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#40135 George Dubya, And 9-11

Posted by Oroku Saki on 28 October 2004 - 06:01 PM in Off Topic

I don't have a sign on my lawn, but I do have a sticker on the back of my car.

Of course we all know that money can buy acceptance into practically any university. I'm not suprised about that.

Found this funny clip of W giving the one-finger-victory salute. Enjoy.


#40132 George Dubya, And 9-11

Posted by Oroku Saki on 28 October 2004 - 05:54 PM in Off Topic

I'm with Cx on this one. Bush's involvement with the Saudis is the only thing that he is responsible for when it comes to 9/11. Personally, I'm more pissed off about Bush's domestic views, as well as his "go it alone" Iraq invasion, which really screwed up our foreign support. It may have worked over a hundred years ago, but invading a country mainly on your own will just cause problems nowadays. who here remembers when Saddam invaded Kuwait?

On top of that, can anyone explain why Bush is cutting taxes in a time of war? If the administration would have been ambitous enough, Bin Laden would have been captured or dead by now.

#39976 Tape On Darts?

Posted by Oroku Saki on 27 October 2004 - 05:03 AM in General Nerf

If you put on the tape right, it willl create more pressure, thus increasing power and range. In my experience, I have found electrical tape to work quite nicely, but I don't tape my stefans often as it can be labor-intensive.

#39836 Nerf Patents Revealed(link)

Posted by Oroku Saki on 25 October 2004 - 11:30 PM in General Nerf

I finally have someone to kill!

Can I be an accomplice to it? Sounds like fun. Or we could just send him a letter asking what he was smoking when he came up with that useless monstrosity.

#39835 My Awesome Mod

Posted by Oroku Saki on 25 October 2004 - 11:27 PM in Modifications

Good job with the Tippman modding. Personally, I would keep the Tippman for its original purpose because they are really good guns, but hey, whatever floats your boat. I can't wait to see how well it fires.

#39833 How Do I Make A Nerf Faster?

Posted by Oroku Saki on 25 October 2004 - 11:23 PM in Modifications

It depends on which gun you are using. Take the name of your nerf gun, do a search, and you will find many mods out there. Looking at the mods section of this website wouldn't hurt either.

#39666 Apples

Posted by Oroku Saki on 23 October 2004 - 08:23 PM in General Nerf



I'll have to second that.

#39575 Larmi Brand

Posted by Oroku Saki on 22 October 2004 - 08:26 PM in Homemades

Instead of cutting the bladder short, you could try adding rubber bands around the bladder.

#39551 New To Nerf

Posted by Oroku Saki on 22 October 2004 - 02:37 PM in General Nerf

As for LARP, no we don't, we do mostly Table Top RP, we've focused on Star Wars d20 lately.

Hooray! A fellow role-player as well! Most of my friends play D&D, Modern, and Star Wars. I DM'd for SW before, but I haven't gotten around to write new material for a while. Lately, I haven't been roleplaying too much, due my short attention span when most of us play late at night before I go to work the next morning.

As for finding other Nerf guns, my favorite place to shop for discontinued guns is eBay. Sporksboyofjustice also made an excellent writeup about acquiring Nerf guns a while back.

#39549 Enough Already

Posted by Oroku Saki on 22 October 2004 - 01:20 PM in News

Ompa sounds like a good nomination to me. He seems to be the most n00b-friendly compared to some of the other people on here (Yes, I admit myself to not being so n00b-friendly as well.) I am sorry for being a jerk to some of the n00bs around here. All of us have been n00bs once, and they are the newer generations of this community. Without them, nerfing as a whole would die down to only a small group of true diehards.

#39548 Whats The Suckest Gun

Posted by Oroku Saki on 22 October 2004 - 01:14 PM in General Nerf

But price-wise, you can buy way better guns for the money.

#39532 Apples

Posted by Oroku Saki on 22 October 2004 - 02:10 AM in General Nerf

Stefans are cheap and easy to clean up.

Apples are tasty.

I use each of them for their original intended purposes. If you shoot chunks of random vegetable/fruit matter from your gun, I would go with a potato, then it wouldn't be as sticky as say, an apple.

