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Apoc 2007 (nj)

Official Thread

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#151 Evil


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Posted 01 August 2007 - 10:33 AM

LCM we need to figure out who is driving with whom. Remember we all need to be there a little before 10:00AM. I'm thinking we should travel by town, so the Pine Beachers (WeeMan, Shinny, Mantits, How-hard) should travel together and maybe the Beachwoodians and Toms Riverites (Warcock, Kuhlie, myself) should go together.
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2007 Great American GoreFest Champion (Aug. 4, Apoc)

#152 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 01 August 2007 - 12:34 PM

The round schedule is finally done after an LCM meeting and polling select individuals for their input. We did our best to take advantage of all the fields Deal has to offer, as well as offer both large and small rounds. The option rounds will break off into three groups of approximately twenty people. We hope you'll take advantage at the different round types at all the sites in the park. If we need to move people around to keep the groups roughly even in number, so be it.

There will be supervisors at each field in charge of maintaining order and keeping the rounds moving. It is your job to listen to them. Make sure you clean up after yourselves after each round.

The parking lot will not be our meeting place. We will be moving everything to a covered area nearr Resurrection Forrest. There won't be picnic tables or chairs. If you need something to sit on, bring it. Expect to be on your feet all day.

The weather report current says to expect high temperatures in the low 90s. Please plan occordingly by packing extra water (shoot for more than a gallon per person), a hat, sunscreen, and an extra T-Shirt if need be.

Round Schedule:
  • Civil War (Festival Area)
  • 30 vs 30 (The Grove)
  • Option
    • Primaries (The Grove)
    • Primaries (Resurrection Forrest)
    • Multi-Team Battle (Undiscovered Country)
  • Option
    • Gunslinger Heaven (The Grove)
    • Pistols (Undiscovered Country)
    • Primaries (The Last Frontier)
  • Lunch
  • Option
    • Primaries (Resurrection Forrest)
    • Primaries (The Grove)
    • Primaries (Undiscovered Country)
  • Option
    • Multi-Team (The Grove)
    • Gunslinger Heaven (Undiscovered Country)
    • Pistols (The Last Frontier)
  • Great American Gore Fest (The Grove)
  • 30 vs 30 (The Grove)
  • Multi-Tean Battle: Clans (The Grove)
Great American Gore Fest: Spring Pistols, Every Man For Themself, Sudden Death

Civil War: 30 vs 30 Rush across a field, no turning around until bnoth teams reach the other side, sudden death, no reverse movement, no tapping

Gunslinger Heaven: Before this war each nerfer will choose a partner and we will most likely break into two even battles, each with 2 man teams. You may only use a single springer single-shot pistol in this war. Each player begins with 2 hitpoints. When a player is hit for the first time he will take a flag out of his pocket and wear it somewhere visible on his person. This nerfer is now in Purgatory, and another hit sends him to hell (ie game over). However, if a nerfer in purgatory succeeds in sending another player to hell that player may remove the flag from his person (leave purgatory) and regain one hitpoint. Game ends when one team is left.
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Shindig of the Lawn Chair Mafia

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#153 shadowkid33



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Posted 01 August 2007 - 01:46 PM

Cool list of games you have there. Can't wait for the war.
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how the heck do you make a double clip?

Here are the steps.
1. Go to the search button in the right corner of the screen
2. Click
3. Search double longshot clip.

i dont have time, jeez, im new here!

#154 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 01 August 2007 - 03:14 PM

z80: Your PM box is full. Make sure your people are aware of everything in this topic. Thanks.

Matt: Myself and the brothers will most likely be riding in Kuhlschrank's van. We made the arrangements last night.
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Shindig of the Lawn Chair Mafia

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#155 Rambo


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Posted 01 August 2007 - 03:19 PM

Don't you think it's going to get messy/take a lot of extra time with the "option" rounds? I mean, I know I'm not a "select individual," just a thought.

Oh yeah, and what exactly is the clan battle going to be? There will be only 3 clans there with maybe 26/60 people - 30/60 if you count Team Fuck Buddy.

Edited by RAMBO, 01 August 2007 - 03:23 PM.

