Dear're alive! I can probably assure you you won't remember me, but'd be great to have you back!Ya know, I might be able to make it this year! I'm gonna give some old Santa Monica peeps a call...
Armageddon X
Posted 02 July 2009 - 04:09 PM
#177 Guest_Just Some Bob_*
Posted 02 July 2009 - 11:51 PM
Anyway, this is highly preliminary - but I'm going to plan an attempt. If my plan comes together, and that's still a GREAT BIG IF, then I would probably rent a van or minivan. We're talking about six hours of driving from San Jose, so I'd want to recruit at least two other licensed adult drivers.
IF this plan comes together, I hope we will be able to find crash-space for both Friday and Saturday nights, including a shower (in July we can put up with cold water if we have to), so that we can make the start on time and fresh, rather than late, or right after spending hours on the road.
IF the ride doesn't fill up with adults first, then for anyone under 18 to join this "crew" there would need to be a meeting ahead of time, and an explicit understanding between you, your parents, and all the adults traveling, that you won't require adult supervision. We will be your nerfing friends, not stand-in parents. I might be the oldest current participant in the NIC, but that doesn't mean I'm not still a kid, too. (but a kid who knows enough to stay far away from liability and other legal headaches)
Any other San Jose crew (or anyone who can get here and then home from here)
This would be the time to contact me, if anyone wants to join this effort. If I can get two other drivers, I'll cover the rental, and a share of fuel and incidental costs. The plan would be to leave San Jose Friday afternoon (as early as we can agree on), and return at a leisurely pace Sunday.
Use my email link:, or you might find me in the #nerfchat IRC room on darkmyst.
And any Armageddon Locals who can offer support - most importantly that crash-space - of course I would very much like to hear from you, too. Or even if you know where the cheapest not-totally-disgusting place to rent a room nearby would be.
Edited by Just Some Bob, 02 July 2009 - 11:56 PM.
Posted 03 July 2009 - 03:34 AM
We can figure out details then.
#179 Guest_Just Some Bob_*
Posted 03 July 2009 - 01:04 PM
I can house some. Tried PM but your box is full I think. My email is
We can figure out details then.
Let me clarify, for anyone else's benefit - my PM box is disabled - not because of anything I did; there is nothing I can do to fix it; and the site admins are unwilling to even say what did happen or why, much less fix it. So email will have to do. Or posting here, that works too.
Edited by Just Some Bob, 03 July 2009 - 01:05 PM.
Posted 04 July 2009 - 04:12 PM
Holy crap you guys, this is totally fucking awesome. I had no idea that people were still carrying the torch of massive Nerf Wars. Kudos to you!
Anywho, I would absolutely love to come. I have about a billion frequent flyer miles on Virgin America, but I'd have to book my tickets in the next few days if I want to be able to use them. Problem is, they only fly into LAX, which is a bit far from Glendora. Is anybody coming from the westside/LAX area who could pick me up from LAX in the morning and drop me back off at night? Or, alternately, if there is a postgame drinking scene going on, provide me with a couch (or even a floor) to crash on and drop me off at LAX the next day? If I can work that out, I'll book a flight.
I'm also in Los Angeles for one week out of every five or six or so, so I'll definitely try to stick my head in more often.
(Of NerfOnline/Armageddon/NerfOut fame)
Posted 04 July 2009 - 04:37 PM
He also deserves to be repeatedly shot in the beanbag with foam darts. So let's get on that.
Posted 04 July 2009 - 04:40 PM
Zack (Shortshit) just sent me a link to this thread. Had I known about this earlier, I'd have made concrete plans to be here. I just talked to Spoon and the nostalgia is all flooding back. I was actually just thinking about Nerf the other day, but had no idea how to get in touch with anybody. (none of you fucks are on facebook either)
Holy crap you guys, this is totally fucking awesome. I had no idea that people were still carrying the torch of massive Nerf Wars. Kudos to you!
Anywho, I would absolutely love to come. I have about a billion frequent flyer miles on Virgin America, but I'd have to book my tickets in the next few days if I want to be able to use them. Problem is, they only fly into LAX, which is a bit far from Glendora. Is anybody coming from the westside/LAX area who could pick me up from LAX in the morning and drop me back off at night? Or, alternately, if there is a postgame drinking scene going on, provide me with a couch (or even a floor) to crash on and drop me off at LAX the next day? If I can work that out, I'll book a flight.
I'm also in Los Angeles for one week out of every five or six or so, so I'll definitely try to stick my head in more often.
(Of NerfOnline/Armageddon/NerfOut fame)
I live in WLA, out by Fox Studios. I'd be happy to make a detour in the morning to LAX and delay arrival in Glendora a bit.