#39412 New To Nerf

Posted by Oroku Saki on 20 October 2004 - 08:45 PM in General Nerf

Been with my girlfriend for about 3 years now. So far, I have been getting her to nerf a little.

You fight with nerf sabers? Damn, those are pretty rare. My friends make foam swords with camping foam and PVC, and then proceed to beat the living shit out of each other with them. Fun stuff.

Welcome to the Haven. Hope you have fun here.

#39336 Whats The Suckest Gun

Posted by Oroku Saki on 20 October 2004 - 01:39 PM in General Nerf

But all those guns have actual modding potential to at least some degree. I still think the Gyrostrike is the biggest piece of shit Hasbro ever came out with.

#39312 Custom Hornets

Posted by Oroku Saki on 19 October 2004 - 08:48 PM in Modifications

I'll have to be the first......

You can say that when you post your custom Hornet pic. Get to work already.

#39310 Whats The Suckest Gun

Posted by Oroku Saki on 19 October 2004 - 08:44 PM in General Nerf

what IS the suckest gun besides the ball blasters

Any gun you have and ever will own!

Just kidding.

When it comes to shitty guns, I would nominate the Gyrostrike. This gun uses ammo specially made for it, has no modding potential, and is not useful in any nerf war. With the crappy range, you would be better off throwing darts at people.

Also, if you are going to ask for people not to flame you, it helps if you don't call people names. Timberwolf, I also smell the bullshit on this thread as well.

#39207 Team America

Posted by Oroku Saki on 18 October 2004 - 06:01 PM in Off Topic

I just saw it saturday, thats the funniest movie I have seen in SUCH a long time.

"We have 5 terrorists heading south on Bakalakadaka Street!"

That had me cracked up for hours.

I lvoe how the terrorists only have like a 10 word vocabulary.

Jihad, Muhammed, Daka Daka! lol

Not to mention the "hamina hanina hanina, infidel!" I love how Trey and Matt butcher Arabic. Strangely, they seem to get their Spanish right in their South Park episodes.

I was going to see the movie, but right now I am broke due to my mess of bills. Maybe I'll go see it after this weekend when I get paid.

#38938 Political Equity

Posted by Oroku Saki on 14 October 2004 - 01:02 AM in Off Topic

The reason why people think of Iraq as Vietnam is not because of the number of troops killed, but the fact that the administration chose a bad time to invade without widespread UN support, not to mention the reasons to invade.

I remember reading that France was actually planning to send troops to Iraq, but they were only going to do so if diplomacy was not going to work. If we would have waited at least a month or so to invade, I think that Bush would have been able to create a more powerful "Coalition of the Willing", instead of one consisting of the US, the UK, Spain, and a crapload of nations that did not have any significant military to begin with. So looking at that, Bush did have a few big leaders on his side, but he could have done better.

If you look at the numbers of coalition troops in Iraq, about 90% of them are American, but the other 10% are from the UK. I don't see that much in terms of variety for this coalition, so I find it hard to believe people's arguments that we have thousands of troops from several other countries fighting in Iraq.

#38900 Political Equity

Posted by Oroku Saki on 13 October 2004 - 09:00 AM in Off Topic

Yep, voting is voluntrary in the US. Usually about half of the eligible citizens vote in the presidential elections. I don't understand why so many people here don't even vote at all. I mean, millions of people vote in that shitty American Idol show, so why not put that effort into better use? Which is better: Choosing a recording "artist" (I use that term loosely when I refer to that pukebag of a show) that we'll probably forget about in a year or two, or getting the chance to choose our own leadership for the next 4 years, whose actions (good and bad) will be remembered for years to come?

As an aside: Is it just me, or is Simon Cowell just begging to get kicked in the balls? All he does is rip on Idol contestants for their singing, and get paid shitloads of money doing it. What the fuck else is he famous for? I never heard of this spawn of satan before Idol first came out. Then again, I am ranting too much about an entry on my list of celebrities who I think deserve to be banished to the moon.

