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Sof Seattle War

MONDAY July 20th, 2009

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#251 taerKitty



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Posted 20 July 2009 - 01:46 AM

Just to be sure (and pacify the family worrier) we've cleared this war with Redmond PD and whoever in http://kingcounty.gov that runs Marymoor park, right?
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#252 Dayko



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Posted 20 July 2009 - 08:58 AM

This is it guys. I'll be leaving my house in about 30 minutes. I'll see everyone there.
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< One foot in death...The other in life. >

#253 Blacksunshine



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Posted 20 July 2009 - 11:54 AM

Jesus you left early. I'm leavin in about 30 min myself. Wasn't sure what time we were starting cause I was Um... Site impaired for the last day.

taerKitty- There is no need to clear anything with the redmond PD. there is nothing illegal about what we are doing. This is an open to the public park and we will be in a secluded area. We've used this location a few times and have never had any issue with the activity. The first time we were asked to move to a different field but that was only because there was a concert going on. So let the family worriers know that its all good.

Edited by Blacksunshine, 20 July 2009 - 11:56 AM.

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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

#254 Draconis


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Posted 20 July 2009 - 01:23 PM

Sorry I wasn't able to attend guys. Of course, you will all know that by the time you get back and read this. :) Hope it was fun, and I look forward to hopefully attending future events.
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[15:51] <+Noodle> titties
[15:51] <+Rhadamanthys> titties
[15:51] <+jakejagan> titties
[15:51] <+Lucian> boobs
[15:51] <+Gears> titties
[15:51] <@Draconis> Titties.
[15:52] <+Noodle> why is this so hard?

#255 Blacksunshine



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Posted 20 July 2009 - 05:16 PM

Ahh Drac. Yeah we figured that was the case. Bummer it was a great time. There were about 20 people in attendance. Best turn out for a W@M so far. We will be doing it again next month so try and make it out for that one. And that goes for the rest of you that didn't make it. You have 1 month to prepare. I will figure out some more details and post up a thread in the next couple days with the info. But expect it to be mid Aug just on a weekend instead of weekday.

I am also scouting around for new locations as well.

As for the footage of this war. Once Dayko sends me his videos and I get my firewire cable I will post up a vid.
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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

#256 hierarchy



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Posted 20 July 2009 - 09:38 PM

Ya, it was pretty fun. Makes me want to start doing modifications again. Way good turn out too. But the best aria to nerf in was closed, that sucked. I was surprised I could still hit people with my crossbows. And I got two sweet double kills with one of my splitfires. Nice to see some new faces, unfortunately none of them were from California. And the weather was good, too hot to wear a shirt in though. And I didn't do half bad. Only got one welt, from the first capture the flag game. Those medic rounds were definitely the best, even though my team never won either of those.

And Blacksunshine, when you say next month, I'm hoping you don't mean really early in the month. I'll be in Utah, for awhile. But as long as the war isn't within the first week of August, I'll be in Washington. Hopefully the turn out for the W@M will be as big, or bigger, as this SOF one. You should try planing it on a weekday so it's not packed full of little kids. You probably were already going to do that, but I just wanted to make sure.
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QUOTE(Retiate @ Aug 13 2007, 08:43 PM) View Post

I guess you have some heavy duty industrial strength toilet paper holders. Do they advise you to wear eye protection when changing rolls?

My TTG mod.

#257 taerKitty



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Posted 21 July 2009 - 12:31 AM

First war I attended, and it was a blast.

High points

- Meeting people. I really enjoyed meeting TantumBull, BSS, Hierarchy and Dayko. (I enjoyed meeting many others, but forgot most names besides these. Sorry 'bout thtat)

- Seeing some kick ass mods, such as a wickedly clean underslung RF20 integrated with a 4B.

- Getting nailed by some kick ass mods - I have a newfound respect for AT2Ks as a result.

- Seeing different darts. Different foam, different heads, different identifications. Foam ain't just foam. If BSS' darts worked in my CPVC or 17/32" barrels better, I'd buy some. Next W@M, I probably will, anyhow.

- Learning lots about 'war-practical' etc.

Low points

- Breaking Tantum's AT3K. I forgot to settle for that before I left, I'll send you a PM after this.

- Leaving early. Sorry, I'm an old fart, and not used to being in the sun that much, so I just petered out.

- Seeing my mods just simply not work, or not perform up to snuff.

