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The Vulcan

Crap talk and speculation galore until the release date

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#76 Kabuki



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 05:31 PM

marriedmynitefinder, on Feb 14 2008, 02:26 PM, said:

And Christmas is a long way away there buddy, but, i guess patience is the key.

Well, since it's unlikely to be released by my birthday, or even Father's day, and I won't be able to tear it apart if I buy it "for my son", then that's what I'll have to wait for.
QUOTE(Dark Shrimp @ Feb 21 2008, 06:03 AM) View Post

How come no one ever intends to create a pun? Whenever I make a pun it is always intended. There's nothing wrong with puns.

#77 sputnik



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 05:33 PM

marriedmynitefinder, on Feb 14 2008, 04:28 PM, said:

sputnik, on Feb 14 2008, 02:27 PM, said:

marriedmynitefinder, on Feb 14 2008, 04:26 PM, said:

The box that holds the chain means that it probably only holds one chain. Which sucks

Unless the chain breaks into smaller, shorter chains.

Which still would mean that it would only hold 25 darts, right?

Yes, but it would mean that more chains could be added.(like a refill pack)
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#78 smeagolsaur



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 05:35 PM

sputnik, on Feb 14 2008, 05:27 PM, said:

marriedmynitefinder, on Feb 14 2008, 04:26 PM, said:

The box that holds the chain means that it probably only holds one chain. Which sucks

Unless the chain breaks into smaller, shorter chains.

Worst case scenario -- modify the box to accept more chain. (ie. hole in the side)
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#79 Omega



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 05:36 PM

That looks positively bitching!

I can't wait for these new guns to come out- even if they suck, it'll be pretty damn interesting to see what Slug and Forsaken come up with. With this many guns coming out, we should get at least one good one.
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#80 CaptainSlug


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Posted 14 February 2008 - 05:38 PM

Keep in mind that in order for 25 darts on a chain to fit in a box that size they have to be able to hinge in both directions (just like chain links on a real ammunition belt system). It's more than likely that the individual links will look like the shells from a Buzz Bee Rapid Fire Rifle only with little link connections molded into their sides. And I doubt they would have made it so that you couldn't add more chain links. Even if they did we can find a way around it.

Edited by CaptainSlug, 14 February 2008 - 05:39 PM.

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The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?

#81 Captain



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 05:40 PM

WOW! That thing is so sick. I wonder what the belt system will be like, seeing as the Nerf chain-guns of old had the flexible plastic chain that was prone to tears. I'm hoping they will have individual links of harder plastic, that will snap together to provide more movement, as there would be a hinge in between each one. Also, I like the ammo box to organize the chains, although it limits capacity.

EDIT: Yeah, CaptainSlug pretty much took the words right out of my mouth.

Edited by Captain, 14 February 2008 - 05:41 PM.

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I don't care what anyone else says, Atom Blasters are fucking awesome.

#82 Yakkers



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 06:08 PM

Wow, this looks amazing. I'm looking forward to the 16th so I can see it on American Gladiators and see the chains, rof, and range. I'm probably going to record it.
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#83 hornet



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 06:10 PM

The hyperfire just sounds like 2 magstrike and 2 crossfires in one box to me. :(
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#84 sputnik



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 06:11 PM

hornet, on Feb 14 2008, 05:10 PM, said:

The hyperfire just sounds like 2 magstrike and 2 crossfires in one box to me. :(

I imagine the hyperfire to be some form of a blastfire.
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#85 Kabuki



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 06:11 PM

If it ends up like the buzzbee shells, then I suppose they will need to be a very specifiv shape, with probable sealing surfaces in order to actually fire.
QUOTE(Dark Shrimp @ Feb 21 2008, 06:03 AM) View Post

How come no one ever intends to create a pun? Whenever I make a pun it is always intended. There's nothing wrong with puns.

#86 Retiate



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 06:12 PM

My hopes for this gun just shot back up.
Looks like it's not a flywheel design, and it looks like it could have decent ranges. The back of the gun looks fairly large, and I like the handle on top for a complete mini-gun feel. That tripod looks absolutely tiny though. It'll be loud, but if it gets set up for base defending, noise really doesn't matter.
If anyone watches that American Gladiators thing, they can guess stock ranges, assuming they will be firing the gun...
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#87 smeagolsaur



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 06:13 PM

Yakkers, on Feb 14 2008, 06:08 PM, said:

Wow, this looks amazing. I'm looking forward to the 16th so I can see it on American Gladiators and see the chains, rof, and range. I'm probably going to record it.

It's not going to be on tv buddy -- it's a demo at a showroom.
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#88 Captain



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 06:14 PM

Yakkers, on Feb 14 2008, 03:08 PM, said:

Wow, this looks amazing. I'm looking forward to the 16th so I can see it on American Gladiators and see the chains, rof, and range. I'm probably going to record it.

What channel is American Gladiators on? I will do the same.

EDIT: Damn, nevermind.

Edited by Captain, 14 February 2008 - 06:25 PM.

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I don't care what anyone else says, Atom Blasters are fucking awesome.

#89 z80



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 06:26 PM

CaptainSlug, on Feb 14 2008, 08:39 AM, said:

Is there anyone affiliated with this site in anyway that has the time on Saturday to go take pictures at Hasbro's NY Office?

Pineapple, on Feb 14 2008, 11:17 AM, said:

Cap'n Slug's post notwithstanding (he feels it may be counterintuitive to the spirit of Nerfing, he didn't make a judgment call on the blaster itself).