For those of you who can, get out and vote in this election. You could also help achieve a better turnout by taking a friend with you who wasn't planning to vote. It only takes about 10 minutes, and you get that feeling that you are making a difference for our country.

#38894 Dowel Darts

Posted by Oroku Saki on 13 October 2004 - 01:09 AM in Modifications

This dowel method sounds pretty painful if you were to be on the receiving end.

As a strange aside, I noticed that this is the second post I have seen on these forums by someone with a Wallace avatar making one of their first posts about dart mods. At least this one is more creative than the last one.

Before I go rushing to Home Depot to pick up wooden dowels to replace my arsenal of stefans, it may help if you were to post more about the accuracy and distance measurements comparing the dowel dart to a regular stefan.

#38836 Political Equity

Posted by Oroku Saki on 11 October 2004 - 11:41 PM in Off Topic

And you're comment about people who don't "think for themselves" being kept unaware of elections. Yeah, let's keep the ignorant from voting. At the polls you'll have to take a test before voting. It sure as hell worked wonders from keeping the blacks from voting in the south. Most of your statements have been chicken shit and I'd like it if you could present some logical, realistic arguments.

I think that it would help if the government funded a decent program to promote informed voting. Hopefully, that would help people have more confidence as well as make better decisions. Also, I am in favor of changing the rules of electing officials. If we went by popular vote alone, instead of the "winner takes all" bullshit the Electoral College came up with, I think the elections would be more fair in general.

#38764 Political Equity

Posted by Oroku Saki on 11 October 2004 - 01:04 AM in Off Topic

Kerry's policy was domestically far better, as biollionaires Warren Buffet and George Soros have already endorsed Kerry.

I knew that George Soros was endorsing Kerry this year, but I haven't found out about Buffet until now. Any other billionaires like them supporting Kerry?

#38749 This Had Me Laughing...

Posted by Oroku Saki on 10 October 2004 - 08:51 PM in Off Topic

I think he hit "new topic" instead of "add reply"...

Either that or he smashed his head against the keyboard.

That's what I was thinking, but then again, it's kinda hard to accidentally start a new thread, unless of course, he just happened to have his mouse pointed at the wrong button. Is there supposed to be a point to this thread, or am I just confused?

#38691 N-strike Prototype Ix-6

Posted by Oroku Saki on 09 October 2004 - 09:51 PM in General Nerf

I think it's by air zone or buzz-bee toys

It's made by Buzz Bee.

#38623 Political Equity

Posted by Oroku Saki on 08 October 2004 - 04:51 PM in Off Topic

Now, I have a new question: Why are there political parties? They just allow biases in elections. Does anyone else agree with that? I seriously think everyone would be better off if there were no political parties. Or if all the people who were unable to think truly about who they are voting for (and not just saying "That candidate is a Democrat/Republican") didn't know about elections.

My theory on why we only hear about Democrats / Republicans is the fact that they are both heavily backed by larger corporations. If you look at the largest campaign contributors for the election, you will notice that some corporations contribute to both parties.

Europe and Canada: I envy you and your governments. Why can't Americans stop the partisan spin bullshit and run as independents for a change? That alone would help level the playing fields in future elections, therefore letting the leaders with actual brains take office.

I find it sad that a majority of the American people blindly only vote for these two parties, but I am afraid that this will keep up for the years to come until something major happens to our nation (i.e. the public pulling their heads out of their asses and THINKING FOR THEMSELVES). I hate having to admit that I plan to vote partisan this election, however the reason why I am voting for Kerry this year is because he has the best chance at beating Bush. Although the Republians claim that Kerry is a "flip-flopper," He has repeatedly explained his reasoning behind his voting patterns in the senate, which does seem to make sense.

Getting to the "Clinton not doing well in office" argument: How can you say someone is a horrible president, yet we enjoyed some of the best economic growth while he was in office? Bush Sr.'s main campaign promise was not to make new taxes, but he lost his re-election. The current Bush in office is flaunting about his tax cuts helping the economy. Do you start to notice a pattern here? As history has shown us, it is not a good idea to cut taxes in a time of war. Thanks to Bush, our unemployment rates have reached record highs, prior US allies have gotten pissed off at us, and our defecit is taking a huge ass-pounding. I still don't understand what people see in Bush.

