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Official "show-off Your Crossbow" Thread

You show me yours, I'll show you mine.

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#1 Groove


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Posted 04 June 2007 - 11:01 PM


People that don't have them want them, and people that have them want more of them. Regardless if you use one as your Primary, or just drool over the mere sight of one; there's no denying the fact that Crossbows have earned a somewhat legendary status within our little community. Every Crossbow has a certain style that's totally unique to it, a certain essence about it. Each one has it's own story to tell, and each has stood the test of time. After seeing Gengar003's Armory Thread, I wanted to start something similar only exclusively with Crossbows from users here within the community. The pinned "Modification/Paintjob Topic" has a few pictures of Crossbows here and there ~ but not necessarily full modification and miscellaneous info about each one.

So, let this be the start of the Crossbow Armory. Some people invest dozens of hours into their Crossbows to make them into formidable weapons. Some people successfully integrate two or more guns in / on theirs. Some people have given their Crossbows crazy names and crazy paintjobs. So, show-off a little bit. This is the place to show and share with others the beauty that is the Nerf Crossbow. I want to keep this semi-uniform, so please use this outline for posting. For people wondering the "level" their Crossbow is at, check out Rags' article over at NerfHQ.


Copy & Paste this code into your post as needed:

The Format:

[img]URL Image of Your Crossbow[/img]

[color=orange][b]Name:[/b][/color] If any, use N/A if none
[color=orange][b]Mods Done:[/b][/color] Level 1-4 mod, barrel type, etc
[color=orange][b]Integrations:[/b][/color] If any, use N/A if none
[color=orange][b]Comments:[/b][/color] History, name origin, mishaps, etc

I want to eventually turn this into an archive for people to browse and enjoy, for Crossbow connoisseurs / modders / lovers everywhere. So, I shall start off first.




Name: The Guru Mk. II
Mods Done: Level 4 modded, completely reinforced internals, bungees (not pictured), rawray7's nested brass barrel mod, custom pin-up girl painted on the side
Integrations: Compound Splitfire integration beneath main barrel, brassed, wallpapered shell
Comments: My primary weapon for many, many years. The Mk. I was held together by hot glue, duct tape, and cable ties -- each successive generation has improved the construction and overall design. Essentially a Nerf adaptation of the M4 Masterkey. The Crossbow is obviously the primary weapon, and the Splitfire is used for close quarters / holdout situations. I use 17/32" brass for all my barrels, and use 10" mini bungees around the cocking mech. The name is derived from the role of the guru and the path to enlightenment in ancient eastern mythology. It's purple and green like Barney, and I fucking love it. I occasionally cuddle with it, and take it out to expensive seafood dinners, and it sleeps on a bed of silk. 

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"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

#2 bpso86



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Posted 05 June 2007 - 09:33 AM

Xbow #1: Will have second one done by the end of June, will edit post to accomodate:

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Name: Oblivion
Mods Done: Level 4 mod, 8 extra large staples rubber bands for wars (in two 4-band chains), 1/2" cpvc barrel with about 1" of OMC's petg stuck inside. Painted krylon fusion blue with a light overspray in some spots of krylon stained glass yellow, to make a blue into green fade effect.
Integrations: Singled AT2K integration. Pump located below crossbow barrel, trigger doubles as a sight on top of entire unit.
Comments: I basically came up with the idea of adding an at2k on my own a while ago, and when I finally got around to doing it I found that it was quite effective. With two high powered shots at my disposal, I can fire the xbow all day long and only the truly brave will try to rush me. Someone was rushing me once, and I missed with the first xbow shot. He came around a corner and I shot with the at2k, and he promptly exclaimed that he didn't know I had a second shot ready. PETG inside the cpvc gives me stability and power with the stock darts, since the cpvc I used originally was lacking in terms of accuracy.

