Kaf06-01, In Michigan...
Posted 02 April 2006 - 01:07 AM
4.) Good thing you remembered. Yes, anything with a headphone jack can be brought and still be played over teh P.A. (maybe), for sure a sound system (beit small or something I bring from home...).
5.) Well, there won't be much there. We might have soem cans of pop, but there's a machine on-site, as well as water on tap with many disposable glasses, plates, napkins, microwaves, sinks, etc. Reread the first post for an almost-complete list.
6.) I based mine off of small clan-civil wars and other non-Nerf wargames.
7.) If you have something, bring it. Trust me, I don't think I'll really have anything to lend out unless I can get my hands on the ones used by the place. I don't know if I could or not...Remeber, two-way radios, sometimes referred to as "walkie-talkies." If you are on my team, you'd want that. I can (and usually do) give information on everything the "enemy" is doing in real-time. Attacks and strikes coordinated by the KAF will require some sort of long-distance com, unless we have fireteams...Okay, if you have nothing, we'll do fireteams. You'll be stuck with me.
Dubbya Tee Eff, mate, what is "EDIT: Oops" s'posedly mean anyhow?
Posted 02 April 2006 - 01:11 AM
...and ideas are bulletproof. "
Posted 02 April 2006 - 01:17 AM
Posted 02 April 2006 - 01:39 AM
First off, the flags. I finally felt one today. No way in hell could I, being close to 6 ft., 160lbs, capable of leg pressing over 600lbs, able to balance on a bike without moving or touching anything besides the bike for 89 seconds, be able to run, while shooting, while dodging and not making an ass out of myself, with one of those flags. Holy shit. They will be perfect, although a minor disadvantage to anyone not capable of lifting 40lbs. Yes, they weigh 40lbs, give or take a pound or two. Why? The poles are made of 3" O.D. galvanized steel fencepost with a wal thickness over a quarter inch. They are 4ft long. I mean, these things are monsters. So, now I ask all of you coming, should I put a sling of some sort on these flags? Something which would aide a smaller person in carrying it, even though I'd probably gun them down before they left their base. Even still, the sling would have to be 2" wide and padded.
I am finishing a portable bunker tomorrow. Should I stick casters on it to allow it to be rolled across the pavement? I also will need to add a brace in front of it between the two legs. Another question about it: Do you guys want a table built into it for a dart holder or something? I dunno, cup holders? Shiat, rolling bunker with cup holders? Then it'd need bass and a changer! Seriously, small table built into it?
My dad found it peculiar that we wanted to use it at night. Then the director said no problem and asked for the age range. I gave it (13-32) and she seemed, well, "dumbstruck" by the youngin. Oh well. My dad found the elder(s) (even though he is 50) a bit odd. Kinda funny how that worked. Oh yeah, he's having second thoughts, I could see it in his face. I have a knack of reading people minds as well, but that's not important.
So far, there is a positive of 5 people, with Team Chicago (4) knowing later this month/next month and sistermol (1) being...sistermol, with poo (3-4) probably undecided. I'd like to know soon by sistermol and poo; however, that is only a date confirmation thing. Team Chicago already told me they would decide closer to June, but said late June/ealry July would be fine.
I have something for the garage now. I'll give you a hint: it aids in defense. Here's another hint. Anyone who guesses right gets to use it (it would take mega Stefans, by the way *cough*SOMETHINGABOUTABIGGUN*cough*)
I think that about covers it...
Edited by GeneralPrimevil, 03 April 2006 - 10:51 PM.
Posted 04 April 2006 - 10:00 PM
I would, however, make normal 1-lb flags just in case everybody decides to be lazy and not want to carry 40lbs. Hey, you never know.
Turret of some kind?
...and ideas are bulletproof. "
Posted 05 April 2006 - 12:27 AM
Nope. Not a turret. Since I don't want anyone to guess any longer, it's a 1.5" NPT to 1/2" NPT adapter bushing. I can now use a 1/2" steel pipe dimension barrel (so 1/2" PVC or the 4ft 1/2" iron pipe I have now). That should shoot a 1oz mega Stefan over a hundred yards. Then again, 3.05"x49" of air at 125psi will do that...yeah, it's gonna be reg'd to 30-40psi and the darts will weigh as much as (up to .55oz) the mega's someone brings for it.
The alternate flag pole will probably be 1" sqaure steel tubing. The 4ft pole would then weigh approx. 9-10lbs. That is recockulously light. I mean, really friggin' light. The KAF uses heavier flags than that in my backyard field, which will end up being replaced with these flag poles and flags now. Actually, I might just skip the 3" O.D. glavanized and only use 1" square tubing. That way I can display "m4d sk!11z" in CTF...
