1.25 to .5 inch bushing in the PT of my PAS. Kills dead space, but then I end up making more because the hopper can't be flush with the bushing. Oh well. I tried.

Shows off the nitefinder handle I E-puttied on there. It is quite stable, but i don't know if it would last that long if I tried ripping it off. But it works.

Choppered quad-shot. I effed up the turret and was just frustrated so I singled it. And stuck a chopper on there. It gets a perfect seal witht he stock skirt. And to you nay-sayers, YES, I did keep the trigger pressed down while testing to prevent the ratchet plunger rod from catching.

My draw extended nite finder with bigass speedloader. Write up

3K overhauled Ryan style.

2k thrown together from spare parts. Yes, that is a LSFG handle.

Titan shotty. Shoots three, or 6 at a time. Has a speed loader thing and a 1/2 inch PVC frame.

The longshot that has had like 6 attempted modifications to it. I just singled it so I wouldn't mess up the parts anymore. PEX barrel. CPVC, for all intents and purposes.

Couplered Harpoon Blastah. Came with the effed up OPRV, but pumping it like 10 times (as per either baghead's or muttonchop's suggestion, not sure who told me) unstuck the valve. I minimized it in a way that leaves that comfy fore grip so I can easily pump it, but leaves space for a hopper or RSCB or speedloader or inline or deoderant clip or slide breech or missile attachment or shotgun attachment or what-fucking-ever I would want to put on it.
Thanks for looking at my work. I have more coming, for anyone that cares.
Edited by chavez_guy, 09 January 2012 - 10:22 PM.