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#156 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 01 August 2007 - 03:31 PM

RAMBO, on Aug 1 2007, 04:19 PM, said:

Don't you think it's going to get messy/take a lot of extra time with the "option" rounds? I mean, I know I'm not a "select individual," just a thought.

We're going to do the best we can to keep the field supervisors in contact over cell phone or walkie talkie. If one round is going long, sudden death will be called to move it along. The problem here is that with the amount of people we have, 30 vs 30 battles are going to wear on people and the field if we do them all day long. Few fields at Deal accomodate that many people at once. It will be crammed at The Grove for some rounds, but we felt that for only part of the day it would be manageable. In short, we're going to do the best we can given the time and resources that we have.

RAMBO, on Aug 1 2007, 04:19 PM, said:

Oh yeah, and what exactly is the clan battle going to be? There will be only 3 clans there with maybe 26/60 people - 30/60 if you count Team Fuck Buddy.

We're going to even out the clans and then make other groups with the remaining people. For example, we'll try to combine cars/groups together as best we can. I have a list broke down for 30 vs 30, we'll be doing one for the Clan Battle Shortly. It's just an opportunity to make sure the people you came with are on your team for at least one round.
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Shindig of the Lawn Chair Mafia

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#157 TED


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Posted 01 August 2007 - 04:03 PM


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#158 Rambo


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Posted 01 August 2007 - 05:17 PM

I understand that it'd be hard to do 30vs30 every round and that'd be stupid even if you wanted to do it, but why not plan out the rounds even further to who is going to be where. I realize that this is also difficult especially since many first/second timers that you might not know very well will be there, but this just seems like it's going to take a long time between rounds.

For instance:
People A-F are at The Grove for Round 3, while Pepole S-Z are at Undiscovered Forest for Round 3. Then, People A-C want to do a pistol round, so they have to get to Undiscovered Country, while People Q-Y want to do primaries at The Last Frontier.

It's going to take a lot of juggling between rounds and I'm not convinced it's going to run smoothly. However, if you guys believe that this is the best way I'll trust your judgement.
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#159 TED


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Posted 01 August 2007 - 05:31 PM

Why don't you just shut up and let them do it how they want to?

Post whore.
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Star Wars can go fuck itself.

#160 Kuhlschrank



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Posted 01 August 2007 - 05:58 PM


The idea we are trying out at Apoc is one of choices. Some kids may not like pistol wars, or may not like Gunslinger Heaven(why, is another question but whatever.) Rather than piss off these kids by forcing them into something they don't like, we are giving them the option of playing game types that they want to play and hopefully with the people they want to play with. This will allow the highest number of people to get the most enjoyment out of the war.

That is not to say that if we have 40 people in one game type and 10 in the other 2, that we won't make adjustments, but in general it is the most conducive setup to each player's Apoc experience, even if it is not the most efficient way of doing things.

If you have anything else to add, please refer to Dark Shrimp's preceding post.
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+Kuhlschrank+ of the ~Lawnchair Mafia~

#161 z80



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Posted 01 August 2007 - 08:17 PM

Sorry bout that shindig, I forgot to delete my last message. Rounds sound awesome. And yeah clan match!!! Nightshift should be able to represent pretty well. Also gorefest sounds awesome. I guess I need to pack dual magstrikes! :(
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#162 Famine



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Posted 01 August 2007 - 09:19 PM

RAMBO, on Aug 1 2007, 06:17 PM, said:

I'm a fucking douche bag and have no idea what I'm talking about. I should probably just shut my fucking mouth and let the LCM, who have been Nerfing years longer than I have, run this shit.

Exactly Rambo, exactly.
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of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2005: Step It Up.
East Coast Nerf 2006: That's more like it.
East Coast Nerf 2007: I'm not driving to Massachusetts again.
East Coast Nerf 2008: Day of Regret.
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!

#163 Mantis



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Posted 02 August 2007 - 07:14 AM

Guys, GUYS! I know this whole choosing what battles you're in sounds tricky, and it is, I mean 3 whole options to pick from??
I can just imagine it now.

