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Official "show-off Your Crossbow" Thread

You show me yours, I'll show you mine.

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#26 Namm



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Posted 06 April 2008 - 07:23 PM

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Name: N/A
Mods Done: Level 4 reinforcement, replaced plunger tube, plunger head molded to tube, 4 piece barrel.
Integrations: N/A
Comments: I have two crossbows, and the other gets around 100' on a good day, thats normal for an xbow. I only ever use this one though, because it gets absolutely absurd ranges.
The original crossbow plunger tube actually narrows slightly towards the front of the gun, meaning the stock head will not seal further back, reducing the effective draw. By replacing the entire tube with PVC (almost same size, a little larger diameter) and then sizing the head to that, you can increase the draw length to that of the entire plunger. Also, an aluminum sleeved shaft, new spring, lots of bands, a 4 piece barrel (essentially CPVC to brass), and great dart/barrel don't hurt.

Edited by Groove, 03 January 2009 - 11:36 PM.

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#27 Twitch



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Posted 16 April 2008 - 05:40 PM

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Name: The Scythe
Mods Done: Level 4 mod, Arrowstorm spring replacement, 1/2" PVC or PETG barrels, (changed as needed) mounted to a cpvc barrel via a coupler. (Tag darts/Stefans)
Integrations: N/A (currently)
Comments: After my university's paper published an article about the University of Cincinnati Nerf Club, a group of architects and engineers read about me, and sought me out for guidance and counsel. They have this annual event where all the students are divided into groups of 3-4, and must construct a bridge able to support the weight of the group. Each year the event has a theme, and they had chosen the (at the time, off air) American Gladiators. They wanted me help to construct a small arsenal of weaponry to be used during their Assault game. As it turned out, one of the architect students had a handful of very old nerf guns. Among them were a broken Arrowstorm, and stock Crossbow.

I found this color scheme to resemble my insignia (emblazoned on the side, above the grip) when viewed from above. At the moment, bungees are not used, I have created a strip of steel angle-bar which I have curved to fit behind the limbs. I'm going to use the steel limbs to attach bungees.
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#28 flamebo388



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Posted 19 June 2008 - 11:01 PM

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Name: N/A
Mods Done: Level 4 mod, barrel; 2" of 17/32" brass nested in 10" of 9/16" brass with pvc shroud as protection
Integrations: N/A
Comments: I had to repair a crack near the barrel on the right side casing, and recently rethreaded 6 of the screw holes for new screws as I had lost all but two of the originals. Painting was done after that, I used a mesh bag cut up to create the pattern, krylon fusion yellow was used for the base coat and I then added the blue and purple by laying the mesh stencil over the gun and lightly spray the gun with each color. Finished her off with a nice coat of clear for protection. I'll probably do some internal banding as the tubing I used previously would ruin the clean lines of the gun and probably wear away the paint near the cocking handle.
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And as everyone knows, money makes the world go round. It's also the root of all evil, therefore the world going round is evil, and we should stop the rotation of the planet.

#29 mystefansdontflystraight



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Posted 18 July 2008 - 11:26 AM

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Name: Gemini
Mods Done: Most of this was done by Team_Slaya before I got it but here it is: LvL 4 reinforcement DT3 spring etc. Telescoping brass barrel, nested in sch40, in PVC coupler. I really went crazy on the reinforcement because I have wanted an xbow for so long and want this one to last me a while. I have 2 layers of galvanized steel plating protecting the spring rests, and metal pins glued in behind them. 2 nails are glued in the plunger rod under the catch to reinforce that. Foam on the plunger head.
Integrations: None as of now, maybe a SM1.5K later on.
Comments: My first, and probably last xbow. I got it from Team_Slaya for 40 bucks, as it was a bit beat up, and the plunger head was shrivelled up. To fix this I used a lot of etape, some FBR, and a lot of silicone lube. As you can see, I covered the whole thing in etape, as there was a lot of glue on the case that I couldn't get off. It turned out really well, and I think it looks good. I use a mini bungie for extra power. The little ring of CPVC on the trigger is to make the trigger more comfortable to hold, and is an easy alternative to rawray7's method of shortening the trigger pull. The xbow is called Gemini because I only use it with the two SM750s pictured, which my friend nicknamed castor and pollux, the two twins in the constellation Gemini. The xbow is my primary, the Sms are my sidearms. The xbow gets about 90ft avg. Flat, and the Sms about 75 ft flat. Im very happy with it.
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QUOTE(Blacksunshine @ Dec 24 2009, 02:15 PM) View Post