I also only use stock nerf tag darts with this crossbow. In a few weeks I will have a second crossbow with basically the same mods, a little cleaner, and a lot more power.
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#3 SirTofu



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Posted 05 June 2007 - 04:20 PM

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Name: Singapore
Mods Done: Level 4 mod, petg barrel.
Integrations: Thought about, but it's never going to happen.
Comments: I have gone through 4 or more barrel types with it (PVC, Crayola/PVC, Brass with 9/16 petg as coupler, Nested brass). I have also done 3 reglues of the coupler until I perfected my method (syringe gun epoxy injection). I immediatley reinforced the gun when I bought it because I had heard horror stories. I have worked this gun for a long, long time before I got it perfect.

Also, I would love to see a writeup for the splitfire integration or deatailed internal pics, because I've always considered doing it.

Edited by SirTofu, 05 June 2007 - 04:23 PM.

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Nobody online Nerfs in the SE :(

#4 Kuhlschrank



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Posted 05 June 2007 - 04:33 PM

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Name: Claudia II
Mods Done: Level 4, PVC coupler and a PETG barrel nested inside 1/2" PVC.
2 barrels are taped together as a type of speedloader. (When I am in practice, it allows me to load the second shot within 3-4 seconds) Steel reinforced plunger, with screws reinforcing the catch plate.
Integrations: SM1500 chamber with AT3000 pump.
Comments: Obviously, my second Crossbow(see name) Its namesake carried an AT3000 with a key-ring trigger underneath the Crossbow and an AT2000 mounted above with a pull-bar trigger. This one eliminates the AT2k, and will incorporate an SM 1500 when I get around to it. It is also much cleaner than the original Claudia with no duct tape used.(uncommon for an LCM primary)
The name is taken from a female character in a German language film for a class that I attended with Evil and Warlock.
Its ranges are weak for a Crossbow, but are more than enough for most firefights.

Edited by Kuhlschrank, 13 August 2008 - 08:21 AM.

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+Kuhlschrank+ of the ~Lawnchair Mafia~

#5 Cmdrmack



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Posted 05 June 2007 - 07:23 PM

An older, higher quality picture...
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A newer, lower quality picture.
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Name: Sara
Mods Done: Level 4 with a 1/2" PVC coupler. Has a 3/4 OD Aluminum barrels for megas, a 12 in OMC PETG barrel for micros, and a AT2K turret with 8 in of OMC PETG, also for micros, but for when I want greater rate of fire.
Integrations: None at this time. I'm working on integrating a Big Salvo into her though. I just have to get the damned trigger system figured out.
Comments: I purchased Sara less to use her for an actual war and more for nostalgic value. I had a crossbow when I was younger and loved it dearly. I did Spoons barrel relocation mod with much hesitation because in those days adding rubber bands was considered a modification. I eventually cut the stock off of my original crossbow because I thought it got in the way. After using it for a week in that configuration, I stopped using my crossbow, and moved to the Larami Supermaxx 2500.

But I never forgot my crossbow.

So I bid on one that popped up on ebay that had a broken bow thingy on the front. Because it wasn't new in box I was able to get it for considerably less than I had expected. I promptly added the reinforcements and spent $20 on brass to make a telescoping brass barrel. It was an impressive barrel, but it just didn't feel right. So I changed out the coupler and now I have a primary that shoot's megas.

The ammo holder on the front is from a local yard sale. I don't know what it was before I attached it to Sara. It holds 13 mega stefans.

Sara is named for a redhead that I crushed on/dated/am really good friends with. My first love. Just like the crossbow.

She has certainly replaced my longshot as my primary, she fits my playing style better. I'm currently working on a ERTL Rapid Fire Shotgun and time has yet to tell as to which I shall use more frequently.

Edited by Cmdrmack, 13 December 2007 - 01:37 AM.

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QUOTE(Predalien_Ro @ Apr 7 2008, 10:24 PM) View Post

Oompa: FECES!? Who in their right mind would try that shit!?

