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#182934 Moddel 2 Stefans

Posted by Team Slaya on 10 October 2008 - 11:04 PM in Modifications

VACC dispenses great wisdom.

(start of cock sucking) Dude, he's Vacc, he pisses wisdom in the morning. (end of cock sucking)

My friend thinks that the rifling in the longshot's barrel helps accuracy, I nearly died laughing.

I think that VACC was the one who said that the ribbing in the LS barrel was for her pleasure. I'm still laughing.


#182919 Chaos

Posted by Team Slaya on 10 October 2008 - 10:24 PM in Modifications

Yay! Chimera variations! I love it!

I live 20 minutes from Fenix, so I was one of the first few to try it, and they're the fucking best. They're a great design, I completely agree that everyone should try to build one. Leaving it unplugged is smart though, having them be battle-legal is important.

And while I'm here, I gotta say that using the Titan barrel was a great idea. It looks awesome with that in the front, and everything telescoping out in the front gives it a nice, slanted frame. A little bit less visible glue would be nice, but from how you hold it it seems like you wouldn't be able to see much of it.


#182914 Moddel 2 Stefans

Posted by Team Slaya on 10 October 2008 - 10:13 PM in Modifications

Listen, fool. Rifling has been proven not to work with Nerf guns. Even if it did, your idea would do nothing to make the dart spin, and would probably throw off the dart's balance. Additionally, it is way too much work. You have no idea what you're talking about.

I'm just wondering, is there someone making you do this whole process? I'm just posting an idea of mine that I believe is good. I know that rifling works better for higher powered nerf guns, and goes down with lesser power. But maybe some of us like this exrta work. Especially when no new mods are out and we have nothing to do. Now if you have to do everything posted on nerf haven please PM me and I'll never post again, but I just want to get my ideas out to the public. It also gets me mad when people blow off ideas because the have been "proven". If they actually have I'm fine with that but come on, I have the right thought procces and logical thinking about this right? This is at least halfway credible right? Besides, I'd bet you it's easier than it looks.(With the exception of making the moddel for the dart head.)

Whoa, whoa, off of your soapbox now. For someone who's trying to assume a non aggressive position on all of this, you're being rather aggressive. This is how flame wars stop, quit while you're ahead.

In any event, did you search for previous threads on this? Because I know there's been one or two in the past, which have been shot down for the same reason that this one is - because it's completely unnecessary. Darts work surprisingly well when made well as is, not much improvement is really needed.

I hate just shooting down ideas, so I'll bite. Do you KNOW that it works? Post some pictures, god forbid a video of such comparisons. This is a new way of making darts that many people don't believe in, and if you've found results that are worth the effort, then by all means, post them! I'd actually like to know whether this works, it's interesting. But post some test results! If it doesn't work as well as you've hoped, ask for possible tips on improving it. Don't just come on here with a new idea and expect everyone to like it immediately; there's got to be some discussion on a DISCUSSION board, and discussion is about the exchange of possibly conflicting ideas. But I digress.

Know that you're completely right - the nerfing community's content production is going down. There is, on the whole, less innovation and new content per se. New ideas are always good, but just be willing to take what people say here.


#166071 Apoc #7 Reaction Thread

Posted by Team Slaya on 02 August 2008 - 09:58 PM in Nerf Wars

Being the biggest war I've ever been to, Apoc was a blast for me. Sure, we dicked around a bit, but we still kicked a lot of ass. 50+ rounds were Effeminate, we fought through the rain, the new/young kids kicked ass, I'm sore tonight, probably tomorrow too. Mission accomplished.

And yeah, thanks badger for unloading your arsenal. That was great stuff.


*Edit* Yeah, no problem bio. Though you did rub like half the paint off of the handle. :) No harm done.

#159885 Spring Mano, Part 2

Posted by Team Slaya on 20 June 2008 - 11:40 PM in Nerf Wars

Just for a bump update, come at 10:00 or close to it! If you follow the road and look to the right you'll see us.


