12:19 PM in Nerf Wars

EDIT:I know that you particularly made it clear that the only person that is allowed a shield is the Spartan, but
if I wanted to use a low-range blaster such as the stampede itself, would you make an exception for the stampede shield? Or is that a no-go?

I'm not trying to be a dick about it, but I would like the shield to be a class only thing. Rounds with no classes should be fine though.

Awesome, I had a shield to test out.

#277222 Mano 2.5

Posted by Demon Lord on 09 June 2010 - 02:36 AM in Nerf Wars

Add me as a maybe for the war.
Is it a problem if I lay claim to the reason that the melee length rule exists due to my melee weapons?

#277306 Mano 2.5

Posted by Demon Lord on 09 June 2010 - 10:24 PM in Nerf Wars

Helps when that 5ft staff of mine hs more kills than my guns do.

#274274 Mano 2 - Burrito Explosion

Posted by Demon Lord on 07 May 2010 - 09:51 PM in Nerf Wars

Like Louiec3, I too will have stuff to sell, including some rarer guns

#274486 Mano 2 - Burrito Explosion

Posted by Demon Lord on 10 May 2010 - 10:12 PM in Nerf Wars


+ Fastest round of Guard/capture the flag EVER
+ My shoulder mounted Assault HAMP working beautifully
+ Good zombie round
+ Getting rid of my excess nerf guns and getting 4 feet of brass and a couple of guns I've wanted
+ Meeting good people, if a little slow between rounds
+ Massive dart recovery, AGAIN
- Slow between rounds
- Not using the Monolith
- Zombie rounds need rules tweaking
- Is it possible to have a good powerball round?

Overall a good war, not the best but memorable anyway. Especially nerfing in hail.

#273658 Mano 2 - Burrito Explosion

Posted by Demon Lord on 29 April 2010 - 03:48 AM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there barring some sort of unforeseen tragedy.