Bigger Salvo


#6 Falcon


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Posted 06 June 2007 - 12:59 AM

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Name: Anduril
Mods Done: Level 4 reinforcement/bracing etc. New shell-based rear-loaded barrel system which speeds up reload time as well as allowing for the staggered barrels, again improving rate of fire. The pictures came out dark, but the dominant color of the gun itself is a glittery smoke grey, with Jet Black accents, topped off with the neon green striping. Ranges hit a consistent average of 135 feet.
Integrations: Dual-quadded Splitfire mounted in place of the foregrip via industrial velcro, so it can be removed at any time, allowing me to present two independent angles of fire when necessary. Flat ranges average 75-80 feet. Integrated Spiderman Dart Tag gun up where the original stock barrel was, with the pump along the left side of the front of the Crossbow shell, and the trigger button along the right side just above the crossbow handle. Flat ranges average around 40 feet, which is enough for the holdout purpose it serves.
Comments: This thing's been through a lot of shit. I owe a lot of the initial concept of the gun to Groove and his Guru. In the spring of 2006, I decided I wanted to redo my crossbow so, working off the basis of Groove's design, I integrated my turreted Splitfire into my crossbow. It turned out great, and functioned just like it should have. But then I ate shit mid-rush at a war in December of '06, and the gun broke apart...Splitfire detached from gun, turrets detached from splitfire, coupler detached from crossbow...it wasn't pretty. So I decided to rebuild and improve on it. I'd been considering painting it at some point anyway.
We jokingly started calling it the Sword that was Broken, after the blade in The Lord of the Rings. That led to me dubbing my project the "re-forging of the sword", and so the end result, though not yet finished, naturally took up the name of the re-forged sword, Anduril which translated from Elvish literally means "Western Flame". West coast FTW!
A year and six months, tons of procrastination, and even more failed epoxy later, I finally finished the damned thing, and it survived an entire war intact. I painted it before the working model was done, and lots of revisions had to be made since then to make it work, so a lot of the paint got screwed up. I'll be touching it up, filling in gaps with bondo, and touching up some more in the coming weeks leading up to Geddon so it can finally be called "finished", at which point it will feature a strap that allows for a full field of fire, but can be cinched up tight to hold the gun against my back, hands free, to use the turreted Splitfire (the top of which can have my Scimitar attachment mounted on the fly as well) and a Pistol independently.


I need to get out more.

Edited by Groove, 03 January 2009 - 11:46 PM.

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QUOTE(Ilùvatar @ 0000) View Post
Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#7 Anothernoob



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Posted 06 June 2007 - 02:37 AM

Returning from a year-long haitus, I've been frequenting the forums for about a month now. I gotta say it feels good being back into Nerf!

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Name: N/A
Mods Done: Level 4 - Replaced stock barrel with nested 17/32" brass inside 1/2" SCH 80 PVC. Since the time of these pictures, I've replaced both barrels with 17/32" brass nested inside 9/16" all situated in 1/2" SCH 40 PVC to protect against damage. It is "couplered" so swapping the barrels was no problem after peeling away all that duct tape.
Integrations: Classic SM 1000 integration (fired via the gray trigger sticking out of the foregrip). SSBP "last-ditch" integrated into the space where the original barrel was held. Holster for Lock'n'load secured to left-hand side; Lock'n'load could be fired from the holster or be removed to be used by itself. The holster was made of wire hanger, cloth, and ducttape.
Comments: I must include that I WAS NOT the first to perform this style mod to a crossbow. Vacc did it first with Binky.

