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The Vulcan

Crap talk and speculation galore until the release date

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#351 Cannonball



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Posted 22 February 2008 - 03:14 PM

unless nerf has some how developed a miniature high-torque motor to pull back the longshot plunger that runs off of 6 D batteries then I doubt they are going to use a longshot plunger.
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#352 smeagolsaur



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Posted 22 February 2008 - 03:17 PM

sputnik, on Feb 22 2008, 02:07 PM, said:

That's like saying that a computer and a toaster are the same because they both use electricity.

It's more like saying that two lawn mowers' motors are the same because they have the same starter cord.

It's an attenuated argument, but I just figured I would throw it out there.

Cannonball, on Feb 22 2008, 03:14 PM, said:

unless nerf has some how developed a miniature high-torque motor to pull back the longshot plunger that runs off of 6 D batteries then I doubt they are going to use a longshot plunger.

They wouldn't need to develop anything. Adequate motors are already available for such an application.

Edited by smeagolsaur, 22 February 2008 - 03:25 PM.

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#353 Cannonball



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Posted 22 February 2008 - 05:28 PM

ya, but to fit inside the vulcan and be powered by D batteries?
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#354 TheDasuri



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Posted 22 February 2008 - 07:12 PM

Pineapple, on Feb 22 2008, 06:06 AM, said:

One of the most destructive things to have on a public forum is PRIDE. When someone's ego gets in the way of good forum discussion, administrative action is needed.

Thats funny, because of a bunch of the mods/admins here have this problem.

*prepares to be banned for this post*
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#355 BustaNinja



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Posted 22 February 2008 - 07:21 PM

I shit myself reading this. I don't know if anyone else is as excited about this as I am. I know practicality and everything but come on? Its a belt fed Nerf gun. Sounds full auto atleast and if the gun itself is fairly good then I would be able to re live all of my war fantasies Nerf style. It has real potential to be a BEAST and I strongly hope it will be. But then again, what do I know? I dual wield Mavericks for fucks sake. I can't be taken seriously or intelligently.

EDIT: Saw the pictures and I don't give a shit what you say. This gun WILL be part of my arsenal. I WANT THIS GUN!!!!!! I ALREADY FORSEE ME USING IT FOR EVERYTHING NOW.

Edited by BustaNinja, 22 February 2008 - 07:29 PM.

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Venom: Haven't we all?

#356 Quilan Fett

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Posted 22 February 2008 - 07:47 PM

TheDasuri, on Feb 22 2008, 04:12 PM, said:

Pineapple, on Feb 22 2008, 06:06 AM, said:

One of the most destructive things to have on a public forum is PRIDE. When someone's ego gets in the way of good forum discussion, administrative action is needed.

Thats funny, because of a bunch of the mods/admins here have this problem.

*prepares to be banned for this post*

So true.

(winces for the blow)
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SNAP Shotgun

This guy can see the future!

QUOTE(pokemaster @ Mar 3 2009, 04:18 PM) View Post

hasbro in a nerf war!!!!! dude the will cancel it and confinscate are guns

#357 hornet



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Posted 22 February 2008 - 07:48 PM

Notice in this picture you can see a larger ammo box? do you think you can buy larger ones?Posted Image
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#358 Foam Shooter

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Posted 22 February 2008 - 07:51 PM

I think that the ammo box is just opened not bigger. Nice find though.
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#359 Slice



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Posted 22 February 2008 - 07:52 PM

hornet, on Feb 22 2008, 04:48 PM, said:

Notice in this picture you can see a larger ammo box? do you think you can buy larger ones?Posted Image

Its not larger, it's just the angle and how close up the camera is to the gun.
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#360 smeagolsaur



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Posted 22 February 2008 - 08:00 PM

BustaNinja, on Feb 22 2008, 07:21 PM, said:

I shit myself reading this. I don't know if anyone else is as excited about this as I am. I know practicality and everything but come on? Its a belt fed Nerf gun. Sounds full auto atleast and if the gun itself is fairly good then I would be able to re live all of my war fantasies Nerf style. It has real potential to be a BEAST and I strongly hope it will be. But then again, what do I know? I dual wield Mavericks for fucks sake. I can't be taken seriously or intelligently.

I'm right there with you buddy.
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#361 Kid Flash

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Posted 22 February 2008 - 08:21 PM

i didnt see anyone else post this but i think the iron man magstrike has a new mold... i mean in the pictures i have seen it has "iron man" on the side instead of "magstrike"... im just saying...
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#362 hornet



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Posted 22 February 2008 - 08:55 PM

Slice, on Feb 22 2008, 04:52 PM, said:

hornet, on Feb 22 2008, 04:48 PM, said:

Notice in this picture you can see a larger ammo box? do you think you can buy larger ones?Posted Image

Its not larger, it's just the angle and how close up the camera is to the gun.