QUOTE(white moonlight @ Dec 23 2009, 01:29 PM) View Post

It's just screaming to be rearloading...

I seen a movie about that once.

#30 madmax



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Posted 07 August 2008 - 12:54 PM

My Crossbow:

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Name: Zeus
Mods Done: Level 3.5, no reinforcements on the inside besides plunger shaft, but I do have two bungees not in the picture that I use. Barrel is 12" of 1/2" brass inside 12" of 17/32" brass inside a 9/16" breech (multiple brass sizes so I can use all types of darts, large micros, small micros, ctds, ect.)
Integrations: coops at2k integration.
Comments: I got this for my birthday and proceeded to hack it up and make it look like crap. This was when I didn't care how my guns looked. Now that I do I got a new case off of a friend and made this. I think it looks nice with the lighting on the side. Name comes from the Greek god of the heavens. He throws thunderbolts at things. Not in picture is flames on the other side. I'm glad that the at2k integration came out well, and the barrels are straight. I have 2 bungees a crossbow spring and a sharpshooter spring. IT GETS OVER 200 FPS!

In case anyones wondering that weird looking bolt thing is actually a bicycle axle cut in half and bent so that I could use it as a screw. It works very well and holds the plunger tube in place.

Edited by madmax, 10 June 2009 - 07:13 PM.

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#31 Z4



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Posted 10 August 2008 - 11:39 AM

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Name: Emrys
Mods Done: CPVC Barrel with stabilized coupling, complete reinforcement, bungees (I forgot them in the picture)
Integrations: None at the moment but that will change within the next few months. I'm thinking about adding a Marvelous Salvo and a 2k.
Comments: This gun has served me well in my 6 months of neighborhood wars with it. The name means "immortal" in Celtic. Ranges used to be low for a Crossbow (~70), but I fixed a few things and now it gets around 85'.

Edited by Groove, 03 January 2009 - 11:27 PM.

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Z4 of the NIC
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#32 ice



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Posted 13 August 2008 - 08:51 AM

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Name: N/A
Mods Done: Level 3, no reinforcement. Couplered, Nested 9/16" brass with 3 inches of 17/32" at the end that holds the dart.
Integrations: Soon to be AT2k
Comments: It has a range of about 80 flat with the bungees and stock spring. Not as comfy as I thought it would be, but still very nice.

Edited by Groove, 03 January 2009 - 11:28 PM.

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<!--quoteo(post=206428:date=Jan 25 2009, 05:17 PM:name=Mukersman)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mukersman @ Jan 25 2009, 05:17 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
Turd stefans. When I pulled these out of the pillow case i was just like, what... the... fuck...

#33 Direct Threat

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Posted 17 August 2008 - 01:44 AM

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Name: N/A
Mods Done: Level 4 Mod. Bungees taken off for cosmetic reasons, PVC nested PETG barrel attached via coupler, 1/8th inch machined aluminum reinforced internals, new spring.
Integrations: N/A
Comments: I must have had this sitting around well over two years now, waiting for something to be done with it. I've messed around and used it here and there, but realized that it was just going to sit and collect dust, so I painted it up with the sole intent of selling it. I built some cosmetic enhancements onto it, and even prettied up the barrel extension. I'm really happy with how this turned out, although I would have liked to actually get ride of the lines on the front where I filled in the dead space for a more smooth finish.