The pictures are from July 2002. I was 14 when I completed this gun and it was defintely my greatest work at the time.
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#8 Texansharpshooter



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Posted 06 June 2007 - 04:58 PM

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Front View of Lone Ranger:
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Name: Lone Ranger
Mods Done: Level 3- Barrel replacement. A staggered PETG in PVC barrel. Swapable with CPVC
Integrations: Titan- 1.5" coupler. 2 different barrels: Singled and shotgun. Shotgun barrel is Quad barrel PETG.
Comments: I bought this crossbow back in November, and immediately began working on it. First thing done was obviously a barrel replacement. I didn't really see a need to do reinforcements since I knew I was planning on staying with the stock spring and all. Just recently, I gutted my Titan and began integrating it onto all sorts of weapons in my arsenal, but I definitely found this setup was best. The crossbow reaches 85', which is reasonable with a stock spring and no banding. On the other hand, the Titan's singled barrel can get over 105' on a good day, the shotgun barrel gets around 65', but each dart lands in a different location (with a good spread of 5' or so). I found it nice to have a shotgun on my crossbow, as to avoid getting killed by people who rush.

Onto the Second crossbow...

Name: Bruiser
Mods Done: 2- Barrel Replacement. Paintjob.
Integrations: N/A
Comments: The name was after the paintjob: black and blue. Fairly simple on the modifications. Still stock spring without banding. What's nice about it is that it can take CPVC, PEX, and PVC barrels, which means it can fire Megas and Micros, which is nice to have. Other than the paintjob, this crossbow is fairly basic, but it gets ranges similar to Lone Ranger; 85'.
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#9 General Cole

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Posted 06 June 2007 - 10:25 PM

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Mods Done: Level 4, Many possible Barrell Types, Pretty Much Whatever I Have. Bungee, Reinforcement Galore
Integrations: At One Time- NFx2, Crossfire, Mav, At another time- Sonic Bazooka
Comments: Got as a total noob, first thing done was cover in hot glue it was my baby. It has had handgrips, random guns, laser sighting, scopes, and whatever else I felt like at the time. I took it (and 40 other guns) to geddon, but it died. It has always been my primary just before my DTG. I plan on adding a bolt action DTG where the hand guard is. Picture shows my last picture when it has a UBS 2.0, but I have revereted to a simple coupler, but I have a special attachement that will let me use the UBS 2.0.
We should stop calling out/making fun of/pissing GC off. He's actually contributed and is available for trade. He's a better than average member no doubt. Got your back Cole.

You know what... I know it's kinda late... but Props Cole.

#10 baghead



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Posted 08 June 2007 - 12:11 PM

the First seXbow
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Name: The seXbow
Mods Done:Level 3.5 mod, Plunger Reinforcement and Bungee, Ubs Barrel system
Integrations: None
Comments: My first Crossbow was unveiled at the Second CAFF, and since then, I have been Falcon's favorite target...Though he picks on me considerably less now that I have the ability to deflect his shots. it's color scheme was once my signature style for all my guns... Thank god it isn't anymore... Though I still love neon green and royal blue together. One of It's greatest moments has to be when It took on PJ and got a kill on Falcon at the same time as he shot me... I sold it to Cosmo of my clan after I failed multiple times to win him an xbow off ebay. He has used it in many SoCal wars since.

The SexBow 2
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Name: seXbow 2.2
Mods Done: Level 3.5 mod, Plunger Reinforcement and Bungee, Ubs Barrel system, And Muthafuckin' Awesome Sauce Paint Job.
Integrations: None
Comments: The seXbow 2 was my attempt to mod a crossbow Comparable to Falcon's PJ, I got really close, until he shoved a split tech on his. anyways, I had modded this much simpler, but then I went back and did some major reinforcement and added the bungee. I also did some Repainting and whatnot. After giving it some use at Geddon, Daniel of Desert Storm offered to purchase it from me, which I agreed to do, seeing as I have sicklefin now. He still owes me like 16 bucks that he swore he would pay me at the next YANO...


Edited by Groove, 03 January 2009 - 11:50 PM.

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Don't call it a comeback, I never left.