Edit: took out previous edit, since I was proved wrong...
Edited by GeneralPrimevil, 11 April 2006 - 09:47 PM.
Posted 10 April 2006 - 04:48 PM
There is a race on the weekend of the 24th. So that's not going to work.
If everybody's plans aren't concrete yet, I'd like to propose a date change. The weekends he has regattas (after school lets out, June 9th) are: June 24th, July 22nd, August 5th. And past August, I figured you wouldn't care.
We sure can pick 'em, huh? So, any weekend whatsoever that aren't those weekends, I can make work. Sorry guys.
Just to get something out there (if you can still get it changed, and are willing to), let's say the 17th-18th of June.
...and ideas are bulletproof. "
Posted 10 April 2006 - 05:04 PM
I say why not, since I am open every weekend in June. There might even be a chance of a weekday, that is if everyone can handle that, but otherwise weekends are perfect for that place.
I have a base-defense gun almost finished. All it needs is a pintle mount. After that, hellooo cannon!
The flags have no further progress. Wait 'til after Wednesday.
So, everyone check your calenders and post dates, since May is coming up in all of 20 days. Then, 31 days later, June starts. Yes, there is a good amount of time, for anyone not having to buy plane tickets...
Posted 10 April 2006 - 05:19 PM
I can do a week day -- it's summer, for flip's sake!
I have a base-defense gun almost finished. All it needs is a pintle mount. After that, hellooo cannon!
Wait... cannon? You're going to defend the base with a cannon? Uh... so now can we hide behind the busses?
Yes, there is a good amount of time, for anyone not having to buy plane tickets...
...and ideas are bulletproof. "
Posted 10 April 2006 - 05:21 PM
That is if you guys would be able to handle the awesomeness!
EDIT: between the 12th and the 14th would allow for the possibility of a Lefty (southpaw) appearance. After the 16th and we can't make it.
Edited by LOMHawkeye, 10 April 2006 - 05:47 PM.
Posted 10 April 2006 - 06:04 PM
So, poo, sistermol, and Carbon are the only ones who have to check they're calenders for dates.
I dunno, Hawkeye, with the KAF, AND the 3M, there'd be a whole lot of awesomeness.
Then they're Team Chicago (once they confirm near/in May, or so it seems) on top of that.
Well, before we jump to a specific date, let's wait for at least Carbon to respond, since poo and sistermol aren't too active in this. I'm pretty sure poo should still be able to come, but sistermol never said anything (is this a good thing?).
Posted 10 April 2006 - 06:06 PM
...and ideas are bulletproof. "
Posted 10 April 2006 - 06:13 PM
Posted 10 April 2006 - 06:38 PM
Veggie? Coming to GR? *gasps* That's gonna be wicked-awesome with all of this awesomeness.
Time for me to go crunch some numbers before I respond to FH...
*runs and grabs abacus*
Well, we will have:
3M (3-4)
KAF (3)
Team Chicago (4)
Flaming Hilt + 1
poo + 3-4
Total: 16-18 people
If everyone on there can make it before the 16th. So far, I have yet to hear anything from:
After April 30, he's gonna be a no-go unless he responds.
I'll see just how many people I really can have maximum. In other words, lemme check with the person who granted permission...you'll hear from me again later in the week.
Posted 10 April 2006 - 07:16 PM
Posted 10 April 2006 - 09:11 PM
With regard to your recent thread name change, I recommend:
KAF06-01, makes things easier to keep track of.
Posted 10 April 2006 - 09:20 PM
I changed the name...again...
So far that new dateset is better than the first. That is awesome. Shweet.
Well, it's 10:15pm here and I still have to read the first six chapters of Book II of A Tale of Two Cities. Hmm...shiat myan...
Anyway, so now we just need to wait for poo, if he still is thinking about it, and sistermol, if he even remembers, and let's not forget Team Chicago, which hopefully that date set works better for them as well. Then, everything would be, umm, a word which describes the awesomeness of 20 people shooting each other with foam bacher rod and fishing weights? Hmm...
As for that dart thing earlier, just mark 'em somehow. Chances are, they'll be different than everyone else's somehow or another. Mine have shit-glue on them, along with soon to be a colored back/tail. Yeap...
