People that don't have them want them, and people that have them want more of them. Regardless if you use one as your Primary, or just drool over the mere sight of one; there's no denying the fact that Crossbows have earned a somewhat legendary status within our little community. Every Crossbow has a certain style that's totally unique to it, a certain essence about it. Each one has it's own story to tell, and each has stood the test of time. After seeing Gengar003's Armory Thread, I wanted to start something similar only exclusively with Crossbows from users here within the community. The pinned "Modification/Paintjob Topic" has a few pictures of Crossbows here and there ~ but not necessarily full modification and miscellaneous info about each one.
So, let this be the start of the Crossbow Armory. Some people invest dozens of hours into their Crossbows to make them into formidable weapons. Some people successfully integrate two or more guns in / on theirs. Some people have given their Crossbows crazy names and crazy paintjobs. So, show-off a little bit. This is the place to show and share with others the beauty that is the Nerf Crossbow. I want to keep this semi-uniform, so please use this outline for posting. For people wondering the "level" their Crossbow is at, check out Rags' article over at NerfHQ.
Copy & Paste this code into your post as needed:
The Format:
[img]URL Image of Your Crossbow[/img] [color=orange][b]Name:[/b][/color] If any, use N/A if none [color=orange][b]Mods Done:[/b][/color] Level 1-4 mod, barrel type, etc [color=orange][b]Integrations:[/b][/color] If any, use N/A if none [color=orange][b]Comments:[/b][/color] History, name origin, mishaps, etc
I want to eventually turn this into an archive for people to browse and enjoy, for Crossbow connoisseurs / modders / lovers everywhere. So, I shall start off first.

Name: The Guru Mk. II
Mods Done: Level 4 modded, completely reinforced internals, bungees (not pictured), rawray7's nested brass barrel mod, custom pin-up girl painted on the side
Integrations: Compound Splitfire integration beneath main barrel, brassed, wallpapered shell
Comments: My primary weapon for many, many years. The Mk. I was held together by hot glue, duct tape, and cable ties -- each successive generation has improved the construction and overall design. Essentially a Nerf adaptation of the M4 Masterkey. The Crossbow is obviously the primary weapon, and the Splitfire is used for close quarters / holdout situations. I use 17/32" brass for all my barrels, and use 10" mini bungees around the cocking mech. The name is derived from the role of the guru and the path to enlightenment in ancient eastern mythology. It's purple and green like Barney, and I fucking love it. I occasionally cuddle with it, and take it out to expensive seafood dinners, and it sleeps on a bed of silk.