#159749 Spring Mano, Part 2

Posted by Team Slaya on 19 June 2008 - 04:02 PM in Nerf Wars

@Jackster, and anyone who doesn't have a sizeable/existant arsenal - I am bringing a lot of weaponry, as is Fenixharth. I will happily lend, as long as you're careful, any and all of my stuff to those in need.

@Jackster, partII - That would be SICK if you could come. We always like having other people than my crew and Fenix's crew.


#159559 Spring Mano, Part 2

Posted by Team Slaya on 17 June 2008 - 09:31 PM in Nerf Wars

We'll see what we can do, Jack. I don't blame you, this probably isn't going to be the biggest war ever, but we'll almost assuredly have 10+.

Augh, that sucks laxtk! Next time. Maybe we can get to them quicker about plans and such.


#159557 Team Fortress 2

Posted by Team Slaya on 17 June 2008 - 09:28 PM in Off Topic

I play occasionally. My ID is Renholder if you want to buddy me on Steam. PM if you wanna play sometime.


#159454 Spring Mano, Part 2

Posted by Team Slaya on 16 June 2008 - 10:21 PM in Nerf Wars

Ok Thomas, I'll put you down as there +1 maybe.

Laxtk, any chance you could have your parents call me with concerns/questions? Maybe I can coerce them into letting you go... :D Or have you already crossed the "absolutely not" line? If you think it'll help, shoot me a PM and I'll PM you back my number, we'll see what we can do.


#159013 Spring Mano, Part 2

Posted by Team Slaya on 12 June 2008 - 08:04 PM in Nerf Wars

The date, unfortunately for Thomas, that Fenix and I arrived at was Saturday, June 21st. Who other than thomas cannot attend then, and would the 22nd work better?


#157305 Spring Mano, Part 2

Posted by Team Slaya on 28 May 2008 - 06:05 PM in Nerf Wars

Lax, if you can arrange it, get captain or myself or whomever is giving you a ride to call your folks, and maybe arrange for a parent to pick you up. Parents like adults handling rides and such, and it's much more likely for them to accept their kid going off with a stranger's folks than just a stranger. Still, I can understand their paranoia.

So again, can others do the weekend before, which is the 14th? June is sneaking up on us.


#157202 Spring Mano, Part 2

Posted by Team Slaya on 27 May 2008 - 07:49 PM in Nerf Wars

This is still the 28th of JUNE that we're talking about, correct? If so I'm out, I leave that Saturday for VT and don't come back from that and other plans for 3 weeks, so yeah...

@laxtk88, Where do you live? Close to anyone who could pick you and your friends up? We're friendly/don't bite too hard.

Also @ Jackster's comment, this date conflicts with other wars. Does that affect anyone's ability/motivation to come?

The 28th is looking worse and worse, now stepping back. Are there alternative dates that people can manage? I can do all of the other weekends except for the first weekend in june.


#156137 Spring Mano, Part 2

Posted by Team Slaya on 18 May 2008 - 01:30 PM in Nerf Wars

Mmkay, so I'll admit, I've been a bit inactive on NH for a bit. Granted, I still should have kept up with the MANO planning schtick, which I didn't. So, apologies to all that have been waiting for this thread.

Considering how late it is in May, I doubt that a May war will work, and I think that all of the weekends are booked for me anyways. But an early June war isn't out of the question, methinks. Who could make an early June war?


*Edit tiem*


So far, we have

TS + 1-2
Fenixharth +~5
Thomas +1?

Note - 2 of those are maybe's. Please get back to me/the thread about coming, I'd really like to know.

And also, just so you don't have to search for it, the info for the game/location is here - http://nerfhaven.com...wtopic=8550&hl=

#152842 New Music...

Posted by Team Slaya on 23 April 2008 - 09:20 PM in Off Topic

As far as classical stuff goes, I can't stand modern classical like Bartok.

As far as death metal goes, I can't stand older bands like the Beatles. :blink:

TS: 0 , Thom:1


#152840 Power Armour Made From A Vacuum (work In Progress)

Posted by Team Slaya on 23 April 2008 - 09:17 PM in Off Topic

I'm with CS here; I still don't understand why you'd go through all of the effort to house the PVC which would work on it's own into a bulky plastic case that quite honestly looks worse than a PVC backpack would. You can easily add straps to the PVC and most likely strap them together to make it less cumbersome than the plastic case is now.

