Possibly. You'll have to find someone who's going to this war to agree to do this. But please, no more questions like this in this thread. This is a war thread, not a trading thread. If you really must, you can send me a PM as long as it isn't asking for
ME to ship you one. Also, I don't really want to set-up deals now. The war's still a ways away.
If a system such as this does get set up, maybe we could donate the cash to charity, or something like that. I'm sure my school wouldn't mind me using their materials if that was the case.
Anyhow, I've got to think this all through. The school
does get all the acrylic for free... Maybe at some point in the future I can set-up something with someone like Draconis to sell these over NH. Draconis, if you like the idea, shoot me a PM. Now that I think about it more, it isn't that big a deal to use the school's acrylic. And its not like I'm "using up" the laser.
Edited by TantumBull, 03 March 2009 - 09:25 PM.