#38622 Nerf Skill-1

Posted by Oroku Saki on 08 October 2004 - 04:01 PM in General Nerf

Your text is confusing. Study up on your english, dammit!

Yeah, just so he can help you out.

I thought it was pretty clear. He's holding in all but one dart so that it fires one dart at a time rather than all 5 at once. If you don't know how the gun works when stock, why don't you study up on your Nerf, dammit!

It makes sense now. Thanks for helping clear things up for me.

Edit: 3D, I am sorry for my previous post. I didn't mean to insult you.

#38376 Nerf Skill-1

Posted by Oroku Saki on 05 October 2004 - 10:06 AM in General Nerf

Edit:[quote deleted]

Are you trying to say that the Lightning Blitz is good in a war? Good for you, but it would help to explain the advantages of this, especially to some of us who don't even have one.

#38160 All Major Foam Guns Ever Made

Posted by Oroku Saki on 02 October 2004 - 08:51 PM in General Nerf

Throw in Buzz-Bee Toys, the makers of the Twin Teks and the Tek Ten

#37720 Wildfire

Posted by Oroku Saki on 24 September 2004 - 01:03 AM in Modifications

I would try trimming down the poles to about 1/2" or so. Then, you could at least run Stefans, and still maintain a proper seal.

#37718 New Powerclip

Posted by Oroku Saki on 24 September 2004 - 01:01 AM in General Nerf

According to what I have heard, the PC rerelease is going to be exclusively at K-Marts, and it is expected to be out later this year. I haven't found a solid release date, however I heard it should be within the next month or so.

#37549 Porn?

Posted by Oroku Saki on 20 September 2004 - 07:05 PM in Off Topic

Mmmmmm porn...

Hey, that's just a guy smashing his computer!

You suck.

That's what I initially thought, but the web address gives it away. If someone really wants pr0n, they can just do a google search or something.

#37541 Porn?

Posted by Oroku Saki on 20 September 2004 - 05:38 PM in Off Topic

I agree with you that people who look at that stuff aren't evil but it not a good habit. I would kinda agree wiht hte station in giving people the impression that he is perveted, but not very much. Vewing pr0n is a bad habit and is not right.

But It's not my decision to tell people whats right and wrong, just stating my opinion. :D

I also agree that there are people out there who overdo it. You made some excellent points in your opinion, moosenukem.

#37532 Porn?

Posted by Oroku Saki on 20 September 2004 - 03:56 PM in Off Topic

I wouldn't say all churches are taking it to the extreme, just a small portion of some churches. I go to church every Sunday and am a Christian. I think that there mihgt be a few churches and groups that do this. :D I personally think its crazy.I think pr0n sucks and gives people bad impressions and is not good for the brain. But belaive what you want, thats just me. ^_^


I'm not encouraging people to view pr0n, I am just stating about how pissed off I am how certain churches think people are evil because of their personal habits. My parents are christain, and the last time I came over, my mom had the TV tuned to one of the religious channels. I remember they had an interview with a married couple with the husband who had a pr0n habit. It seemed to me that his habits were very mild (not even as bad or just as bad as most of 20ish guys I know) compared to some of the more extreme cases I have heard about, and they seemed to give him this perverted asshole image on the interview.

My point is just because someone likes to see naked pictures of women does not make them an evil person, unless they go out and actually do certain terrible things such as diddle, pedophilia, sexual harrassment, etc.

#37527 Porn?

Posted by Oroku Saki on 20 September 2004 - 03:13 PM in Off Topic

I don't mean to be offensive or anything, but I believe that many churches are taking it too far in their fight against pr0n. In my personal beliefs, the reason why pr0n is such a sketchy ordeal is because it sometimes causes people (mainly those with mental disorders) to commit certain acts such as diddle. As long as you view pr0n responsibly (i.e., keeping sexual urges to yourself and/or your significant other if they have no problem with it) I don't see anything wrong with it. People have natural desires, and the churches will be damned if they let it slip past them.