Edited by Groove, 03 January 2009 - 11:29 PM.

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#34 Magic


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Posted 20 August 2008 - 07:42 PM

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Name: Ol' Reliable
Mods Done: Level 4 mod, Coupler, CPVC nested in PVC barrel, and SM1.5K barrel.
Integrations: None yet, but thinking about spy gear signal launcher or singled AT2k.
Comments: The best thing about it is I can use any barrel, I usually interchange the barrels to my needs during wars. Eventually a paint job may happen.

Edited by NerfOnFier, 20 August 2008 - 07:43 PM.

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#35 ScruffyLookingNerfHerder



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Posted 20 August 2008 - 10:23 PM

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Name: Virginia
Mods Done: Level 1, bone stock
Integrations: N/A
Comments: I bought this gun in 1996 at a local Target on a whim. Took it home and shot it a few times. My dad kind of laughed at the range. I threw it in the closet and since it was summer time I got caught up in Super Soakers and Air Soft and pretty much forgot about it. I bought a Vulcan recently and have started getting back into nerfing. Anyway, somehow it ended up in the attic space in my old bedroom room over the garage. I went over to my parent's house last week and unsuccessfully attempted looking for it. It was hot and cramp in there and short of getting dizzy I gave up... Earlier this week and made a more concerted effort put on some shorts and got a head mounted light and unearthed it in some bin way in the outer most rim of the smallest area of the attic space (about 3.5 feet high). the bow part isn't pictured, but I still have it. It has a crack near the middle and the yellow elastic band is kind of over stretched out and about to snap. I couldn't find any darts or arrows. The gun is in great shape. I threw a micro dart in it. It still has the same lame range. There is some minor cosmetic plastic smearing on one side of the rifle portion. Doesn't seem major.

Edited by Groove, 03 January 2009 - 11:32 PM.

#36 Gears


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Posted 26 August 2008 - 09:49 PM

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Name: I'll probably wind up naming after some girl I like at school. (Classy, 'eh?)
Mods Done: 100% Virgin. Never opened.
Integrations: Nope. Never ever.
Comments: I literally got home with this baby 30 minutes ago. I paid no more than what people pay for a Vulcan. My secret weapon? Friggin' Craigslist.com bitches. I advise everyone to use Craigslist as well. Don't know what it is? Figure it out. I got this gun cheap (for an XBow) and quickly.

EDIT: If anyone has any methos to removing the stickers without leaving residue, let me know.

Edited by Groove, 03 January 2009 - 11:23 PM.

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WoW is destroying my life.

-Groove out.


#37 Rover



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Posted 29 August 2008 - 11:52 PM

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Name: N/A, always found names a bit strange
Mods Done: Plunger tube replaced with some 1" thinwall pvc and plunger head sized to fit the new tube. 17/32 brass barrel. With a good fitting dart it'll go around 90' to 100'. I've also got a MAJOR overhaul in the works, expect a full writeup with pictures. My plan is to combine the best aspects of both the crossbow and the +bow. So what better way to do that than a mashup of the two?
Integrations:Never! Simple is always better.
Comments: I actually only paid $40 bucks for this about half a year ago. It was in a lot of shitty toys on ebay, and I ended up beating out Nerfer75 at the last second. I've still got all the stock parts, like the bow arms, string, and all that fun stuff. I tried to make my mod as clean and "nerfy" looking as possible. I'd say it was a success. It took tons of patience and an entire week of my time, but I managed to get it almost perfect.

Edited by Rover, 28 September 2010 - 06:16 PM.

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#38 ice



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Posted 30 August 2008 - 11:56 AM

Ok, finally finished my crossbow.