Since the war is a week away this is probably a matter best worked out via the private message system, or perhaps the IRC room. Ask for Ice9.
But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction
Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive
Rnbw Cln
Posted 05 July 2009 - 01:14 AM
Spoon, show the fuck up on time this year.
Posted 05 July 2009 - 02:08 AM
Posted 05 July 2009 - 02:48 AM
VACC, I know exactly what you're talking about man, I'm out of shape. I've started playing a weekly bike polo game... some of the guys who play regularly are twenty and thirty years my senior, drink large amounts of beer before, during, and after the game, smoke like chimneys, and they still fucking own the game. I'm going to get schooled on both ends.
Posted 05 July 2009 - 02:56 PM
Spoon, show the fuck up on time this year.
Soo Are to talking US "on time" or SPOON "on time" because I'll be happy if he shows up just in time for lunch like usual...
Don't call it a comeback, I never left.
Posted 05 July 2009 - 04:20 PM
trans as shit because fuck you
Posted 06 July 2009 - 12:19 PM
Its almost like those of us that have been around for awhile should start wearing a name tag and a picture of what they were like when they were younger-these old people just can't keep up.
Posted 06 July 2009 - 02:30 PM
Anya... for a short history lesson, the closing of NO was a bit of an accident, but when the site closed down, I was in the middle of my first year of college and didn't have much interest in continuing with it alone, and I couldn't rally enough people who were interested in running it for me. I actually wound up pissing off a lot of people I wished I hadn't. At some point I'll write the whole thing out and try to recall everything, but at the time (keep in mind this was 2001 or 2002) it just wasn't possible to keep it going, and I'd started moving on to other things. At one point (around 2003-ish) my friend Larry and I tried to bring something back and put up a shell of a site with a "coming back soon" page and some links to (which was actually doing a great job keeping me fed in college for a little while), but we had lost the momentum and apparently the existence of that page had pissed off even more people enough that nobody wanted to be involved in NerfOnline anymore. Shortly after that, my credit card got stolen, and a bunch of doman names I'd owned (including got snatched out from under me when the autorenew didn't work. That was pretty much the last straw and I gave up frustrated.
I ran a design, film, and photo studio in LA for a year before I moved to San Francisco, and there were plans to buy Nerf guns for all the people who worked in the office and set up a series of games to play on work breaks and such, then put a little website together for that, but we never got that off the ground either. We did wind up hosting these Effeminate bicycle ride parties though instead, but that's also another story.
I'm down in LA pretty often, so I'll check in and try to make it to a war.
Posted 06 July 2009 - 04:52 PM
You're gonna nerf for half an hour before they just sit down and start discussing gallbladders
Prostates, actually. Gotta get those yearly exams you know. It's ok little buddy, in a few years you'll catch up.
Falcon: /shrug. I am bringing some friends though (two, maybe three).
Posted 06 July 2009 - 08:30 PM
I did some digging around on my computer. I save EVERYTHING. When I buy a new computer, I make a disk image of the old machine's drive and stick it on a RAID to be forgotten about until I need to find something embarassing.
Like right now.
Here's a video from Armageddon 2001:
And here's a video from a LANO, in October 2001:
Oh man, so cringeworthy.
If one of you fucks post these on facebook and start tagging people I might regret this whole exercise
Posted 06 July 2009 - 09:27 PM
I did some digging around on my computer. I save EVERYTHING. When I buy a new computer, I make a disk image of the old machine's drive and stick it on a RAID to be forgotten about until I need to find something embarassing.
Like right now.
Here's a video from Armageddon 2001:
And here's a video from a LANO, in October 2001:
Oh man, so cringeworthy.
If one of you fucks post these on facebook and start tagging people I might regret this whole exercise
I'm pretty sure you can remove yourself from facebook tags.
Also, goo wants a blowjob. Which of you panty-runs are impressed enough with my legacy to get down on your knees.
Posted 07 July 2009 - 01:32 PM
Also, goo wants a blowjob. Which of you panty-runs are impressed enough with my legacy to get down on your knees.
Jesus....I thought you were in jail or something.
Posted 07 July 2009 - 02:26 PM
Posted 07 July 2009 - 03:19 PM
Also, goo wants a blowjob. Which of you panty-runs are impressed enough with my legacy to get down on your knees.
Jesus....I thought you were in jail or something.
I actually was in jail for six hours a couple months ago. Funny story.
Y'know, just the other day someone was telling me about how much I had changed since high school.
But then I watched the video and well... read my own post that I made yesterday, and I guess the changes haven't been quite so dramatic.