I still don't get why sex is such a taboo discussion within many christain groups. Like drinking, sex should be taken responsibly. For many people, their church is their deepest spiritual connection, and yet they seem forced to feel guilty just because they saw someone naked. "Oh no! I saw a breast! I'm going to HELL!" It's certain forced moral spins like these that keep me from being affiliated with any organized religion.

Edit: About the movie, that was probably the worst reaction to pr0n that I have ever seen. Good luck trying to explain to your boss that you smashed the company PC because you saw a pr0n popup. I can see it now:

Boss: Johnson, could you please explain to me why your workstation was destroyed? It looks like you were using your PC for target practice. Did you just had a hard day at work yesterday?

Johnson: All those popups advertising naked girls! I had to do something to destroy the evils.

Boss: Have you heard of the little "x" button on the top of the popup? Why didn't you just close it? I had it with you destroying company property! You're fired!

#37367 Posting And You!

Posted by Oroku Saki on 17 September 2004 - 04:00 PM in Off Topic

Hey, Cx, it may be a good idea to require all new users to watch this vid before they are able to post. Doing this should reduce the amount of useless posts, but on the other hand, it can be pretty fun watching people being stupid and then get flamed for it.

#36749 Funny

Posted by Oroku Saki on 09 September 2004 - 01:46 AM in General Nerf

<_< with all this losing stuff...... what happens if more than one person eat shit? <_<

Whoever snipes with the highest bid will get the item.

#36748 Impressive Paint Jobs?

Posted by Oroku Saki on 09 September 2004 - 01:45 AM in General Nerf

Groove, you are awesome when it comes to painting! A while back, I got a hold of a decent airbrush and compressor, and am learning to use it. My first project I am working on is painting The Cheat on my NES (so far, I have the base coat and a yellow silhouette almost finished on the furry little guy). I started on the project about a month ago, but I haven't been making much progress lately, due to other random shit going on with my life. For painted Nerf guns, I have a Sharpshooter 2, LNL, and a Tech Target spraypainted gloss black.

#36652 Funny

Posted by Oroku Saki on 08 September 2004 - 11:38 AM in General Nerf

Why don't we all get along and do all our clothes shopping at the thrift store. The 80's styles are in nowadays. Nothing like the vibrant colors of olive green. Any shirt above $2 and any pair of pants above $5 have no room in my closest.

Nowadays, that's where I also do a majority of my clothes shopping. The selection may not be as vast, but you can get some pretty good deals.

#36594 Nerf Ammo

Posted by Oroku Saki on 07 September 2004 - 03:41 PM in General Nerf

The Gyro Rockets are the smaller missle thingys that were made for the Gyrostrike, one of the shittiest Nerf guns ever made.

#36583 People Taken To Jail And Guns Confiscated For Nerf

Posted by Oroku Saki on 07 September 2004 - 12:37 PM in General Nerf

I don't know American law, but I think that maybe voiding that little agreement may have something to do with how your actions are percieved by a figure of authority. Over here, in the north, things probably are different.

Basically, don't run your mouth like that, because you may not have all the information you need to make a valid statement. It may not be "illegal" but once you've modified that blaster, and you hurt someone, Hasbro takes no responsibility, you do. It's just not good practice by law to modify something that was made not to be modified, and to ignore the warnings.

I'm ranting now...

I love Nerf modifying, fuck the laws that may be against it, I don't Nerf at school so I don't need to care. Yay!

It legally doesn't matter if you modify the guns, however Hasbro is not responsible if something happens, hence the warnings on their stuff. I have never heard of any police crackdown on modified foam toys. The only part of the "warning agreement" that Hasbro has is mainly for liability issues so that they won't get sued for anyone getting hurt by a modified gun.

My main argument on the legality of modified Nerf guns is that the police are not going to come into your house Gestapo-style, and put you in jail for possessing a modified toy. Possessing a modified Nerf gun is like possessing an aluminum bat: the police will not fine you or put you in jail for having it, however if it is deliberately used to inflict physical harm (i.e., adding poison needles to the tips of the darts), then you can get in trouble.