Name: I don't really make a habit of naming my guns, sorry people!
Mods Done: Level 4, I believe.
- Aluminum on the spring rest, 1/8" brass bolts behind the trigger rest as well.
- 1 layer of epoxy, and 4 layers of plumber's goop on the coupler to plunger connection, it's not going anywhere.
- The plunger head came off at hershfest (I think) two years ago or so, despite already having a bolt, so I filled the gap where the screw came out with goop, and then gooped on some steel that was just the right width to keep pressure on all the screw in the front of the plunger rod and all the steel rod re-enforcements, making the plunger head one solid piece (the steel was originally scrap from a wall mounted shelving unit) The plunger is rather heavy now, but that hasn't stopped it from getting amazing ranges. See pic number 5 for the insanity.
- I also replaced the spring and the plunger head of a Defender T3, it seals a lot better and cushions the front a bit.
Integrations: . None, save the ammo holder from a Chewbacca Bowcaster toy.
Comments: The noise this makes when it shoots, if you're near it, you know when it fires. Don't ask for ranges, but it's safe to say it breaks the 100' mark, and a bit more with the usual 2 mini bungees. I got this when I was very new to nerf, explaining the PJ, but I've left it on there because it's gotten weathered enough that it looks nice. One day I plan to repaint it, but until I'm inspired, it's gonna stay the way it is!