I like this Armageddon shit talking, it's pretty cute.
There are so many new faces and not enough who I can remotely recognize, I just can't decide who's going to win!
My bet's for whichever team skips the most.
O the skipping. So we'll win right? I mean, just me and you will be the last ones standing.
O, and don't forget, shirtless-skipping. Its important to remember.
And as of last geddon-I won't be so freakin sick this time that I puke my guts up and have to leave early. Though, Slug-you aren't leaving early this time are you? I really didn't get a chance to even play against you last time (I know you have no remembrance of who this is, but I will try to make things more 'interesting' for you this time, and your money well spent). Honestly, I'm a bit out of shape right now, my wife is getting on me, so I'll be toning up so I can make use of all four of my pistols tagging whoever gets in my way.
I feel bad for the easties that have come out, and felt they didn't get a decent idea of our caliber out here. I mean, you guys do spend alot of money to do this.
And as for the rest of the complaints, moans, whining, horribly TOO personal come backs on the last few pages. Please people get a grip. I do take this game seriously. I seriously want to have fun doing it. If that means that I feel my body needs to be fit so I can run around all day-good. If that means my trash talk will be on how I owned groove-fine. If that means trying to push personal buttons-bad. To be honest, I have a feeling Cx would think this all rather amusing, in a VERY pathetic way. Trash talk is cool. But there are lines. All of you should try and be a bit more civil. I want to have a good time with slug, on and off the field. Along with everyone. Bare in mind people will often have more fragile egos than maybe your own. So just watch it. Please just keep it to nerfing. This forum isn't about anything else.
And Slug. That comic was retarded in a horribly-stupid-obvious-funny way.
BY the way....now that I'm thinking about it. Is Cx coming? I haven't seen him in like two years now.