I hope to go to the next W@M, but can't be sure. I have some family issues I need to smooth over, so ... count me as a maybe.
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#258 TantumBull



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Posted 21 July 2009 - 10:06 AM

That was a fucking amazing nerf war. It was my first, and boy did I have a kick ass time. I guess there were a couple downsides, my singled 3k breaking, the salvo tanks leaking on my longshot, having to leave earlier because of my friend's chiropractor appointment, and not meeting Disturbed. He was there in the morning, but I didn't know it was him so I never introduced myself. But those things don't even come close to outweighing the awesomeness of that war.

Some Highlights:
-Meeting some tight people; Brent (niasburo), Micah (renegademilitia), Hierarchy (sorry, can't remember your real name), Theo (kitty's friend), Tim (taerkitty), Jake (retiate), Blackfox (Cory), Sunshine (sorry guys, I'm terrible with names), Dayko (same story with names), and many other people. There's others that I don't know the name of that were also pretty cool. Woulda liked to meet Disturbed, Draconis, and Gazoo.
-Doing fairly well with my clipped PAS.
-My clipped PAS not breaking, the only thing that happened was a PVC joint came undone that had never been glued, t'was a very easy fix (Split, I'm as surprised as you are that nothing serious went wrong with it).
-Only losing 100 darts or so out of me and my two guests.
-One of my guests, Sam, being the definition of a nerfer and using ridiculous set-ups. Like nat-geo ballgun plus nitefinder.
-Selling off some 2K barrel spacers and one SM3K spacer
-Getting a look at Sunshine's sexy as hell RFSG (paintjob was amazing)
-Jake's PAS shooting with way too much velocity, that thing was a beast
-Dropping to the ground to dodge a shot from the said PAS
-Sneaking behind the enemy base with Micah during the CTF round and scoring some kills
-Actually getting a fair amount of hits for my first war (guess all those 1 on 1 skirmishes paid off)
-Getting a MS clip and a N-strike clip from Brent
-Brent's awesome titan ballgun
-Realizing that ranges don't matter at all, except for the added velocity that comes with range (why Jake's PAS was so effective)
-Having some Effeminate rushes
-After 2 rounds or so, realizing I didn't need a side arm and ditching my wipeout pistol. The added mobility was way worth it, plus my PAS didn't really require a side arm
-Brent's incredibly awesome BBBB-RF20 integration. Totally sick.
-Winning the first-to-10-kills-FFA/teams-of-2 round. I can elaborate on the rules if needed
-Getting my first and only barrel tap in the said round
-Jake running through the flanks of our team during a round (can't remember which) and barrel tapping a bunch of people, myself included. It was ballsy and effective.
-Being a medic during a medic team deathmatch round
-Using a maverick and a SMDTG for the pistols round. I eventually ditched them for my wipeout pistol
-Spraying kitty's superglue all over myself
-Nailing Jake with my Nat Geo ball gun during zombies right as he was about to get me
-The that's what she said jokes
-Ranting with Sunshine on certain members that have become a nuisance because of their actions in the trading forums
-All of the atom blasters
-Dodging quite a few shots and having some matrix moments
-Listening to the youtube comments from the first Foamtalk on the way to the war
-Finally figuring out why everyone is so crazy about Sunshine's foam
-Accidentally shooting one of my guests, Luke, when we were both out at the windmill. I was holding my PAS by the upper body section and my shirt tripped the ridiculous hair trigger
-The team deathmatch round a bit before noon. Best round of the day
-Reinforcing my belief that clipped weapons are awesome, as long as you have enough loaded clips
-Brent's turreted NF. T'was very annoying in the pistol round, as he was un-rushable. At one point he shot at me and missed, and forgetting the gun had a turret on it, began to rush him. I then proceeded to curse as I saw him re-prime in seconds.
-Brent and Sam's duel in one of the deathmatch rounds. They both figured out that they both had one life left, so they both set down their primaries, and had an Effeminate pistol duel. Don't remember who won it, though.
-Kitty's pistol splat set-up. Didn't end up being incredibly effective, but was awesome nonetheless
-Seeing both the Yapalms
-No one being able to prime my LS normally... including myself, I would rest the stock on my stomach and use both hands to prime it (wasn't as hard as it sounds, even when running around)
-Dayko's attire. He was packing a pink shirt and tons of chest holsters and shit. It was awesome
-Realizing that cover is not a necessity
-Using my clipped PAS pretty much the whole day
-Getting my first war under my belt
-Just being with a lot of nerfers and having an overall great time, even if I wasn't nerfing and was talking in between rounds.