#196 Guest_Just Some Bob_*
Posted 08 July 2009 - 12:04 AM
As some of you already know, I have a hobby/habit of spotting new, interesting, and/or unusual blasters in stores, and when I do spot something I think is a good deal, I usually stock up on a few extras "for later" so I'll be bringing a few things to sell or trade. Several SGSLs for sure, Clear Mavericks if anyone shows interest (but your walmarts probably have them too), maybe an AT3K twinpack or two. Anyway, I'm inviting requests by email -- I might have one or two to spare. Especially if I have posted about it to the product awareness thread, like, ever. Plus, in a couple of cases - the Rite-Aid squirt guns - I didn't buy extras but might still be able to pick some up. None of the classic high-demand stuff like Xbow or SF though, sorry. I think I'm pretty reasonable about prices (I like to make about a buck per blaster on the new stuff, but the old stuff is "market price" or a little less) You'll have to judge me on pricing after I arrive. No negotiations now, just - if you will be there with a little spending cash, or unusual trading material, then let me know what you're looking for which might fit my description above, and if I have some, I'll bring some. Within the limits of the rental car's capacity of course, but I doubt the NIC economy is quite that good right now. I'm estimating I'll get only 5 or 6 requests.
A few "want to trade for" items: classic SuperMaxx of course. A tail for my Jet Squadron. Firestrike in Red. Lightnin' Blitz. SSPB with transparent body (where you can see the piston). MaxShot NIB. Anything by Rappn' Fire.
ANyway, don't risk turning this into a trade thread --> email me:
This would be a perfect use for PM's, but apparently the admin team are all too ... (nah, not gonna say it) ... to even own up to why they disabled mine.
Although I imagine the more of you who do ask about stuff I happen to have, the easier it will feel to pay exorbitant highway prices at all the gas stations along the way...
...Rented a Hyundai, so maybe there won't be too many such stops.
Edited by Just Some Bob, 10 July 2009 - 12:45 PM.
Posted 08 July 2009 - 03:41 PM
Normally I'd check my bag without hesitation to avoid any hassle, but since checking bags is $15 each way, I thought I'd see if anybody else has had any experience.
Also, one time I tried to bring grits back from GA, and they thought it was crack. So... darts may be a problem, too. Any advice appreciated.
Otherwise things are looking good. I've got all my guns working (even the Manta), holsters and straps sewn... just worried about dart fit, with suppliers changing their size on me once a week. Regardless, I'll be there.
...and ideas are bulletproof. "
#198 Guest_Just Some Bob_*
Posted 08 July 2009 - 05:50 PM
Otherwise things are looking good. I've got all my guns working (even the Manta), holsters and straps sewn... just worried about dart fit, with suppliers changing their size on me once a week. Regardless, I'll be there.
Flying with stefans is a potential problem, regardless. Even airline cabins are only pressurized to the equivalent of 15,000 feet, so the foam will almost certainly expand a little. In a cargo hold it might be the same, or it might be quite a bit worse. If they're tightly packed, such expansion could result in deformations, too. Whether ground-level atmospheric pressure will return them to your original dart-barrel fit by wartime is something I guess you'll have to learn at the time. Hopefully, all these effects will be so small as to be safely ignored.
Edited by Just Some Bob, 08 July 2009 - 05:53 PM.
Posted 08 July 2009 - 11:56 PM
Something more to hope for. Though, like I said, with dart fit what it is a little size change might not hurt...
Anyways, I'll probably be bringing tools for on-site repair so that answers my own question.
See you all Saturday. Prepare for total domination by the third coast.
...and ideas are bulletproof. "
Posted 09 July 2009 - 12:55 AM
Seeing as there are only just over two days left until the big event, let's all take this moment to reflect on how awesome we all are.
Like many of you, I came up with a nickname for myself that I thought was cool at age eight or so, and am stuck with it for eternity. However, now that I'm a nine-year-old, I can proudly say that my nickname is still an eight-year-old kind of way.
Most of you in attendance (and I really mean most of you) haven’t been Nerfing for very long. Most of you don’t know what a Type 1 dart is, most of you have never heard of the concept of a RAD team, and, least of all, certainly most of you have never seen a master blaster wielded effectively in a war by a female donning duct tape holsters and all stock darts. Even in pictures. But for the three or so of us who have, please take a moment to remember with me just how far Nerfing has come, and how much has changed. This is for those of us who still call rushing “raiding”, still think that Vortex Tornadoes are on shelves, and are still bummed about the Sawtooth sucking so hard. The most noticeable change is, of course, that some idiots in New Jersey actually think they’re cooler than us.
Again, I’d like to welcome you all, young and young at heart, to Armageddon 2009. Please do your best to meet as many new faces as possible on Saturday, while refraining from touching anyone else’s stuff. Got it? Good.
Oh, and Eric Stryker is a poser.
Edited by Falcon, 09 July 2009 - 12:57 AM.
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