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Name: Hell bow (going to change as soon as I think of a better one)
Mods Done: Level 4, fully reinforced, 17/32's brass barrel (nested inside pvc)
Integrations: I didn't think it needed any.
Comments: Hit's 90 flat with my bungees, Every open area filled with silencing foam, added a coupler next to where the stock barrel was. I use it to carry my barrel when not in use, cause it makes the crossbow a lot easier to transport due to the size reduction of the barrel, and I don't have to keep the barrel in a different place,, it can stay with the crossbow.
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<!--quoteo(post=206428:date=Jan 25 2009, 05:17 PM:name=Mukersman)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mukersman @ Jan 25 2009, 05:17 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
Turd stefans. When I pulled these out of the pillow case i was just like, what... the... fuck...

#39 Kyrativ



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Posted 02 September 2008 - 06:05 PM

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Name: The ibow
Mods Done: Level?, PETG barrel, surgical tubing on cocking handle, lots of foam on inside for sound reduction
Integrations: N/A i would hate to cut up a crossbow shell just to put in another gun
Comments: +JC+'s old crossbow, I painted it gave it a new barrel and added foam to the inside. Hand painted band names and designs (beetles, led-zeppelin, pink floyd, kiss, and rolling stones)

Edited by Kyrativ, 14 October 2008 - 10:13 PM.

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The only nerfer who could kick your ass with a dart tag gun but not with a xbow


#40 FERD



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Posted 07 September 2008 - 01:41 PM

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Name: Unreliable
Mods Done: Level 3 modded, new spring, couplered with PVC with nested CPVC, and a custom paintjob
Integrations: N/A
Comments: This crossbow has been through 4 different heads and two paint jobs, but i finally got it to work out.
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#41 BustaDartInYOurAss



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Posted 12 September 2008 - 05:25 PM

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Name: Renee
Mods Done: Level 3, couplered with PVC with nested CPVC,Reinforcement with screws
Integrations: N/A
Comments: I bought this New in the box, and after about 2 weeks of never touching it, I finally modded it. I am pretty damn happy with the outcome.
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#42 Gears


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Posted 13 September 2008 - 07:21 PM

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Name: Ellen
Mods Done: Lvl. 4 reenforcement, 1/2 PVC coulpered, hunter green PJ, custom ELLEN PAGE inspired decals.
Integrations: None. I doubt I ever will
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Edited by Gears, 05 August 2010 - 02:42 PM.

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WoW is destroying my life.

-Groove out.


#43 ChiliPepperFender



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Posted 01 October 2008 - 11:54 PM

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Name: The Chilibow.
Mods Done: Lvl. 4 reinforcement, Plunger rod reinforced as well as the normal reinforcement. It used to be couplered but it kept breaking off so I just singled it with 8 or 9 in of PETG.
Integrations:A SM750 on top. It's fired with a keyring at the top.
Comments: The SM750 gets great ranges while the crossbow gets below average range. Probably around 50-80 ft but I've never range tested it since this last mod. The paintjob isn't the greatet while the blue marks look like a 3rd grader did it. The thing that matters is the gun works though.

The one thing that motivated me to finish this is a war coming up. I would have it couplered but it's just not as reliable. When I get some epoxy I probably will though. Plumber's Goop + epoxy putty hasn't held up too good. Honestly, I don't even like this gun too much, the stock isn't big enough for my likes and I'm a small guy too. Just knowing that everyone wants this gun makes me not want to sell it. HA. I'll probably find another at GW some day too, anyway. Glad to finally be in this thread!
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#44 Talio


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Posted 04 October 2008 - 07:40 PM

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Name: TALI-BOW!!!!!!!
Mods Done: Level 4, turreted main barrel
Integrations: N/A
Comments: 12 man hours between Split and me brought it back to life. Also my unmodded crossbow, for sale starting at $400 dollars! Split made the turret because I suck at doing complicated things.

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#45 Coop



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Posted 12 November 2008 - 06:39 PM

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Name: N/A
Mods Done: Level 4 reinforcements, 1/2 CPVC coupler. Painted orange with blue accents.
Integrations: AT2K with a 1/2 CPVC coupler.
Comments: I got it from SplitLip with its reinforcements, but integrated the AT2K myself. There is not a spring replacement, but I do use a bungie.