Is it really just for looks?


#151186 New Music...

Posted by Team Slaya on 14 April 2008 - 07:32 PM in Off Topic

If you're looking for lighter rock you might want to try Keane. They have a really unique writing style and sound, all around good. Other lighter favorites are The Flaming Lips, The Verve, E.S. Posthumus.

Radiohead is a strange band. They can span from awesome riffs to some of the most depressing music I've ever listened to. ALWAYS worth a shot, Thom Yorke is a monster. Another great British band is Muse, they're just amazing.

Heavier music can get fun with stuff like Arch Enemy, Devin Townsend, Lamb of God, etc. No real specific genre I like, but Devin Townsend is really slow and melodic, while AE and LoG are more riff oriented and heavy. All quality metal though.

I've gotta pay homage to Maynard and say that I adore A Perfect Circle. Tool's good too, but I personally like APC's' style better. Start with the album Mer de Noms if you're gonna check them out, it's really great.

Now for disagreements. Dragonforce is really only fun to laugh at, they're mindless shredding. As far as classical stuff goes, I can't stand modern classical like Bartok. I'm a renaissance kinda guy, I sing a lot of baroque as well, so my tastes are really for the more melodic side of "classical".

A lot of new bands these days are mindless metal bands or just par rock bands. Fewer things stand out as really good, but it's really all up to you. The best tool for finding music for me has been www.pandora.com, it's found me a ton of interesting new bands. Have fun.


#150571 East Coast Nerfers, Assemble!

Posted by Team Slaya on 11 April 2008 - 05:09 PM in Nerf Wars

Fenix, I'll call you tomorrow if I can come, it depends on work and such. I guess I'll post a thread eventually about a reschedule in May, which hopefully can net some people who would have missed out this time.


#150347 East Coast Nerfers, Assemble!

Posted by Team Slaya on 10 April 2008 - 10:59 AM in Nerf Wars

Bawwwwww, it's gonna rain on saturday. Well, at least it's a 60% chance. I'd say that this could be a warmup game and we could schedule another Spring game after break, because we only have Thomas, the lexington crew, and the melrose crew. If it's okay weather I'm still going, but maybe we can get a later date when this could work. Mid May, perhaps?


#146753 Double Tek

Posted by Team Slaya on 24 March 2008 - 10:41 PM in Modifications

I asked a buddy to pick me up a double pack of big blasts the other week, and they came in a pack with two BB's and two single teks. The single teks were originally going to be thrown somewhere dark, but I decided to CPVC them and they got decent range. Then I remembered the double NF, which was awesome. So I sawed off half of the handle, and epoxied them together. I also epoxied a metal bar through the exposed parts of the shell from one handle to the other for increased stability. Behold!

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The blue ring in the first picture is some velcro strap that I found in my garage. It hooks nicely to a belt, and both holds the gun secure and allows it to come undone easily enough to not be a hindrance.

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How to hold the Double Tek -

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A puzzle parrot about to meet it's doom -

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Ranges are about 45-50', but pretty damned accurate, easy to reload, and fun to fire. I'd call my attempt to transmute two guns that I thought I'd never use to one that I will a success. I'd suggest this to anyone who has two single teks laying around from a BB pack.


#146751 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by Team Slaya on 24 March 2008 - 10:28 PM in Modifications

Badass repainting of a laser fang that I got in crappy, chipped black. Redid the black, did everything else with Warhammer paint because I thought it would work the best. Also integrated a 1500 in the empty space a la Forsaken Angel. The blue isn't actually that blue, the flash makes it seem really bright. It's more of a dark blue.

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Teeth, etc.

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#146525 East Coast Nerfers, Assemble!

Posted by Team Slaya on 23 March 2008 - 10:10 PM in Nerf Wars

Even though it's only two weeks away, the 5th could work. I doubt it interferes with vacation plans, and OMC can come.