#11 chalywong



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Posted 29 June 2007 - 12:49 AM

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Name: N/A (name still pending)
Mods Done: Level 4 modded, rawray barrel system, 2 bungees
Integrations: AT2k integrated and fired by 2nd trigger in the trigger guard.
Comments: Got the idea from exterminator on NHQ and decided to try the mod out for myself. Took a long time to do but it seems well worth it considering I have a primary/secondary all in one weapon. Only thing that it needs now is some minor barrel straightening on the at2k and perhaps a paintjob.
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#12 TED


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Posted 29 July 2007 - 07:15 PM

I guess It's time to show off my small horde of crossbows.

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From bottom to top:
Mods Done: Level 4 mod, PVC coupler, Mini badass black bungees, metal reinforcing, and a Blue/white/black paintjob which is seeing some wear.
Integrations: Added a airtech 2000 on the bottom of the gun
Comments: This is my primary crossbow. The 2k has been broken off a coupler times (usually by me slamming it on the ground).

Name: Old LCM crossbow.
Mods Done: Level 4 mod, PVC coupler, badass black bungees, and metal reinforcing.
Integrations: N/A
Comments: I bought this gun at the last reckoning from Kevin(TIS's broseph) for $18 dollars. The case is pretty beat up, but the internals are in good condition. This is my back up crossbow if something happens to the blue one at a war.

Name: Spicket Johnson
Mods Done: Supermaxx 1500 integrated in the case. Also in the case is a Airtech 3000 pump which comes out where the original crossbow plunger rod comes out. I had a broken plunger rod so I glued the handle onto the 3k pump.
Integrations: Beneath the crossbow is a Airtech 2000.
Comments: This crossbow I also bought from Kevin for $3. When I got the gun it had a "the Force" valve in it. Which is why most of the front of the gun is gone.

Mods Done: Level 4 mod, PVC coupler, bungees, metal reinforcing, and red paintjob.
Integrations: Supermaxx 1500 integrated into the case. I also added a crossfire ammo holder to the top of the gun and the crossfire's rail to the side of the gun.
Comments: This was my very first crossbow. It has always given me problems so it usually stays home.

Name: Red Crossbow of OMC
Integrations: It has a Titan rail attached to the side.
Comments: I bought this case from OMC for $8. I also have enough parts to reassemble it.

Lastly I have a NIB crossbow.

Holy peniscar batman that's a lot of crossbow!

Edited by Dark Shrimp, 29 July 2007 - 07:17 PM.

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Star Wars can go fuck itself.

#13 The Shadow

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Posted 30 July 2007 - 09:24 PM

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Name: Weed Wacker
Mods Done: PVC Coupler, added Ammo Holders, CPVC/PVC barrel, Red & Black paintjob.
Integrations: AT3K, NF.
Comments: This is my second Crossbow, and its done good work for me. I got it about a month ago off ebay, and had an idea what I wanted to do with it. ORiginally I didn't believe in intagrations and thought to leave guns as they are. But one morning I didn't take my medication and thought to myself "Crossbow plus NF=kickass!" So I had that for a while and just today I put my year old 3k to use and threw it in there as well. Its done me good for local wars here, and I'm waiting to see the result after APOC.

Edited by Groove, 03 January 2009 - 11:51 PM.

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I'm just concerned that NH could be held liable when Ted inevitably ties this kid up and sticks him in his trunk for safe keeping. Seriously, Parkway, you might want to think about carrying a tazer.

#14 bpso86



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Posted 06 September 2007 - 12:54 PM

Bumpin this to the top with an addition:

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Name: Michaelangelo
Mods Done: Level 4 mod, dt3 arrow shooter spring replacement, 8 extra large staples rubber bands for wars (in two 4-band chains), 1/2" pvc coupler modded, with 8-9"ish speedloader style nested brass barrel. Painted neon orange with neon green accents.
Integrations: None as of now.
Comments: This one needs some tweaks, but it's basically got your normal crossbow stuff done.
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#15 PvtMcFlurry



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Posted 09 September 2007 - 06:19 PM

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Name: Loretta
Mods Done: Level 4 mod, CPVC coupler'ed for 1/2 CPVC barrel.
Integrations: N/A
Comments: Painted cherry red. Bought it from Yakkers stock and it stayed stock in my possession for about 15 minutes.
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QUOTE(Cannonball @ Oct 26 2007, 11:47 PM) View Post

I'm anxiously awaiting the hasbro over throw.