Paul: Ok, in the upcoming round you can either do a round with Primaries or a Multi-Team Battle. For the primaries, you can either play in the Resurrection Forest or the Grove. Those who wanna do the Grove, over here, otherwise over there. Anyone who wants to do a Multi-team battle, go over there.


This is gonna be ridiculous guys, better bring your thinking caps.
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Personal LCM Summer Tune-Up Stats:
Shots Fired: 2.1 x 10^4
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#164 Noobish111



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Posted 02 August 2007 - 08:37 AM

I might come. Just me. I just need to get confirmation from my parents.

I will bring a longshot, scout, maverick and hornet if anyone needs any spare guns.

My armory:
Primary: longshot
Spring pistol: Maverick if possible or scout

All of my guns are stock and noobish.... :(

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#165 One Man Clan

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Posted 02 August 2007 - 10:10 AM

I will do what I can to help the day run smoothly. I know ultimate decisions are LCM, but I've known you guys long enough, so I imagine you would lend me a administrative little power where needed.

I have been making ammo like a fiend. This war will PROVE I am without a doubt the One Man Clan. I cannot wait to debut the first version of my "battle wagon," provided it arrives in time. It was learned from the last deal war that this will be something definitely needed.

Only a few more days...
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I hate you.

#166 shadowkid33



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Posted 02 August 2007 - 12:26 PM

Battle Wagon? I think I just peed my pants.
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how the heck do you make a double clip?

Here are the steps.
1. Go to the search button in the right corner of the screen
2. Click
3. Search double longshot clip.

i dont have time, jeez, im new here!

#167 Death


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Posted 02 August 2007 - 02:09 PM

One Man Clan, on Aug 2 2007, 11:10 AM, said:

I cannot wait to debut the first version of my "battle wagon," provided it arrives in time. It was learned from the last deal war that this will be something definitely needed.

My money's on a Radio Flyer with a Razorbeast duct-taped to the handle.
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Let a man never stir on his road a step
without his weapons of war;
for unsure is the knowing when need shall arise
of a spear on the way without.  --Hávamál 38

#168 One Man Clan

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Posted 02 August 2007 - 03:07 PM

It's not as Bad Ass as it sounds, but Death is really not that far off.
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I hate you.

#169 VACC


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Posted 02 August 2007 - 08:44 PM

Hats off, I dig it.

The Infinite Shindig, on Aug 1 2007, 05:34 PM, said:

The round schedule is finally done after an LCM meeting and polling select individuals for their input. We did our best to take advantage of all the fields Deal has to offer, as well as offer both large and small rounds. The option rounds will break off into three groups of approximately twenty people. We hope you'll take advantage at the different round types at all the sites in the park. If we need to move people around to keep the groups roughly even in number, so be it.

There will be supervisors at each field in charge of maintaining order and keeping the rounds moving. It is your job to listen to them. Make sure you clean up after yourselves after each round.

The parking lot will not be our meeting place. We will be moving everything to a covered area nearr Resurrection Forrest. There won't be picnic tables or chairs. If you need something to sit on, bring it. Expect to be on your feet all day.

The weather report current says to expect high temperatures in the low 90s. Please plan occordingly by packing extra water (shoot for more than a gallon per person), a hat, sunscreen, and an extra T-Shirt if need be.

Round Schedule:

  • Civil War (Festival Area)
  • 30 vs 30 (The Grove)
  • Option
    • Primaries (The Grove)
    • Primaries (Resurrection Forrest)
    • Multi-Team Battle (Undiscovered Country)
  • Option
    • Gunslinger Heaven (The Grove)
    • Pistols (Undiscovered Country)
    • Primaries (The Last Frontier)
  • Lunch
  • Option
    • Primaries (Resurrection Forrest)
    • Primaries (The Grove)
    • Primaries (Undiscovered Country)
  • Option
    • Multi-Team (The Grove)
    • Gunslinger Heaven (Undiscovered Country)
    • Pistols (The Last Frontier)
  • Great American Gore Fest (The Grove)
  • 30 vs 30 (The Grove)
  • Multi-Tean Battle: Clans (The Grove)
Great American Gore Fest: Spring Pistols, Every Man For Themself, Sudden Death