Skitzo, you might want to PM OMC about his travel plans; maybe you could hitch a ride and split the cost.

Can anyone give me definite numbers for who they're bringing? IF we decide on a date I think that'll help.

OfAll, and everyone else, definitely bring stuff to sell. I always bring extra money in case I want to get something, and OMC usually stocks up his car with PETG and goodies for all involved, provided they give him money.


#145101 East Coast Nerfers, Assemble!

Posted by Team Slaya on 14 March 2008 - 03:42 PM in Nerf Wars

Great, lots of replies! It seems that we have a conflict with dates with two people, Philote and OMC. We'll iron out the official time in a bit, I think it's too early to set a date in stone.

As far as guns go, many of the people who frequent these games have quite an arsenal and usually spread the love at these games, so don't worry about armaments. I will need more darts though, if anyone could see how many they have that'd help my estimations.


#144749 East Coast Nerfers, Assemble!

Posted by Team Slaya on 11 March 2008 - 06:11 PM in Nerf Wars

This thread should have been started long ago for the planning of our now 2nd(?) annual April MANO, which is gonna kick ass if we still have a decent number of MA attendees. Some of the Melrose crew has gone off to College, but Fenixharth is still around and is going to college nearby, meaning that he's spread Nerf there as well.

It's the same park as before, Pine Banks, and there are pictures here.

I'd like to know who could come, and what dates in April you CANNOT do. We were hoping to not do it during people's spring break unless the majority could come then. Anyways, your weekend options are

The 5th/6th


So if you're coming, or even if you're not sure, post back with dates that you can't do, and we'll schedule around them for the maximum turnout.

I'll also start the tally of people here -

Team_Slaya + 2-5
Fenixharth + 4+
Thomas +?
Captain +?

I'll edit this with updates and all.


#140018 Razor Fin Mod

Posted by Team Slaya on 13 February 2008 - 06:37 PM in Modifications

Bahahaha, I didn't even think about the digging in comment. :(

Thanks a bunch. @ Axelion, the trigger is surprisingly comfy. It makes you feel like you're aiming straight when you're aiming a little bit upwards, but only by a little bit, so it's still fine.


#139990 Razor Fin Mod

Posted by Team Slaya on 13 February 2008 - 05:16 PM in Modifications

Poo emailed me a while ago when I put up my WTB thread. So I got it before that thread went up.

Thanks! And yeah, at points it seems to be more work than it's worth for the mechanism.


#139988 Razor Fin Mod

Posted by Team Slaya on 13 February 2008 - 05:08 PM in Modifications

So I recently got a Razor Fin from Poo, and decided to dig right in. I looked in the mods directory and found no official barrel mod, so I decided to take pictures while I went along and see how it came out. Here's what I did.

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The razor fin's internals are fun - you get two barrels that automatically switch when you depress the handle enough. This means that the setup is a bit dicey, however. Once you have the gun open, there's a bunch of pieces that you have to save in order for the barrel switching to maintain intact. You get the three fins, which hold the top white piece that they're connected to in place. That white piece has a peg that the arm of the auto switch mechanism attaches to, allowing the auto switch to stay in place. I put dashes on the three fins, #'s 1-3, for an easier time when I put them back in. Here's a closer view.

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You can take everything out except the plunger tube and the barrels for right now, and put them somewhere where you won't misplace them. I also suggest putting dashes on the fins in the order that they go in, #'s 1-3, so that you can get them into place easier later. Once that's all out, you should be left with this.

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The plunger ain't too bad, and the spring is decent for a stock gun. I'm not gonna replace it this time around, but I will definitely later.

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Now, you might notice that the barrels really just don't want to move. That's because they're glued in via these blue pieces of plastic, which are more problematic than you might think.

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To get these out I took my trusty leatherman knife and pushed. Kind of a sawing motion but more just sliding through the plastic than sawing at it.

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Once the blue pieces are out the barrels will slide right out. You want to cut them right at that small black MS paint line.