The Crossbow gets high 80s - low 90s with a bungie, and the At2K gets low 60s.

Edited by Coop, 29 May 2009 - 01:16 PM.

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On the other hand, the guy who posted before me used the word 'fuck' a lot so he probably knows what he's talking about.

#46 Gears


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Posted 16 November 2008 - 01:10 PM

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Name: Ellen
Mods Done: Level 4 full internal reinforcement. I use a 1/2 PVC coupler, this way I can freely change barrel types on the go. Custom United States Colonial Marines decals. Lackluster hunter green PJ.
Integrations: AT2K ala grenade launcher. Thanks to RyanMcNumbers/Coop.
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Edited by Gears, 03 August 2010 - 07:02 PM.

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WoW is destroying my life.

-Groove out.


#47 thaygor



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Posted 28 November 2008 - 05:16 PM

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Name: Mr.Bubbles
Mods Done: lvl 4 reinforcement.cpvc barrels
got this gun from a kid in my school for $50 and it came with a at3k. It got its name from the Mr.Bubbles kids soap stickers all over it and I decided to keep the name.The gun gets about 70-80 flat and 90 angled with a good dart.

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#48 Icespartan 1114

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Posted 29 November 2008 - 06:40 PM

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Name: Harbinger
Mods Done: Level 4 reinforcement. New plunger tube made out of 1 1/4 inch PVC, DT3 spring, 1/2inch couplers for both guns, silencing. Custom blue, black and white paint job.
Integrations: Sm1500, singled with a PVC coupler. The pump is located where the arrow was shot from.
Comments: I bought this crossbow from Splitlip today, so yes Splitlip modded the gun. He was a very easy person to buy it from by answering all my questions. I named it harbinger because I feel this crossbow has a lot to come out of it and to show to the nerfers on the Haven what it can do. This is my new primary and I am really happy with it. I use a 9in" PETG for the crossbow and a 6" PETG barrel for Sm1500.

Edited by Icespartan_1114, 17 January 2009 - 10:27 AM.

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QUOTE(Zaxbys @ Mar 2 2009, 02:08 PM) View Post
I won't be there til about 1-2...

Church... gotta soak up that Jesus!


#49 Magic


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Posted 30 November 2008 - 03:42 PM

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Name: Purple Haze
Mods Done: Level 4, CPVC nested in PVC.
Integrations: AT3K. Read about in comments.
Comments: I decided to keep this crossbow stock color, because this being my third I've found that it looks better and keeps an original look when stock color. The 3K was a tough decision for me, i've never attempted an integration to a crossbow. I was thinking about a 2K, but didn't have one and the 3K took up less room. I kept the original 3K pump, and added a 6 inch piece of CPVC for ammo holds. The blue tape wrapped up piece of foam on the end of the crossbow barrel is there mostly for looks. I thought i'd do it to beat my friends during local wars, but that never wound up happening. The barrel system is my own built. I recently read up on the "UBS", but I find mine to be a different version of the UBS. I nested a CPVC couple in PVC couple. I did this because I usually detatch the barrel, incase it falls to prevent damage. If I lose it, and have no more PVC, I can use CPVC and vise versa. After a nerfhavenless month, I finished it. With time, manpower, and a fuckload of hot glue and tape, you can create something great.

Questions? Comments? Flames?

Edited by Groove, 03 January 2009 - 11:04 PM.

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#50 bakenbitz



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Posted 11 December 2008 - 07:08 PM

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Name: N/A
Mods Done: Level 4, petg barrel
Integrations: At2k
Comments: Alright so I just recently got into nerf and when I was younger I always went to a friends house to play with his nerf guns. I remembered that he had a crossbow and I was able to get it from him for free. This picture is old and I'm unable to get a new pic at the moment. The above stats are for my current crossbow.
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