No no no I am talking about the smaller picture on the box there is a bigger and yellow ammo box
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#363 Quilan Fett

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Posted 22 February 2008 - 08:57 PM

Kid Flash, on Feb 22 2008, 05:21 PM, said:

i didnt see anyone else post this but i think the iron man magstrike has a new mold... i mean in the pictures i have seen it has "iron man" on the side instead of "magstrike"... im just saying...

Dude, I hadn't noticed that! Now I understand why it is looked just a repainted magstrike. I thought it might be NERF's version of Arachniphobia II.

All in fun.

Edited by Qui'lan Fett, 22 February 2008 - 09:18 PM.

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SNAP Shotgun

This guy can see the future!

QUOTE(pokemaster @ Mar 3 2009, 04:18 PM) View Post

hasbro in a nerf war!!!!! dude the will cancel it and confinscate are guns

#364 hornet



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Posted 22 February 2008 - 09:04 PM

Right here. I told ya so. :D

Posted Image

Edited by hornet, 22 February 2008 - 09:05 PM.

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#365 baghead



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Posted 23 February 2008 - 12:55 AM

I just have to /Counter your wammy:

Forsaken_angel24, on Feb 21 2008, 08:43 PM, said:

As is your jealousy.

You're right, that's a freaking cool mask.

Now, To Be as serious as I can be:

Forsaken_angel24, on Feb 22 2008, 07:59 AM, said:

I am going to throw in my two cents here and hopefully never have to mention it again.

To be honest the whole "Nerf, if you are reading this" was something I typed when I was really tired and a little drunk. Even then I thought it was a waste of time. In the past I have noticed several times where Baghead has made comments about my pride and ego all that jazz. To be honest I never really saw myself as some kind of cocky monster who's ego is bigger than anything. Do my forum posts really give off that cocky asshole vibe? I didn't think so. Then again I may be wrong and never noticed it. If I have given anyone a "greater than thou" attitude then I apologize as it was not the intention. Getting back to Baghead I have huge respect for his work the stuff he has come up with is top notch. I am still highly in love with Sicklefin. I will admit the comment "as is your jealousy" was very childish but it was an eye for any eye type of thing and I should not have stooped down to the fecal throwing level. I do not want anyone to turn this into a "Well I think so and so is a better modder".

Let this be the end of it.
Hopefully the next comment I read in this thread is someone posting a link about the Vulcan's commercial.

*Gives FA_24 a Big hug*

It's okay.... sometimes Throwing Poo in jest is fun right?

It's kinda like all the East V West stuff... we're all buds when we actually nerf together... no matter what level of trash we talk...

And FA if I ever get to play with you, I hope you don't take the fact that I'll probably Pull at least one Doc Holiday quote on ya personally... Because that's just how I roll.

I'm not calling you a big Egotistal freak... every now and then you do get a little carried away...Not to Deny the fact that you do deserve all the positive attention you get. all of your guns are awesome and I just hope siclkefin II can match the ever growing standard of insanity that's been showing up of late.

I also don't want to give anyone the Idea that I have something against Forsaken... I guess the fact of the matter is that I'm not above giving him crap, unlike many. And don't forget... this is the internet... serious business. Although I'm still a little insulted by the fact that it was a plastic bag in the Doomslayer Video... if you're gonna pwn someone, do some research.

To all of you who were about to back me in the event of an Effeminate Bags V FA24 throwdown... Um... I appreciate the support, but you're lame.

Now, on to the subject of the VULCAN:

I'm more interested in seeing this thing in person... And I can bet you all that If I buy/mod one... It won't stay yellow and orange for long. I really do thing it may be an interesting gun to play around with....although... the 6 d batteries are still not exciting me at all.

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Don't call it a comeback, I never left.

#366 Green Riptide

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Posted 23 February 2008 - 02:27 AM

One wonders how much work it would take to rig a backpack car battery.
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#367 Thom



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Posted 23 February 2008 - 04:12 AM

Green Riptide, on Feb 23 2008, 02:27 AM, said:

One wonders how much work it would take to rig a backpack car battery.

BAD IDEA. Car batteries are serious. You certainly don't need that much power, and neither lead nor sulfuric acid is fun stuff.
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#368 z80



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Posted 23 February 2008 - 11:53 AM

Thom, on Feb 23 2008, 01:12 AM, said:

Green Riptide, on Feb 23 2008, 02:27 AM, said:

One wonders how much work it would take to rig a backpack car battery.