Edited by TantumBull, 21 July 2009 - 05:34 PM.

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#259 Grenada



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Posted 21 July 2009 - 01:19 PM

I had a blast. Some Highlights

-realizing that being out ranged by everyone didn't really mean squat
-Seeing that BBBs were actually loved alot more than what I though
-getting a great NF from black sunshine
-working out an effective strategy for not getting killed while still doing something.
-getting a little bit of experiance
-potentialy pulling in another nerfer, and rekindling the interest in Nerf of Bomberman


-Having my excellent primary bust beyond repair a week before the war

Also, this may be a long commute for some people, but LBA park in Olympia would probably work VERY well, and on weekdays it is essentially unpopulated, except for on the track running around the edge of the park.

It has open areas, lightly wooded spaces, and alot of hills

Edited by Grenada, 21 July 2009 - 01:21 PM.

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If you Nerf in western washington, PM me

So you see a penguin walking down the street. Looks harmless right, so you keep on walking past him. You turn around to seem him walk away, only to find yourself staring down the barrel of a .38 revolver.

#260 BlackFox



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Posted 21 July 2009 - 01:40 PM

-Just being with a lot of nerfers and having an overall great time, even if I wasn't nerfing and was talking in between rounds.

Amen. Considering this isn't my first war, I did pretty terrible, but I still had a ton of fun.

-Enjoying the largest war I've ever attended
-Meeting serious nerfers
-Not bringing my entire arsenal to the war (Although I should have brought more springers)
-Getting shot by Luke three times in the 10 point round

-Not meeting the season of foam team (PISS)
-Bringing three reliable primaries and have two fail in the first round
-Getting shot within a minute of the medic round when I was the medic. *facepalm*

Overall, a great war and we definitely hope to see some of you at Marymoor or WALL war in the near future.
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"Until we meet in the place where there is no darkness"
-George Orwell, 1984

Think that piece is beyond repair? Think again!

#261 Dayko



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Posted 21 July 2009 - 03:20 PM

First off what a great war. This was probably the best W@M so far. We had such a good turn out of people. At one point we had 20 people playing. I saw some familiar faces and some new ones. It was great nerfing with every one.
As for the people who couldn't make it, you guys missed one helluva war, but hopefully you guys can make it to the next W@M.


Meeting everyone.

Nerfing with everyone.

Playing some new game types I'v never played before.

Getting some good buys in in between rounds.

Unvailing my newest creation at the war and having it preform well ( there will be a write-up in the next two days or so).

Duel wielding my pistol splats during the pistol rounds.

Having my team win both Medic rounds.

Using my magstrike and PAS during medic rounds. I got off goods shot with the MS before ditching it.

Having my parents tape the war.

There is not to many of these.

Having my holster break after the first round, good thing I brought a lot of E-tape

Having my one PAS not work during the last round we played.

Having my bros pistol splat break during the first round.

I know there is more Highlights but that is all I can remember now.
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< One foot in death...The other in life. >

#262 nisaburo



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Posted 21 July 2009 - 03:24 PM

Awesome war everyone! Couldn't have asked for more for my first one!

-Getting some real war experience. This changed how I'm going to think about mods a little bit.
-Got some great feedback about my BBBB/RF20 combo. I know what I need to change now.
-Meeting some amazing nerfers and never really feeling awkward despite not knowing anyone there. Thanks for being cool guys.
-Rushing the flag defenders, taking them out, then not being able to find the flag sitting in the tree right in front of me at eye level.
-Pistol duel with Sam in the first round. Like something out of the movies, right down to the double kill.
-Medic rounds.
-Trading for some of Tantum's spacer plates.

- Not getting to meet everyone there. We need name tags next time, guys.
- No SOF guys or Draconis
- My foam being just big enough as to not fit properly in my barrels.

Looking forward to the next one!
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#263 Renegademilitia15



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Posted 21 July 2009 - 05:26 PM

Dang......That was an incredible experience. I was pretty let down that the SOF guys bailed on us, but it was still worth it.


-Me and Luke sneaking around the side, and totally flanking the ENTIRE opposing team. That was mega awesome.