One Man Clan, or One Man Company?

Crossbow Mod.

#16 Ryan201821


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Posted 14 November 2007 - 06:07 PM

I thought it was finally time to do the integration I wanted on my Crossbow. Here is the thing...

I like the crossbow, and I love 2K's...So why not put them together. This is the same Crossbow I posted on page 1 of this article.

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Name: The Green Monster
Mods Done: Level 4 modded with a 17/32" brass barrel nested in Sch. 80 PVC, (not pictured) reinforced internals, bungees (also not pictured), and a custom paint job.
Integrations: Airtech 2000. Fishing line was used to connect firing pin to original crossbow trigger.
Comments: This gun is for sure my new primary.

Edited by Ryan201821, 14 November 2007 - 06:09 PM.

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#17 shadowkid33



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Posted 25 December 2007 - 07:48 AM

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Name: Artemis
Mods Done: Level 4, reinforced plunger spring wall, reinforced plunger rod. PVC coupler with a nested brass barrel.
Integrations: N/A
Comments: I got this today as a Christmas gift. It came modded, but I did a few touch-ups. The name is the name of the Greek Goddess of the hunt, Artemis. In mythology, her brother is Apollo, and that is the name of my second crossbow.

Edited by Groove, 03 January 2009 - 11:55 PM.

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how the heck do you make a double clip?

Here are the steps.
1. Go to the search button in the right corner of the screen
2. Click
3. Search double longshot clip.

i dont have time, jeez, im new here!

#18 shadowkid33



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Posted 25 December 2007 - 01:25 PM

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Name: Apollo
Mods Done: Level 4, same as Artemis.
Integrations: A Splitfire attached to the bottom. It isn't in the picture.
Comments: In Mythology, Apollo is the sun god. One of his nicknames is the God of the silver bow. Since the gun is a Crossbow, and it's silver, the name fits. I got it with Artemis, but this one came only half modded. I finished it up with a PVC coupler and a plunger seal improvement.

Edited by Groove, 03 January 2009 - 11:56 PM.

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how the heck do you make a double clip?

Here are the steps.
1. Go to the search button in the right corner of the screen
2. Click
3. Search double longshot clip.

i dont have time, jeez, im new here!

#19 bpso86



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Posted 25 January 2008 - 09:59 PM

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Name: Michaelangelo
Mods Done: Level 3 mod (partial reinforcement), PVC barrel, removable ammo holders, small keychain LED light in front
Integrations: Single at2k integration alongside
Comments: This is the final workable version of Michaelangelo, named after, you guessed it, the Ninja Turtle. I originally had it modded when I went to CANO and after the first shot I ripped the coupler off the plunger tube, and haven't gotten around to fixing it since. Finally it's finished (for now at least) and works great. Very accurate shot out of the main gun, mainly a shotgun/holdout with the at2k. This one mostly sees dart tag dart usage, since that's all we use here.

Oh, and for anyone who's interested, my group here at UC just got their official college group status. We're legal now, so come on down and nerf with us anytime!
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#20 General Cole

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Posted 18 February 2008 - 01:28 AM

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Name: Crossbow 1.3 (BTG (Bob the Guru)
Mods Done: Level 4, 15in CPVC in PVC .0002 Tolerances for barrel
Integrations: RF20 with crossfire rail, mainly used to hold a splitfire
Comments: Good gun. Same comments, just cleaner looking. I took it apart, cut off the handgrip and turned it into a Guru about 2 hours ago. 2 SMDTGS (with 2K turrets) will be added when I get the parts/guns. Pic showing holding angle. I know I'm pasty white. Shut up.