BAD IDEA. Car batteries are serious. You certainly don't need that much power, and neither lead nor sulfuric acid is fun stuff.

Except the power wouldnt be any different from a 12V battery, it just would have much longer life. Also, sulfuric acid is in the battery. As long as you arent breaking the battery apart, tis alright.
It's still a stupid Idea, a nice LiPoly battery would be cheaper, rechargable and a fuck ton lighter.
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#369 Thomas



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Posted 23 February 2008 - 11:58 AM

Extra ammo belts sound hella tight, something to hold my stefans in.
Hornet, I think that yellow box holds the shells after they've been shot, but that's just me guessing.
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#370 angelof DEATH182

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Posted 23 February 2008 - 12:10 PM

Thomas, on Feb 23 2008, 11:58 AM, said:

Extra ammo belts sound hella tight, something to hold my stefans in.
Hornet, I think that yellow box holds the shells after they've been shot, but that's just me guessing.

Read the thread first! Chain coming out of the right side of the gun is empty, The ammo box on the box is on the left side, So, It obviously holds loaded chain, I'm getting so tired of people who either don't read the thread, Or don't pay attention to right and left, And especially people who say the box holds spent chains!

Hope i didn't sound too bossy or anything, I'm just getting frustrated.
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#371 Oro



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Posted 23 February 2008 - 12:58 PM

I think a box on the right side would be great. Nobody wants to run around with the belt hanging around. I mean you could trip on it, and if you play on concrete, like me, in a t-shirt and basketball shorts then you wouldn't like that happening.

Edited by Oro?, 23 February 2008 - 12:59 PM.

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QUOTE(deaddumpster @ Jun 25 2008, 04:59 AM) View Post

Don't pry.......and gently pry it off with a flathead screwdriver.

#372 Green Riptide

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Posted 23 February 2008 - 01:45 PM

Oro?, on Feb 23 2008, 12:58 PM, said:

I think a box on the right side would be great. Nobody wants to run around with the belt hanging around. I mean you could trip on it, and if you play on concrete, like me, in a t-shirt and basketball shorts then you wouldn't like that happening.

Great, so make one and post a writeup. :P
a on a side note.. 'Oro?' kenshin?

a second side note to everyone- please excuse my lack of [/sarcasm] tag after the car battery post. I forgot that sarcasm isn't always readable on the interwebs.
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#373 Oro



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Posted 23 February 2008 - 01:58 PM

I'll try. Yeah, it's from Rurouni Kenshin. It makes me wonder how well the seal is between the belt and the plunger. I guess we'll have to wait.
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QUOTE(deaddumpster @ Jun 25 2008, 04:59 AM) View Post

Don't pry.......and gently pry it off with a flathead screwdriver.

#374 joeyaglr444



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Posted 23 February 2008 - 01:59 PM

Stop complaining, BOOHOO! I have spent shells swinging around the side of my gun.
Once again, you should be happy that were blessed with this behemoth.
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#375 Thomas



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Posted 23 February 2008 - 02:04 PM

angelof_DEATH182, on Feb 23 2008, 12:10 PM, said:

Thomas, on Feb 23 2008, 11:58 AM, said:

Extra ammo belts sound hella tight, something to hold my stefans in.
Hornet, I think that yellow box holds the shells after they've been shot, but that's just me guessing.

Read the thread first! Chain coming out of the right side of the gun is empty, The ammo box on the box is on the left side, So, It obviously holds loaded chain, I'm getting so tired of people who either don't read the thread, Or don't pay attention to right and left, And especially people who say the box holds spent chains!

Hope i didn't sound too bossy or anything, I'm just getting frustrated.

I read it when it was first posted. I'm not going to waste my time rereading it, and I could care less if I was wrong. It's speculation. We shouldn't even be speculating, but we were, and I was jumping on the bandwagon. I was wrong, boo-hoo, there is no need to get all prissy about it.

I thought that the orange box held the ammo, and that the yellow box on the other side would hold the empty shells. Again; I was wrong, but I'm not going to be sorry for it, and your post was wasted. You could have just ignored it. I probably should have just ignored your post, that would have been the mature thing to do, but I wanted to clear it up.

On a side note, and PARDON ME if this was already posted, but wouldn't the front of the gun be the equivalent of the orange cage on the front of a Tommy Mech 20, if the barrels are the chains? Or just like the extra barrel length on a longshot?
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