-Getting a crapload of kills with my SM1500. That thing was a beast.

-Me and Cory rushed a guy with a magstrike, cory got shot, and then I rushed the guy as he was trying to reload. I shot him with my Shotguned bbbb and when I started to book it back, I slipped and fell square on my NF. I definitely felt that one today........

-My AT2k doing really good, despite its record of spouting a random leak during EVERY war i've been to.

-This is the first war where none of my guns have broken.

-Meeting a bunch of new people. You guys better show up for the wars we have planned.....

-Buying a recon Clip. ;)

-Brent's bbbb/RF20 combo rapage. When I first saw it, It made me think of General Cole.....Now I just count all the welts on my body from him.

-Not losing alot of darts.

-Even though my Big blast sucked as a shotgun, it ruled as a ballgun. The Ballgun zombie round was full of Effeminate WIN.

-This war kinda helped me realize my weaknesses gun-wise. I definitely need a pistol splat. And a PAS.

-Starting way far away from everyone in the FFA* round and then sneaking up on nathan and shooting him from basically point blank.

I can't wait for the next one.....

Edit: Luke, my name is spelled Micah. Its ok, everybody gets it wrong. I just expect it now.

2nd Edit: BS and Dayko, I can't wait for the footage of the war.

Edited by Renegademilitia15, 21 July 2009 - 05:37 PM.

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Singled RFS
FA_24's response to Ice's back pain thread:

I used to have that problem until I got circumcised. 15 pounds later I was able to stand up straight.

#264 Disturbed



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Posted 21 July 2009 - 07:13 PM


Edited by Disturbed, 21 July 2009 - 07:17 PM.

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If you nerf in Washington, I am a host of SANO, Seattle Area Nerf Out. PM me, would love to add you to the Washington nerf crew.

#265 Disturbed



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Posted 21 July 2009 - 07:17 PM

That was a fucking amazing nerf war. It was my first, and boy did I have a kick ass time. I guess there were a couple downsides, my singled 3k breaking, the salvo tanks leaking on my longshot, having to leave earlier because of my friend's chiropractor appointment, and not meeting Disturbed. He was there in the morning, but I didn't know it was him so I never introduced myself. But those things don't even come close to outweighing the awesomeness of that war.

I agree. I should of introduced myself before I left, but I did get to attempt to take you out with my longshot; we faced each other and right when I had my shot lined up... Shitty stefan pops out and turns right by you. Then you shot and hit my trigger hand.

It was great meeting you guys, but my gun wasn't peforming well, and I just wasn't feeling it. Thanks a bunch Dayko, for offering to let me borrow one of your gun; I realized yesterday I should of just shaked it off and accepted. But hopefully, me and Tantum will be getting the SANO ready.

I also realized your guns were shooting like this: ----------------------------------------------.
and my gun was shooting like this : ------------------------------.
I just couldn't get a hit on anyone before they hit me. But hey, at least I got to expeirence the war.
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If you nerf in Washington, I am a host of SANO, Seattle Area Nerf Out. PM me, would love to add you to the Washington nerf crew.

#266 TantumBull



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Posted 21 July 2009 - 08:13 PM

That was a fucking amazing nerf war. It was my first, and boy did I have a kick ass time. I guess there were a couple downsides, my singled 3k breaking, the salvo tanks leaking on my longshot, having to leave earlier because of my friend's chiropractor appointment, and not meeting Disturbed. He was there in the morning, but I didn't know it was him so I never introduced myself. But those things don't even come close to outweighing the awesomeness of that war.

I agree. I should of introduced myself before I left, but I did get to attempt to take you out with my longshot; we faced each other and right when I had my shot lined up... Shitty stefan pops out and turns right by you. Then you shot and hit my trigger hand.

It was great meeting you guys, but my gun wasn't peforming well, and I just wasn't feeling it. Thanks a bunch Dayko, for offering to let me borrow one of your gun; I realized yesterday I should of just shaked it off and accepted. But hopefully, me and Tantum will be getting the SANO ready.

I also realized your guns were shooting like this: ----------------------------------------------.
and my gun was shooting like this : ------------------------------.
I just couldn't get a hit on anyone before they hit me. But hey, at least I got to expeirence the war.

Oh yeah, I remember that now :angry: . Do you think we could do SANO not next weekend, but the next? When you confirm this, you or me can post a thread. Let's take SANO planning to PM's from here on out.
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