Posted 11 April 2006 - 12:29 AM
Generally 3M plays that if you shoot a dart out of your gun it's free game. Whoever stops and takes the time to pick up darts can keep them. We'll be bringing several hundred so pick up what we shoot and you won't run out too quickly. (And yes, you can almost always tell who made which darts).As for that dart thing earlier, just mark 'em somehow. Chances are, they'll be different than everyone else's somehow or another. Mine have shit-glue on them, along with soon to be a colored back/tail. Yeap...
Be charitable with darts you pick up and everybody can have a fun shooting each other instead of worrying about who made what dart (what a waste of time!)
Posted 11 April 2006 - 06:03 PM
So. I would PM this to you but if EVERYBODY ELSE who's going thinks it's a bad idea, then... yea.
So. My dad's best friend has this thing called an "RV." I hope you've heard of them.
I figured that if we're staying for the weekend anyways, we could bring it up... keep people's pop cold... give couches to sit on... make new friends. You get the point. And then camping out wouldn't be such a big deal.
If yes, could we keep it in the parking lot?
Also, if yes, he has Motorcycle that could sit on the back of the RV, and I think it would be rather fun to have along with those vans... y'know... grab the flag... make a quick retreat...
Anyways. Tell me what you think. Of course everybody else would be able to use it (with respects to bathroom, couch, kitchen), as long as they keep it clean.
...and ideas are bulletproof. "
Posted 11 April 2006 - 06:31 PM
As for that motorcylce...umm...that sounds kinda like a bad idea...
Sure I was thinking about it earlier, but golfcarts are safer for motorized transportation. Maybe, if it is a dirtbike, and there is some freetime (umm...right...) you could take a spin in it out in the fields, but...yeah...the RV is fine. Hell, four years ago that's where I used to keep mine for awhile. Ha...good 'ol 1987 Cruise Air. I saw it for sale just a week ago, just a mere mile or two from my house.
Anyway, the motorbike sounds kinda...iffy. I mean, really iffy. It's just that, a cannon blast would kinda knock someone over (not me...I've got 'm4d sk!11z' like that on two wheeled vehicles )...I'm saying 'no' strictly due to safety concerns. A moped is safer.
As to that van, it'd be used only for a round/match which would involve more of a 'tactical' style of play. Something more like hostage rescue or whatever....i dunno, it's there if we think of something. The other three are just barriers/defensive obstacles for the team which has to be on the far end of the place.
----==|Facility Update|==----
I'm gonna take some measurements with a distance wheel tomorrow. I'll just take 'em and post 'em. For sure, I'm gonna get important lengths for CTF, like the distance between the two probable base locations. I'm predicting a little over 120yds right now, but I'll get the actual distance tomorrow. Right now I have to do a shitload of homework, since my English grade is a little above an "E"...I didn't turn in a few papers, like a research paper and a speech outline and some A Tale of Two Cities work...shit...I'm gonna fail...dammit...*ellipses*...
Posted 16 April 2006 - 02:26 PM
The Outing hosted by the KAF in the area of Midwest Michigan will be held on the days of
Tuesday, June 13th and Wednesday, June 14th
of the calendar year 2006.
There. I said THAT. Now, I will get an address up for everyone on Wednesday, since I can't remember what it is, nor want to look for it right now. I just want to play Wolfenstein, not do the speech (which I have yet to start) due tomorrow, not go to Meijer to pick up some paint, play Wolfenstein. Actually, I probably will go to Meijer. But anyway, those are the dates. Yes they are weekdays. I did not hear any complaints about weekdays, so I picked them as to allow the most people as possible.
Posted 16 April 2006 - 10:20 PM
It had better not change. Did you use the word "official?" You didn't, did you?
No, you didn't. Well, I'm dissapointed in you.
Anyways. You play your Wolfenstein. I have to do Chemistry. Reaction rates. Euhhhluck. "What is meant by rate of reaction?" *shudders.* At least I don't have to answer in complete sentences. Anyways.
I still have to decide what guns I'm bringing. I wish I hadn't slaughtered my At3k. Maybe I'll clip mod my Bbb. And then the velcro At2k. And a sidearm. I need to make a holster.
Anyways. Back to science.
...and ideas are bulletproof. "
Posted 17 April 2006 - 11:01 PM
100% Nerf, for 100% pwnage.
Nerf is a neutral weapons dealer. Anyone coughing up the dough can get armed.
and they're made of Foam... which makes them very Nerfy...
Posted 19 April 2006 - 09:58 PM
Posted 20 April 2006 - 07:32 PM
He wants to double-check that we can park the RV overnight from Tuesday-Wednesday. He's also wondering if we showed up Monday night for the sake of not getting up early Tuesday, could be park it overnight then as well.
Thanks. : o)
...and ideas are bulletproof. "
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