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Now we need to cut out the air restrictors. Like the nubs before, your knife will work fine, and is quicker than pliers. You can also get all of the plastic out with your knife. Comparison of one done and one not -

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I chose 3" CPVC barrels for this gun, it seemed to be just enough length for the tight fit on my darts, and slightly longer than the original barrels. 17/32 brass or whatever is tight on your darts will work as well.

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To get a good seal, I decided to shove the barrels into the nubs of the old barrels. But the CPVC just barely didn't fit, so I sanded out the nubs with my drill press. Any form of sanding will work, just make sure that you don't go through the plastic. And remember, you can always sand more, not less. :(

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A couple minutes and a large pile of orange dust, they're in and glued!

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I then ran another bead of hot glue around the barrels and threw the original barrel sleeve on it. Straightens the barrels out and makes 'em look all nice.

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Crappy image post limit... Don't you post!

Part 2!

To finish up I wrapped the plunger head in e-tape and lubed it up. I use M1 All Purpose Lubricant, it doesn't smell too bad and doesn't eat rubber. Works for me.

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Now the re-assembly is the toughest part. First of all, there's a spring on the white part which holds the fins that originally attached to the upper blue nub (there's a picture of it with my knife in it) that held the barrels in. Considering that I obliterated the blue nub, I had to improvise. I took my knife and wiggled it through one of the ridges on the barrel sleeve and ran the spring through that. Hopefully the picture will capture the essence of this one. The crappy, MS paint'd arrows are pointing to the hole.

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Then you've gotta throw everything back in. Refer to the first two pics for that step. Make sure that the arm that runs from the auto rotation mechanism is in place on it's nub - that's the part that slips out the most. The catch spring is also pretty strong.

And then you're done! :D

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Ranges are sketchy right now because it's raining and I have no tape measure. I will update with ranges eventually. My rough ESTIMATE is ~50' with stefans and ~55-60' with converted tagger darts.

Comments, etc are welcome.


#139623 At3000

Posted by Team Slaya on 11 February 2008 - 06:16 PM in General Nerf

Piney, my 1500 had the same problem and I thought that I was screwed. I submerged it to find the leak, and then gooped it and let it sit for 48 hours. Came back and it held the pressure that it did before. So... go for it. :D


#139546 Music

Posted by Team Slaya on 10 February 2008 - 10:51 PM in Off Topic

Carbon, that song's pretty damn good. Great job. Reminds me of U2's 'I -will- follow' in places, actually. ^_^

So, contribution. My band has a couple of really rough cuts that we did on a whim one day at my place with a random mic hooked up to Audacity. This was back late last year, and lots has been changed since then. I'm on bass/vocals, and then two of my friends friends are on guitar and drums. We're doing more recording this weekend, so maybe we'll have good cuts with vocals then. Here are two songs without vocals.



#137889 B20

Posted by Team Slaya on 30 January 2008 - 10:09 PM in Modifications

I love it. The NF20 was beast enough, but a B20 is even more awesome. The dart tooth seems to work great as well.

Your pictures are only slightly confusing to me - in pics #5/6/7 is that with the gun in the extended position, or normally? If it isn't cocked I don't really understand how the tooth works. My basic understanding is that the tooth arm is attached to the back piece, right?

If your darts are small enough, you may want to use CPVC to barrel your turret. It's pretty much the cheapest form of good barrel material, at least for me and my tiny red stefans. The thing is, crayolas are a decent alternative to normal barrel material, but you will be able to get much improved range and accuracy from even <4" of CPVC on the turret. I don't know if the weight would throw anything off, but eh, whatever.


#137394 Make Magazine Essay

Posted by Team Slaya on 26 January 2008 - 08:21 PM in General Nerf

I like it... but I think that you should decide whether this is an article or whether it is a piece of fiction. The whole section about opening up the blaster and modding it and such doesn't seem to fit with the jibe of the article, nor the place where you're submitting it to. If you're out of ideas for why Nerf is awesome and everyone should do it, which should get you at least close to your 1000 words, I think you should stop there.

Other than that I think it's good to go. I'm crossing my fingers for it to get picked and published, which would kick SO much ass.