Civil War: 30 vs 30 Rush across a field, no turning around until bnoth teams reach the other side, sudden death, no reverse movement, no tapping

Gunslinger Heaven: Before this war each nerfer will choose a partner and we will most likely break into two even battles, each with 2 man teams. You may only use a single springer single-shot pistol in this war. Each player begins with 2 hitpoints. When a player is hit for the first time he will take a flag out of his pocket and wear it somewhere visible on his person. This nerfer is now in Purgatory, and another hit sends him to hell (ie game over). However, if a nerfer in purgatory succeeds in sending another player to hell that player may remove the flag from his person (leave purgatory) and regain one hitpoint. Game ends when one team is left.

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#170 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 02 August 2007 - 09:45 PM

I sound like a broken record:

It's going to be ridiculously hot out there and the sun should be blazing. Make sure you plan accordingly. A hat is not a bad idea. Wear light colored clothes. Start hydrating tomorrow and make sure you bring plenty for you to drink.

Read what we've posted thus far and follow the instructions.

If you are bringing a homemade or overly powerful blaster, be sure to bring it for inspection before we start.

We'll be organizing the rounds and eating lunch in the same area. That area is not for general bull shitting unless its the lunch break. Listen to instructions. In order to keep the rounds going, we need you to cooperate with us. Violators will be dealt with accordingly.

Keep the park clean.

Be courteous of pedestrians.

If you want to bring a digital camera, go for it. We just don't want 15 people taking pictures each round.

The LCM are running this thing, ask us something if you have a question. If you can't find us, ask the Horsemen or Hersh.

Don't be a bitch. At last mental count, we have two founders, three ambassadors, and two contributors attending. In other words, it's a great way to have most of team NH hate you more than they do already.

LCM:Feel free to add to this.
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Shindig of the Lawn Chair Mafia

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#171 DX-Robert


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Posted 02 August 2007 - 10:00 PM

I'd just like to say that the masses need not act like idiots between rounds. Just shut up and listen when someone with authority wants your attention. It's that easy, we come to Nerf more than to babble. I'd also like to remind everyone to treat this park with even more respect than your own home turf, if you're like me and haven't ever been to Deal before. Let's not have it look like the aftermath of BCNO, with bottles and shit everywhere.
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#172 Evil


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Posted 02 August 2007 - 10:12 PM

Everything that needs to be said has been said in this topic but I would just like to add the unnecessary threat that the people who don't bring enough water will be left for dead, and those who don't listen or help Saturday run smoothly will be bound, gagged and sent home with Vacc to be added to his collection of man-child-flesh-toys.


Thanks in advance.


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2007 Great American GoreFest Champion (Aug. 4, Apoc)

#173 badger


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Posted 02 August 2007 - 10:19 PM

The Infinite Shindig, on Aug 2 2007, 10:45 PM, said:

Don't be a bitch. At last mental count, we have two founders, three ambassadors, and two contributors attending. In other words, it's a great way to have most of team NH hate you more than they do already.

Now might be a good time for any newer members that are planning on coming to Apoc to read the Nerf War Etiquette topic that is pinned at the top of the Nerf Wars forums. Alot of what is listed in the topic will really save yourself from undue hatred and loathing from team NH, as Shinny said. Use it as a survival guide to avoid being strapped to a tree and left out in the sun to bake if you decide to be a dick and not play nice.

BTW, Hersh, the package did arrive.
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As Carbon once said,

"The moment you can no longer see the fun in running around like a little child is the moment you begin to die."

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#174 TED


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Posted 02 August 2007 - 10:24 PM

Badger I saw you the other day!

You were stopped at the light at the corner of 31 and Church St. next to Wawa. I was like holy shit that's Badger!

I am so pumped for this war although it may just be me. Tailbone might be in Tennessee right now, not sure.

Edit: How could I forget Bitches better have cameras at this war. The NIC's level of sexiness is at an all time low, and I am here to change that.

Edited by Dark Shrimp, 02 August 2007 - 10:27 PM.

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#175 Groove


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Posted 02 August 2007 - 10:30 PM

No, no - it's not just you. I won't lie, this war gives me a major chubby just thinking about it.

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"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

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