He was quoting my post which was actually my own comments concerning the impracticality of my design. I'll wait to form a complete opinion when I know more about how the Vulcan actually works, but my intuition tells me that it's not going to be a terribly useful weapon for typical Nerf Wars. Like you said, geared towards the purchase motivations of the average consumer and not us.

Do you think it would require like media clearance or anything? I would consider trying to go up if I can just go right in and take pictures.
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#90 CaptainSlug


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Posted 14 February 2008 - 06:43 PM

z80, on Feb 14 2008, 06:26 PM, said:

Do you think it would require like media clearance or anything? I would consider trying to go up if I can just go right in and take pictures.

Call Daniel and ask.
Daniel Benkwitt, 401-727-5318 dbenkwitt@hasbro.com

If you can manage to go and take some video I can edit and host it for you.


Edited by One Man Clan, 14 February 2008 - 09:46 PM.

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The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?

#91 CAPS



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 07:06 PM

My dream ammo holder! I just want the chains to wrap around myself like Rambo. ^_^

Trying to open that beast is going to be bitching huh? I'm still dissapointed that it's going to be battery powered but it still looks loads of fun. It really look intimidating and monster like.

I guess it's going to be around $120 bucks to buy that gun early by that guy in Ebay who also sold that Recon.

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#92 PC III



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 07:06 PM

It looks like the tripod is detachable (small orange button).
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QUOTE(ultra920 @ May 19 2008, 06:18 PM) View Post

Don't want to shove balls in tight spaces. Trust me, bad idea.

For sale: Vintage WWII French rifles. Dropped once, never fired.

#93 Thomas



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 07:07 PM

Gonna be a bitch to open up....
But it looks pretty tight, I have some cash so I'll probably pick one up.
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#94 smeagolsaur



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 07:07 PM

Email reply from the contact:

Hi Scott,

All of the 2008 Hasbro lines are going to be at Splashlight Studios this year; 529 West 35th Street (between 10th &11th Avenues). The showroom is about a block away from Javits where Toy Fair 2008 is being held.

The complete NERF display is all part of the Hasbro tour, physically located at the rear of the showroom amidst the other Sports/Action products (Super Soaker, Lazer Tag, Spiderman, Transformers, etc.)

If you are unable to attend the event, Saturday at 1pm, then I can definitely send you images, product info and details of Titan's appearance debuting and working the NERF blaster![i] However, I would love for you to be able to stop by and not only get to see this demonstration, but take a quick loop around the showroom to see our other 2008 products as well. If you're interested and available before or after the NERF event, I'm more than happy sign you up on our media list for a tour.

Any hint as to what type of piece/outlet you're looking on gathering this info for?

I hope you can make it, Scott, and look forward to hearing from you! Please feel free to call my cell as I will be at TF all this week:973.943.2509.



In summation, email Marissa, say you're a journalist and get a media pass.
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#95 imaseoulman



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 07:11 PM

The hyperfire could just be a redo of the Dart Tag Blaster (ten rounds fairly quickly). I hope it's an air pump gun akin to the BlastFire or Hornet...if it is, count on some CRAZY integrations from me. The ELIMINATION BLASTERS and the micro DART TAG BLASTERS also may be the same gun in different packages (a la strikefire and nitefinder). Only time will tell, but I see serious potential here.

After seeing the picture of the vulcan, I think I'm going to have to come up with some sort of strap system to dual wield these babies. Oh yeah, and I am so going to be double turreting them.
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#96 Thomas



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 07:12 PM

You should edit that, and cross out her number and shit.
Anyway, why does it say Titan and not the Vulcan? Probably just a mix up.

So I wonder what the Hypersite will be like. This sounds like a pretty good year for nerf!
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#97 smeagolsaur



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 07:13 PM

Thomas, on Feb 14 2008, 07:12 PM, said:

You should edit that, and cross out her number and shit.

No, because that information was available in the original media release.

And Titan is the name of the sexy American Gladiator who will be debuting the product.

Edited by smeagolsaur, 14 February 2008 - 07:14 PM.

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#98 Yakkers



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 07:30 PM

I think it might actually be on TV, read the quote "Celebrating its season finale on Sunday, 2/17, the American Gladiators series features NERF blasters and projectiles throughout the 'Assault' game course." Does anyone know what channel the new American Gladiators series is on in case they will be on it?
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#99 Captain



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 07:32 PM

imaseoulman, on Feb 14 2008, 04:11 PM, said:

The hyperfire could just be a redo of the Dart Tag Blaster (ten rounds fairly quickly). I hope it's an air pump gun akin to the BlastFire or Hornet...if it is, count on some CRAZY integrations from me. The ELIMINATION BLASTERS and the micro DART TAG BLASTERS also may be the same gun in different packages (a la strikefire and nitefinder). Only time will tell, but I see serious potential here.

After seeing the picture of the vulcan, I think I'm going to have to come up with some sort of strap system to dual wield these babies. Oh yeah, and I am so going to be double turreting them.

I doubt they would repackage the same guns, they've already had dart tag nitefinders and stuff.
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I don't care what anyone else says, Atom Blasters are fucking awesome.

#100 keef



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 07:41 PM

I would definatly go.

OMC could problem contact them and get a pass. If the dates not good for him I could go if z80 can't.

Sounds really cool, I like looking at new products and that stuff.
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Timothy M-Lick <3

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