Admin Edit: Dumbest Crossbow in existence. Congratulations!
We should stop calling out/making fun of/pissing GC off. He's actually contributed and is available for trade. He's a better than average member no doubt. Got your back Cole.

You know what... I know it's kinda late... but Props Cole.

#21 General Cole

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Posted 18 February 2008 - 04:21 PM

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Name: Crossbow 1.4 (Guru Recreation)
Mods Done: Level 4, 15in CPVC, 12in PTEG, and 9in PVC (Different Dart Types/ used to compensate for heat expansion
Integrations: Underbarrel Splitfire (3in CPVC Coupler) 2 SMDTGs with 2K turrets will be added when I obtain them. EDIT/UPDATE- SF had 2K turrets added. SMDTGs pending.
Comments: Been through everything, including cross country trips. Can hit moving targets at 80 feet. I use the splitfire more than the crossbow. I really like it.

Edited by Groove, 03 January 2009 - 11:59 PM.

We should stop calling out/making fun of/pissing GC off. He's actually contributed and is available for trade. He's a better than average member no doubt. Got your back Cole.

You know what... I know it's kinda late... but Props Cole.

#22 General Cole

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Posted 18 February 2008 - 07:54 PM

I've met Groove. I've played with Groove. I've watched film on Groove. Because he is good and actually NERFS. I also am not done. The rest of this post will be of my once again updated Crossbow, because I actually have time to work.

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Name: Crossbow 1.5 Guru with Manta Ray
Mods Done: Level 4
Integrations: Splitfire and Manta Ray. Will integrate into the Manta Ray aswell. Manta Ray completely removeable
Comments: Same as 1.4, just with added Manta Ray.

Admin Edit: This is why people should be required to take an IQ test before receiving a Crossbow.
We should stop calling out/making fun of/pissing GC off. He's actually contributed and is available for trade. He's a better than average member no doubt. Got your back Cole.

You know what... I know it's kinda late... but Props Cole.

#23 xNFx 37

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Posted 03 March 2008 - 09:07 PM

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Name: Soon to have one
Mods Done: Level 4- UBS set up with medium walled OMC PETG with 17/32 inside, with Sch. 80 PVC as a coupler. Best fucking bungee ever.
Integrations: Thought about a 2K, but thought against it.
Comments: First, and last XBow. Not spending that amount of money for a toy again. :D

Edited by Groove, 03 January 2009 - 11:39 PM.

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it also has a cock on it


#24 Zaxbys


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Posted 17 March 2008 - 05:12 PM

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Name: The Zaxbow
Mods Done: Level 4 Modded, Completely Reinforced Internals, 16" Bungee (Not Pictured), Falcon Style Barrel System, Custom Metallic Blue Paintjob
Integrations: Soon To Come!
Comments: I have used this gun on several occasions since I have had it, and she has always treated me well. I can get ranges of 90-100'. Integration will come very soon so be ready....


Edited by Zaxbys, 17 March 2008 - 05:13 PM.

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"Bitces be crazy"

"Hey girl... you like water sports?"

~Groove 6/26/09

#25 OfAllTheNerf



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Posted 29 March 2008 - 03:53 PM

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Name: Ebrethil
Mods: Level 4 reinforcement. Coupler'd Crossbow, Banded bladder.
Integrations: Magstrike. Currently only been lined with inner tubing, but can fire off 3 clips. Will band the piston soon.
Comments: Has been months in the making. I'll update the picture once I finish couplering the plunger chamber and do various other mods (piston mod). Will have a paintjob soon. The name comes from the book Eldest, second in the Inheritance Trilogy, and means Master in the "Ancient Language."

Edited by Groove, 03 January 2009 - 11:34 PM.

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