#135313 Maverick Turret Issues

Posted by Team Slaya on 08 January 2008 - 03:46 PM in Modifications

Well, after semi-hijacking the CPVC maverick thread and getting answers, but none that helped my predicament, I decided to branch out into the free, foam-invested world and plead to the whole damned mods forum.

I'm having some rather noobish issues with my (Old version) Maverick's turret - the part that holds the barrels themselves and the sheath that goes over it REFUSE to separate. I've taken out ALL screws that I can see, loosened the glue around the barrels, and nothing has helped. I'm rather pissed that I can't do this myself, and no one ever mentions this being a problem, but eh, shit happens. I even have pictures (although of low quality) this time! Jubilations.

Front of the turret.
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Back of the turret.
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Blurry, bloomed out zoom on the back.
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Any help is appreciated, thanks.


#135172 Maverick Cpvc

Posted by Team Slaya on 06 January 2008 - 06:56 PM in Modifications

Yes. I've unscrewed all screws that I can see, pryed some of the glue in between the shell that houses the original barrels and the barrels themselves, etc. I see no reason why it isn't moving when I pull with all my might, etc.


*Edit* Zippo fluid aside, no one has said a word about this being a problem, which brings me to believe that I've missed something. Every writeup just has "pry the turret apart" then "now that the turret is apart".

#135170 Maverick Cpvc

Posted by Team Slaya on 06 January 2008 - 06:53 PM in Modifications

Ah, I should have been more specific. I mean the two pieces of the turret itself, where the original barrels are. I have the rod off and all that, that comes off pretty easy. But I'd like to rebarrel the gun, and I can't get the larger yellow piece into both of it's pieces to access where the barrels are glued.


#135168 Maverick Cpvc

Posted by Team Slaya on 06 January 2008 - 06:47 PM in Modifications

I could be completely missing something, but I'm having troubles just getting the turret apart altogether. It seems like I'm pulling the correct way, but nothing happens. I can't even see anywhere to pry, either. :P

Sorry if you think this is hijacking, it just seemed the place to do it because I'm trying to CPVC my Mav.


#135090 Nerf Recon Spring Fix

Posted by Team Slaya on 05 January 2008 - 08:55 PM in Modifications

Ah, I gotcha now. Thanks a bunch for the explanation.


#134991 Nerf Recon Spring Fix

Posted by Team Slaya on 04 January 2008 - 10:35 PM in Modifications

Analogkid, mind posting another picture or two of the recon fix, or a more detailed explanation? Not having a recon, I only kinda understand the dead space issue, but I have no clue what those pictures are supposed to represent. I'm not angry, just interested if this makes the gun a buy for me or not. Moddability = buyability in my book.


#130258 Official X Box 360 Gamertag Thread

Posted by Team Slaya on 20 November 2007 - 07:02 PM in Off Topic

\I still need to beat halo 3 on legendary...


That is all. ^_^


#129701 Official X Box 360 Gamertag Thread

Posted by Team Slaya on 14 November 2007 - 05:36 PM in Off Topic

Gamertag = Phantocalypse

Games I play = Gears of War, Halo 3

I've recently gotten my X360 (under a month ago) and have had no troubles. Do you guys know if the rings only show up on older consoles, or are all of the consoles at equal risk? I've also heard that the rings show up because of overheating.


#128596 Bass Guitar

Posted by Team Slaya on 04 November 2007 - 07:48 PM in Off Topic

I use an Epiphone EB-0 Cherry SG bass. It's pretty sweet for what I got it for, which was $200 on sale at Daddy's, but it plays like a dream. I need to futz with the action, but a little truss rod tweak will do me just fine. It gets meaty low tones, as well as full mid tones and excellent sustain.

I've been playing for under a year, and have taught myself everything. I sing as well, so the musicality's all there and I just wanted to play bass.

I'm in a Rock band which is finally getting off the ground, as well as my school's jazz ensemble.


#127621 Do You Think We Kind Of Have An Anarchy?

Posted by Team Slaya on 26 October 2007 - 11:01 PM in General Nerf

Let's just let the thread die before someone else comes up and just agrees with everyone else...

i agree
